![]() 11/17/2017 at 23:28 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I work nights, so being able to sleep during the day is important to me. Anyone who bothers me in the hours immediately after I get home from work in the morning is likely to get an earful. I have even gone so far as to ask particularly troublesome people who have called in those hours for their home numbers so that I can call them at 1am and wake them up. I know this is a personal problem, so I usually try to ignore the phone during those hours, unless I get unlucky...
I got off work on Wednesday morning at 7am, went home, did the usual “pre sleeping” stuff and curled up in the dark with the phone on the charger. Sleeping during the day is troublesome at best, and even at the best of times I drift between sleep and a semi-sleep state where outside annoyance will wake me. So when I got a text message at 10am while in that state, it pulled me out of sleep enough to grumble at it and decide on a bathroom trip. I made the mistake of taking my phone and looking at it.
Not a screenshot because I hate text message screenshots, typos and bad grammar are all as typed.
I know this is a shot in the dark. But financially i have never asked in 16 years. If I could have any help.
So here it if there is any way possible that you could look into helping with
What the hell?
I pay child support, on time and in full. When asked for specific expenses I have never failed to come up with whatever support was needed, even at times when I really couldn’t afford to. I spend as much time with my kids as I can, and since they’re both now teenagers, visit them when their schedules allow.
So I responded, asking a bunch of questions, and waited. And waited. And waited.
After two hours of waiting for a response, while staring at the back of my eyelids and not sleeping, I got up and went to help my dad with some things at his house. My sleep time had been shot to hell, but at least I didn’t have to go back to work on Wednesday night.
She didn’t get back to me at all until Thursday, and didn’t give me any real detail on the situation until today, and she still hasn’t really answered my questions. She sent me copies of her car insurance declarations. She’s paying over $5500 every six months for insurance on three cars, with worse insurance than I have for my more reasonable ~$650/6 months. Her coverages are all half of mine, with deductibles twice mine. Where on earth would she come up with $1000 if something happened to one of these cars?
Two years ago she came to me asking for my help in financing a car for our 2nd daughter. I said no. I recommended that the two girls share the car that they already had, to save on expenses. She didn’t choose to follow my advice. Fine. Ignore my advice at your own peril , but now I’m expected to pull her our of her self-inflicted fire.
I asked if this was just a short term, “need to help pay for a month or two”, or long term, “please put her on your car insurance”, kind of issue, but the responses have been unclear, and leading me down the road toward just adding said daughter and car to my insurance.
The whole thing pisses me off.
Photo of said daughter and car for your time...
![]() 11/17/2017 at 23:49 |
I remember this pic. I don’t know what to say. Sounds like your ex either has bad driving troubles coupled with two teen aged drivers in the policy, and/or she makes poor financial decisions.
![]() 11/17/2017 at 23:49 |
Wow I was paying 300 a month for 3 full coverage cars, one basic coverage vehicle and 2 drivers.
Of course 2 young drivers can really racket the rates up even if they have good records.
The ex should shop around for a better rate or at least see if the current company can do anything. Any chance one of the kids can insure themselves?
![]() 11/17/2017 at 23:56 |
Try all of the above.
She’s a terrible driver, with multiple accidents on her record as well as lots of poor money management decisions, and two teen aged drivers...
![]() 11/17/2017 at 23:57 |
Ack. Good luck with that.
![]() 11/18/2017 at 00:01 |
The kids both have good records and are both good students. I don’t know what steps the ex has done on her own, and those are the questions that she still hasn’t answered. Unfortunately, one is a college sophomore with no job, and the other is a high school junior, so neither currently has the ability to get their own insurance. All three of her vehicles also have liens against them as well, so she can’t even drop coverage to make things cheaper.
![]() 11/18/2017 at 00:03 |
I have been so tempted to give her that as an answer. If only it didn’t affect my daughter...
![]() 11/18/2017 at 00:06 |
Rock and a hard place.
![]() 11/18/2017 at 00:32 |
A fellow night shifter and divorcee here. Sleep is precious. Time off even more so.
I have answered my door with a .50 muzzleloader in hand more than once.
![]() 11/18/2017 at 00:37 |
“ But financially i have never asked in 16 years. If I could have any help.”
Except for that monthly child support and other help she gets... LOL
Sounds very annoying... and sounds similar to the types of things I’ve experienced with my ex... in that she leaves the shit for men like you and me to deal with.
Makes me feel somewhat cynical at times... particularly when women talk about equal rights.
In my own case, earlier this year, the financial shit hit the fan with my ex. I ended up helping her move back in with her parents and I have the kids full time now. Not having a job and not doing anything about it tends to cause that.
At least I’m not paying child support anymore... though she did ask for child support money after a few months. And my response was ‘Uh no. You get child support is when you are actually have the kids stay with you and the expenses tied to that”.
![]() 11/18/2017 at 01:14 |
Been there, done that. My first ex-wife had that kind of issue with my oldest daughter.
![]() 11/18/2017 at 08:00 |
So how bad of a driver is she to basically be paying $10K a year in premiums? I know teenage drivers are expensive, but come on.
Co-worker is dealing with something like this, where he said “go buy a very inexpensive used car” and his ex bought their son a $18K Altima. His thought was like an $8K Civic.
So I’m fairly happy I don’t have an ex to deal with.
![]() 11/18/2017 at 09:20 |
When we were married she averaged one rear end collision per year. All her fault.
![]() 11/18/2017 at 10:57 |
Well now. That thoroughly sucks.
![]() 11/18/2017 at 13:49 |
It seems to me that just putting the girls in your name would be a significant discount over what it would cost her to have them on her name. Why not just do that and have her make the payments still?
Also should probably get her a bus pass and toss her drivers license in the nearest volcano.
![]() 11/18/2017 at 16:36 |
if they lived around the corner, or even across town, I probably would have already done it. They’re 150 miles from me, so that’s harder.