![]() 02/08/2017 at 09:18 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Noticed I no longer got any replies to any posts I’ve made on Jezebel... thought nothing of it at first, but then noticed that my posts don’t seem to be showing on the actual website any more.
I see this when I go to my posts:
Whereas that post does not show at all on the comments page, even if I show all and expand all, and whether logged in or out:
Anybody else notice this? Curious if it’s recreatable— here’s the direct link it gives to my post and a link to the article itself:
Let me know if you’re seeing the same thing. Seems like a pretty underhanded way of banning people, if that’s what’s happening... was greyed for the longest time and then ungreyed— now hidden. I’d rather be back in the greys. If this is a new policy on Jezebel in some way, shame on them... a lack of discourse is unhealthy and that site seems to be turning into quite an echo chamber— wouldn’t be surprised if they were just silencing voices of dissent right now, and I got caught up in the fray.
I emailed Julianne, the post author, and she was able to look into it and determine that the ban was mistakenly applied. I know a couple of you mentioned having the same issues— asked her if there’s someone good you can send clarification notes to and maybe we can get your accounts unblocked too! Really appreciative of everyone’s feedback and Julianne for helping so far outside of her focus area (IT vs journalism).
![]() 02/08/2017 at 09:20 |
I’ve seen that in general all over. Think it’s just kinja.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 09:22 |
I dunno... I can’t recreate it on Jalopnik, and my posts show as grey on deadspin and I can locate them even before they get brought out of the greys.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 09:26 |
If I click on a link to your comment I see it, but if I expand all replies, I can’t see it.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 09:26 |
I’ve had it happen to my own posts here on Oppo.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 09:29 |
Edit: I read somewhere from a FP author that banning on the FPs works differently than Kinja communities now. In Kinja communities, you can still be “hard banned” where you cannot enter the community at all, or a “soft ban” where you’re gray.
The FPs apparently still do the “soft ban” but their “hard ban” is now making your comments invisible to everyone. The only way to view your comment would be by going to your Kinja account and looking at your post history.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 09:30 |
There’s only one way to ban people on Kinja, and that is to email kinjahelp with a link to a poster and their history. Not even editors can completely ban someone - they can only unfollow you on the blog, which will make you grey.
I’ve seen this happen all over the place. I’ve had people reply to me with totally blank posts. I’ve had my own replies just get swallowed by the void. I’ve had whole multi-paragraph posts I try to post to oppo just get vaporized inexplicably. I’ve been told by the system that a gif is ‘too large to upload’ only to see much longer and higher res gifs be posted elsewhere.
tl;dr -> You weren’t banned. You were kinja’d. You’ve been kinja’d before, and you will be kinja’d again.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 09:31 |
Yeah, this is how banning works on Kinja. The posts still exist, but aren’t shown on the site where you are banned.
I’m also banned on Jezebel (no idea why). Don’t care too much about that but unfortunately since they merged the subblog follower lists, it also means I can’t post on The Slot or Pictorial as well, which is somewhat disappointing.
Bans are now done at the top level sites, so you can be banned at Jez, followed at Jalopnik, have authorship at Oppo, and grey at Deadspin, which sounds like your situation.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 09:35 |
Oh well... I guess they missed out on my women’s march picture dump then. I quite enjoyed the coverage and discussions on the slot in particular, so this is dissapointing. What a shitty way to handle bans. Ah well, at least there’s been an uptick in good discussions on Jalopnik with all the auto tariff posts.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 09:37 |
Jezebel... passive aggressive banning... I wonder if there’s a correlation?
![]() 02/08/2017 at 09:47 |
*sigh* the headline writes itself, right? Bad look, I can’t recall ever directly attacking anyone on there, so I was banned for differing views, prob saying Comey letter was a self inflicted wound and that campaign should have looked at all family computers of chief aide to prez candidate.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 09:56 |
PS9's comment seems to imply otherwise, but I don’t know what the interface looks like for authors and admins on the main Kinja sites. It seems entirely possible it’s easy to do accidentally (this would be bad design, but hey, Kinja...).
![]() 02/08/2017 at 10:11 |
Jezebel is crazy town.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 10:26 |
This is something that really needs to be cleared up.
Something happened to my ability to comment on Lifehacker, and it happened without warning or communication. I have no way of knowing if it was accidental or not, and have been unable to get a response from someone who would know.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:10 |
I agree with SidewaysOnDirt here - Kinja works in mysterious ways and often does not work at all.
I would contact the post’s author and ask for clarification. If it’s a mistake or a bug of some kind, they will get it fixed. If for whatever reason it is a ban you should get an explanation. Better to do that than assume it’s something nefarious and spread a baseless rumor around.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:16 |
Yeah I’m gonna reach out and beg the question-- was curious initially if this was some sort of bug that only I could see. Looks like it could be “dismissals” as well.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:17 |
Yes, when you dismissed my previous test comment it disappeared from the list of comments. If I go to my profile and look under “discussions” it’s still there (greyed out, though) but when I load this post, even if I click the “Show pending” button it’s invisible.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:18 |
Yeah, I’m guessing this is what has happened to me... unless there’s some coordinated “dismissal” campaign against me, which I highly doubt.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:19 |
Yeah, I’ll follow up if I hear anything back.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:20 |
Interesting— so recreates the issue in all ways except it goes greyed out. It sound like the behavior is this:
Not followed: Greyed
Followed: Ungreyed
Hard Ban: Ungreyed but invisible
Dismissed: Greyed and invisible
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:20 |
Thanks! Good to know the issue wasn’t localized to me-- seems like I got the ban hammer.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:26 |
I hope they respond. When I contacted Kinja, they assured me that it wasn’t a glitch. But I never heard back from either of the blog authors that I contacted as to whether this was punishment for some over-the-line remark, or a mis-click on their part.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:29 |
Tired to star it, still don’t see it, looks like you got the ban hammer.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:31 |
Looks like I’m banned, thanks for the troubleshooting help guys! Sent the following to Julianne (Jezebel post author) hoping for clarification:
Hey Julianne,
Commented on your recent thread on Janelle Monae and noticed my posts are invisible, can you confirm that I am banned on Jezebel? Guess bans are handled differently lately—can’t recall any ad-hominem attacks on my part so it’s disappointing if so, but it’d be nice to at least know that it’s that and not some technical reason that I’m just screaming into the void.
