![]() 11/07/2017 at 12:51 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() 11/07/2017 at 12:53 |
200 driver’s at fault.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 12:58 |
If they drive a 200, they are at fault for so many things.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:02 |
Hard to see, but did that truck not even try to swing wide? I feel like he might have been able to keep it in his own lane if he wanted to.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:06 |
Truck is at fault. They turned too wide. This is not a small intersection, there’s no reason to cut the corner.
Not to mention running wide into the merge lane on the other side and just about taking out the RAV4.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:09 |
No, he did not. And there’s more than enough room in that lane for trucks. It’s PRIMARILY a truck route, ffs... and the intersection of two 4-lane roads, each with separate left turn lanes.
And on top of that he runs wide and just about takes out the person in the merge lane.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:18 |
When they started adding double lefts around here people were HORRIBLE at it. Inside person went wide or outside cut it short. I think people, for the most part, are better now.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:21 |
This guy has no such excuse.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:24 |
Yeah now that I look at it again, I see that through-traffic is being allowed through the light as well, which means that there’s no oncoming left-turn traffic for him to share the middle of the intersection with. He should be taking that turn at a damn-near right angle.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:25 |
There could have been turning traffic from the opposite facing turn lanes but wasn’t, so yes he COULD have swung wide, but ultimately if there’s a semi turning not only do you legally (in most cases) have to give it more room, you probably should because its bigger than you, it WILL WIN.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:29 |
Yeah, this intersection is set up weird, probably for that exact reason. Traffic flowing east-west (as here) never move at the same time, not even to turn left.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:31 |
Did you report it to the company?
I can promise you, their risk management department would want to see that.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:32 |
Drivers on the West side are why I’m thankful to live on the East side.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:34 |
East-west traffic (as here) never moves at the same time. Eastbound straight and eastbound turning left to head north get one cycle, then westbound straight and westbound left to go south. There is absolutely no reason for him not to stay in his lane. And while it is smart to give a semi more room, there are two lanes there for a reason. If you stopped every time you were beside a truck you might as well only have one lane here, it’s primarily truck traffic and there’s rarely any issues. The truck had all the room they needed. In any case, there’s no way the 200 was at fault for anything. They were taking their turn as they were supposed to and got run out of their lane.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:37 |
I’m going to take another look through the footage, but I couldn’t get their plate number and can’t remember any other identification on it besides the company name. If I find something legible I’ll be making a call.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:38 |
I’m not terribly impressed with those in the east end either tbh. IMO it’s all idiots no matter where you go, you just get more or less used to the habits of those close to you
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:47 |
Not saying they had to STOP, but not run up beside one, stay to its rear.... fine enough if you want to blame the truck driver, and I’m not sure what the laws are there. Just saying the 200 driver could have gave them some more room.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:48 |
Truth be told, the biggest benefit for us is that we don’t have the airport, so there are far fewer semis on surface streets.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:57 |
They started their turns more or less side by side. I think it was a reasonable assumption that the truck would at least make an attempt at staying in it’s own lane. As it was the 200 had to give up another half lane, if he’d stayed where he started he’d probably have been pinched into the pole like what would have happened to me.
But there’s still no way the 200 should get ANY blame, imo. Remove them from the picture entirely. Imagine there’s no car there. Still a boneheaded “I don’t give a shit about you” move by the truck.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 14:02 |
I find trucks can be useful in traffic, as long as the traffic doesn’t consist of JUST trucks. You can use them as a pick to get by people and gain a little free space.
See? Familiarity :)
![]() 11/07/2017 at 14:12 |
If only...
![]() 11/07/2017 at 14:15 |
They had all the room in the world to go wide and chose not to. Sign doesn’t make a difference.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 14:17 |
A little defensive driving would have.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 14:29 |
I think people, for the most part, are better now.
I wish I could say that were true around here. The number of times I’ve been in a double left and not had to slam on my brakes and horn when someone comes whipping into my lane is extremely low.
The best was the time the guy who did it proceeded to lean out his window and scream “this is MY lane!” to me. To which I wanted to say, “then why don’t you stay in it then?”
![]() 11/07/2017 at 14:29 |
They did the most practical defensive thing possible. Staying behind isn’t logical, the truck hasn’t even started to turn yet and most truckers on this corner don’t cause problems. If he’d stayed on the tail like I mentioned before he’d have gotten smunched. As it was he’d made it into a spot where there was room to stop. Defensive isn’t getting panicky and waiting for everything to go by, it’s proceeding with an eye on the possibilities and leaving yourself room to deal with them. He had room to deal with them.
Besides all that, I don’t understand why you would blame the guy who had room to make up for the idiocy of another and used it to prevent an accident over the one who caused the situation in the first place.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 14:39 |
Because I know what its like to drive a large vehicle. In the same circumstances as the 200, I would have hung back a bit, between the turning trucks, to make sure I didn’t get squished in case of a tight turn.
At that point you’re not inconveniencing anyone, you’re being a safe and courteous driver, and you’re not at risk of causing or being involved in an accident.
If they HAD collided, I wonder what the police or insurance companies would say. I’d bet at LEAST it’d be 50/50. Half the truck’s fault for turning sharper than needed, and half to the 200's driver for not seeing what could be a potentially dangerous situation.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 14:54 |
Granted I don’t know what that’s like, what I do know is this intersection is no problem for 99% of the trucks I see go around it.
I still say, given where this guy started from what he did was the most logical thing. Where he was was the most dangerous spot, getting past the pole was safer than hanging back because he had traffic closing in from behind. I was watching him but he doesn’t know that... Safer to be in the intersection. If he had to nail the brakes the person behind is never to be trusted. If he’s in the intersection he’s got room to do exactly what he did, there’s no threat from behind because the truck is in the way, and if the trucker turns properly then everyone is happy and nobody has to evade anyone else.
The law here is 50% blame if both drivers remain in their lanes. Alternately blame can be shared if a driver could have done something to avoid collision and didn’t. It would be 100% the trucker in this case. If the 200 had not given ground they might have split blame, I don’t know to what extent. But the trucker was well out of their lane and the 200 did as much as possible to prevent a collision, if the trucker had come further over and clipped the 200 there’s no way any blame gets put on the 200 driver.