![]() 11/17/2017 at 11:30 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
What don’t I have a problem with? People who jump into a gap for a turn lane or highway ramp instead of joining the back of the line. Fight me.
The guy right behind the green car is the one that bugs me.
Let’s be clear here. I’m not talking about people who wait until the last second and then SHOVE their way in. They hold up the entire line and can go fuck themselves before I let them. Fuck you, go around the block and try again. I’m not letting you in if I can help it. I’m talking about those who grab a gap that already exists because someone is leaving too much space.
Reason #1. The people who do this are doing nothing to hold up the line. They are actually making it more efficient imo, because the space they took was being wasted before and the person who would have been behind them is effectively one car ahead (positionally though not by an actual count).
Reason #2. The people who do this RARELY become an obstruction later on. The kind of person who has the foresight to realize a gap WILL open up in a particular place tends not to get in the way. At least in my experience.
Reason #3. Getting in the lane further back could have presented a holdup to those in the lane they were leaving, especially in rush hour. Better to slot in on the move once people spread out than to hold up a lane while you sit and wait for a gap. Actually, if you do that you aren’t holding up just the one lane, you’re holding up both because the drivers in the lane you’re trying to enter have to hesitate while everyone else is trying to get rolling.
Where do I fit in: I’ve been on both sides of it and will continue to be. If there’s a gap that I can be bothered to fill, I will fill it. If it involves aggressive acceleration and braking, most likely I’ll just say fuck it and get in sooner. If I’m already in and someone jumps in front of me, unless they forced their way in to a spot that really wasn’t big enough, meh. My problem for leaving too much space. And probably won’t be a problem because like I said it’s most likely a person who isn’t going to hold everyone up. If someone jumps into the line somewhere ahead of me, it doesn’t hold me up... it’s the guy who left the oversize gap that bugs me.
Exception: If, like the picture above, the lane JUST started... If you’re in the right hand lane in this case and want to turn right, just get in. FFS. Under certain circumstances I’m OK with applying everything I just wrote to drivers coming from the middle lane, but for the most part just get in.
And now, to the comments... this should be fun
![]() 11/17/2017 at 11:33 |
I have a problem with the idiot who left the gap to begin with - that’s who should be killed with fire.
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That’s actually a really good way to put it. It’s still kind of a dick move because they are ultimately gambling on there being an opening. But considering that there is almost always some dingbat leaving too much space, it’s a pretty safe gamble.
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The exit to rt50 East from 295 is a cluster fuck just like you describe. If you have a turn signal on I’ll let you in, unless you’re a god damn tour bus.
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As long as they accept it if they lost the gamble and don’t try to force their way in. In my experience, I’m the only one on the road prepared to accept the loss and go the other way around. This is a daily thing on my commute.
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While I don’t dawdle in traffic, I do cruise in first usually to avoid following too closely and incessant clutch-in/clutch-out. Plus I know someone, myself included, will inevitably try to cut into traffic around where I work anyway so I don’t mind leaving some space.
As Fernando Alonso says,
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If the gap is there, and its not causing in the line to have to brake then I say go for it. Keep traffic moving.
If you leave a big enough gap in slow moving traffic then you should expect it to get taken.
Now if you’re going 40+ and have two car lengths and someone forces their way into one of them and now you have less of a braking zone? Fuck that asshole.
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It me!
I do this everyday. One lane is super backed for a highway switch, then it splits to two lanes, north and south. Almost everyone scooches over and goes north. So I fly by in the lane over and then switch lanes when someone else moves over.
Why wait? I nearly never effect some one else’s driving.
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I used to drive a highway that dwindled down from three to two lanes as it exited the city, PLUS the right lane that ended was also an on ramp.
I would blast pass two stopped lanes of traffic daily in that right lane, hope no one was trying to merge from the on ramp, and look for a semi in the middle lane.
90% of the time the semis leave the biggest gap to the car in front of them, mostly because they can’t keep up to the rubber banding traffic ahead of them.
