![]() 02/05/2017 at 12:29 • Filed to: epa, emissions, environment, politics, tea party, teabaggers, environmental protection agency, republicans | ![]() | ![]() |
Soon to be 100% legal?
After the jump.
I’m just going to !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! .
There’s no bill text yet, but... this is idiocy of the highest order. (I’m not surprised it’s happening, but it’s still idiotic.) Even if you disagree with the actual regulations that the EPA enacts, termination of the EPA entirely ? That’s nuking your nose to spite your face.
Worse, AFAIK, California’s authority to regulate their own emissions through the Air Resources Board is granted by the Clean Air Act, so depending on how this repeal is structured, it could fuck California ultra-hard. Of course, my suspicion has been that CARB being prohibited from regulating is what will trigger California establishment politics to embrace Calexit, so...
![]() 02/05/2017 at 12:31 |
Do these people not remember 70's LA?
![]() 02/05/2017 at 12:32 |
There are stupid bills all the time, I wouldn’t worry about it. There is even a bill in our State House of Reps that would fully legalise marijuana. In Indiana. A.k.a. the place that actually voted for Mike Pence.
![]() 02/05/2017 at 12:33 |
Or the Cuyahoga River literally catching on fire due to pollution in 1969 (one of the things that led to the EPA’s formation)?
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Not worrying about stupid bills gets us stupid laws , though.
That’s not to say that marijuana legalization is stupid, but what are the odds of that one passing, in the state that voted for Mike Pence? Conversely, this is being introduced by the party that controls the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, so it could pass.
![]() 02/05/2017 at 12:33 |
Do these goobers not remember Beijing LAST YEAR?!?!?!
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It’s not even going to make it out of committee, though. So it probably doesn’t matter.
It is really dumb, especially since the Trump administration is all about preserving jobs. I have a feeling that they wouldn’t want to put 15,000 people, plus many more contractors, completely out of work.
![]() 02/05/2017 at 12:38 |
I edited the post, the edit might not have gone through, but underestimating the Republicans is very, very dangerous.
But, the Trump administration is about the appearance of preserving jobs, even if he does actions that actually eliminate jobs.
![]() 02/05/2017 at 12:40 |
People just forget, don’t understand that they don’t have China level smog, fish in the rivers and generally safe drinking water, (with some notable exceptions) because of actions taken 50 years ago. “America the Beautiful” didn’t just magically happen...
![]() 02/05/2017 at 12:43 |
That’s not in the US. People don’t give a fuck.
I wish I was joking.
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Remember? Maybe. Give two shits because it doesn’t aid the bottom line of the myriad of businesses these people own? Yes.
![]() 02/05/2017 at 13:11 |
If you actually think Trump’s administration cares about jobs, then I have a bridge I want to sell you.
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National Geographic ran an article on Superfund sites just a couple years ago - one of the few examples of the government working very well and quietly, so you don’t have to hear about it all the time. It’s managed by the EPA and funding has been decreasing for a number of years.
I’m just waiting for this to become heavily publicized so every NIMBY across the U.S. will fight to keep the EPA.
![]() 02/05/2017 at 13:16 |
Okay. This is starting to look like an episode of Dr WHO with the Slitheen.
or the Sontaran Stratagen.
DieselGate was all part of the strategy.
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1980s Los Angeles was pretty bad, too. It didn’t really clean up until the mid-late 1990s. Since the early-mid 2000s, the air has been shockingly clean. You can see the mountains, you can see the city from miles away... It probably hasn’t been that clean since well before they found oil under the basin (it was notorious for smog since before European contact).
![]() 02/05/2017 at 13:29 |
Yes because family values only matter to get you elected. Who cares if there’s a planet left
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Cool, it won’t pass, Libertarian policies like this rarely do. It’s probably one of the thousands of bills that are put forth and go no further than proposal. Still one can only hope for the death of the EPA. And no I am not trolling, the EPA is a disaster, if you think it gives you a clean environment I got a bridge for you. Just like the patriot act was not patriotic and the Affordable Care Act is not very affordable the names they use to full the idiots are just that.
