![]() 09/07/2016 at 10:16 • Filed to: first world problems | ![]() | ![]() |
They have ALL THAT ROOM in front of their own house across the street, but park in front of mine. Barely the legal distance from my driveway. ON GARBAGE DAY.
I hope the robotic arm on the trash truck takes off their stupid bumper.
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Place a can on their hood.
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Is this sarcastic? I haven’t had enough coffee today.
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Same issue, asshole neighbors moved in have a driveway and three cars. They park two on the street where parking is limited and only one compact car on the driveway. They also save their spots by putting trash cans. They also have the worst taste in cars, chevy aveo, chevy astro van from the early 90s, and some saturn suv.
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Like.... a soda can? Or the whole garbage can?
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Cut the tree down and make it land on their car, then leave a card that says "Shade. Thrown."
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Open a bag of bird seed on the hood.
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The whole garbage can
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I have a neighbour who frequently parks so that about a foot of their car is actually over my driveway. I’ve been politely reminding them to not do that for years. I have resisted the urge to start an all out fued because its not like I’m going to move.
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Its heavy. We’ve been going through the father-in-law’s stuff.
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The problem is the shade tree. Cut it down or entice a bunch of birds to roost in the tree.
You could also start parking your car in the street in front of their house.
Or, you could just go talk to them about it.
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I hate that. We have the S10 in front of our house now but people loved to park there before we got it. That was an added bonus to getting the truck.
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If they are blocking your driveway, perhaps a couple of trips to the tow yard to retrieve their car would make the point?
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Push it right up against their bumper
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No I was actually a tad bit perturbed when I rolled the cans down.
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I’m confident it would, but it would be clear who made the call to the tow company, and I don’t need that kind of anger sitting next door to me for a decade.
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Dump it through the window.
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The worst part is definitely the saving spots. I hate people that feel like they own public/community spots. If the street is not your property or the spaces are not assigned to you, then you have no claim to it. I ran into this often while living in a city during a snow storm. People would try to save spots with all sorts of lawn furniture and junk. Sure, you put in the effort to clear a spot, but that is not really how it works.
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Ok then get some help and remember to lift with your legs.
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I like your idea better
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I’m going to play devil’s advocate: The roadway is public space and they are within the letter of the law.
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No. No you don't.
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Same. I basically strategically park to keep people from blocking our driveway.
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I’d be tempted to throw some nails in that spot and make sure all your friends and family knew to not park there.
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not a bad idea. hard to trace it as my fault... hmmmm
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So you rolled your cans in front of their car instead of to the other side of the driveway?
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Nails may be too obvious. One piece of bent rusty sheetmetal could do it.
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Only one logical response.
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Next to my driveway is the neighbor next to me’s driveway. We share the apron. His cans are just out of sight on the right.
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Heh, my strategy was to edge every time I had some dumb renters across the street park in front of my house. First I tried interrupting dinner by saying I was going to edge and could they please move. They stopped answering the door so edging commenced without car moving. A nice spray of dirt/clippings and they eventually got the message.
Side benefit, the front of my house looked nice since I hate edging and procrastinate unless there's a forcing function.
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The Trailblazer is such a hunk of crap, they wouldn’t/don’t care when I cut the grass and spray the side of it.
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who gives a shit? You have given them warning a few times right? Just tell them your fed up with them sitting there and will tow because you don’t want to hit them.
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Bologna their car. and say some hoodlums did it.
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Yeah, that’s typically how I feel, but my wife is firmly on takuro’s side here.
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Oh, if they were ILLEGALLY parked it’d be a much different matter.
Also, this is why I placed the cans far enough away from the curb so they can be seen and picked up.... they’re about even with the driver’s headlight.
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I know I don't own the street, but that bugs me too. Anyone parked out front of my house should be a guest. It's silly, I get it. Like why did you park there? Why not somewhere else? Now, if the street is full that's a whole other story. Park wherever you find room.
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You can switch it up with different sized nails and screws.
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Not quite the same issue, but I hate it when people mess up how parking works. On my street, the same cars park in the same places pretty much every day, because there’s just enough room for everyone who lives on the block. But then there’ll be the random large, badly parked work van or truck where I usually park, or where my neighbour usually parks, and then the parking for everyone is ruined because of one or two randoms. There are no parking restrictions, I guess I just want people to psychically know that there’s a system they’re ruining....
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This would not bother me in the slighest. I see like 4-5 other spots in the picture. I am sure you can manage to locate your cars into one of those spots.
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Just because what a person does is not illegal, does not mean they are not a D bag. See: Westboro Baptist Church
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I had a neighbor that would always park in front of my house instead of his. he drove a POS rusted out Pontiac 6000 and didn’t want it in front of his house. i got sick of looking at it so I parked my second car in front of my house. He proceeded to call and have it towed, because apparently you can’t occupy the same parking space for more than 24 hours. Came home from work one day and my car was gone and his shitbox was parked there. Called and reported it stolen but the cops quickly informed me it was impounded. Didn’t take long to figure out what happened. This is the same asshole that put up a stockade fence between our back yards because “his kids were afraid of the dog.” Yeah, a 10 week old german shepherd is fucking ferocious.