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I’m talking about those who grab a gap that already exists because someone is leaving too much space.
If they merge in and nobody has to hit the brakes, no problem at all.
If they drive like an entitled shitbag and force other people to adjust their normal driving to avoid an accident... fuck ‘em.
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Two things I notice:
- There’s almost always one dick leaving too much space.
- You usually can tell where the gaps will open if you’ve been paying attention.
If you gamble, lose, and still try and force your way in? Yeah, dick move. If you gamble, lose and just go a different way? Meh
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I think one of the issues is that people have a difference of opinion on what is a safe following distance. Your notion of “too much space” might be someone else’s idea of adequate space.
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Yeah, I can see where you’re coming from. Sometimes I like to be the one to shoot for that empty gap, in hopes that the maneuver will “wake up” the driver who’s left that huge opening .
I t depends on the vehicle, though. And vehicle speed. If it’s a big truck and/ or trailer, they’re probably leaving that big opening because they need the braking distance. And s ometimes they’re just trying to avoid having to come to a full stop.
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I hate begging for spots. Unless it’s marginal and I’ve got a shot anyway odds are I’d just go a different route instead of being the dick edging in BECAUSE DAMMIT I’M SIGNALLING.
That said, I’d probably let you in too, unless you were literally trying to create a gap out of nothing.
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Braking space is one thing. Oversize gaps are another.
In these situations you’re usually moving fairly slowly... you don’t need huge amounts of space.
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I’m the guy who leaves a gap. Because from driving in Houston people do absurdly crazy stuff to get it. They’ll just stick a corner of their car in while your lane’s not moving so now they’re blocking their own lane.
Figure it’s faster for a couple people to leave gaps than to deal with those assholes.
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Agreed. There’s taking someone’s braking space, and taking someone’s excessive space. Two different things. Usually in these cases the speeds are fairly low so the people who leave acres are the real assholes imo
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That’s another thing I should have mentioned... if you ARE going to do this, make sure you don’t become a holdup...
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Brake lights in traffic are a sign of a mistake
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Generally, I’m forgiving and let people in. But if I ever catch you in my rear-view mirror cutting out of the queue THEN cutting back in, then fuck you, you’re not getting in. Get in line like everyone else.
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I hate those who leave a car-length BEHIND the “stop here” line at a red light even more. Their argument? If you get rear-ended and strike a pedestrian, you’re liable.
I bet the guys you are mentioning are using the same reasoning, get rearended and be liable.
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I believe the rule of thumb as it used to be taught was 1 car length per 10mph. If you’re just leaving a stoplight and there’s already a 3 car length gap in front and growing, that’s your problem—not anybody elses. But in any case, the worst reaction is to brake (speaking as someone in the line already). Just keep moving at that glacial pace if you must. You’ll get your unnecessary gap back. That person is most likely accelerating away from you, they have no effect.
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I agree, as long as you don’t force anyone in the lane you’re jumping out of or cutting into to brake. If you block traffic in the moving lane or try to cut someone off in the line, you’re a dick.
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I don’t give a damn once they’re behind me :)
It does. Most of the time this occurs leaving a stoplight before a ramp, because people don’t realize what the gas pedal is for, so speed isn’t an issue. And I try not to pull of this particular stunt in front of semi’s unless I’ve got a good amount of space to run away from them, I don’t blame them for leaving space. You’re probably right on not wanting to stop, heck I do the same thing sometimes in heavy traffic. Difference is I can stop a lot quicker so I don’t mind if someone grabs the gap I’ve left*.
*OK, I don’t like it, but it’s my own fault...
![]() 11/17/2017 at 12:02 |
That’s an interesting way of looking at it. I guess if you’ve got a lot of *pictoral #2&3* asshole it makes sense to just leave the gap so it doesn’t disrupt traffic.
The majority of my local idiots are overly timid rather than overly aggressive.
