![]() 09/23/2016 at 13:54 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
And they show an angle similar to this one, I think hey I used to live there.
![]() 09/23/2016 at 14:05 |
In the band or in the stadium?
![]() 09/23/2016 at 14:09 |
See the apartment circled in the upper left corner? That was my apartment. I wasn’t in band in college, I was in marching band in high school through my junior year, I played trombone and baritone. I quit for my senior year because I hated the director and i wasn’t very good.
![]() 09/23/2016 at 14:34 |
I was in Smith freshman dorm third floor my first year (had a buddy or two in Towers), looking out on North Avenue, then a mixture of places over on the west until graduating. Did *not* miss the hill climb to DM Smith and the library.
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I remember walking up freshman hill. Good times. Wait, terrible times. I was in Glenn as a 1st year and then NAS as a 3rd year, made that walk up that hill many times. I guess it’s better than walking from the ULC to DM Smith for an 8 AM, did that during my second year. I didn’t like west campus at all.
![]() 09/23/2016 at 14:40 |
Ah. Didn’t see the circle on my phone. I marched in HS, but quit when I got to college. Though I am now a professional musician (trumpet).
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Go Jackets.
I was in Freeman, then off campus on Hemphill, then in Centennial Place.
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I never wanted to deal with living off campus, I think I had some friends that did live in Centennial Place at one point.
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My sketchiest freshman hill experience Freshman year was biking back from DM Smith after a late night Calc review session when it was raining so hard there was about a half inch of water on the ground. Nobody around, so much water I couldnt’ see... and once I’d started moving, there was no way I would be able to slow down without going heels over head down freshman hill. And I was going faster... and faster...
Eighth and Hemphill (now Crecine) were a pretty long haul to DM Smith as well, for sure. My personal record distance for a first class was (I think) from the dorm I can’t remember the name of on the far end of the SAC courts all the way to the modern languages building. Not at 8AM, though. That’d be crazy.
![]() 09/23/2016 at 15:15 |
If Georgia Tech ever plays Purdue, Oppo will explode
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That’s scary. I never messed with a bike, there were too many hills/stairs for my taste. Plus I couldn’t bike and carry my coffee mug.
Every academic building was far from the ULC. That was my least favorite place I lived when I was there. Probably didn’t help I spent the fall semester of my second year on probation from dismissal and suspension held in abeyance. Let’s just say I messed up pretty bad after my freshman year.
![]() 09/23/2016 at 15:28 |
Why do you say that?
They have only played each other once, in the 1978 Peach bowl, a 41-21 Purdue win.
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Oh, I spent *a* semester on probation for lulz grades myself in my second year and I knew of a few others. It seems to be a thing that happens - maybe not multiple semesters running as often, but it’s a thing.
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I threw this up the second semester of my first year, joined the square root club. 0.75 was my GPA that semester, followed it up in Summer by getting a D in Physics 1. They sent me this nice email to congratulate me.
I used grade substitution to get back in school for the fall semester. 2009 was the last time my GPA was bellow a 2.0.
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I had one semester in the square root club - a D, an F (my only one), a C, and a withdrawal - I think? I don’t remember exactly, other than that the very next semester I took so many fluffing classes for humanities that with doing well in maybe one technical class I got Dean’s list, for pretty much the only time until my final year. HURR
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Forgot to add - grade substitution came too late for it to be any use to me whatsoever, so my envys, you has them.
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I made deans list twice, the first semester I moved into my fraternity house. That doesn’t make sense, but I took 4 ChBE classes and got an A, 2 Bs and a C, for a nice 3.0, I was pretty damn proud of myself. Move into a place that isn’t conducive to studying, get good grades. Probably didn’t hurt another fraternity brother was in 3 of those 4 ChBE classes with me and we did all the homework together.
Grade replacement saved my ass, if not I’d failed out and probably wouldn’t have been let back into the ChBE school and probably had to hop on the M-train. One of the advisors basically told me this. All I can say is fuck Calc 2, it took me three tries to get a C.
