![]() 01/28/2017 at 14:07 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I’m looking for some serious advice here. Work’s been busy and kind of rough and my boss is just being an ass because she can’t contact me at a moment’s notice from my desk because a majority of my job isn’t at my desk. Even though I have ZERO missed calls from them. I’d seriously consider looking for something else but I doubt I could find anything which wouldn’t involve a craptactular commute. Most of the people at my work are cool, but my boss has a tendency to “share” bad moods and talk at people instead of with them.
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I’m stuck in a stressful dead end job, but the only other jobs with comparable benefits to my current one require me to go back to school.
I’m not the sort that can make major life changes like that so I’m sticking this one out until something better comes my way.
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Y’all might remember that before I got to where I was now, I let my job situation take over my entire life. Everything I did from the moment I woke to the time I went to sleep revolved around it.
The best thing you can do is find something you really love, and dive deep really into it. Distract yourself from the mess. And find great qualities about yourself as well. Remember, many shifty situations are beyond control and not your fault whatsoever. <3
![]() 01/28/2017 at 14:45 |
I feel ya. I spent...well more years than I care to think about in Retail Mgmt. The last District Manager I worked with method of “motivation” was to tell you how many different kinds of shit you were. I shocked the hell out of him when I quit... spent a few months in the wilderness as I was looking for something outside of retail. Wound up getting a job with the non-profit I was volunteering with while on the job hunt. Less money, but higher job satisfaction and I am no longer on the road to becalming a raging alcoholic..... which is what working with that a-hole was driving me to...
![]() 01/28/2017 at 14:50 |
I had a job/boss like that when I was in high school in a part time job I had for a couple of years.
All you can do is just tell yourself that the boss is the one with the issue, let her say her shit, pretend to listen/agree and then focus on the job.
If she becomes verbally or physically abusive, document it and save it for a future date/complaint with HR.
In my case, ironically, because I put up with her shit, when I applied for another position within the organization, she wrote me a really good reference letter.
![]() 01/28/2017 at 14:53 |
I let it ruin more than a weekend. I lost like 20lbs last January cause I was so depressed I was barely eating anything.
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My situation is that I’m biding my time until I can move into being a tech full time. But I have no clue when that will actually be.
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o o me me me o o o me
![]() 01/28/2017 at 15:02 |
Nothing is stopping you from looking for another job. If you don’t find anything better/different, then it doesn’t matter. You won’t know until you try.
![]() 01/28/2017 at 15:13 |
There’s a lot to be said about being able to handle a volatile person, especially one who is your supervisor. Learning the tricks to defuse her moods will go a long way towards remedying the situation. Once you learn how to handle her, you can apply those same lessons to the people around you.
Think of it as a video game. You just entered the boss battle without finding the secret stash of weapons and ammo. It’s time to improvise.
![]() 01/28/2017 at 19:29 |
I’m currently stuck at a shit dead end job with terrible pay dealing with miserable old people and grumpy employees.
I only took it because i needed money and it was supposed to be temporary. I may be moving soon. It’s the only reason I haven’t taken anything else. I don’t want to start a good new job and then leave a couple months later. I just hate it so damn much.