![]() 09/14/2016 at 11:55 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Not stuff people do to you. Stuff you do to others. As in, what mistake, when you make it, bugs you the most? Shit happens and we all make mistakes, it’s OK. But some make you wish there you could get out and apologize profusely to the affected motorist.
Pic vaguely related.
For me, it’s when I get in someone’s way. You’re moving faster than me, I’m busy with an overtake of my own and therefore in the lane you want? I’ll usually speed up. Someone’s waiting behind me at a turn? Stuff like that really bugs me if it goes on for too long (I’m going to say 15-20 seconds. Time it. You’d be surprised how fast traffic actually does move. 15-20 is a fairly long span, though not extreme by any means.) and it put’s me in a practically helpless situation. I can’t go ahead and I can’t let the person go by me. I’ll often rug it for a smaller gap than I would normally take in that situation, just so the guy behind can have their turn.
On the other hand, this often leads to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” situations, but in reverse. I try my best to stay out of your way. I expect you to stay out of mine.
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wipers on dry windshields
close second, various lighting issues
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Fitting. Yesterday I gave someone a deserved middle finger. They brake checked me and I passed to avoid. I should’ve just let it go rather than escalate the situation.
Just because others are assholes doesn't mean I should play their game
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I always feel bad when I’m driving through a construction zone, and I can hear my wheels scattering the fresh patches that were just poured into the potholes a few minutes ago. Especially when the workers are just a few yards away, and can probably hear it.
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That gets me too. All of a sudden you’re like “oh shit it stopped raining I KNEW THAT GUYS”
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Taking way too long in a parking lot.
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One time I flashed my brights at someone while he flashed his at me. Turns out we both forgot to turn our lights on and tried to remind each other. It was kind of funny.
As far as my worst mistakes, I think it’s really just anything where the other driver saves us from a crash. I’ve merged on top of two different cars and failed to notice a stop sign once. All three incidents made me want to just pull over and go into hiding. Super scary and embarrassing as hell.
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My exhaust isn't exceptionally loud but it seems to resonate just right to set off a bunch of car alarms in one of my work's parking garages. Scares the crap out of folks who are walking to the elevator when the parked car they're by starts flashing and honking. Sorry.
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Shortening the gap at a stop light. If I’m sitting at a light and people are moving up and there’s like two car lengths in front of me, I get lazy and don’t bother with shifting to first to shorten the gap. I know that’s leaving someone behind me in the lurch.
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Yeah.. yesterday I did something that I’m simultaneously pleased/ashamed of... Some dick wasn’t letting someone get over to get their exit, even though they had lots of room and were just passing through the lane. They kept speeding up until they’d caught up to the guy in front and the person getting over had to find another gap. So when I had a chance I cut the guy off and went on my merry way.
Just have to keep telling yourself “it’s not worth it. it’s not worth it. it’s not worth it.”
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Definitely parking, maneuvering either the Range Rover or the Citroen inside a 70 year old city centre garage built for small cars and holding up the young people driving the Fiat 500 and Volkswagen UPs behind me.
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Leaving too much nose out in parking spots. My Ram is way more difficult to judge rear distance than my Dakota was for some strange reason. I could park my Dakota anywhere but I still struggle with my Ram. And I didn’t have this problem with my dad’s ‘99 Ram nor the ‘78 GMC I learned on. Even when I had the tailgate off. I suspect it’s due to the rake that exists on the 2WD Ram that didn’t exist on my 2WD Dakota nor the other 4WD trucks. Even with drop shackles it still sits way high in the rear. I’d like a 4/2 drop for no reason other than to level it.
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Texting while driving makes me want to rip my hair out, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAKES PEOPLE THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA???!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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You reminded me of something else. I hate forgetting to turn my highs down. Or, one worse... when someone’s low beams are pretty bright and you flash at them to turn their highs off...
