![]() 11/01/2017 at 11:32 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I mean, I’m still gonna eat it, but.... uhhhhh
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if daily is in quotation marks, run
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Thats hilarious. There’s an old abandoned market near me with the ominous sign out front “produce and more...”. Which always lead us to believe it’s a front for a drug operation.
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Maybe Daily is someone’s name
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Fresh-Sliced Daily, with Derek D, always fresh, every day...
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Since Kroger bought Roundy’s, they renamed all the Copp’s stores in Madison to Pick ‘n Save and spiffed them up some.
I’m more of a Woodman’s shopper though. Yeah it’s a zoo, terribly disorganized, and the produce is sometimes mediocre (but usually fine if you’re selective), but it’s cheaper and they have a lot more of the hippie-friendly products I buy.
Now, a story about Woodman’s, Pick ‘n Save, and pumpkins.
Last week, I went out to dinner downtown with my wife, we had a couple drinks, and she got the idea that we should buy a pumpkin pie on our way home. She said she thought Woodman’s would have it, but there’s a HyVee more directly on the way home from downtown, so I stopped there instead. They had several pies, but no pumpkin. We headed home, I dropped her off, then said I would go to Woodman’s like she suggested. I went to Woodman’s, and the only pies there were these:
So then I said screw it, I’m going to Pick ‘n Save because they have all kinds of pies all the time, and I had to drive from Woodman’s, past my house to the closest Pick ‘n Save, and sure enough they had pumpkin pies. It’s just that the damn Pick ‘n Save wasn’t on the way home from downtown.
We happily ate the damn pie after too much shopping.
As far as buying an actual pumpkin to put out for trick-or-treaters though, we slacked on buying it even though I had been grocery shopping at Woodman’s on Sunday. I forgot. So last night on my way home from work, I stopped at the Pick ‘n Save by my office, which is a different Pick ‘n Save from the one by my house, to get wine, Cheetos, cheese popcorn, and a pumpkin. My wife wanted wine with dinner and orange cheese covered salty snacks for watching a scary movie.
I got everything except the damn pumpkin, because this Pick ‘n Save was totally out of pumpkins. So I took the long way home, drove past the Target in the same shopping center to see if there were pumpkins, no pumpkins. Swung past Metcalfe’s, and they had assorted gourds out front but were ALSO out of pumpkins. Finally I ended up at Woodman’s where I knew the pumpkins were inside and I jogged in hoping they still had some, which they did.
All these drive-bys weren’t so much of an issue because this path was basically a direct route home with a few pauses along the way.
Goddamn pumpkins and pumpkin pies, man.
![]() 11/01/2017 at 11:50 |
Fresh sliced “daily” - ie, 4 months in advance.
Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.
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I would have gone there except for the spelling.
Coincidentally though,
was on Deadspin yesterday... guy was lucky af
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I was in Chippewa Falls a couple weekends ago. They have a Gordy’s Market. Apparently its a big enough chain to have several stores in the area, and thier own branded products. I don’t know how I felt buying food from a Gordy.
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There is a mini 30 for 30 interview with him that’s amazing.
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We slice meat on a daily basis and it’s fresh when it’s sliced...so Fresh Sliced “Daily”
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Every time I shop at Woodman’s, I swear I’ll never come back. It usually takes a few years for me to forget, and I go back. Rinse, repeat.
I can’t point at any one thing that drives me nuts, just lots of little things that add up. Their parking lot is laid out the opposite of any other grocery store (rows run parallel to storefront), the carts are massive but also shallow so they don’t hold any more than a standard cart, part of the store has spanish tile which sounds like a machine gun when you roll over it with your cart, the store has ceilings at different levels for no effin reason, they only have about 8' from the cash register to the first row of aisles so people end of blocking that whole area when they are waiting in lines, and I have found raw meat out of packages just laying in the meat coolers and I can’t say I’ve ever seen an employee out in the store to check on these things. The whole place is designed to make me want to GTFO ASAP.
But dammit they’re the only place in town to get El Rey’s lemon chips. At this point I’d rather drive to Milwaukee than shop at Woodmans though.
![]() 11/01/2017 at 12:03 |
yeah they were talking about that during the NYR/VGK broadcast. I remember seeing it online some 10-11 years ago
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Every single one of your criticisms of Woodman’s is valid. God I hate that damn tile. But when I go to other grocery stores that are much cleaner and nicer and don’t have all those problems, they inevitably don’t have some random product I get at Woodman’s, and basically everything costs way more than Woodman’s. Sure it might be only 50 cents here or a dollar there but if you have 30 things in your cart it adds up quick. So Woodman’s is my primary grocery store.
There’s a Pick ‘n Save near my house, and another one near my office, both of which I go to for convenience trips. There’s a HyVee near my gym which I do the same with. Sometimes I go to Metcalfe’s for the fancy meat & fish counter. I always think, “ahh, this is much nicer and more chill than Woodman’s,” but Woodman’s keeps drawing me back with the prices & selection.
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Like this?
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At least “fresh” isn’t in “quotes”.
11/01/2017 at 14:50 |
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That’s so depressing, I thought it was just the crappy Green Bay Woodmans. Part of me hoped that the others were actually nice and well laid out. They are the only place I can get certain items locally, like El Reys and Usingers, but I’ve learned to live without. Or get them when I am in MKE. A food coop is about to open less than a block from my house. I’m stoked.
![]() 11/01/2017 at 15:18 |
My experience is with the west side Madison Woodman’s that’s been around for a while. But there’s a new (like 5 years old) even-bigger Woodman’s in Sun Prairie, and the pics inside show it still has the stupid wood paneling and awful brown tile, mixed in with sections of bigger white tile, and concrete floors. I have no idea why Woodman’s clings to the awful 70s/80s brown colors and tile floors that rattle the hell out of your cart. It’s ridiculous. But I keep going back anyway!
![]() 11/01/2017 at 15:25 |
I mean, you’ve seen the owner in the commercials. He acts like an escaped mental patient from a bad movie. I’m sure he designed these stores instead of someone competent.