![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:44 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I’ve been seeing a lot of political posts lately, and a lot of posts about people complaining about political posts. In light of that, I think it’s about time something was made damned clear:
Oppositelock is, has been, and will continue to be an off-topic form. Period. End of story.
It can be argued that the thrust of Oppositelock is about cars and automotive culture, and that argument would be absolutely correct. What would be absolutely incorrect is to use that as a basis for asserting that non-automotive-related posts are unwelcome. Once again, Oppositelock is, has been, and will continue to be an off-topic form. Period. End of story.
In case that’s unclear, allow me to clarify: Political posts are allowed on Oppositelock. If you do not want to read a political post, then do not click on said political post. Do not respond to it. Do not react to it. If you demand that others be less sensitive, accept things as they are, and move on, then set an example and live by what you preach.
As a tangential reminder, here’s a high-level list of what’s not allowed in Oppositelock:
1) Harassment
3) Trolling of other sites
4) Personal attacks
5) Marketing/advertising/selling
6) General shit-stirring
Yep, that last one is a little vague, and intentionally so. Shit-stirring can be hard to explicitly define, but we know it when we see it, and we will act on it as we deem appropriate.
If you would like a more detailed explanation of how this place works (and if you haven’t before, I highly suggest you avail yourself of this opportunity), please review the following posts that will help to clarify the nature of Oppositelock, the standards of behavior we expect from our members, the rules of participation, and the potential consequences of violating the rules of Oppositelock:
Oppositelock Rules of the Road, authored by moderator Gamecat235 -
What to do if you see a troll -
How to appropriately use the dismiss function when dealing with trolls -
If you encounter any issues or see behavior that you feel is in violation of the rules posted in Oppositelock handbook, do not engage and do not stir shit. Use the “flag” function and bring it to the attention of a moderator. The list of moderators can be found in the Oppositelock Handbook linked to above.
You may also reach out to us via twitter and via email at oppomoderator@gmail.com
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:47 |
Oppo is to be kept weird.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:50 |
Please direct all petty complaints to Travis Okulski thank you.*
*don’t do this
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:50 |
At all times.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:50 |
Thanks, Mod Team!
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:50 |
IDFC about political posts in general as long as they aren’t malicious in nature or target people based on their political views.
However the sharing political nonsense from other Kinja sub blogs every five seconds...
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:50 |
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:52 |
Can something be done about posts being shared from the main pages? I feel like no one wants them here and that front page content doesn’t really fit the description of off-topic. The mods are doing a decent jobs of removing them but I feel like something should be done to prevent them from being shared in the first place.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:52 |
Crap, they found us! Scram!
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:53 |
Damn, and I was just about to post an ad for a shit-stirring, NSFW troll that harasses people. Guess I’ll have to shelve that idea.
Well said, though, and fair.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:54 |
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:54 |
Unfortunately, there is no real way to prevent them from being shared in the first place. That being said, we do remove most as we see them, just as we remove random and meaningless comment shares. For those that don’t get removed, well, the best I can say is just move past those posts when you see them and skip to the good stuff.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:55 |
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:55 |
submit complaints to travis written on a 1957 chevy belair coupe’s driver’s door to Okulski Plaza, Box 3500 Harvard Square, Cambridge (our fair city), MA 02238
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:57 |
the real downside to sharing from Jalopnik (even if it just sharing a comment posted there) is that it takes you to the article. so if you’re off in perma-gray land you can’t comment or reply on it.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:58 |
here is a 456
Now everybody play nice!
![]() 01/31/2017 at 16:59 |
I’m ok with the Jalopnik shares as they tend to be on topic with oppo’s discussions. It’s the political stuff from the other sites which get on my nerves.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:01 |
And here’s a 78
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![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:03 |
Who is Travis Okulski?
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:03 |
can we add a # 7 Juke posts.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:03 |
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:05 |
You’re totally being a bagel right now.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:06 |
indeed :]
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:10 |
Followed by 910
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:13 |
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:15 |
Thank you for this.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:15 |
And a 75.
And another.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:16 |
Some guy whose name sounds like tractor.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:16 |
I’m pretty sure Oppo is really all about farting so loudly that you startle the dog.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:17 |
Those aren’t in numerical order -_-
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:23 |
959 and 998
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:23 |
Those numbers aren’t consecutive reee
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:25 |
Dude, WTF IS THAT?!?!?!
