![]() 02/07/2017 at 03:03 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Public education is useless because it’s not profitable.
![]() 02/07/2017 at 04:11 |
It won’t be because it’s not profitable.
It’s that he doesn’t want anyone smarter than him and baring in mind he’s in the Whitehouse, part of the job is already done.
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I’m beginning to think you dislike Trump....
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edumacation is overrated
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I r agree wit u I does
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But the uneducated are already smarter than him.
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Which is sad because he had wonderful education opportunities.
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Even the people who voted for him aren’t happy with him, so....
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Hey he has appointed a fantastic Secretary of Education. Much better than probably anyone else would have. Betsy DeVos is one of his nomination that gives me a shimmering hope that despite his authoritarian nature, he is nominating some good libertarian leaning Secretaries. Now if they’ll just eliminate the entire department we can get education back out of politics and into the hands of parents and local educators.
![]() 02/07/2017 at 08:19 |
Hopefully The entire nation rises again. Put the disasters of the last 16 years behind us. And it’s not like the south has not done pretty well, lots of Manufacturing happing in the South, some movements to embrace freedom and Liberty. Heck I just heard Florida is considering a Law to allow liability lawsuits against stores that have a No Gun allowed Policy if there is a shooting. I hope it passes and other States follow suite.
![]() 02/07/2017 at 08:33 |
I thought this was a sarcastic comment, and then I realized you were serious. Betsy DeVos is a certified moron. She’s lacks understanding of basic educational philosophies, and has an inability to even pretend to know what’s going on. Anyone who makes Al Franken look intelligent isn’t qualified to run a clothing department. I mean, it’s almost like she didn’t even prep for the hearing. I’m not a Democrat, btw, and make some of my income through private education. My wife also makes income through private education.
Her family has also donated over $200 million to the Republican Party. She’s not a libertarian, she’s a huckster. Religious whackjobs love her, though.
![]() 02/07/2017 at 08:46 |
WTF??? How is exactly, appointing someone who has zero knowledge about public education and who has lobbied against public education for her entire life, supposed to be good for public education??
She is literally born in the family responsible for creating a company that exploit the lack of education of people to make money (Amway)... How in hell is her love for for-profit schools (the same type of school that Trump owned and with which he scammed so many) a good thing for people who just want to earn a degree???
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No. This is what you get when education is “in the hands of parents:”
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Actually the “Religious whackjobs,” love her for the same reason the leftist whackjobs despise her... her Family. However if you look beyond what her Family has supported and look at the things she has actually done she is very different from her Family. She even responds to Al Frankensteins accusations by stating she never has supported those things, and asks that he not link her to those Family members not in her core Family. How well she manages to stand up to Al’s Gotcha attempts really has little to do how she will perform her Job. If her job was to avoid Gotcha moments put out by Leftists crazies, then yes she’s totally unqualified.
![]() 02/07/2017 at 09:02 |
“Anyone who makes Al Franken look intelligent isn’t qualified to run a clothing department”
Haha, that made me laugh :)
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Anecdotal... Show me how wonderful the public schools in this country have become because of the Federal Mafia top down policies.
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Only if you define public education as supporting the status quo... which has been absolutely terrible.
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And yet somehow she’s making things even worse here in Michigan: http://www.freep.com/story/opinion/columnists/stephen-henderson/2016/12/03/betsy-devos-education-donald-trump/94728574/
![]() 02/07/2017 at 09:27 |
The growth vs proficiency question was not a “gotcha” question. It was a very answerable question based on a long standing debate dealing with educational philosophy. That’s what I’m referring to. She had no idea what he was talking about and then confused the two. She has no idea what she is doing. She is a huckster. The religious nuts don’t care that she’s unqualified because of the causes her and her family have donated to.
If you actually listen to her answer the “gotcha” question, she screwed that up too, saying she doesn’t think students should be descriminated against based on age, when Franken was referring to sexual orientation.
I’m not a leftist, and my wife and I both make money working for private schools. We also homeschooled our kids for a while. However, we are also both educated and realize this lady has no idea what she’s doing. If you’re worried about schools brain washing your kids, then you should spend more time interacting with your kids (that’s a general ‘you’ not a personal reference to you).
![]() 02/07/2017 at 09:34 |
into the hands of parents
and local educators.
I can’t possibly see that being a positive thing for our future. With so many parents being too ignorant to understand basic scientific concepts and living in a closed-minded bubble, how are you going to expect them to be able to educate their own children on how the world actually works?
If I were home-schooled, I would have been taught that God is the measure of everything, science is “hocus pocus”, and “the Gays” should be avoided at all costs because they’re “cancer to the world”. Yes, these are real views from my parents. They (like many parents like them) would be entirely unqualified to be a teacher.
Look, I’m not going to say public education is perfect, it’s far from that. But the solution isn’t “well it sucks, so let’s just take the nuclear option!” Despite having the most money in the world, our country produces some unfathomably stupid people. Nuking public schooling is a surefire way to make it even worse.
![]() 02/07/2017 at 09:41 |
Family is not a proper noun, and without her pyramid scheme family money, she wouldn’t be nominated.
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Most thinking people have trumpgrets whether or not they voted for him.
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Now there’s some edumacashun. Sweet.
The south = low cost, low amenity, not rising again.