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Give them fair warning. “I know you have difficulty parking without blocking my driveway, but I’m having difficulty exiting my driveway when you are blocking it. The next time it happens, I will call the police and/or a tow company to have it removed.”
The alternative is a set of wheel jacks.
Pick the car up and move it back, or across the street, or spin it around, or into his own driveway....
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One time my neighbor parked like that after I already had my cans out. The robotic arm couldn’t get it without scraping the car, so they left a note on my front door saying that the car needed to be parked further away or they wouldn’t pick up the trash. I stuck it under the windshield wiper of the car. They never parked there on trash day again. Which is a good thing for them, because if they did it again I was going to just dump the trash that wasn't picked up into their cans.
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Stop by home on your lunch break after the trash has been picked up and put the bins on their hood.
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Lunch break, ha! When the wife gets off work and gets the kids from school I’ll have them lift ‘em if the truck is still there.
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I parked my white P71 at the end of my block when it was for sale, with FOR SALE signs and everything. It was in front of my house, but someone called the cops anyways and reported as a “nuisance vehicle” which in the city of Milwaukee means a car that is abandoned, has flat tires, broken glass, etc.
The cop laughed when I called, said it was probably the people who like to speed down my street that were just upset because they thought my car was an actual unit with an officer inside.
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Cars or cans?
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I think of it as a common courtesy. If you’re visiting/living in a certain house, park in front it. Not the neighbor’s. Not across the street.
I can’t wait until winter when street parking at night is forbidden.
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One of my biggest peeves is when I’m trying to street park at a big festival or whatnot, and you ALWAYS have that guy taking up two spots, or parked in between two driveways just such that there COULD have fit three cars there, but not now.
Fun story, I went to a swap meet last weekend and got a parking spot right up front. Why? Because everyone else was afraid to park at the curb because there was a ton of brush piled up. I made the wife and kids hop out where it was safe, and backed ‘er right in up to the sticks and twigs.
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What’s the ‘legal distance’ required between the curb cut and the bumper? Not sure if we have a similar ordinance in NJ, but if we do it’s likely 12 inches PAST the curb, so your driveway might look like this:
Personally, I’d rather have my neighbor park on my side of the street, which is a bit narrower than yours. He currently parks his SUV directly across from my driveway, so it’s a pain every time I pull out of my driveway. He has the only two cars that park in the street all the time, but there’s nothing illegal about it, just an annoyance.
Ironically, I had a friend park in front of my own house temporarily once (and I do mean once, as it’s a yellow curb). Sure enough, my neighbors daughter backed out of her driveway and drilled his two week old Civic. Never looked, never even hit her brakes. Said driver also took out her own garage door once. I will admit, I chuckled a bit...
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WI law is: Within 4 feet of the entrance to an alley or a private road or driveway.
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I just checked and, as expected, in NJ it’s basically zero feet. Just don’t block the driveway.
(4) In front of a public or private driveway;
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Cars. Although you could also put your cans on the back side of his car. I just meant it doesn’t seem like your neighbourhood is running out of parking. There appears to be lots of space for both cars and cans.
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Oh I park all my cars in the driveway/garage. I didn’t feel like I should have to walk all the way around their vehicle in the rain when for the past three years I have been placing my cans in those exact same spots.
I agree, the dude or lady didn’t need to park where they did, but they always seem to like being under that tree for whatever reason.
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I don’t think the driver of the Trailblazer did anything D-baggy here.
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Our street only allows parallel parking on one side, the side opposite our house. We have 3 vehicles, and one is always in the garage. I leave for work at 6:30 AM, my gf doesn’t leave until 7:30 (9:30 in a couple of weeks). I arrive home at 4:30, she doesn’t get home until 7:30.
Because of this, one of us always has to street-park in order to prevent blocking the other in/being blocked in (driveway is single-car width).
Our neighbor across the street is constantly shooting us dirty looks for parking in front of his house...and it’s frustrating. City law says street parking can’t be for more than 24 hours, and at most we street park for 14 hours. We’re never in the way on trash day. We don’t crowd his driveway. We never street-park on weekends.
You have a situation where the neighbor could park on his own side and just doesn’t. That sucks. I wish I could do that, but it’s sort of illegal. I just hate getting guff for breaking zero rules.
The point of all this? I don’t know...I guess I like stories.
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I don’t miss living in the city where during winters months, a whole block full of cars is only allowed to park on ONE side of the street, and if it snows more than 4"? Better move your car somewhere else or it’s getting towed away...
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We regularly have street parking bans in the winter, but I’ve never actually seen anyone get towed before. I think the city just tries to reserve the right to do it. We get plenty of snow, being in the lake effect region off of Lake Erie...but my neighbors all have no problem leaving their cars in the street.
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Disappointed I was the first.
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We have some neighbors that did that for a while - missed pick up a half dozens times because they would park right in front of the cans, (which are way up the street from them - they were just “leaving room” in front of their house....) We had a talk and they don’t do that anymore. Some folks just need a little help thinking beyond their own face.