![]() 11/21/2017 at 15:32 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I’ve lived in Iowa my whole life (nearly 34 years). I’ve seen hundreds of dead deer on the side of the road in that time, but I’ve never hit a deer and, up until this morning, I’d somehow never seen one get hit.
My morning commute is about 18 miles on a regular 4-lane highway with a grass ditch median. This morning I was about halfway to work and following a fairly large (for Iowa) cluster of about 10 vehicles in the northbound lanes when a pair of does dashed across the southbound lanes into the median. They were obviously flustered and jumped back and forth in the median for a few seconds trying to decide which way to go.
One of them decided to retreat and made it back across the southbound lanes successfully. The other one was not so lucky. She decided to continue on into the northbound lanes. At the tail end of the cluster of vehicles I was following was a concrete block delivery truck like the one in the picture. The doe jumped right into the side of the bed area and was violently spun and kicked back as the truck was doing ~70mph. She landed in the inside lane and immediately started writhing in pain. I passed her about 1 second after she landed.
I’m pretty desensitized to seeing dead deer on the road, often times horribly mutilated, but seeing it happen and watching that poor girl in obvious agony was quite disturbing.
I hope she died quickly. It did make me wonder: If I had a carry permit, would it have been legal for me to pull over and put her out of her misery? I’m guessing not, but I know that’s what a cop would have done if he or she were on scene.
![]() 11/21/2017 at 18:20 |
In NJ I also was used to seeing many dead deer and other creatures along the roadways. Only once though did I witness a deer dart across the road in front of the car in front of me, miss that car, and then get hit by an oncoming car. All I saw was a POOF of red and then I was continuing on. It was dark out so it was difficult to make out much else. Could not have been fun for that driver!
![]() 11/22/2017 at 06:46 |
as i see so many dead and rotting kangaroo corpses (also hit a couple)
best thing you did was keep on going
![]() 11/22/2017 at 07:07 |
Dunno about being able to dispatch it, but you could have called the Environmental Police or just regular cops and had them dispatch the animal.
In MA, if you do that, the EPO will issue you a salvage permit so you can salvage some of the meat instead of it rotting on the side of the road.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 08:43 |
Over the summer i was woken up to a loud bang. I open my eyes and all i can see are blue flashing lights. I instantly realize it was a gunshot. I had some odd neighbors across thew street so I was a bit nervous. I look outside and the cop is standing over a deer on the side of the road. At that point i calmed down a little. asecond cruiser shows up to help drag the deer off the road. they start moving it and it kicks one of the cops. The cop looked pretty unhappy and pulled his gun out again and fired another shot. After a couple minutes they tried again with the same result. The second cop went to the back of the Explorer and grabbed something larger out. Another shot. that one did the trick.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 10:54 |
I actually haven’t seen one hit either living in Wisconsin...nor have I hit one *knocks on wood*. I was however behind a loaded dump truck that locked up all 14 wheels on the freeway when one darted across the road. Now my dad drives large trucks and one thing I’ve learned from him is that when you drive something that big you don’t touch your brakes for animals. It was a bit scary being behind that truck when it locked the wheels and started sliding sideways a bit.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 23:15 |
I almost hit one in northern south ontario.
was driving along at ~50MPH in collingwood area. saw a deer dart out fromt the right and then CHANGE ITS MIND 95% of the way across and dart BACK into my path.
threw the wheel left to avoid it . car darted left into the oncoming lane (at night, so I knew no one was in the other direction) and then back right to stay on the road. Ass end hit a slippery spot (did I mention it was like late november?) and the car spun 180 degrees. Ended upback on my side of the road, just facing in the wrong direction.