![]() 04/14/2016 at 17:26 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
This has gotten out of hand.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 17:31 |
I don’t know what’s going on here, but that is a funny post title.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 17:31 |
Is it clickbait if the title is accurate?
![]() 04/14/2016 at 17:34 |
Or creative and funny? Why is Oppo always having these “boo hoo it’s a wimminz” moments?
![]() 04/14/2016 at 17:35 |
![]() 04/14/2016 at 17:39 |
Because this is your first in almost a year. This places descends into chaos without you.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 17:41 |
Because far too many Oppos are afraid of our vaginas.
And didn’t you know? Anytime one of us uppity women has the audacity to disagree with a man, or even just to speak in public at all, we must be taught a lesson, riduculed ad nauseum, and otherwise harassed.
I mean, I’m only being a *little* bit hyperbolic here. Were you around when Walker hosted an AMA here on Oppo? Oppo collectively lost its shit. Those who were too afraid to ask her any questions in her AMA (where her responses were pretty gracious) ran to create post after post after post that talked about her AMA, her Gizmodo pieces, and her in general — all without ever mentioning her name, as if she was Voldermort.
It would have been pretty hilarious if wasn't so sad.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 17:42 |
Oh I’m here, just lurking. I check in occasionally but yeah...
![]() 04/14/2016 at 17:44 |
Did you listen to my interview with her?
![]() 04/14/2016 at 17:44 |
I saw it. It was all around dumb. I’ve been around this place for years, some more active, some not, but this is the general stuff that led me to simply lurk more. It got way old and I have enough going on in my life without fighting the weeble wobble.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 17:47 |
In this case: Oppo (and Jalopnik) have a sort of vendetta against her for wanting to ban cars.
Which, yeah her articles are almost objectively misinformed (because they’re 110% from the perspective of a city dweller)...but we should be educating her on why she’s wrong, not making fun of her.
Otherwise, the mods do a pretty good job at keeping Oppo a welcome place for women...even if it means banning A LOT of people. lol
![]() 04/14/2016 at 17:52 |
Sir Halffast!
![]() 04/14/2016 at 17:57 |
I can’t speak for all, but I feel like I would find her opinions just as distasteful if she were a man. Again though, can only speak for myself.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 18:00 |
I disagree with you! You must now be taught a lesson! **Looks up ad nauseum**Gives up** And for the last time I’m not afraid of your vagina, wet beavers, or any combination of the two!
Sidenote: Also I kind of agree with she who must not be named that cars should be banned from cities. Cities should be filled with bikes (with and without motors) and I will also choose to live outside of the cities where I can fear public transport in peace.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 18:01 |
I think that’s the case here too. I haven’t seen anyone attacking her for being a woman...but rather just being a misinformed person.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 18:03 |
True true. I mean hell, she even admitted to liking some pretty bad-ass classic cars too, but no vice. :(
![]() 04/14/2016 at 18:08 |
TIL xyl0c41n3 is a woman. huh, never knew that. not that it matters, but I always thought you were a guy.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 18:36 |
Gotta put the wimminz in dey place so they don’t take over er jerbs!!!!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!!!1111!!1!!!!
![]() 04/14/2016 at 18:39 |
To be fair, I just thought it was hilarious this ended up in the Chive. I don't like most of her articles, but the AMA was good.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 18:44 |
I wonder why whenever somebody complains about content, somebody else always throws gender out as a red herring? :|9
![]() 04/14/2016 at 19:03 |
Because she gets an inordinate amount of shit because of her opinions on cars. If it were Patrick George or Raphael or even Jesus Diaz writing that same headline, no one would care.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 19:10 |
I forgot that site existed.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 19:14 |
Make America Great Again? lol
![]() 04/14/2016 at 19:20 |
While it would be nice to educate her, this is Gawker you’re referring to. I’ve come to terms that trying to properly educate someone who’s stance on a subject revolves around being in a self validating echo chamber is a pointless exercise in futility. I’d compare it to beating your head against a brick wall, but that’s not nearly as painful.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 19:25 |
The wimminz are great people. I know a lot of wimminz and they are just great. Wimminz work for me. I love wimminz. Great people.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 19:26 |
I have a sudden urge to listen to Primus now.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 19:36 |
Muahahahahahahaha!!! My rule for Kinja debates is that if the other person does not seem to want to accept an opinion that doesn’t match their own, then I kindly end it from my end. It’s better that way.
That is, unless it’s a debate about trans people and I’m talking to someone who does not know their shit, then I’m going to come like a darned predator. :D
![]() 04/14/2016 at 20:07 |
Yeah, I live!
