![]() 01/13/2017 at 01:48 • Filed to: rants, shit driving, left turn | ![]() | ![]() |
Oppo, something I see regularly and that I absolutely can not stand are left turn arrow waiters that sit at the light after it turns green, having started to zone off or stare at their phone for the 90 seconds or so for that light to go from red arrow back to green arrow. Did they find Narnia in their car’s footwell? Is finishing that text really justified in holding up the half dozen people behind them?
The net effect of people waiting at the left is that when that left arrow turns red the people three to four cars down who should have plenty of time to make it - don’t make the red. But they go anyway, cause why not? They’re in just as much as a hurry as everyone else, and the first person waited for what seems like a reading of the Gettysburg Address prior to leaving at the green. So two or three cars always hurry through what is CLEARLY red prior to the opposing traffic moving forward.
I find the entire sequence of events rather dangerous and emotionally grating. It only would take one person to go through a green light on the perpendicular end only to be surprised by some hurrying red arrow runner on the end of it. While I myself am not perfect at avoiding distractions, I try my damnedest to not let my flaws interfere with left turn traffic flow. I have only been honked once in the left turn lane in the last fifteen years or so. I also watch for opposing traffic prior to moving forward, so I totally understand the two second delay. I don’t get the 10-15 second delay.
I am also certain this is holding up traffic across the entire city and compounding an already exacerbated local traffic problem.
What do you hate?
![]() 01/13/2017 at 01:51 |
I’m on 2 wheels. The amount of times I hear: I didnt see you drives me nuts.
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I was young and once at night I signaled while glancing into the (adjusted for blind spot) mirror and seeing nothing after .3 seconds moved over into an empty lane. I saw a motorbike weave left and right behind me immediately after and I realized that I had cut him off and that I had missed him. If I hadn’t signaled before moving I could have hit him.
Many of my dear friends are bikers. Never again. I look more and I use bigger mirrors ever since then.
![]() 01/13/2017 at 02:09 |
People who aren’t ready to roll at left arrows and the people after them who go through when it’s red drive me nuts. Happens all the time here.
My pet peeve are the damn cops who pay more attention to all the gadgets in their cruisers than the road. Today I was behind a cruiser for 5 blocks. We hit 3 lights red and at each one he was fucking around with something in the console for 15 seconds+ after the light turned green. The worst part is everyone is afraid to honk and even the driver in the next lane didn’t want to go before the cruiser. Also, the lights are timed so that if we had gone right when the first one turned green we wouldn’t have hit any of the test red.
This is by far not the first time this has happened. I’ve also seen them nearly hit other cars and cyclists while swerving around trying to use those laptops on the dash. It’s illegal for the rest of us to use phones besides hands free. The only thing the cops should be using while driving is their 2-way radio unless they have the light bar on. It’s getting rediculous and sooner or later someone is going to get hurt or worse.
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These people are idiots. When my wife had her Fit she honked at a lady in a Suburban who nearly hit her in a parking lot and the lady rolls down the window and says sorry your car is so small I didn’t see it there. What if it had been a motorcycle or a pedestrian?!
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admittingly, more then a fair share like to ride like assholes 20 above the limit and weave in and out of traffic. but still. blame on both sides.
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I wonder if they can make some kind of industrial strength cop version google glass. Or, maybe they can make huds more prescient for laptop screens so they can keep looking ahead while they punch keys. Or some police Amazon Echo to punch in common commands.
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I would have asked if she says the same about her husbands dick.
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Yeah, I mean, nobody is perfect. But even with a Stuka siren, inflatable tube man flapping on the back of the bike and a laser light show every biker I know has at least a half dozen stories of “I didn’t see you.” Thats just... way too much.
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A guy I work with had to give up riding after a lady in a minivan ran him off the road and said She didn’t see him there. He lost his cool and took of his helmet and bashed her window out with it. I don’t know what would’ve happened if a cop didn’t get there quickly. Both parties got a ticket and he traded in his bike for an RS4.
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This all sounds good. I wish I was more motivated and I’d start a company to make some of these things. Have you driven a BMW with their latest HUD in the last year or two? It’s an absolutely amazing screen and interface. I can see that working really well for information while moving in police cruisers. I wrote about it a bit in my X5 rental review: http://oppositelock.kinja.com/2016-bmw-x5-xdrive30d-m-sport-the-oppositelock-rental-1787209503 TL;DR it floats at the end of the hood and is incredibly easy to read while moving.
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One other thing - I get the need for the laptops, but I think they need to be locked out if the vehicle is in gear. Things like checking a plate on a suspicious vehicle while rolling can be done either over radio or some sort of Alexa type thing.
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Sometimes I do think about starting to carry a thing with which to break car windows or a knife. I am usually okay with keeping my shit together. But there are some moments where I do lose it (ESPECIALLY if the other party claims I didnt do it. if its your fault, an apology and looking more is enough for me) and well, that really wouldnt end well for anyone.
![]() 01/13/2017 at 02:31 |
I haven’t seen that, but I love HUDs. I’ve seen the ones in the Corvettes and I danced with getting a used C7 once I saw the prices go down a bit, but it was still a little too rich for my blood. I’d love a HUD on my machine.