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I also hate when I’m in somebody’s way. The other one that bugs me, is when I don’t notice somebody at a 4-way stop, and I start going when it’s their turn. This happens because the way I sit, with the height of my torso and the positioning of the rear-view mirror in my truck., the mirror blocks my view of any car stopping to my right. Occasionally I forget to duck down and check if there’s somebody else there. I get so mad at myself when I do that.
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I have to admit that’s something I’d laugh at and do again. I’m a terrible person.
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When the turn is too gentle to cancel the turn signal indicator and I cannot hear it
Yeah, I’m “that guy,” “for I have not only grown gray but almost deaf in the service of my country.”
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It’s so much worse on hills, when you can’t tell if it’s just their low beams on a slant.
That said, if someone is using those fake xenon blue things that blind everyone as low beams, I’ll put my brights on for them. Because fuck you.
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Not seeing someone in my blind spot and moving in toward them when changing lanes. I always feel like an asshat and give an apologetic wave.
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Do you ever feel like you’re driving a tank in a shopping mall
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loud exhaust on my vehicles. and i usually get on them often.
Powerstroke is straightpipe and Miata only has a straight thru performance muffler.
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When I rage on people. Can’t say I’m proud of it, but I’ve violently brake-checked lane hoggers before (after undertaking them). As in slow traffic down to 25-30mph just to spite the lane hogger, which is beyond stupid in hindsight, since I’m only delaying myself more than I otherwise would be, and will eventually try it on someone with a gun and a bad temper.
I always feel terrible about it and wished I had been more mature and just reminded myself it's not worth it. I hate being human.
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It’s a pickup thing. I find I have excellent vis everywhere in mine EXCEPT for judging distance behind.
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When I’m the first car waiting in the right lane at a red light and the car behind me wants to go right, I will sometimes inch into the crosswalk so they can squeeze behind me and turn. This is purely because I feel guilty about making them wait (of course I don’t do this with pedestrians present).
When I’m in the left lane of the highway passing a slower car that is itself approaching behind an even slower vehicle in its lane, I will speed up so the other guy doesn’t have to brake before moving in behind me. If I see the other car have to brake/deactivate cruise to wait for me to pass, once again, I feel bad.
The list goes on. I sometimes think more about other drivers on the road than I do about my own driving.
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One of the reason I like having driving lights up front.. the other driver already saw me dip miles back..
I don’t flash with them though- blinding oncoming drivers is not a healthy trick.
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First I’m going to admit something. I’ve done it. Now:
I agree. What’s so hard about “hey passenger say x to y” or “they can suck it up I’m driving”? Seems easier than OOPS$$$
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I have no problems with better lighting, but those things need to be aimed differently than standard lighting before they’re acceptable.
I think. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.
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“when someone’s low beams are pretty bright and you flash at them to turn their highs off...”
That one doesn’t bother me so much. With all the lifted Jeeps and trucks around here, I see too-bright lights as either high beams or they didn’t bother to adjust their lights after the lift.I had some jackhole blind me this morning in his lifted Jeep with his low beams and @!#$^@#$% fog/driving lights turned on.
Perhaps if they get flashed enough times they will take a hint and get their lights adjusted to compensate for the lift.
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Or, pedestrian crossing in your A-pillar on a left turn and you can’t see them until you start turning.
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I drive way faster than most people around corners then ride your ass until I can pass because why the hell did you slow down for the corner? The corner is the fun part. The ass ridding thing is the not nice part but I’m trying to tell you to not slow down to 35 mph on a 60 mph bend.
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That helpless feeling sucks... I SWEAR I’M NOT INCOMPETENT I JUST FORGOT MY... oh I’M CARELESS... wait... shit.
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This is the only one I’ve had this problem with though. I’ve been improving, but it’s a strangle struggle given that I’ve been driving pickups frequently and backing them into spots since my learner’s permit. And strangely, it’s the shortest pickup I’ve driven by about a foot. (not counting the 3 minute stint in a 80's S10) My Dakota was longer due to the extended cab (and 3" longer bed), the GMC was a long bed, and the ‘99 was an extended cab long bed.