![]() 02/05/2017 at 13:31 |
“Hoax made up by the chinese”
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Shit that doesn’t happen in 2017:
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Don’t worry. The industries will police themselves. Nothing like I see here. Move along, Citizen.
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Did not say that the world is not getting cleaner, it is human nature to innovate, and everyone wants a cleaner world. Grow up out of your Captain planet cartoons and see the real world. The EPA is a part of crony capitalism, just like all the other Mobster agencies. Technology, and innovation make the world a cleaner place. For example when say you get a pipeline explosion . Currently the EPA limits the damages faced by pipeline the pipeline for damages done to the property the pipeline is on or near. So if you have a claim against the damages that exceeds the EPA maximum, your just out of luck, the Mobsters don’t want to discourage a risky pipeline that no insurance company would underwrite because that would eat into their protection money. So we end up with a risky pipeline, and if the worst should happen, you are stuck with the losses that exceed the EPA damages. Or we the tax payers foot the bill.
![]() 02/05/2017 at 14:10 |
The epa may have been corrupted from its purpose, but we still need the damn thing.
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Anyway, here’s a fun factoid: I live a mile from what used to be one of the largest Johns Manville plants ever. Currently, asbestos are being released into Lake Michigan, ending up as far as 50 miles south and about 10 miles north in. The pollution is so bad, a park had to be closed because the impossibly large amounts of asbestos leaking out into the dunes.
It is because the EPA that my drinking water isn’t laced with asbestos, acid, and other pollutants. The EPA is working tirelessly to repair the damage from America’s dumber times. Crony Capitalism creates the damage, the EPA cleans it up.
![]() 02/05/2017 at 14:20 |
Yep! I live approximately a mile from a Superfund site. Johns gosh darn Manville.
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And I live about 3 miles south of a major EPA clean up. A plastics company that was dumping waste into the river. A NYS environmental agents asked about testing for PFOA, but was repeatedly told the EPA does not consider that a pollutant. So the company kept on dumping it because the EPA said it does not need to be checked, even though some NYS Environment agents suggest it ought to be tested for, It was only after doctors notice a high case of Cancer in the area north of the plastics plant and they tried to determine why did someone suggest testing for PFOA. Ironically because of it, the elementary school next door to me tested their water. We are upstream of the plastics company so not a big issue, but they found Lead in the elementary school drinking water. opps.
Also in the town I grew up in the EPA did a superfund clean up. They wanted to take an old damn out of the river. Problem was that over a century ago all kinds of heavy metals from copper smelting had been dumped in the river and settled behind the damn. The EPA temporarily diverted the river and then took out the damn and all the land behind it. they put a temporary ban on drinking from the water because they said the residual level of contaminants could exceed the safe drinking levels. Tests of the water down stream revealed levels over 4X the safe drinking level. Worse than that, the EPA said it would only be high for a few days, but it ended up staying above the safe level for weeks, and stayed at elevated levels far longer than the EPA anticipated. Many fishermen downstream had previously raised concerns about the safety of catching fish out of the river, the EPA answer was to catch as many as they could and replace them, They insisted to concerned residents that the water would be safe for the fish, and other than the short disruption things would return to normal. I know many people including some environmental scientist that argued for the EPA plan, that after the fact, felt the EPA made a worse mess of it than leaving it be, and that alternative plans should have been looked at more seriously.
![]() 02/05/2017 at 14:57 |
Goddamn man. Yeah, like most government agencies, they often screw things up so very very bad. :(
It’s sorta like a conversation I had with someone recently too. No matter what humans do, we damage the earth in some form. Even green energy has faults. Hydroelectric dams can destroy ecosystems, wind farms kill birds, older nuke technology leads to radiation leaks, etc.
![]() 02/05/2017 at 15:00 |
Love Canal
![]() 02/05/2017 at 19:59 |
I’m confused on how you think the situation would be any better without the EPA attempting to fix the problem?
![]() 02/06/2017 at 07:06 |
Because the Government IS the problem! And a bureaucratic agency with the full wait and power of the federal government, that is a highly political agency is NOT the place to find solutions.