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I took calc II twice: D, B (IIRC). Second time nearly screwed it up into a D due to not going to class - saved by the curve and final. Final semester, even, because I are a moran. Calc I: D->A, Diffy: D->C, and Calc 3: F->D->C or B, don’t remember which. Fuck calc II for the gradu-tation scare, and fuck calc III for being a weasel class in general.
My worst and best semester were in the same place, with lots of distraction, because pretty much having a nervous breakdown one semester and not the other makes a difference.
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Because so many here are Yellowjackets or Boilermakers
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I got Bs in every other math class apart from calc 2 on my first try. I got a 98 and a 78 on the 2 diff eq tests, then the prof hands out the final and everyone starts looking around and has this look of we’ve never seen this shit before. I got a nice 45 on it, good thing he curved. With quizzes and other things I got a 69.999 in the class, needed a 70 to get a B, good thing he rounded up. I took Phys 2 after my fourth, and lived at home for that semester, I still got a C. I swear they just try to fail you out. Fuck the physics department.
I remember sitting in the ChemE dungeon one day and checking my email and being like i’m going to fail biochem and could feel myself getting sick. I made myself sick every dead week being like oh shit I’m going to fail. I had gotten bellow 3o on the previous 2 biochem tests and never went to class and got 0s on all the quizzes. However the prof was like the final is 75% old test question, like verbatium, and 25% new stuff. I memorized the tests and got a 70% on the final and got the lowest C in the class. This was one of the best emails I ever got
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I’m trying to think of how many yellow jackets we have here. I can only think of a couple.
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I was doing really well in Phys 2 until the final, on which I got a 68. Not a train wreck, but my very high B was not going to risk becoming an A after all...
That email - I can imagine receiving it as an almost religious experience.
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You have no idea how good that email made me feel.
This was the announcement on t-square (my login still works so I can still look at all of this stuff) And these were my grades:
Needed 190 points out of 340 to get a C, I got 189.5 and she rounded up, apparently I was the cutoff for the C. Looks like 8 people managed to do worse than me, which is impressive cause you can see my grades.
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Average 138/200? Even after curve that’s a really high average for a GT final. /snark.
No, but seriously, my favorite final of all time was Tris Utschig in materials science. Final not-really-comprehensive exam weighted no more than any of the other exams, not *naturally* any longer than them, and yet it was supposed to be a certain length because reasons. What does he do? In lieu of curving the class to where he wanted it to be or giving a super long intensive final for no reason, he filled out about 30% with gimmes and nonsense questions and references.
“The answer to this question is C”
“What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?”
-->”What do you mean - an african or european swallow?”
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I wish I had a prof do something like that, the easiest final I ever had was Separations, it was open book open notes and the questions were basically reworked homework problems. Funny story from that class, someone turned in the solutions manual as their homework one week. My prof was basically like come on, we know you have the solutions manual, if you’re going to cheat don’t make it this obvious. That student didn’t get turned into the OSI, they were like if anyone is this dumb again, we’re going to have to report you cheating.
That same semester I got this email:
It was basically, you’re all retarded. I somehow got a 75 after the curve, so I was happy with that grade. Managed to get a B in that class where 25% of the class got Ds.
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I think there was a “you’re all retarded” email in one of my classes - don’t remember which name it wore but it was sort of a systems class.
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Wouldn’t be Tech without your professor saying the class is dumb. Oh, the first part of her exam you couldn’t even use your note sheet, meaning you had to memorize formulas. I’m sorry I couldn’t remember the equation for heat transfer.
Oh she also made her own homework questions, so her homeworks took at least 6 hours to do cause we couldn’t consult the solutions manual when we got stuck.
![]() 09/23/2016 at 17:32 |
As a Purdue alum, please don’t make me go through that agony.
![]() 09/26/2016 at 08:34 |
I have my own copy of that e-mail. Twice. Made it work eventually. I’m a not-proud temporary member of the square root club as well.
![]() 09/26/2016 at 09:36 |
You still in school or did you get out?
![]() 09/27/2016 at 17:38 |
I got out. BSME ‘13
![]() 09/28/2016 at 10:39 |
Nice. CHBE 12