![]() 11/03/2017 at 10:15 • Filed to: Project Dumpster Fire | ![]() | ![]() |
IT LIVES! The Dumpster Fire lives! Turns out, for once, it was the problem I suspected: the feed pump needed to be replaced. Usually when it comes down to “it has to be X” I’m wrong... so that is a good feeling.
The process wasn’t without some heartbreak. The supply/ feed pump I ordered came with a bunch of fittings and clamps and stuff, all of which turned out not to be needed. Also the strainer I bought is no longer used after a rertrofit by Saab. Also also the one piece I did need, a new o-ring, wasn’t supplied with the kit. And the main fuel pump fitting is leaking again, which is just its way of asking for new copper washers.
The first trial after re-install didn’t go great, if I’m honest. I got in the car, turned the key, and it wouldn’t fire up. Looked at my fuel pressure gauge and it read 0. Nothing. Zip.
Oh hey, fuel pumps work better when you actually have the relay installed. Oops.
Cranked and still nothing. Fuel pressure 0.
Oh hey, the fuel system works better when it is connected. I’d left my pressure gauge in the setup to test flow. So my engine got a good dousing in gasoline and I got a lesson in remembering to check the engine bay before starting.
Cranked and STARTED.
No one was home, so I had to call over the doggo to do a little dance with me.
It was a good day.
![]() 11/03/2017 at 10:21 |
Getting shit done on the project car fist bump.
![]() 11/03/2017 at 10:25 |
![]() 11/03/2017 at 10:43 |
...the main fuel pump fitting is leaking again, which is just its way of asking for new copper washers.
Copper? Is that a turbo thing? All the fuel banjos on my brother’s car have used rubber/metal bonded seal rings.
![]() 11/03/2017 at 10:54 |
I’ve seen both. The rubber/metal ones are a little harder to find and it seems like most new stuff ships with the copper ones. I ordered a copper washer kit from Amazon a while back and it has come in super handy for replacing lost or non-reusable washers.
![]() 11/03/2017 at 10:56 |
Oh hey. I say that and immediately find an rubber+aluminium kit . :facepalm:
![]() 11/03/2017 at 11:08 |
Ooh, nice find!
Yeah, until recently, I had assumed that all banjo fittings used crush washers. But that was before I had the chance to work on some European stuff. I had only seen banjos before on brakes, which of course run hundreds and hundreds of PSI.
Nice thing about these bonded seals is that they’re re-usable if treated well. Lubricate the rubber, and don’t overtorque (17-18 lb-ft, I think it was), and you can disconnect them several times before having to having to change them.
![]() 11/03/2017 at 11:19 |
Seems reasonable. I’ve had good luck with the copper washers so far. Can usually get 3-5 uses before they start leaking. I’ll probably switch back to the bonded now that I’ve found that kit haha.
![]() 11/03/2017 at 11:33 |
WOO HOO!!!!!! Fucking finally!
![]() 11/03/2017 at 11:52 |
I love the little green swoop on the tachometer to “encourage” you to drive more economically.
![]() 11/03/2017 at 12:16 |
It is pretty silly. “ECON” text is obscured by the needle in that photo. There was also an “E” on 5th gear on my original shift knob haha.
![]() 11/03/2017 at 14:17 |