![]() 11/07/2017 at 00:37 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
The reason America is so F’d up right now? Client’s Ferrari for your time
We’re stupid. Plain and simple. I have strong political feelings, but this stupidity crosses party lines. What started as a severe lapse in judgment—reading comments on an instagram post with the caption “vaccinations work, the earth isn’t flat, chemtrails aren’t real”—turned into one some of the most depressing hours of my life. Fair warning, this topic depresses me like no other, so as any healthy young adult would do, I turned to alcohol and internet friends (that’s you!). Sorry for typos, rambling, etc.
Let me share some things with you. I fell down the rabbit hole, reading people’s opinions on everything from religion, to politics, to history, to racial tension and beyond.
These are real, actual human beings that are not only 100% alive, but have a say in the way our country is run. I checked profiles to verify that these were indeed real adults. Yep. And that’s a small sample. The number of racist, conspiracy-toting, so-fucking-dumb-It’s-a-miracle-they-can-type-a-semi-coherant-sentance Americans that are perfectly happy to share their stupidity with everyone who will listen... Is painful. Somewhat related, I follow a military humor page, and I had to stop liking the posts because Instagram’s algorithms would then put endless hardcore gun-toting, Bible-pushing conservative posts in my feed, like “if I die, I’m taking the immigrants with me“ or “arm the children and we’ll never hear about school shootings again”.
Now here’s something else for you. Roughly 90% of americans believe in God, according to polls by Gallup and others.
Guess how many believe in evolution?
Guess how many would rank Noah’s Ark as more probable than dinosaurs?
Guess how many believe that the moon landing was real?
Guess how many idiots legitimately believe that the earth. Is flat.
Guess how many believe that cancer is Jesus’s way of saying “I want to meet you in person?” (yes, I read that. This comment had about twenty likes. This is the point where I started drinking).
Here, I’ll answer the first question. It’s split by party, but again, everyone is stupid.
Anyways, I had a point—I think—but now I’m just going to curl up with a nice cold glass of beer, try to forget the last few hours and watch Futurama.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 00:49 |
Dammit, now I need to drink and I’m not old enough. Hmmm, milk and donuts—close enough.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 00:52 |
A dumb and sick nation is easier to govern. Keep us afraid, sick and dumb. It’s the American way. Nobody can argue that.
Personally, I feel the nation will heal and get better but it will unfortunately be after something extremely terrible happens.
The angry racist Cheeto is not helping amything.
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Somewhat related: I don’t follow a single meme account on Instagram yet the algorithm populates my Suggested with exclusively shitty meme pages. I hope Zuckerberg fixes this soon. This isn’t what I don’t pay for.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 00:55 |
I’m scared to think what that would take. I can say that many people in my age group at least are pretty numb to all the mass killings. Like yeah, it’s awful and tragic, but it’s also regular enough that it’s becoming easy to just ignore after offering “prayers and thoughts”
![]() 11/07/2017 at 00:57 |
Enjoy the milk, donuts, and remember that Oppo is a safe place full of wonderful people (and a juke guy....)
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Unfortunately, stupidity and ignorance are limitless resources.
It’s best to stay away from this because it just ruins your day.
Find a place where schools are good so your kids have a good chance to avoid bullshit from people like this.
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Mine generally seem to be all local Craftsman. Table makers, welders, etc. Which is actually pretty cool, but I’m wondering how that happened
![]() 11/07/2017 at 01:09 |
Yeah I absolutely agree. It actually saddens me when I see how stupid some people are, then they bring politics in the mix...
I live 25 minutes from the White House, yet people around me still know nothing of politics and just spew out whatever slightly racist things they heard their parents say when they were growing up... it genuinely makes me sad. :(
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Mmm, beer. Sweet merciful beer, who art in my mug, judge me not, for I consume thee to mitigate the stupidity of others, and they are many.
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Just remember, it’s a vocal minority that’s all over Twitter, ig, and such. In a country of 350 mil ppl. 3k liking a stupid post is nothing.
Although there’s definitely a problem with “the average american” the loudest people are often the craziest.
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I haven’t been on Facebook since about two days after the Vegas shooting when I saw a friend of mine from college who I thought was pretty intelligent and well adjusted spouting out conspiracy theories about a second shooter and government cover-up with all seriousness, arguing with anyone who disagreed, and the majority of commenters agreeing with her.
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Scalding Hot Take: Religion is at the epicenter of bullshit logic and misguided reasoning.
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Hold on, we’ll all be more and more depressed as time goes on.
By having racist, misogynistic, stupid, elitist people in positions of power, it implicitly brings such attitudes into the mainstream and towards ‘legitimization’.
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I like to think that on a larger scale, we’ll move forward as we’ve been doing through our history. Hopefully this presidency is just a particularly bad step back, with better times to follow
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The angry racist Cheeto is not helping amything.
Am I the only one who recognizes the irony in this statement? Or anyone who refers to Trump as a Cheeto or makes any other denigrating reference to his skin color, while simultaneously calling
the racist?