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That’s a weird one - I *suppose* maybe that’s a reasonable position in a major downtown area with heavy pedestrian traffic (ie the Loop in Chicago), but that still doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
The only time I sit back is when I’m the first car at a RR crossing.
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This is a fair point and I’m mostly in agreement. If there’s a loser up front leaving a massive gap I’m not going to begrudge them just because I can’t be bothered to go get it. They’re doing everyone behind them a favour. But leaving in the blind hope that someone will let you in? All you’ve done is disrupt that lane for a couple car lengths. Fuck you, you’re heading around the block this time.
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Yeah... that’s exactly the reason I wrote my second paragraph. So I didn’t get crucified over that point :)
Forcing your way in where there’s nothing? Fuck you.
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I won’t pretend I haven’t pulled off some boneheaded moves before... but for the most part I’ve been content to accept defeat. It’s really the only logical thing to do.
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Semi’s make very handy tools sometimes.
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Might be a bit unrelated...
I hate people who leave too much of a gap in traffic. Trucks in right lanes. They sit in left lane... and leave about 5-10 car gap between them and car ahead of them. Super hard to pass too.
Not texting. Not on phone. No reason at all. Just... dragging their feet because their brakes are more important than the punch they gonna get on their nose.
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Agreed 100%
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One of the benefits of driving a smart, I have never lost the gamble. xD
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I’m okay with this because it’s similar in principle to a zipper merge. As with anything in life, just add courtesy and common sense, and I’m fine with it. Problem is, where I live, usually you put on your turn signal to enter that gap and the guy to the right speeds up to close that gap.
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In stop and go traffic you might see me do this because my truck has a ton of driveline slop and it gets to be a royal pain in the ass to do anything other than smooth out the “traffic pulses” with a bit of an extra gap.
The ones that get me are the guys who camp in the left lane and leave huge gaps because (direct quote from more than one person) “I can’t go any faster than the guy in front”. No, but you aren’t even doing that. You’re letting the gap widen and every time someone new gets fed up, passes on the right and gets back in, you make that same claim. Never once cluing in that these people you’ve been ridiculing for the last half hour are miles ahead.
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I walked right into that didn’t I
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That’s why I didn’t do it in Washington, because they were the overly timid drivers. I’m still figuring out San Antonio although they seem to lean more to aggressive. Although no where near as bad as Houston.
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People are so dozy here that that rarely happens. To me, anyway... maybe I’m special?
But if someone does try that on me... it fucking pisses me off. I will often become the thing I said I hate and push in, because fuck you. Most of the time I just allow very little time between signal and commitment for them to do anything be accept it though
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McHottake: If you slow the flow of traffic in the travel lane you done screwed up. I run into this every day.
People wait until the very last minute to get over, and they end up slowing to a stop while trying to nose in. This isn’t a zipper merge, straight is an option, and maybe that’s the path you should take, since that’s the lane you are in.
If you want to take the chance and hope for a gap, be my guest. Your penalty for not finding a gap to slot into should be pressing on and making a u-turn. Stop being so goddamn selfish if you don’t get your way.
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If that wasn’t your intent, that’s amazing.
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I always leave a nice healthy gap in front of me for those who can’t find a spot....
...right up until the last 100' or so. Then I bunch it up tight. That proves to me that you are at the end not because you couldn’t find a spot, but that you were purposely targeting the “last minute”
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I understand. I drive a manual. Trucks too. Heavy and pain in the ass... but these are people in corollas and such.
$1 says they are on netflix
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I blame it on the sheer amount of insurance fraud going on around here, and the insurance companies trying to wiggle their way out of not paying.
A friend of mine got rear-ended and was pushed into another car, that was the reasoning they tried make him half at fault. He had to fought it.
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cloverleaf - 2 wrongs don’t make a right, but 3 lefts do!
