![]() 11/09/2017 at 12:32 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Are why ALL STATES need mandatory vehicle safety inspections. It was bad enough watching him drive that hunk of scrap Willys ON THE HIGHWAY AT NIGHT IN THE RAIN at ~20mph slower than the SEMIS that were passing him, now he plans to not fix the rust in that Wagoneer and TOW the Willys with it?
I’m sorry, but this kind of reckless abandon for personal and public safety should not be promoted on the front page.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 12:41 |
At a minimum he should patch the floors, I mean, those holes are so big he could fall out.
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I agree. Although, I don’t think the Texas inspection would have changed any of that. The M3 passed on near bald tires once.
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I appreciate Tracey, but between that and him destroying the yard at a house he rents makes me glad he lives way the fuck away from me.
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Wow dad why don’t you ask me to turn down my rock and roll music as well
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Well I suggest staying out of MI because his jeeps not even bad compared to some of the shit I see.
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Yeah, it’s like with his behavior you’d expect him to be named Jim Bob Cooter, if that weren’t already a real person’s name.
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that and the fact he is a former FCA engineer:)
I still find it insane that a Former car company engineer does quality work like this
this job sorta explains the Former Engineer part
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I live in WI. 3/4 of this state doesn’t even have emissions testing.
You should see (and smell) some of the shit I see.
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Noise ordinance starts at 10pm, ya long haired punk.
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Hard disagree.
More people should drive junkers. Nothing makes you drive safer than knowing you are personally and directly responsible for your own safety.
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My brother in law is an ‘engineer’. I know all too well.
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Right? Airbags and crumple zones make everyone think they’re invincible.
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Until those junkers also interfere with the safety of other responsible vehicle operators.
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I second that. On my way through Pontiac this morning I saw a rusted out Dodge Caravan that had been hit hard enough to cave the quarter panel in past the inside of the rear tire and no back glass at all. It shimmied every time it pulled away because the rims were a little bent. This is a normal weekday
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Personal safety? Do whatever you want.
When your lack of personal safety affects other’s safety, we need to have a little chat.
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“Do the seat-belts work?”
“Alright, you’re good to go.”
Was about the extent of the one Texas vehicle inspection I had to get.
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Um nope. This is the one time I’ll go libertarian and say keep yer gubment out of my car (once its already been built). Police can write tickets for not working/malfunctioning things and I like that my 4 previous cars not got inspected.
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I feel like half his problems could be solved by simply spending more than 5 minutes looking at the car.
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I want him to coach the Vols.
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...unless your comment was made in jest and I just overlooked it. I wasn’t intending to be super snarky. Bear with me, I need more coffee.
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Safe and modern vehicle drivers can also interfere with the safety of other responsible vehicle operators.
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What can police do? Headlights and taillights is about it. A decent safety inspection is quite a bit more than that.
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No, no, I’m a huge Butch Jones fan. Champions of Life and all.
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Ban humans!
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Between the “Jeeps” and the relentless VW articles, I can’t read much of his stuff anymore. Oh well, one less reason to hit the front page.
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Nope, super serious. (and not being sarcastic there either).
Nothing makes you drive slower with more attention paid to the road than knowing your brakes aren’t effective.
Bonus, you don’t need a crappy beater either. A fully functional classic from the 60s with drum brakes is more than enough to scare you with how poor the brakes are.
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I hope this is sarcasm, because this is one of the dumber opinions I’ve seen on Oppo.
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I feel like having a poorly maintained or old vehicle doesn’t necessarily make the operator behave more safely or cautiously just as having a safe and modern vehicle doesn’t mean that the operator won’t interfere with the safety of others.
I have no data to support it, but I think that often poorly maintained cars are in that condition because the owner doesn’t care about them enough to flush the trans fluid or bleed the brakes. Ever. Most people I know with “beaters” tend to do just that- beat the crap out of them and drive it like its a go-kart because hey, it only cost them $500. And then when they need to panic stop because someone in an IIHS safety pick car pulls out in front of them, the brakes aren’t there to support it and boom.