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Once I was on one of my bicycles in the bike lane I almost got run over by a a girl who tried to snapchat and drive. That both scared and disgusted me. is Snapchat really good enough to risk killing another human?
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I do that too. I know what I’d want if I were the guy behind me, so... What bugs me then is when you give someone acres of space and they refuse to take it.
Ditto, if I notice.
I flipflop. I’m kind of rediculous that way.
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You, though, are already blind.
Pictured: the worst kind of blind. Dark, wet, curvy, Moose country.
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Because of the funky intersections around my work people frequently end up in my A pillar blind spots, to the point where more than once I don’t even see them as I’m pulling out until they get damned close and I feel like a dolt because I was even looking in their direction.
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In the city, if you mistake lows for highs that’s one thing. They probably have upgraded lights and haven’t bothered their heads to adjust them.
However on a road like this...
Everything looks bright when it crests the next hill. What with modern lighting and semi’s being higher than you, it’s not terribly difficult to make a mistake.
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I do this, but I don’t feel bad about it :)
I might sometimes contemplate the consequences of a brakechecker, but I don’t feel bad.
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I have done deliberate rage, occasionally... but for the most part I satisfy myself with a high-speed pass and a not-quite-cut-off lane change.
I do team up against people though. Some guy was being a dick (in this case by boxing him in deliberately) to another driver who wasn’t causing any problems. The driver broke free after a while which pissed the dick off even more and made him even more aggressive, so when I caught up I treated the guy to his own cooking. I stuck with the other guy and blocked the dick from coming by until eventually the moron got off.
Smart? Probably not. Satisfying? Hell yes.
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I hate accidentally cutting people and/or almost hitting them. I think I’ve checked all my blindspots, I think I’ve looked everywhere I need to, but I miss something somehow and I either merge into a lane where I have no right being, or take a turn at an intersection that could have gotten nasty, or (and this happened to me yesterday) I go to pass two cars and the second car at the front of the pack is taking a left at the same moment and I narrowly avoided them by driving onto the shoulder.
I still feel like a complete fucking asshole for that last one.
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Get some rainx on there.. stat!
And if I flash you won’t be, ‘-Oh, perhaps I have forgotten to turn down my lights. Thank you kinds motorist!’
It wil be ‘Arrgshhhhh’; -><- crash.
One of the reasons I don’t mind our Provinces silly opaque cover laws..
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Yes, especially because the Citroen has MAXIMUM FRONT OVERHANG.
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That WAS RainX’d :/
Ahhh... I get what you meant about driving lights up front now. As far as having others see you dip, on this road it was pitch black but fairly open. You can always see the lights if you’re coming to a hill, but if it’s a curve... 50/50. Even so, I tend to leave my highs on until our lit patches about equal the gap between them (OK, no hard and fast rule here. This is just as close as I can approximate it)... because once the highs are out you can’t. see. jack.
That said, if they turn their lights off, I’ll usually do the same thing immediately and hope for the best.
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Despite my current situation in the flat (swamp) lands of semi-rural South Louisiana, my formative years were spent driving on hills in the country. I’m very familiar with the difference between low and high beams cresting a hill. Everyone was intensely aware of how bright their lights were, so they had the habit of looking for lights coming the other direction and dimming their lights before cresting the hill. My mom’s rule was if you could see either the headlights OR taillights of another vehicle, you turned your brights off so you wouldn’t blind someone else.
If you lift your vehicle and don’t bother to readjust your lights, you deserve every bright flash coming your way.
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When I see an animal in the road and instinctively swerve instead of just hitting it like I should. I know swerving can lead to a loss of control and a possible accident. That's why as soon as I do it, I mentally berate myself constantly. I'm trying to work on it, though.
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“Get some rainx on there.. stat!”
RainX is fine if the rain is heavy enough and you are moving fast enough for the wind to blow the water droplets off the windshield. In situations where you have to use the wipers, RainX causes the water to break into tiny droplets as the wipers pass. When someone is coming the other way, their lights will hit the water and white-out your field of view.