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I can honestly say, America scares the shit out of me more than any other country or regime be it North Korea, Afghanistan, Pakistan, al-Shabaab, daesh, etc...
The education, health and gun mentality and very large military make a very scary recipe.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 03:09 |
Agreed. I had the horror of hearing a gun fanatic say that if the government took his guns, he would commit violent crimes with other items to prove that it’s not guns that are the problem. Think about that for a second. That, coming from a guy who can legally go pick up a gun anywhere in the country. I enjoy shooting, but this is insane. How are you supposed to reason with people who think like that? I’d rather not even think about Healthcare or education.
I’ve read a few headlines lately about acid being thrown in people’s faces in Europe which absolutely terrifies me like nothing else. If that starts happening here I’m done. Going off to live in the mountains
![]() 11/07/2017 at 03:13 |
The difference is the cheeto skin color remarks here are in reference to his use of tanning beds, not his race. So at worst, you could view it as “making fun of his looks”, which isn’t really comparible to the president of the United States showing blatant racism in his actions and spoken words.
To the best of my knowledge, cheeto is not a derogatory racial slur. Yet :)
![]() 11/07/2017 at 03:22 |
It’s happened a few times in London and some further afield.
It used to be an honour crime thing but it seems to of progressed to idiots and people trying to get revenge for one reason or another.
Scooter/moped crime in London from personal belongings theft to jeweller burglaries has been more an issue but The Met are getting to grips with it now.
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The fact that significant American demographics actually celebrate their own ignorance is a thing currently boggling my mind.
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This is what happens when you feel sorry for stupid people and empower them to overtake your political discourse.
Wilfully stupid people do not deserve airtime.
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Without disclosing too much, after recent dealings with the met police all I can say is that they’re 100% on form, and the best police force in the country.
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Cumbria Constabulary aren’t too shabby either. ;)
It’s a shame too many crap on the police but then call them when they need help. Only to crap on them once they don’t need them any longer.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 05:06 |
just keep the guns from people with mental illnesses and the mass shootings wouldn’t happen as much, imho
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Too be quite frank, the “elitist” part (as racism, and misogyny are both forms of elitism) is actually the biggest problem, and I’m not certain any of them are stupid.
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20+ years old now, and still relevant. RIP Bill Hicks.
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To be fair there are a large number of nerds who would go off the deep end if their particular branch of nerd-dom were suddenly declared illegal, and they criminals for owning items pertaining to it. It’s not limited to gun-nerds.
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Unfortunately that’s just part and parcel of the job, but we’re very lucky to have a police force that are unbiased and approachable.
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it’s only racist when spewing any form of supremacy. Plus, that shit is artificial af. Race and chemicals are not the same.
Speaking of the chemicals, Cheetos i’m sure have contribute to more preventable American deaths than what most of the US budget is set out for lol. ISIS should open up hamburger joints if they want to kill Americans at a massive rate daily
![]() 11/07/2017 at 11:06 |
You missed the possibility that people have always been this dumb, but thanks to the internet and social networking they can now share their dumb opinions with a wider audience.
People have ALWAYS been nuts, the nuttiest ones are just more accessible now.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 11:22 |
it’s only racist when spewing any form of supremacy.
Last I checked, calling anyone a derogatory name which makes light of their skin color is racist. Furthermore, by your definition, white separatists are not racists?
![]() 11/07/2017 at 11:25 |
lol are you serious? I can’t even believe it lololol! Jesus bukkake Christ :]
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a Cheeto or makes any other denigrating reference to his skin color, while simultaneously calling him the racist?
It’s a reference to how he chooses to alter his skin colour. Hispanics, African-Americans, and Asian-Americans did not choose to have the skin tone that they’ve had from birth.
The difference is that racists denigrate those born a certain way that is nonwhite, while Trump’s skin colour is a choice, and therefore part of his appearance.
![]() 11/07/2017 at 13:09 |
The difference is that racists denigrate those born a certain way that is nonwhite
It is absolutely possible (and quite trendy lately) to be racist against whites, contrary to popular belief.
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I suppose I overlooked that.
Nonwhite racists, however, wouldn’t be able to systematically oppress whites, because the system itself is structured to the benefit of the historical majority (i.e. whites).
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Not scalding hot; Cold, hard truth.
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I figured adding,”hot take” in there would soften the blow for religious people.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 13:49 |
It’s hard to argue against... we have our military in almost every country.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 13:53 |
but building a PC hasnt killed anyone... unless there are some serious capacitors these days.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 15:05 |
Ye’, we’ve got our military in about as many if not more (because commonwealth) and we even share many like in the UAE and other middle eastern countries.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:11 |
Wouldn’t that depend on how someone used it after it was built? Lots of PCs have been used for cyber bullying resulting in people killing themselves... Don’t really pay me any attention, I just like to figure out ways where I can upend statements and win arguments.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:40 |
thats what burner smartphones are for ;)