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:27 |
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:27 |
yeah they are, your not looking hard enough. Also,
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:32 |
The thing is, the post that created the most stir, was not actually posted on oppo, it was cross linked. Additionally it seemed to keep getting bumped up to the top as it moved down. Because it was not posted on oppo but was cross lined it was not possible to flag it on oppo. Also as I understand the rules for posts that are likely to create a stir are suppose to contain warnings in the header, and only contain the offensive content in the body after the link. Since it was a cross post it did not need that for where it was actually posted, but would not meet the rules that I would need to follow in a post I create on oppo. I do notice that after at least 24 hours it eventually got removed from oppo, so apparently someone finally decided that those people complaining where making some valid criticism.
Suppose I was to create a NSFW post on a blog that permits that, with a NSFW image in the header, and then cross link it to oppo and then keep bumping it to the top. While meeting the standards of the board I am on it would be the same thing that just happened here.
It is nice to see the rules occasionally get posted/ mentioned, but generally they tend to slide down and disappear until things occur that cause people to need to be reminded. Also in this case since it was a cross post flagging it for moderator attention does not work. For most of us creating a post, or hoping someone creates a post so we can comment in it is about the only way we have to be heard. I wonder how many people here keep the oppo mod e-mail in there address book. I’m sure new members or casual members have probably never seen that e-mail address, and many probably still will not.
I was someone that had been fairly vocal about that particular thread. However I agree with oppo being an off topic forum, and allowing off topic posts. What irritates me though is that generally speaking oppo members are pretty good about respecting other member’s and they follow the rules about placing potentially offensive matter in the body of the post. However a cross post from another site that violates the general respect most members show for each other should not be allowed, and I think it is fair game to call it out and make our voices heard that we don’t want oppo to become just another troll filled room.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:34 |
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:36 |
(posted without comment)
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:51 |
I actually think that if there is anywhere on the internet to have an intelligent political discussion, it would be Oppo because the people here are more sane than the average internet commentariat. Unfortunately, if I click on a post in the hopes of looking for such a discussion, I run the risk of wasting my time on a devolving slug fest of vitriol. I had the misfortune to run into such a thread yesterday evening. I read some really nasty belittling comments directed at a poster who was trying to put forth an argument. There was no way to know about it until I read it, and I wish I hadn’t because it brought me down. Maybe one could say that a mod should have put a stop to it, but that would require a mod going through the thread to edit out individual offensive parts of a comment stream.
The mods can only do so much. For the rest, we have to police ourselves and take the “Be Excellent” command seriously. I would like to be able to click on a political discussion that is thoughtful and not shouty (I found one today, in fact). It would suck if I had to stop reading whole parts of Oppo just to avoid the venom.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 17:57 |
That is gross. What are those, warts?
![]() 01/31/2017 at 18:03 |
I have not the vaguest idea.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 18:07 |
One of Dr. Zoidberg’s chandeliers.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 18:08 |
Mango worms. Fly larvae. In a dog. In Gambia.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 18:11 |
Gross, but +1 Oppo point for not using “The Gambia”
![]() 01/31/2017 at 18:30 |
OK, now please never post them again...
![]() 01/31/2017 at 18:37 |
Disturbing video. It’s maggots.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 18:43 |
Cigar Lounge.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 19:06 |
Hello, Scott. Thank you for your input.
“The thing is, the post that created the most stir, was not actually posted on oppo, it was cross linked. Additionally it seemed to keep getting bumped up to the top as it moved down. Because it was not posted on oppo but was cross lined it was not possible to flag it on oppo.”
The fact that the post was shared to Oppositelock rather than authored on Oppositelock does not change the fact that political posts are allowed on Oppositelock.
“Also as I understand the rules for posts that are likely to create a stir are suppose to contain warnings in the header, and only contain the offensive content in the body after the link. Since it was a cross post it did not need that for where it was actually posted, but would not meet the rules that I would need to follow in a post I create on oppo.”
If you have the ability to make alterations on posts from other blogs, then by all means do so. However, as I doubt that you are any more capable of doing so than we are as moderators, then I’d say that in this context, your point is moot.