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But, I was in the country and am FROM the city. Harder for me to make that call. Some people are definitely too bright, some are definitely on low beam, but there are some where you can’t quite tell what they are... and when you flash them and get blinded in return it makes you feel kinda stupid.
And that’s fair enough. I’ll take that.
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Most small animals: ain’t care.
Skunks and medium (eg big dogs) to large (deer, moose) sized animals I would try to avoid.
Geese I actively pursue.
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Ouch. It’s hard to grow up City and transplant Country. I had the joy of experiencing both. Major metropolitan to start, moved to a commuter city, moved to a University town, then moved to the boondocks, all before I turned 12. How rural was it? It was 5 miles into town where only the gas station, Sonic, and a local pizza place stayed open past 7:00; and 35 miles to that bastion of rural shopping nirvana, Wal-Mart. There wasn’t even a stoplight in town until I was a junior in high school.
There’s nothing wrong with a quick blip of the high beams to remind your neighbors to be friendly, even if they already are. No shame if you can’t tell the difference either. It usually means your eyes are accustomed to the output of your own lights which are in desperate need of a good cleaning.
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This was a “just passing through” scenario, so even more so. As far as how rural it was... You can take a street-level look at anywhere between Kenora and Vermillion Bay and imagine it at night, that should give you the idea.
And that headlight cleaning bit isn’t at all unlikely. Even the period of torrential rain at 90-100kph could barely put a dent in the bug splats, so yeah.
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ymmv I guess.
I’ve used Rainx for the last 15 years and had no such issues, it’s not too often that I need to use the wipers at all -and when I do it’s much more likely to clear than streak..
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I don't understand why it only car people that take corners properly. Also, why do people not accelerate out of corners?!
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Skunks are avoid at all cost, and I’ve had too many close calls with them. As for deer, I’d rather take a deer to the windshield than a tree upside down to the windshield.
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It doesn’t streak, it hazes, especially when it’s just sprinkling or the main source of water is the mist being kicked up by other cars on the road. I just keep the reservoir filled with good windshield cleaner to keep everything as clean as possible.
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I’d rather take the empty road to the side than either the deer or the tree.
And as for moose, both the animal and the plant are equally deadly. You might as well try to dodge.
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They go slow around corners then accelerate to 10 over the posted speed limit on the straight sections.
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My biggest one is people cutting me off and going slower than I was driving, when NO ONE is behind me at all for miles. Pisses me off to no end. I usually just wait and pass them like a good driver. Sometimes if it’s really egregious I don’t slow down till I get too close for my own comfort... I shouldn’t do that, but I’m not perfect.
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as a pickup driver, you’re entitled to 2-4 parking spaces at once.
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I hate when i get the repeat flash, then the constant-on high beams. dude, you flashed, i didn’t dim. maybe my high beams aren’t on? i’d flash you back, but then we’d have two drivers that can’t see.
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all the bro trucks around here have those huge led light bars, and they drive around with those on instead of headlights. it’s like looking directly into the sun.
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My Dodge Ram PU can hide a small star system behind its A pillar and flat screen TV sized wing mirror. I have to actively pay direct attention to any vehicles caught in said void. My blanket apologies to those who have not been seen.
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That’s illegal in every state.
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If you are quick on the switch, it won’t fully activate the high beams and it won’t blind anyone. It’s the smart thing to do to let them know you got the message.
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only true if you have halogen lights. if there isn’t traffic i’ll flick my lights from low beam to parking for a split second so they get the idea.
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as well as it should be. unfortunately, it’s seldom enforced.
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Oh shit I need to be in the left lane to make a left turn.... let me just slow down, left blinker on in the right lane ...damn it wheres a break in traffic, ok go. sorry
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Even worse in my books are they guys in the left lane who stop and let him in. Don’t cater to the moron.
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When i do it, its because the next road is no commercial vehicles or stuff in tow, which I normally take with my beige mobile.