![]() 04/14/2016 at 20:21 |
Imagine that. You mean she DIDN’T live up to the bullshit stereotypes assigned to her by certain members of Oppo?! I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell ya!
![]() 04/14/2016 at 20:22 |
Heh. You’re not the first person on kinja to think that, so no worries. I take it as a compliment that’s it’s not always readily apparent. :)
![]() 04/14/2016 at 20:23 |
Hmm. Throughout my professional life I’ve worked in male dominated industries. Guess I am coming after yer jerb after all.
Sorry not sorry.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 20:30 |
She’s actually not as misinformed as you’re still assuming she is. During her AMA she discussed several times the differences in the transportation needs of urban versus suburban/rural dwellers, and even between first world nation and third world nation populations.
But nah, let’s just take it upon ourselves to continue to insist she NEEDS to be educated, whether or not she’s receptive to our particular brand of “education.”
Because that’s exactly unlike (/s) the attitude most of Oppo has to women already: lady holds an opinion? Oh, we must tell her exactly how she’s wrong.
Furthermore, if you haven’t seen her being “attacked” on here because of her gender, you haven’t been looking all that hard. At one point, there was at least a post a day wherein the criticisms and insults were very much gender-based or gender-informed.
It dropped off severely after she did her AMA, though. Probably because she so thoroughly called out those kinds of posts.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 20:37 |
Well, my vagina thanks you? Hehehe.
And I'm with you in living just far enough away from the city to avoid using public transportation. Good thing I live in Texas, where we measure distance in hours, not miles. :)
![]() 04/14/2016 at 20:59 |
Sorry, I need to clarify. I don’t remember all that happened in that AMA. I have absolutely deplorable memory. :(
But, you are completely right, she did show that she knows how the world works, and arguably better than some of Jalopnik.
However, prior to the AMA, her articles did sort of lack full context of her thesis, leading some people to believe that she wants to ban every human controlled car ever (which wasn’t her point).
Regardless, her treatment here and Jalopnik showed that Oppo and Jalopnik aren’t nearly as lady friendly (especially with Batshit Babes) as many claim they are. There are ways you can disagree with someone without stooping to acting childish.
I didn’t get the chance to see the gendered insults because I noped out of the AMA before it really got heated. It’s sad that such happened on top of the other shit.
I’ve gotten MORE than my fair share of hate on here, Groupthink, and GOMI...And tbh it’s part of the reason I’m not doing many transition posts anymore. It stopped being fun...
![]() 04/14/2016 at 22:00 |
But do you have binders full of wimminz?
![]() 04/14/2016 at 22:57 |
Not really. Plus Patrick has gotten tons of shit simply for sharing the articles, not even for writing them. But maybe you haven’t noticed this. And maybe you haven’t noticed because of his gender? Oh no wait, I won’t throw that non-sequitur out there.
![]() 04/14/2016 at 23:55 |
Yep. You got me.
![]() 04/15/2016 at 00:13 |
Well that and I never see anybody making posts about Stef or Alanis or Kat, and surely, with everybody hating wimminz so much, there should be just as many threads about them as about Alissa.
Unless of course, it’s not gender that’s got people complaining. It’s too bad, because I too wanted an excuse to pull my white set of armor out.
![]() 04/15/2016 at 09:06 |
never a bad thing :]
![]() 04/15/2016 at 18:46 |
it’s always diffcult to guess who people are from behind a keyboard. we are a diverse group on oppo and we should embrace it more.
![]() 04/15/2016 at 19:32 |
Honestly, what really surprised me about you not knowing I’m a woman is that here on Oppo, more often than not, people I’ve never interacted with before will comment to me out of the blue to say something about my reputation preceding me. And not in a kind way.
They usually mean it as an insult in the manner of, “look at this fucking chick. There she goes again . Why can’t she just shut the fuck up already?” And in my head I’m like, “Who TF is this?”
Those comments are generally a result of me piping up on posts where there’s sexism and/or racism to call out the bullshit.
I mean, I pipe up on a ton of other stuff, too, but some people think I only look for shit to bitch about.
So... Yeah... I was kinda relieved that your comment wasn’t one of those types of responses. :)
![]() 04/16/2016 at 03:06 |
I’m glad I’m not one of those types. I wouldn’t talk to you like that if you were in front of me, so why would I do it online? what benefit does it have?
I don’t understand most of the net because of this, I looked at the comments on a Jalopnik Youtube video (the one where Stef drives a porsche in the snow) and I was disgusted at the comments, Stef was good in that video! certainly more natural on camera than DeMuro and some of the others, but they mostly made comments about women.
That annoys me.