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Go drive something with crappy brakes and tell me how it changes your driving habits.
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Lights is about all I want covered.
Who cares if I have a CEL?
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There are definitely some people who will never realize they are mortal.
But the rest of us could benefit from the realization that while driving we are controlling large, powerful, lethal, and potentially fallible machines.
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Hear hear! I concur.
I drive my Land Cruiser like it has terrible brakes even though they’re honestly not too bad. This probably comes from my fear of wrecking my only car repaired with blood, sweat, and tears rather than my own awareness of mortality.
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We’re talking structural rust, working brakes, tires with ample tread... not simple bulbs being burnt out here.
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Michigan has zero inspections for anything. As long as you have a VIN, you can get it insured which means it can be tagged. So. Many. Damn. Smokescreens.
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Agree. There’s a big difference between driving a fresh welded tube chassis and an old rusty swiss cheesed jeep.
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Adding risk =/= adding safety.
This is why we have OSHA and safeties on firearms.
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As annoying as it is when one of our cars fail for various reasons, I’m really glad Missouri has inspections because they’ve pointed out stuff to me that was genuinely wrong with my cars I wouldn’t have ever noticed or thought to check on my own. Obviously there’s ways to sneak around them but for the most part it keeps death traps off the roads.
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While adding safety features in cars can result in more risky driving.
I’m not saying that every car should be neglected to the point of safety concerns. I’m only trying to say that more people need to be reminded that piloting a 2 ton capsule of steel at speeds that couldn’t have been dreamed of 150 years ago is intrinsically dangerous, and that no modern safety system is 100% infallible.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 14:02 |
Then enact stricter licensing laws and keep unsafe drivers away from cars... and make cars safer. Your logic is severely flawed.
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A car is not something that sits around on someone’s property, not interacting with the rest of society. It travels out in the world among other cars and people that it might crash into, and operating it emits chemicals that affect global warming. Therefore it is something that can and should be regulated.
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Knowing he used to be a FCA engineer actually makes things even clearer both about him and that brand.
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I’m not going to hold my breath for that thing to get fixed/registered.
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makes this look normal
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Or keep yourself a lane away from beaters at all times. Working for me in Detroit.
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That strategy isn’t working out so well for the past ice caps.
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The thing about beaters is that they eventually blow up. The average car is 10 years old, so in 2027 the average car will have been made this year. Progress! I’m all for CAFE, EVs and what not, just not for regulating old cars off the road.
I personally have been broke and had old Jeeps that wouldn’t pass an inspection if Michigan had one. So I’ve benefitted from our shit system.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 14:44 |
I’m all for better training and stricter licensing, but that won’t be an easy change considering each state controls their own driver’s licenses.
The emerging idea of “making cars safer” is electronic aids like automatic braking and lane departure warnings, both of which seem engineered to allow less attention or skill needed by the driver. Granted, it makes sense considering the poor quality of driver training, but it also seems to discourage the thought that better driver training is needed.
Your logic is severely flawed.
No, my logic is not flawed, I’m just saying something you don’t want to hear: You can drive safely in a “questionably safe” vehicle, and a “questionably safe” vehicle can teach you how to be a safer driver.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 15:06 |
Automotive engineers don’t know a damn thing about cars or how to fix them.
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It goes both ways though. In Michigan the major benefit is all the super cool stuff they have out all summer because there are no inspections to keep them from driving. I also know that inspections only really negatively impact the poor and I don’t want to take away a lower class detroit family’s means of getting to work and school since we have no public transit to speak of.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 17:02 |
its not that the fun times with junk shouldnt be promoted. but there should be more articles show up about what happens when you are careless, and things go wrong. we need more posts of accidents involving rusted non-inspected hulks........
![]() 11/09/2017 at 17:12 |
It’s Been Too Long
![]() 11/09/2017 at 17:41 |
exactly what i am talking about. that and when that front page guy about lost an overloaded trailer off the back of a mercedes.......