“I do notice that after at least 24 hours it eventually got removed from oppo, so apparently someone finally decided that those people complaining where making some valid criticism.”
Your ability to track time is most impressive. However, your ability to divine the reasons for moderator action is somewhat less so. The post was unshared not because it was deemed a content violation (it wasn’t a content violation in the least), but rather because it violated our general guidelines regarding the number of reposts within a given time period.
“Suppose I was to create a NSFW post on a blog that permits that, with a NSFW image in the header, and then cross link it to oppo and then keep bumping it to the top. While meeting the standards of the board I am on it would be the same thing that just happened here.”
You would be banned, as such a post would amount to a content violation here, whereas the political post that you referred is not a content violation.
“It is nice to see the rules occasionally get posted/ mentioned, but generally they tend to slide down and disappear until things occur that cause people to need to be reminded.”
As tends to happen on a linear-progression blog with no ability to pin posts. A reminder of the rules was in order. A reminder was provided.
“Also in this case since it was a cross post flagging it for moderator attention does not work.”
There are other ways to bring it to the attention of the mods. I’ll refer you to the original post above for that.
“For most of us creating a post, or hoping someone creates a post so we can comment in it is about the only way we have to be heard.”
I’m glad to know that we provide such an outlet. However, that has no bearing on the subject matter under discussion.
“I wonder how many people here keep the oppo mod e-mail in there address book. I’m sure new members or casual members have probably never seen that e-mail address, and many probably still will not.”
Then new or casual members can bring something to the attention of the mods in the comments. There is no shortage of ways to bring something to moderator attention. At this point, you are simply trying to grasp at straws for the sake of arguing a point that has no bearing on the topic at hand.
“I was someone that had been fairly vocal about that particular thread. However I agree with oppo being an off topic forum, and allowing off topic posts. What irritates me though is that generally speaking oppo members are pretty good about respecting other member’s and they follow the rules about placing potentially offensive matter in the body of the post.”
We do have some pretty good members.
“However a cross post from another site that violates the general respect most members show for each other should not be allowed, and I think it is fair game to call it out and make our voices heard that we don’t want oppo to become just another troll filled room.”
Said crosspost did not constitute a content violation. You may not have liked the post, but that does not change the fact that it wasn’t a content violation. It did violate our general sharing guidelines, and was handled appropriately.
I hope that clarifies things for you.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 19:08 |
Thank you. Can I trade that point in for learning why that would have been bad?
![]() 01/31/2017 at 19:12 |
404: Article not found
![]() 01/31/2017 at 19:16 |
Someone may not like the attention. Oh well.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 19:19 |
Actually, I thought it was a colonial thing to call African countries with the word “The”.
A quick look on Wikipedia tells me that it’s not so clear-cut.
And how do you know you’ve gotten the last worm out?
![]() 01/31/2017 at 19:48 |
You squeeze out all of them that you can, then check again in a week or ten days, as I understand it. It takes two weeks for the maggots to get to the point where they’re being squeezed out in the video.
![]() 02/01/2017 at 08:35 |
Ya know? Damn man, that literally made me sick to my stomach. ::shudder::
![]() 02/01/2017 at 15:43 |
Off topic comment: Ahhhh. I love Capt. Sisko. Probably my fave captain after Capt. Picard. I love that you include Star Trek in your posts. Heh. So, in the spirit of such, who’s your favorite ST captain and why?
Also, happy new year! Hope it’s going well for you.
![]() 02/01/2017 at 16:01 |
Right into a tub of cream cheese, please
![]() 02/01/2017 at 16:47 |
Happy new year to you! life is busy, but it sure as hell beats the alternative, right?
I’d say that it’s a toss-up between Picard and Sisko. Picard is more along the lines of what I strive to be - always calm, rational, and utterly in control of my emotions. Even when Picard is angry, he is still in complete control, and carefully measures the situation to figure out just how much of his anger he should allow to come across in order to make his point. I admire the character for that, and the actor for his ability to convey that impression so well and so consistently.
That said, my actual personality tends to match Sisko’s pretty closely. Whereas Picard did his damndest to suppress his emotion, Sisko fed of his emotion and used it. Not mercurial, and not easy to shake or piss off; when he did get pissed, however, he was not polite about it and he settled the matter on the spot without any particular concern about being too direct or too harshly honest. Sisko also had no problem breaking a rule when that was the most efficient way of resolving a unique situation, whereas Picard could sometimes come off as attempting too hard to be morally superior.
