![]() 02/06/2017 at 05:23 • Filed to: Snow | ![]() | ![]() |
(rant, kinda). It’s 1:52 am and there’s currently a solid 4 inches of snow outside. Now for other cities, this might not be such a big deal, but Seattle? Oh boy.
Despite joining the workforce I’ve still retained my grade school love for snow, so instead of sleeping I’ve been heading outside every half hour to make sure the snow gods haven’t let up. And let me tell you, I’ve seen some things in my condo parking lot.
First, my neighbor in her MDX knocks on my door asking me if I can move my car so she can get out easier in the morning. I like to think I was friendly, but the level of stupid in that simple sentence is hard to get across over the Internet. I may have given her the “are you that dumb?” look. She’s parked next to me, yes. However our parking spaces are Giant in both length and width and my tiny little Miata is FIVE FEET away from her SUV. And come on. She expects me to brush off 4 inches of snow at 2 am in the morning, remove my car cover (forgot to mention my car is covered, because it leaks like crazy at the moment) and somehow magically make my summer tires grip the snowy ground long enough for me to park down the street without bouncing off cars like pinball, just so she thinks she’d have an easier time parking? When in reality I know she’s a terrible driver and wouldn’t be able to get out of her spot if there was half the snow and no other cars around? Also who the hell knocks on their neighbors door that late for something that’s not an emergency? Gahhhhhh people are dumb. I told her she can borrow my shovel, salt, and sandbags (she said no thanks), but if I find any damage on my car in the morning she’d better have her checkbook ready. Let me just add, this is only the second time I’ve spoken with her. First was when she dropped a wine bottle outside and asked me for a broom to sweep it. She broke most of the bristles.
About 10 minutes after that conversation, a dude in a new f150 got stuck trying to get to his parking space. I should mention, this parking lot I refer to is flat. Totally flat. Just one long p-shaped strip, so you have a short piece that’s at the end of a street, attatched to a circle. Pretty simple. Very, very flat. Okay, so this guy had fairly knobby tires, 4x4 and weight in the back, so I can only imagine he had absolutely zero experience driving in snow. I offer him help, he says he doesn’t need it, so I go back inside. I hear him spinning his tires for a good 15 minutes and I go out again and hand him a snow shovel. As I’m going back inside, I catch a glimpse in the passenger window and it turns out he has a kid in the car, which is odd seeing as it’s past 2:00 am... But whatever. I left him to shovel and headed in (he was appreciative, but it seemed like he didn’t want me to stay and help). I’ll go check in a few minutes to see if he made it.
Despite how it sounds, I’m actually having a blast, so I’ll update this with more stories if I get them. And once again.... FOUR INCHES OF SNOW. Might as well blow up the roads for all the difference it would make around here
![]() 02/06/2017 at 05:34 |
Of course y’all get more than an inch of snow a few months after I move back to Texas, Grrr!
![]() 02/06/2017 at 05:37 |
Sorry! I’m really hoping for a big one this week. Currently looks like 3-6 inches for the Eastside is a 50% chance, with a 25% chance of a foot, and another 25% chance of it turning to rain. Fingers crossed...
Is there snow in Texas? Or is it just a myth
![]() 02/06/2017 at 05:38 |
In northern Texas and I think parts of west Texas, but I’m in the Houston area where I’ve been running the A/C somewhat frequently all January and February.
![]() 02/06/2017 at 05:43 |
I just bought a fat bike. My revised response to snow in the forecast is now: wheeeeeeeee!!!
![]() 02/06/2017 at 05:47 |
Have you messed around with it much? Those look like such a blast! Wish I got enough snow to justify one
![]() 02/06/2017 at 05:50 |
You don’t need snow to justify one. I made the decision over the summer after borrowing a friend’s for a week. It was amazing over typical rutted, rocky technical single track. The fact I can ride on snow is just a bonus.
![]() 02/06/2017 at 05:51 |
Hmm. You’ve given me something to think about. I’ll have to try one out sometime
![]() 02/06/2017 at 06:10 |
i’d love to see just 1 inch here in winter.
it’s summer here in Australia at present.
![]() 02/06/2017 at 07:04 |
I’ve never understood Seattle. It’s like the residence there all think they live in Southern California and that Snow is practically impossible. Reading that what jumped out at me was... it’s the middle of winter, you live in Seattle which is by no means immune from winter weather, and you have summer tires on your car? really? do you have another car that you use for driving? or do you just enjoy having no control. In Seattle I could see maybe getting away with all seasons tires, but summer tires. I guess it is good that you at least know that you will have no grip in the snow, but it’s not like it does not get cold and wet in Seattle.
![]() 02/06/2017 at 07:52 |
“She expects me to brush off 4 inches of snow at 2 am in the morning,”
Kinda sounds like a booty call
![]() 02/06/2017 at 09:42 |
This is the kind of snowfall that makes for great youtube videos later of people all sliding their cars into a pile at the bottom of some untreated hill so the rest of us northerners can chuckle at your city’s poor driving skillz! So get that camera out and go record some bad drivers!
![]() 02/06/2017 at 09:52 |
How do you get stuck with a 4x4 truck in 4 inches of snow? I’ve been thought 4 inches of snow in my wife’s Fit. Unless you’re tires are entirely bald, or you driving up a step grade with a heavy trailer, that should be impossible.
![]() 02/06/2017 at 10:01 |
I wish I had a drone for this
![]() 02/06/2017 at 10:05 |
I’ve got a Subaru outback on all seasons that handles moderate snow fairly well.
That said, the summer tires on the Miata can handle absolutely anything other than snow. Down to 10 degrees I’ve still had gobs of grip, and ice doesn’t seem to phase them. Next year I’ll have dedicated winter wheels so I can go out and have fun but this is the first snow I’ve seen sticking in about 3 years so I decided to be cheap this season haha
![]() 02/06/2017 at 11:53 |
Portland is the same way. We’ve had three snowstorms here this winter so far, the last one was about a foot and basically shut the city down for a week. Once I unburied my E55 from a snow bank could get around just fine. Prior to that I just used the wife’s AWD R-class. No problems, even on all seasons. The two before that the 55 was more than adequate, and actually a ton of fun!