![]() 10/19/2017 at 18:24 • Filed to: Beerlopnik | ![]() | ![]() |
Don’t understand the hype, it’s good, but not that good.
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Never heard of it till now.
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It is better than standard beer, but craft beer has supplanted it. Craft beer had trouble taking off in Texas due to anti competitive regulation funded by big brewing lobbying.
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Commonplace around here. He’s right. It’s good, but not that good.
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Certainly not worth premium prices. I would call it average at best. They made a prickly pear beer that was absolute vile.
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Hmmm... I’ll see if bevmo has them
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Fun Fact: This is the first beer I ever had. Then I had a lot in Texas during a work thing. That was a few years ago and haven’t had it since.
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It’s one of those “this beer is from this particular place and I’m going to drink it as a badge of local honor” type beers.
For example here in Wisconsin we have Spotted Cow , which is pretty good, if slightly unremarkable. But people cross the border from Illinois to buy the stuff.
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Its a mass consumption beer. I’m always down for a cold Shiner Bock.
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It’s just the Yuelings (or whatever) of Texas.
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It’s not supposed to be that good. It is supposed to be a marginally better floor cleaner for pretty much regular floor cleaner money. The advantage it has is that it will be on the shelf in even the most backwoods, forlorn gas station in the middle-of-nowhere Texas. As an example, if one found themselves spending the night with an old friend in Eula, TX (where hope and prosperity is rare and non-existent, respectively), the only gas station (which is in fact the only store in the town) has Shiner on the shelf. All other beer options range from bad to very bad.
![]() 10/19/2017 at 18:43 |
I usually see it in the grocery store at the average $8-9 a 6-pack most non-mass market beers go for, sometimes on sale. I don’t buy it, though.
You reminded me of this:
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They occasionally make a “Birthday Beer.” I bought it on the way to a friend’s birthday party. It tasted like drinking a chocolate cake. Up to you to decide if that’s something that you want in a beer.
I consider Shiner the same as something like Yuengling. A good regional beer that some people get very attached to, either because they live in that region or because it’s a far away beer that they can’t have regularly.
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It’s never been a beer I hyped but it’s not bad by any means.
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Seriously or joking? It was all over the place when I got here.
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It is the regional, slightly better beer of Texas.
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The entire state is built on actual hype.
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Pretty much
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Seriously. Until not all the long ago, craft beer wasn’t really a thing too much outside of Austin. Dallas has probably become the hub of craft beer in Texas now, but there has been a long, concerted and politically very well funded operation at regulating craft beer as tightly as possible to discourage or slow its growth. That is an effort that is still being waged and funded by very deep pockets to this day.
Just this year Texas enacted new regulations taking aim at larger craft breweries (by vastly reducing the cap to be considered a large brewer) in the state and forcing them to act as a national mass-market brewers and only sell their beer through a wholesale distributor (including at their own taprooms). The whole point of it is to eat into their profit margin, and it raises the price folks pay to drink for a beer at a brewery.
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Many moons ago, as a young college student in northern Iowa, we enjoyed Leinenkugel as the local Wisconsin brand (good beer and inexpensive to boot). Shortly before that, it had been purchased by Miller but we had no idea at that time. Imagine my surprise a few years later when it started showing up on the shelves in Texas!
![]() 10/19/2017 at 19:10 |
See, you are comparing Shiner Bock to all the options that are available now. It built its rep when the other local beer was Lone Star (which tastes like someone poured a pitcher of water over a bag of Wonder bread and buried the mess for a month, only then to dig it up and bottle the result.). Shiner still holds it own, but the widespread availability of craft beers takes a bit of the “shine” off it.
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I think it was some sort of Texas secret for a long time, and people wanted it because they couldn’t have it. When it first came to Chicago, a buddy told me I had to try it - and it’s not bad. Nothing I’d go out of my way for.
Hell, they made a whole movie about people wanting a shitty beer just because they couldn’t get it - compared to Coors, Shiner Bock is pretty good.