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I can’t wait to get education out of the Feds control and back to local school groups. Only then can we quit teaching that fake “evolution” bullshit and teach the truth: The earth was created by God 6,000 years ago, we did not evolve from monkeys, and man walked the earth with dinosaurs.
![]() 02/07/2017 at 09:46 |
No one from the south should be allowed to say “rise(s) again”.
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You think the status quo is terrible, eh? How I wish libertarians could ever think seriously about the real world. You don’t know “terrible” yet. When you replace the free public schools we have now with some kind of profit-based business it’s true that a handful of investors such as this DeVos woman will become spectacularly rich, but you will also be living in a country where a significant percentage of the population can’t count change or read the text on a stop sign.
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Nothing to do with profit, it’s about choice. Parents don’t even need to choose a for profit school, Just give them the freedom to choose the school of their choice. Instead they are locked into failing schools unless they have the money to afford a private school, or can afford to move to a district that offers quality schooling.
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(this is sarcasm right?)
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And no one should be allowed to tell others they can’t speak their mind... and people should not be able to use violence to silence those they disagree with. It’s called freedom.
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Anecdotal... Show me her credentials and qualifications. As many a sportsball coach has said: Put up or shut up.
Let me guess - family money or public sector praetorian stuff.
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If that’s what you want your school to teach... ummm ok I guess... Glad your not in my kids district. Not exactly sure why you’d like to destroy your kids education, and that of the kids in your district... I suspect you’ll not get many parents to join you though.
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Or how about instead of blowing money on vouchers for charters with no guarantee of improvement over public schools, little to no accountability, and ability to fudge numbers by self-selecting pupils, we use that money to ensure that the quality of education isn’t restricted by district?
I don’t have kids, never will, but will gladly fork over the funds necessary to enjoy the benefits of a more educated society.
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Nothing to do with profit...
Riiiiight. It just sort of works out that way.
What you’re telling me is that the real purpose for the decades-long right-wing jihad against public schools has nothing to do with the lust of the rich to profit at the public expense, or the hatred of the rich for unionized school teachers, or the desire of bigots to sidestep the integration of public schools; it’s solely motivated by high-minded devotion to the ideals of “freedom” and “choice.”
Of course I don’t believe that transparently phony rubbish, I wasn’t born yesterday.
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We fork over WAY to much money for education, with nothing to show for it. We far outspend more per student, and yet school’s don’t get the money they need. bad teachers are not allowed to be dealt with, and kids end up not getting a Quality education. The Federal Government has zero place in schooling beyond ensuring that kids have their right to a quality education protected.
![]() 02/07/2017 at 10:30 |
That’s your opinion. And charters demonstrably have not protected any right to a quality education.
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And unfortunately for far to many kids... public schooling have not protected their right to quality education. But unless your wealthy enough to pay for public and Private schooling, or you live in an area that does have good public schooling you get what your zip code gives you.
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And your solution to this is to allow charters without any proven track record or accountability to profit off public funds?
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I trust parents that are making an effort to get their kids a quality education by searching out a school, to make intelligent decisions about that. Are charter schools a magic bullet of success.. absolutely not. But it is an option among many that some parents can pick. Bad charter schools eventually are seen as such and fail. But bad Public schools never die, they are enshrined and protected.
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Those are all opinions, and your last line is actually false.
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There are problems with saying that the federal government’s only job with regard to education is the protection of education as a right. Methods of ensuring that ‘right’ (some would debate use of that word here) are rather limited. So far the federal government has little or no direct involvement with individual schools. By this I mean, the federal government does not directly employ people at the individual school level, no teachers, no administrators. This leaves the federal government with setting standards and rules, and providing funding, or not providing funding.
One of the primary problems, perhaps the biggest problem with the ‘school choice’ concept is the funding of said schools. When the most able (typically wealthiest) students leave low performing schools in the ‘school choice’ concept, the higher performing schools tend to accumulate more funds while lower performing schools deteriorate. this can become a self compounding problem. Following this logic, the low performing schools only do worse and those unable to change schools will suffer an even worse education. The logial outcome is that the those who are poorest will get the worst education.
To make matters worse, the private schools that some students might choose are not subject to the same standards and rules as a public school. In effect this allows for education that includes more inaccurate or incomplete curricula.
![]() 02/07/2017 at 11:08 |
The problem with your line of thinking is that that is what is currently happening, where school choice DOES NOT exist. The wealthy will ALWAYS have the means to leave a poor performing school, either by relocating or by putting their kids into a private school. As the schools loose funding the kids that remain are trapped. However when EVERYONE is given the chance to choose then schools face the risk of loosing a sizable portion of their student body. If too many parents flee the school administrators are forced to take action, or close the school and send kids to other schools that are performing. It is ONLY by giving parents and kids the opportunities to vote with their feet that public schools that other wise have a monopoly have pressure put on them to provide a quality education. Parents don’t take their kids out of schools that perform well. and if they can’t take their kids out of schools that don’t perform, everyone looses.
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I was just taking an opportunity to be snarky to be honest. I avoid politics like the plague for the most part.
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school vouchers don’t cover the full costs of private education, so they only subsidize private and charter schools for wealthy families.
Her superpac still hasn’t paid a fine of 5.3mil for violating Ohio election laws.