![]() 10/27/2017 at 15:35 • Filed to: Projects | ![]() | ![]() |
Yes, I indeed did. Today I took my first drive in it after starting up insurance and getting plates on it. This is what happened.
First of all, it sat for almost a year. Nathan had just done a transmission service on it for the previous owner and it sat at our house. I offered him $300 for it and he agreed. Today, I went to start it, and nothing. The battery was done.
I jumped in the faithful DSM and drove to O’Reilly auto and purchased a jump box. It started immediately and I proceeded to take the jump box with me.
Since it had been sitting, I headed to the gas station and aired up the tires, and the car was idling so quietly I had thought it died, but it hadn’t. Once the tires were aired up, I went to the fuel pump, turned off the car and went inside.
I prepaid $10 and pumped some fresh 89 in it, cleaned up the windows and checked the oil. Everything was kosher, except...
Click click click. Glad I brought that jump box with me. Jumped it off and drove about twenty miles. I kept smelling brakes and brought the car home. Turns out the rear driver side drum is stuck from sitting and I’m afraid it may catch fire. So tomorrow it’s getting some attention on that drum.
Additionally the battery won’t charge. I have a battery from the Audi that was brand new. If it fits, I’m gonna send it lol.
Stay tuned.
![]() 10/27/2017 at 15:38 |
Where do people find these cheap driveable cars? I can’t find anything running on craigslist for less than $2k :(
![]() 10/27/2017 at 15:44 |
Guy that lives here in town buys stuff from auto auctions and we work on it. That’s also how Nathan got a 2001-2003 legacy wagon in really great shape for $400 just needs head gaskets LOL
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But the thing is, at the end of the day you end up with a 2004 Taurus. Drivable or not.
![]() 10/27/2017 at 15:49 |
While this is a hugely valid point, it has a front bench seat and Sirius XM radio. This thing is actually comfortable.
Had a 98 Sable years back that I beat the piss out of and it never broke. While not stylish, these cars are notorious for being cheap to operate, and I really needed a winter beater. The heater works, it steers good, tires are like new, and it’s not too hateful to look at.
![]() 10/27/2017 at 15:50 |
I actually don’t hate the styling of these. While I personally wouldn’t own one, I don’t think they’re all that bad looking.
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I definitely own it exclusively for the reliability. Owning things like this is why I get to enjoy an endless budget for my DSM and future purchase that will indeed make me irresponsible and hate myself.
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Check the springs. They have a nasty habit of breaking in two, sometimes taking a tire out along its way out of the strut.
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I meant it. I *kinda* like the way these look.
![]() 10/27/2017 at 15:56 |
Duratec? I drove an 03 for a few year, but things just started to break down. When the lube place made me sign a waiver before they would change the oil I knew it was time.
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Good to know! I’ll investigate that. As of now she drives pretty dang well!
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It’s definitely not terrible. It’s very comfortable actually to drive.
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It’s fine until you realize the car has built in love handles
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Not sure if she’s a Duratec or not. It’s a 3.0 V6, and doesn’t run too bad in terms of passing someone. It seems pretty well cared for and has a recent NY inspection pass.
![]() 10/27/2017 at 16:01 |
Aww yiss!
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My sister had a Taurus of similar age to your Sable, didn’t beat the piss out of it and had to replace the transmission 3 times.
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Well clearly the answer here is to beat the piss out of it.
![]() 10/27/2017 at 16:13 |
My my best friend’s mom has a 2003 that I agreed to clean out as repayment for her having helped paint our living room. As it was the middle of summer, I dreaded driving the car as I feared it would have a weak air conditioner.
Boy, was I wrong. This car had the coldest AC of ANY car I’d ever been in. Ever. It may have been the only redeeming quality of the car.
![]() 10/27/2017 at 16:17 |
Look like it’s probably the Vulcan 3.0
![]() 10/27/2017 at 16:21 |
LOL this is AWESOME!
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I’ve heard they’re known for it. Never had it happen thank god. Believe this was recently rebuilt in this car. It shifts VERY good.
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Nailed it
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I’ve noticed old Ford cars always have three things.
1) is a killer AC
2) is a killer heater
3) is a wicked good set of headlights lol
![]() 10/27/2017 at 16:26 |
You rear end doesn’t look to saggy but you should address that rust in the rear arch.
![]() 10/27/2017 at 16:28 |
Looks good for $300. Especially since most of these you see the rear suspension blown out and that one does not seem to be sagging. Also as fellow Ohioan, Wyandot County? Im about half an hour south of you near Morrow county
![]() 10/27/2017 at 16:32 |
Problem with that rust in the rear arch is that it likely extends all the way down the rocker to the b-pillar at least. Those cars have a piece of plastic cladding that catches and holds water so bad and by time the rust is visible, it’s by by rockers. Take a peek and if the rocker is trashed, probably passenger side, don’t throw much money at it. If it isn’t rusted nasty yet, tear off that rocker cover and por 15 the shit out of that rocker. We had to scrap 2 out of 3 of these style/year cars because of the rust, granted Michigan is tougher on them than is ohio, but still, worth a check.
![]() 10/27/2017 at 16:45 |
I’m literally going to drive it until the car breaks in half. Just gonna por 15 What I can see and send it.
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Well hello fellow Ohioan! Yup I’m in a little town called Sycamore. I’m about 10 minutes outside of Upper Sandusky or about half an hour outside of Marion.
![]() 10/27/2017 at 17:30 |
Good luck. Our Sable was a money pit.
![]() 10/27/2017 at 17:40 |
The Duratec usually has a badge on the side that says 24V or dual overhead cam. The pushrod engine is the Vulcan and those things it will last forever as long as the head gaskets hold
![]() 10/27/2017 at 17:58 |
I think mine is a push rod model
![]() 10/27/2017 at 17:59 |
My Sable literally in 75,000 miles simply needed four tires and a front passenger side hub. I never tuned it up. Simply changed the oil, kept gas in it and drove the heck out of it.
![]() 10/27/2017 at 18:02 |
Ours had expensive break after another between 110k and 220k miles on the odo. Engine is dream, tranny still shifts well enough. Other stuff though. I don’t know, we were cursed.
![]() 10/27/2017 at 18:13 |
Dang that’s a bummer. Knock on wood mine was tight. This one seems pretty good too. The idea is just to drive it until it no longer can be deemed operational
![]() 10/27/2017 at 23:39 |
Ah ok cool yep I’m just south on 23 near Delaware. Saw the county number and had to say hi. And the town does sound familiar. I have probably past by on 67? up to see family in Port Clinton.
![]() 10/28/2017 at 00:31 |
Bingo, 67 goes right through my town. So does 103, I live right off 103.
Near Delaware, great location! I run loads for Amazon out of Pataskala!