![]() 10/19/2017 at 19:16 |
It’s like Yuengling out east or Lagunitas to the west. A pride beer.
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Texas made it very difficult for small brewers for many years. The laws got a bit more lax starting in about ‘93. Craft breweries really exploded in 2013 when brewpubs were allowed to package and sell beer offsite.
Even now the laws are starting to tighten up again (a law passed this past legislative session requires craft brewers that make more than 225,000 barrels per year to pay a distributor for delivery, even if brewer simply is “delivering” the peer to a pub inside its own facility).
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Most Lagunitas kicks the crap out of Yuengling and this stuff.
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It was a microbrew before that was cool. Now just a mass produced beer.
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I have the same opinion. It’s decent.
Texas loves everything Texas.
I usually buy some when it’s time to make chili
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That’s me and Stella. Seriously, Stella tastes better nowhere than at the airport. More times than I can think I’ve sat down at one of the concourse bars, ordered a Stella then noticed 3.. 4 others order a Stella after.
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The hype is real.
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Needs to be ice cold to get the full effect.
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Better than Bud Light when you’re at a bar.
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It is, still just, fine I guess.
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This is the Texas go-to when we are sick and tired of Bud Light. Ask for a St. Arnold’s. Are you in Texas, or just found the beer at a local bar?
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As a native and now expat, I concur.
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Back in the 90s the beer lobby had some laws pushed through that made it near impossible to brew beer, distribute it and sell it on premise. There was something else that made it a real bitch if you had a restaurant. Apparently some more restrictive legislation is being passed against craft brews. Texas sucks.
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Didn’t know that. We sure do have peculiar republicans down here.
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That’s bad for everyone.
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Bought it from Kroger
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I have always respected it because it’s a fine example of a Bock but at domestic prices. Nothing fancy but great value
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I was on a plane once and there was a little boy, maybe 4, who sang “The bare necessities” for the whole flight. It was cute, but only for about ten minutes.
![]() 10/19/2017 at 21:37 |
I don’t really like Bocks..
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This is a pride beer.
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And now I will be singing it. Thanks, pal.
Hey, that’s why god invented noise canceling head phones.
![]() 10/20/2017 at 01:35 |
It does.
![]() 10/20/2017 at 08:55 |
Actually, given the Democratic control of Texas state politics until the early 90s, the Dems were responsible for most of this. The Republicans loosened it up, especially in 2013. The most recent bill was somewhat controversial and was passed by a large contingent of Repubs voting with virtually all the Dems.
![]() 10/20/2017 at 11:57 |
So true, New Glarus does have some other labels that are actually pretty damn good and worth finding though
![]() 10/20/2017 at 12:22 |
I’m chuckling at “worth finding” because any decent liquor store or grocery store here in Madison has basically any and every New Glarus beer.
I’m not a very good beer snob. I drink very rarely and don’t particularly enjoy extra-hoppy or extra-dark beers.
Most often I’ll tend to go for what I call upgraded regular beer. My favorites are Potosi Golden Ale and Esser’s Best. Capital Supper Club and Spotted Cow are also in this category but Supper Club has a little bit of funky taste and I don’t Spotted Cow’s cloudiness & foaminess.
If I’m having fancy beer I like Belgian tripel style stuff.
I’ll also happily drink High Life or PBR if I’m in the mood.
I draw the line at light beer though.
![]() 10/20/2017 at 12:46 |
That’s interesting. I guess I’m not sure why the Legislature wants to add more regulation to engineer corporate behavior on this topic. Seems to my simplistic understanding that what they did a few years ago to loosen things up has resulted in a boom in this market, and they don’t need to mess with it.
![]() 10/20/2017 at 12:50 |
I live in Chicago, so their other labels do require finding/picking up when I’m in Wisconsin for something.
Yeah, I’m no snob. Ha Ha I’ll happily drink miller lite while working on cars and such.
I’m glad the overhopped IPA fad seems to be waning, I too share a fondness for Belgians and hefes. This summer my favorite was probably Lagunita’s Pils