![]() 02/13/2017 at 10:49 • Filed to: trans am, bandit bait, twd, the walking dead | ![]() | ![]() |
But Trans Ams* are LIFE.
*Okay its probably a base or an Esprit.... MAYYYYBE a Formula but its hard to tell from so far away but I can say for sure its a 76-78.
People were praising that highway “Limbo” scene, but I thought it was a bit over the top and cheesy.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 10:57 |
Sometime around having TWD on as background noise during the midpoint of the last season that’s on Netflix, I gave up on TWD, because sometimes Netflix freezes playback and requires me to click resume and life is too short to devote that much time and effort to TWD.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 11:06 |
no really, don’t read if you didn’t watch last night’s episode
okay, you were warned.
Was this in last night’s episode? I completely missed this one.
And yeah, the limbo scene was kinda cheesy. I just don’t understand how this heard came from the way they came from (I think) and they never ran into them.
And another thing, why didn’t Rick and Michonne draw their blades when they were running through the heard? They escaped that completely unscathed? I get that the walkers are pretty slow at this point, but still.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 11:11 |
Rick should have walked up to the T/A and said “I’m sorry this happened to you” and put a bullet in its head.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 11:14 |
It was. Briefly.
Yeah that was pretty hard to get my head around, I’d have to watch it again to dissect it, but I think it had something to do with the on ramp? Were they driving UP it and ran into the blockade of cars? A lot of times the way the show is shot it leaves too much to question...
And apparently just shoving walkers is enough to get by these days.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 11:15 |
He only does that to Mustangs.
“How many walkers have you killed?”
“How many people?”
![]() 02/13/2017 at 11:16 |
I gave up on this show after the National Guard base episode. “What should we drive? We have all these military vehicles to choose from... eh fuck it, this Hyundai Sonata is the best choice”
They should rename the show, “The walking stupid, who somehow survive despite their best efforts”. /rant
![]() 02/13/2017 at 11:18 |
Its pretty much the only “TV” show I actually watch, since I don’t have cable or local tv. I stream it from certain sites a few minutes after it airs, usually its uploaded by then.
It was getting pretty boring for a bit, but now its gotten interesting again.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 11:21 |
Well with gas becoming in shorter and shorter supply, ya gotta drive something fuel efficient.
Speaking of which, I’m waiting for the episode “Bad Gas” when they finally realize that its been so long since the apocalypse, that its all turned to shit and won’t run all these fancy EFI cars they drive around in... gonna have brew some bio-diesel and roll around in 6BT swapped Suburbans.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 11:38 |
A lot of military trucks will run on pretty much any combustible liquids in a bind. Drain the engine oil on the Hyundai and you got yourself a couple of quarts of fuel.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 12:30 |
That pic reminds me of Max Max.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 12:49 |
Man, it’s awesome how cars conveniently start up and have gas in them. This show was supposed to depict a realistic “what if a zombie apocalypse happened”. Lately though it’s just one absurd stunt after another. The writers are phoning it in and the actors don’t seem to really give a shit at this point.
Also yet ANOTHER large group?! They wonder around for how long not seeing anyone and now there’s all these damn factions around. That just tells me they can’t come up with anything new for the main group so they need to introduce these weird and wild new factions.
The one from last night looked like a bunch of pissed off hipsters who all decided to wear black that day.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 13:01 |
And this is mainly just in GEORGIA. I’m starting to think there are many many other groups in many many other states that are doing as well or better than they are, and they’re just one shortwave radio signal away from all factions coming together and reuniting and rebuilding ‘Merica.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 13:07 |
All these factions, but apparently the army is nowhere to be found.
Also all the factions are crazy.
Trust me, none of the “zombie apocalypse”scenarios are very viable unless zombies can use anti-tank weapons all of a sudden. Or break through walls. or not decompose in about a year’s time from weather and bacteria exposure. These shows aren’t really about reason.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 13:46 |
I’ve only seen the first to episodes of this season because I don’t have cable, and I watched them on AMC’s app. I’m still pissed that Glen died. I mean he should have died last seasons as there’s no way he got under that dumpster with getting bit, but it’s b/s that they saved him from that just to have some James Dean/Joker Hybrid kill him right off the bat....lol
![]() 02/13/2017 at 13:54 |
Part of me WANTS to read the comics to get an idea of what’s in store, but a lot of me DOESN’T because those assholes keep ruining the show for me when they comment online like “OH HO HO so and so is gonna GET IT this week, and that guy at the end? That’s the so and so group! Rick’s gonna cry like a baby!”
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:03 |
These idiots survive but the military gets wiped out by slow moving target practice.
And then you got Fear the Walking Dead which is even worse. That moment the bad guy is frantically reloading his rifle as a zombie heard approaches. Instead of running back to the vehicle he decides to get eaten.
Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Lazy writing all around.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:08 |
People think life without law is like the wild west. 90% of homicides in the wild west were between two willing participants in duels. Sure, when stuff brakes down you are going to have a brief period of anarchy, and a massive loss of life. At some point it will calm down as ordinary people step up.
![]() 02/16/2017 at 14:02 |
at least it has a spoiler. the 2nd-gen F bodies look ridiculous without one.
![]() 02/16/2017 at 14:28 |
Don’t tell Jim Rockford
![]() 02/17/2017 at 13:27 |
IMO the comics are way better.
I couldn’t make it through a full episode but I couldn’t put the graphic novels down when I had them.
![]() 02/19/2017 at 22:32 |
Last week we saw where the bandit bought it. This week the snowman
![]() 02/20/2017 at 08:53 |
Yup! The second I saw the bandit on the horse I knew I knew that trailer...