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I hate it when people drive unpredictably, even in relatively minor ways. I can anticipate where someone is going to stop behind the car in front at red lights most of the time, based on their braking, and brake accordingly. Then there’s the people who slow down steadily, then suddenly stop like 3 car lengths before the next car, causing me to brake more suddenly, and so on.
Left turn light sitters drive me crazy too. I have to make a left turn with an advance arrow every morning. It’s not a very long light, and someone almost always fucks it up. Of course, people then dart through when they’re supposed to be yielding before oncoming traffic gets moving.
Finally, this may be specific to where I am, but it seems like people leaving mall complexes in particular think they have the right of way, and just pull out whenever they please. There’s one road in particular I’m on a lot that has nearly got me in a ridiculous amour of accidents just from people pulling out of a mall without looking.
Also people who run stop signs. I guess people who steal the right of way in general, pedestrians and cyclists included.
![]() 01/13/2017 at 02:36 |
People that run hard red left arrows are the worst, box blockers are up there too(usually the same type of people), and finally people that drive to slow diving up on ramps and the. Merge too slow.
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You mean you don’t want to merge into a 70 mph highway doing 45 mph? That can’t possibly be dangerous, can it? /s
![]() 01/13/2017 at 03:16 |
My pet peeves when driving/riding are more related to differences of speed among vehicles on a highway. You should be looking in your mirrors often enough to notice that the distance to a vehicle behind you has closed within the last mile, at least. Which would have given you plenty of time to move over for that vehicle. There’s plenty of people who will move over, they just get around to it at such a leisurely pace. Or they move right about the time you’ve given them enough time to decide they should move over and will pass them instead, so you get ready to move, and then they finally move over.
Everything else with driving doesn’t get on my nerves that bad, but the inability of people to understand spacial relationships of the cars/bikes around you drives me nuts, especially when there’s tons of space for people to move over, without changing their speed, so that I can pass, without changing my speed. Everyone could be happy, but here we are, me stuck behind you.
![]() 01/13/2017 at 07:35 |
Oh god where do I start!
1. People who brake when there is no one in front of them for hundreds of feet, sometimes up hill. It’s like these idiots don’t realize that by just taking your foot off the accelerator the car will START TO SLOW DOWN.
2. People who drive way under the speed limit when no one is in front of them.
3. People who don’t use their turn signals but instead just slam on their brakes at an intersection and expect you to know what they are going to do.
4. People who realize that at the last minute they need to exit the highway and cut across 3 lanes to do it. Even worse is I saw someone do this and then realize this wasn’t their exit and then watched them get out of the exit lane and cut back across 3 lanes.
5. People who use the highway exit lane to cut off traffic. They take the exit lane until the end then try to cut back in, or ride the shoulder and do the same.
6. People who cut in front of you on the highway then proceed to start going SLOWER then you were. Especially when they had a chance to just get in behind you.
I’m sure I’ll think of more but I just woke up.
![]() 01/13/2017 at 08:34 |
People who brake before they enter a turn lane. That’s what the turn lanes for asshole.
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I hate that too. Especially when that same person flew past three cars on the right, and then cut over into the left turn lane at the last second. Congratulations you’re first in line, it’s your duty to move as soon as that arrow turns green. Some of the arrows are so short here only 4-5 cars can get thru each cycle as it is, with perfect reaction times.
I also hate people that cruise the left lane on the highway, and are too stupid to realize that if cars are passing you on the right for MILES, you’re probably in the wrong lane.
![]() 01/13/2017 at 09:05 |
There’s a difference between “I didn’t see you” and “I didn’t see you” though, granted.
This guy was a douche and just about ate concrete for it. And then we have those for whom “I didn’t see you” means “I didn’t look”.
![]() 01/13/2017 at 09:13 |
Depends on the length of the turn lane, and whether it’s painted on or includes curbs.
I try not to brake until I’m in the lane, but it’s not always possible. Where it isn’t, I prefer to signal well in advance and brake hard at the last minute, so that you can (hopefully) enter the turn lane safely before the car behind catches up. If they’re right on my ass, accelerate before getting there to build up a gap. If they keep the gap close, fuck them I’ve given them enough chances.
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I have a kind of OCD regarding the stop line.
There are so many reasons why one needs to bulls-eye the line. Perhaps the most obvious is the people that overshoot it and end up blocking the crosswalk. Oh, I find that grating. Even worse is when they stop past it...
But even overshooting the stop line by just a little gets on my nerves. Especially if it’s someone in a left-turn lane. The point where the stop line meets the double yellow just happens to be the apex point for cross-traffic left-turners.
The only people who should be ahead of the line are those waiting to make a legal right turn on red, and they need to be a little bit ahead of the others to see if it’s clear to go. But they need to be able to do this without blocking the crosswalk themselves. Drivers who pull up level with the overshot right-turner create a situation where the right-turner either blocks the cross-walk, or is forced to wait for the green light.
