![]() 01/06/2017 at 13:54 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
People who don’t know what an appointment means.
Waited for half an hour before I get acknowledged. Still waiting. When I asked where the person I made the appointment with is (the owner) the answer was “he’s not here right now”
Well I have an 11 (it’s 1140 when I ask)
“Well I’ll get to you later”
Look if this was a one off...Maybe...but I’m ALWAYS waiting. Why even take appointments?! They even called me yesterday to remind me I had an appointment. I don’t care if your a doctor or a cobbler, if you can’t keep your appointments you need to schedule fewer people and learn what time means.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 13:57 |
boy would you hate the healthcare system in canada then.
you get an appointment like at 10 am, but you have to wait till 2 pm to see the doctor.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 13:59 |
no matter what the circumstances are for the wait, it’s still lame AF. Shame on this turd bugler that didn’t honor the set time
![]() 01/06/2017 at 13:59 |
Sounds like the cable company.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 14:04 |
Only one thing to do: find his home, hide in his fridge.
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I’ll wait for not getting assraped by the bill.
That said, there really should be some flat per-visit rate. To keep away those who go to the emergency ward with a cold so they don’t have to pay at the drugstore (yes they exist, and lots here), and to help pay for more and better healthcare. Seriously. Flat rate of $20, you’re still getting very cheap care, but you aren’t going to waste sombody’s time with a sniffle...
![]() 01/06/2017 at 14:07 |
There are only two things I can’t stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures... and the Dutch.
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You can’t judge a place you’ve never been to, that’s what people from Russia do
![]() 01/06/2017 at 14:15 |
When I worked with people who came to see me, instead of the other way around that I currently do, I used to schedule appointments at really weird times, like 1:13 PM or 10:48 AM solely so that the people would go, “That’s specific” or something similar. That way it opened the door to me saying, “I have a busy day and if it’s not down to the minute it disrespects you, and any other clients who have their appointments pushed back due to missed earlier appointments.”
I swear to you 75% of my appointments were not only on time but came through the door looking at a watch/phone ensuring they were.
It’s the fault of the scheduler to not take their schedule seriously.
Dentists are the worst at this BTW.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 14:16 |
What about people who have been to Russia?
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Seriously, the people who get 1/2 hour behind by noon, or worse... every day? CHANGE SOMETHING. How do people operate in this alternate dimension?
I walked in for an eye appointment once, checked in at the desk, then waited... waited some more... an hour went by. The doctor literally went to lunch, I saw him walk out the front door. I approached the window and the now-different receptionist asks me, “Have you been helped?” Yes. No. Sort of. Not at all.
I eventually saw a different doctor (same office) and didn’t have to pay, they felt so bad.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 14:28 |
true, when I almost cut off a finger with a saw, I waited 12 hours in the emergency room with a bandage on my finger. then when I finally saw the doctor, he told me well we can’t do stitches since your injury was over 12 hours ago...... My skin basically started healing before i got to see the doctor.
won’t post picture since it’s bloody
![]() 01/06/2017 at 14:29 |
The healthcare system I work for introduced a flat rate televisit. $40, which is totally reasonable for stuff like colds and the flu
![]() 01/06/2017 at 14:36 |
I was waiting too long to see a specialist one time. Granted I pay a lot so I get to be a little angry. Anyhow, after an hour and ten minutes I had it. They kept asking me to reschedule as I yelled back that I was going to contender and won’t be back. Sometimes it feel good to have PPO.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 14:36 |
I pay hundreds of dollars for visit until I reach my yearly deductible of 2400.
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Our insurance has something like that set up and we keep getting demands to use that instead of doctors. It would be great except they can’t prescribe things for televisits in like three states, one of which is CO. Yeah, I’ll just skip straight to seeing a human then.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 14:48 |
Yeah without prescription power telehealth is pretty limp
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2400 isn’t even that bad, I spent 6 grand this year
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I tend to be forgiving of people’s excuses (cause I’ve had some good ones) and he had a legit excuse...but it’s sure as hell frustrating when it’s endemic
![]() 01/06/2017 at 15:04 |
I’m okay with waiting for appointments. If it’s pressing enough that I can’t wait a few hours I’d be in the emergency room.
Where I live it’s not uncommon that there’s only one or two doctors serving several clinics and smaller hospitals. You don’t know what the patients before you came in with, you don’t know how well they represented their condition when making the appointment, or how urgent their needs are. You also don’t know how long the doctor was in the emergency room before he was able to get to his regularly scheduled appointments, or how far away he got called out to at obscene hours of the morning and then had to return to his regular patients.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 15:04 |
I volunteered as a CNA at the Veteran’s Hospital while in high school. The clinics were the worst. The doctors simply just didn’t give a shit about seeing patients in a timely manner, and a lot of times were assholes to them once they saw them. I always hoped they’d do it to the wrong guy and catch an asswhooping.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 15:24 |
I too spent about that much. After 2400 you pay 20%. Also, I have my premiums of 375$ a month. It’s a load :(
![]() 01/06/2017 at 15:30 |
Seems a bit steep, especially if you’re not even in the same room with the person. That’s higher than most people’s insurance co-pays for their primary care provider.
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I’m pretty familiar with hospital and clinic operations actually. Doctors in most cases and at most times should be expected to and absolutely can keep a schedule
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bear in mind that number is the TOTAL cost. I.e. no insurance needed. Paying for an in office visit without insurance would be about $120-250
![]() 01/06/2017 at 16:05 |
Oooh... that does seem better. Well, for the under or uninsured. But, still not better if you’re insured, your in-office co-pay is lower, and you still have to pay the same premiums whether you pay that flat fee or go to your PCP for an in-office visit.
You’re in Utah, right? What’s the uninsured rate there? Here in Texas, we have one of the worst uninsured (or under-insured) rates in the country. All thanks to our state leadership (for example, they just cut $350 million in funding that goes towards providing behavioral and occupational therapy for children with disabilities).
A flat rate like that would still be costly to the low-income people who don’t have insurance to begin with, but a $40 fee is a LOT more manageable to deal with than $120-250. I know that one from personal experience a few years back when I was out of work and couldn’t afford COBRA coverage. That also just happened to be when I, the person who never gets sick, got pneumonia. ‘Twas not fun seeing a doctor with no insurance.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 16:09 |
Also, don’t forget about high deductible plans (like I have). My premiums are low but I have to cover the entire cost up front until I meet my deductible. I see 3 teledocs for 1 office visit.
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My plan is a mix of both— deductibles and co-pays. Gotta love the American healthcare system. Good thing it’s about to get even more FUBARed. :/
![]() 01/06/2017 at 16:21 |
Actually, it will probably get cheaper for us on the top ends.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 16:22 |
It’s been interesting being in my position, I hear a lot of extremely smart people who doing amazing things in Healthcare talking about what the trends are, where the fires are and what the future looks like...they are overall optimistic about what can be done here and broader trends overall, but its a long game approach. Having the ACA getting kicked around isn’t helping.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 17:56 |
I dont even have insurance or go to the doctor. I just get a cold and stay inside for a week...my life is sad.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 17:59 |
now you can do all three! well, stay inside AND go to the doctor at any rate.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 18:06 |
wut? how this works?
![]() 01/06/2017 at 18:07 |
ConnectCare, its the intermountain teledoc dealy. Its pretty cheap and pretty good.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 18:09 |
that would be wierd. I think I wouldnt use it and just google stuff because I figure a video doctor cant really do much that could be done in person.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 18:11 |
well you can get prescriptions, so thats nice.
![]() 01/06/2017 at 18:13 |
well that is cool. I hate having to make appointments just to refill prescriptions.