While I frequently wish I was more like Picard, the truth is I’m a lot like Sisko.
As for the rest - Kirk was an overgrown fratboy that never grew out of his teenage years, Archer was whiny, and Janeway was just poorly written- trying to be a little bit of Picard and a little bit of Sisko, rather than being given the opportunity to develop her own unique style.
How have you been?
![]() 02/01/2017 at 22:34 |
jesus christ.
![]() 02/02/2017 at 12:11 |
![]() 02/02/2017 at 13:45 |
If you go a little slower on dismissing comments in your Betsy DeVos post, I can issue a few warnings to anyone being an asshole. I’ve already issued one to Goatboy
![]() 02/02/2017 at 14:14 |
I haven’t dismissed a single comment. I’m currently on my lunch break from work. I made the post shortly before walking out the door, so if anyone is dismissing, it must be another mod.
I also won’t dismiss a comment outright unless it’s abusive or intentionally meant to rile (and rarely even then). In fact, I’ve been opposed to the mod deletion/dismissal of comment threads in the past, even particularly angry ones. I’m a journalist. As such, I think sunshine is a powerful disinfectant.
Anyway, I’m gonna finish lunch.
Homemade chicken pot pie. A strawberry rhubarb pie of the same size, and a glass of tea are included in the special for just $7.95. Gotta love small towns.
![]() 02/02/2017 at 14:21 |
Gotcha. I guess I assumed based on the fact that it disappeared so quickly. In looking into it, I found that it was Yamahog that dismissed it. Sorry for the mistaken assumption.
Also, damn I want strawberry rhubarb pie. Enjoy your lunch
![]() 02/14/2017 at 14:28 |
Mod team,
Long time reader. Occasional commenter. Mod on Hackerspace. And I put posts up on Sidespin and Backtalk for fun.
I’m looking to explore putting up a car post or two on Oppo, and am asking permission to be an author on Oppo.
Thanks for your time.
![]() 03/23/2017 at 11:11 |
I miss you, Brt.
![]() 03/31/2017 at 15:18 |
Any way we can add “Oppo is not your personal twitter feed” to the list? I understand that Oppo is off-topic however you’ve got people creating posts every 15 mins about every thought that pops in their head or even worse scheduling posts to go off every 30 mins I think something should be said.
![]() 03/31/2017 at 17:39 |
Since I think we take issue with the same person(s), I’d like to just be direct:
This person ( https://kinja.com/apancake ) arrived on Oppo this week and posts incessantly about any and all inane shit that he deems fit.
Further, I think this person might be someone who got banned a few times around the middle of last year. That person was a teenager like this account, their posting mannerisms were similar and they had a fascination with BMW as well. I’ve forgotten the username(s) but they got banned for being a shit disturber, possibly more than once, and then with a couple of other accounts after he couldn’t use the original anymore. Party-vi might remember who it was, he dealt with it a fair bit from what I remember seeing.
/I realize the irony in calling someone a shit disturber here, sorry about that.
![]() 03/31/2017 at 19:27 |
Basically this. However I notice this with new posters who are granted posting permission. Quality not quantity should be the motto here.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 12:41 |
I’m still alive
![]() 04/02/2017 at 14:26 |
![]() 09/01/2017 at 13:20 |
hey bud where are you? we miss you <3
![]() 10/18/2017 at 15:54 |
Pauljones, please give this a gander: http://biased-plies.kinja.com/1819659436
I’ve repeatedly asked Xylo not to interact with me and she has once again ignored that, seemingly confident in the preferential treatment she tends to receive. Considering I was once banned (by you) for a similar transgression, I’m going to ask for equal treatment here. (If you could see to it that her reinstatement is as delayed as mine was that’d be cool too).
Thanks for your time.
![]() 10/19/2017 at 11:26 |
I seem to have Moderator/Admin priveleges, was that intentional? I’ve managed, or helped to manage, a bunch of sites so I’m happy to help. But I was never notified, so if it was done in error I wanted to make sure you knew.
(FYI, I just picked a random mod post to reply to so you/someone would see it.)