And all this is why it frustrates me to see a poorly-placed stop line. It needs to be set back far enough for large trucks to make a left turn without entering the oncoming lane. But it also has to work in conjunction with whatever’s on the corner. At a two-way stop, the stopping car needs to be able to see around buildings or greenery to determine if cross-traffic is clear.
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1. People who accelerate slowly. I don’t mean that we should all do hard launches everywhere, but don’t make people miss lights because you want to save that $0.02 at the pump. If I’m not having to floor the Slowrunner to keep up, you aren’t moving quick enough.
2. People who don’t signal.
3. People who can’t maintain speed, and who speed up when you try to pass.
4. Common thing here in SC: Not being able to stay in your fucking lane.
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I’m in the Seattle area. Does “everything” count as an answer?
Timid slow drivers, dawdlers, non-signalers, wide turners, cheaters, slow mergers, left lane campers, distracted weavy phone dorks, turners from the wrong lane, 4-way stop freezers...at least reckless speeders (as opposed to exceeding the often arbitrary limits by ~10-20%) aren’t a huge issue here. A combination of an oblivious aging local population combined with a lot of first generation drivers can test sanity.
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I am to the point where I really only want to ride on a track anymore. I’ve seen too many incidents, and the fatality that happened a few blocks from me (left turning car, of course) just about sealed it. I suspect it is similar in Vancouver to Seattle - if you ever ride out west, watch out - local driving culture in densely populated areas is not motorcycle-friendly.
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1. Slow people who won’t move over.
2. Slow people who speed up when you pass them.
3. Jaywalkers.
4. People who don’t move at green lights, whether it be an arrow or straight through.
5. People who are hesitant. I will let you into traffic, but for the sake of those in behind I’m not giving you any more space than you need. If you’re too nervous to take it... hit the wall for all I care. And a lane change isn’t an all-day affair. Etc. Make it quick, decisive, and predictable and I don’t care what you do. Pic related.
6. People who are terrified to make a right on a red.
7. People who brake before they signal.
8. Red-light runners.
I could go on but I have stuff to do today
![]() 01/13/2017 at 09:51 |
Number fucking three this morning. 4 lane wide highway, guy in an Impala going 70 in the far left lane. I’m doing 80-85 per usual, whatever I’ll pass on the right. He then floors it to 90 only to brake for the next bend back down to 70. I then pass him on right.
You sure showed me.
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Anything that affects other drivers. Left lane campers, left turn sitters, etc. I live/drive by the golden rule we all learn in kindergarten. Yea I speed and pass on the right often but I never affect anyone or make them change their driving. Or at least thats how I justify it.
Just be considerate to other people, its not that hard.
![]() 01/13/2017 at 10:53 |
There are so many blocked visuals on right turn intersections in my neck of the woods I can only surmise that the city is doing it on purpose. Phoenix is without pedestrians for most of the year, and because of this most people wind up stopping right in the middle of the cross walk. It’s like no one was ever taught what those were for. Boggling!
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With plenty of open space and high visibility I don’t see why people can’t go a little bit faster. But I never ever tailgate, and move right for anyone coming up on my ass as soon as I can regardless of speed. Other people don’t seem to have gotten that hint.
One time I had a 3 series come up behind me extremely quickly. I indicated and moved right, and they passed me, went 10 feet, and then slowed and maneuvered their way into preventing me from passing anyone who came up in front of me in the right lane. This went on for miles. Was their whole intent just to reduce my already nominal highway speed another 10 mph? I just don’t get it.
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I’ve never had anyone road rage like that around me, No idea what I’d do in that situation. After the first car you’re an asshole, I got it. Sounds infuriating.
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I had a guy in front of me get out of his truck to screw around with something in the back. As soon as the light turned green, I laid on the horn until he got back into the truck. The light turned yellow as I entered the intersection.
The biggest pet peeve for me is people stopping in traffic to let opposing traffic turn left in front of them. I’m not talking about them leaving a gap when the traffic might block the intersection. I’m talking about people stopping the flow of traffic to let someone else across. Hello! What about the people behind you?
Then there’s the boneheads who STOP at a blinking yellow light. Good way to get rear-ended, moron.
Yeah, those are the two worst.
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When the lights do anything aside from their traditional Green Yellow Red Green sequence people get the deer in headlights psychology. Once when all the lights died (outage in the area) I had to roll down my window and scream “4 WAY STOP!” at the intersection. Literally every direction was just cars sitting there not knowing what to do. Every time one of those happens a cop has to come out and I find that to be a rather large waste of police time.
Funny thing is, after I yelled a few times the few people around me actually tried to use it as a 4 way, and nearly ran into someone who has apparently never seen a stop sign before. I appreciated that the cop was there after that, but it’s still a huge waste.
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They usually try to put temporary stop signs at the major intersections when the lights go out and are expected to be out for a time (i.e. when a hurricane just blew through). Someone hit one of the signs, knocking it down. I thought the cop ahead of me would set it up again, but he didn’t. So, I did the right thing and blocked traffic for a moment so I could set the sign up again. Yeah, I got soaked. Big deal.
I guess the cop was off-duty or didn’t want to get wet. Either way, he lost my respect that day.