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Absolutely agreed. You are NOT the only person on the road. IMO you can do whatever the hell you want until you interfere with someone else. Cut close in front of me? If you rug it and get going, meh. Didn’t hold me up. Better your position in traffic by taking an existing gap? Meh. Do a million miles an hour down an empty highway*? Oh, I don’t give a shit. But hit someone... yeah, that’s right, you ARE the asswipe. Cut in traffic where there was no gap? Fuck you, you just disrupted at least one and probably two lanes of traffic that were doing fine without you. Go around the block. Turn close in front of my path and drag your ass? You little fucker go hump a porcupine.
On a somewhat related note... I’ve got a bit of a weird guideline for people who get in my lane on the highway who are moving slower. If I have to brake, you done fucked up. I’ll coast down behind you and chill. Don’t make me brake though. You make me brake, you’re either going way too slow or cut in way too close.
*Thing is you never know that it’s empty. Don’t do this.
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It honestly wasn’t.
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For $1 I’m not risking anything and there’s a good chance you’re right.
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I do basically this at my on-ramp most mornings. The far-right lane that turns in to the on-ramp off the surface street also has a bus stop about 100ft before the “exit lane” on to the ramp starts. Most days around the time I’m leaving for work there is also a local bus that goes that route and stops at that sign. If I see the bus ahead of me I just keep going in the next lane, and get in the exit lane past the bus – instead of sitting in line for a minute while the bus does its thing, like a dozen other people invariably feel like they need to do. Obviously this is NOT a flashing lights school bus, just a regular city bus.
Of course it’s tricky because sometimes the bus starts moving before you even get to it, and the gap disappears. I only do the above if I actually witness the bus coming to a stop, because I know it will be there at least for 15 seconds. If the bus is already at the stop when I’m approaching the area I just get in line behind everybody else.
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The gaps should be tightening near the cutoff anyway in most cases as people bunch into the turn. If you’re targeting that spot you’re an idiot.
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Meh. Do a million miles an hour down an empty highway*? Oh, I don’t give a shit. But hit someone... yeah, that’s right, you ARE the asswipe.
The analogy I like to make is about juggling knives. Do I care that you juggle knives? No.
You do it anywhere near me or a crowded room, and I don’t care how good you are at it, I’m going to kick your ass.
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I do it on my return commute depending on how tired I am. Sometimes I’ll just say fuck it and get in, a lot of the time I’ll hope for a gap. I’ve had to go another way a couple times, but there usually is one.
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That’s about right.
btw I did slide in an edit that I forgot to put in originally. Don’t know if you saw it before you replied because kinja, so... Re the asterix:
*Thing is you never know that it’s empty. Don’t do this.
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We’re all special snowflakes.
Living here teaches you to not signal (which I resist) because it gives people too much time to block you. It’s bas-ackwards.
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With some of the morons we have I understand the sentiment... but seriously, unless you’ve had your eye on that driver just let them in. It’s your fault for leaving the gap.
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Rule #1. Don’t make anyone brake
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I’m wont to do this when it makes sense, mainly because a lot of people can’t seem to remember to keep up with the person in front.
Now if you are the asshole Prius that tried to take the front clip off my Camaro this morning while on the goddamn phone, then clearly, fuck you.
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I’ve got an odd guideline in traffic for when people pull out in front... if I can coast down behind you, I’m content for the immediate future. If you make me brake, fuck you. You either are too slow or pulled in way too close.
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Filed to: trying to create a gap out of nothing
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Don’t street performers and circus employees do this kind of thing fairly often near crowds?
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You got me. It happens all the time in subways, crowded sidewalks, dining rooms, and waiting in line at Starbucks.
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I am in fair agreement with you. Sometimes if I didn’t realize that the slow traffic was a long cue, I will take my punishment and plan on pushing to the next exit, when someone decides they are looking at their phone and leaves a big gap, and most importantly there are no cars behind me, I will gladly hop in. The problem as you point out is the later, those who hop in or try to hop in and block traffic.
Ideally there would be no gaps, everyone would be paying attention, everyone would cue up and be ready to move. People suck though...
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And as long as people suck, I reserve the right to take advantage of it