Discussion thread with troubleshooting:
From the best we could figure:
Not followed: Greyed
Followed: Ungreyed
Hard Ban: Ungreyed but invisible
Dismissed: Greyed and invisible
Doubt I’ll get a response, but figured it was worth requesting clarification...
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:34 |
I suppose “not a glitch” is the closest they’ll come to saying “banned”... bans are fine-- but they should at least have a notification message or something that goes out to let people know. I know this isn’t a freedom of speech issue-- they’re a corporation and can choose to ban whomever they like, but it does seem to be a little against inclusion to have a system where people think they’re commenting, see their comments, and those just go into a black hole, without any notification; without any chance to address any specific or general concerns or regain status.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:39 |
I tend to enjoy the Jez main page and The Slot-- the slot in particular has a lot of fun investigative reporting and boots on the ground type journalism that’s faded away in the era of clickbait. As to the readership-- things can devolve into pretty bitter arguments from time to time, but no worse than gizmodo.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:49 |
Exactly right.
Kinja did confirm for me that the system DOES NOT issue un-follow notifications. And that seems really strange, particularly considering the various options given for flagging a commenter. When I see a bad comment that needs flagging, I have the option of calling it “harassment”, “hate speech”, or “spam”. I don’t know if I’ve ever been flagged, or if that’s what led to my current situation, but I never received any kind of “your post has been flagged for ____ and you have been un-followed by blog X” message.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 11:57 |
Submitted for your review:
I would substitute Jezebel with Gizmodo Media Group, but you get the idea.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 12:04 |
Need to add the BBC and the CBC to the Neutral portion of that picture.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 12:04 |
Yup... I’ve noticed that too a while back.
You can get hard banned
without warning or explanation for merely disagreeing with the usual
PC-Feminist status quo and not being super-super-duper gentle about it.
they can/will be harsh/rude to you regarding your opinion, but if you
use the same tone back, you’ll get banned... especially if they
think/know you’re male. And it doesn’t matter if you’ve made many other
comments where you agreed with what was said. You just have to disagree
with the wrong person.
Originally this was brought in to deal with idiots who would post rude pornographic images and other idiots who would be verbally abusive.
But I never did
either of those things and was still banned... and I have absolutely no
idea what I said specifically to who that caused the ban. All I know is
that in the past, I’ve disagreed with some things being said. But I
wasn’t any less polite that the usual Jezzie commenters.
But that’s just how it is. Don’t expect fairness. Don’t expect them to listen.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 12:11 |
BBC is right under NPR, leaning just left of neutral and high in quality. I don’t know about the CBC, but you’re right, they should be in there - probably close to BBC, as you say.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 12:18 |
Julianne did reply a couple times and has been really helpful about the whole thing-- we’ll see what she finds...
![]() 02/08/2017 at 12:20 |
She’s looking into it- which is really cool of her. Not assuming anything nefarious yet-- not even sure I’d call being banned “nefarious” even if that is what’s happened-- they have a right to decide who is allowed to comment-- I still have plenty of freedom to say whatever I choose— they don’t have any obligation to provide me an avenue for that obviously. I’d just prefer to know one way or the other— not waste my time.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 12:31 |
They cleared it up for me-- I asked if there was someone good you could reach out to for looking into the lifehacker issue-- will update the post if I hear back.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 12:31 |
They cleared it up for me— I asked if there was someone good you could reach out to for looking into the issue rather than inundating her with requests— will update the post if I hear back.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 12:33 |
Apparently my block was mistaken-- asked Julianne (who was really awesome about replying and helping) if there was someone good you could reach out to for looking into your account— will update the post if I hear back.
![]() 02/08/2017 at 12:40 |
Oh wow, I appreciate that.
It was a few months ago, and TBH I’d pretty much given up on it. Lifehacker comment sections can be really helpful, and I used to contribute when I had something to add. I don’t mean to sound bitter, but this whole thing has affected how frequently I visit that site now.
Glad to hear your situation got resolved!
![]() 02/08/2017 at 12:44 |
Um there’s no Oppo on this chart; this must be a chart of #fakenews sites
![]() 02/08/2017 at 19:38 |
And also, to be fair, I’ve said some ideologically inflammatory stuff, with curse words... not personally attacking. May have been hard to tell me from a troll if there was a human pushing a button, one of hundreds a month getting blocked... most legit. Would like to see them put in place a review and notification system, but who knows what’s up with all that after the Univision acquisition... Will take time for formalized procedures for community management, not their key profitability focus since prob 1/10 viewers post comments.