![]() 03/28/2016 at 16:00 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Went to court today for my speeding ticket. Got the charges reduced so that’s good. I’d like to thank Mr. Lehto for that with his wonderful podcasts. Most of his advice on what to do if you get a ticket didn’t apply to me but the advice to try to do something is worth the effort and it was. So here’s what happened for anyone who cares along with some funny people watching stories.
They separate their courts based on offenses so my time was spent with traffic violators and a few probation violations. They call your name and you stand up and make one of three choices: say “not guilty” and sit back down, say “I wanna speak to a prosecutor” and sit back down while they pull your driving record, or go up front say “guilty/nolo” given a chance to say something and then go sit on the left till a lady takes you out and you pay your fine. About 2/3 of the people chose the last action. I went for option 2. This ultimately took longer but a couple extra hours is better than the hit to my insurance.
The judge leaves and the prosecutors talk to everyone there individually to go over their options based on their driving record or to talk to the people who pled not guilty and go over things with them. This took a while but they had a judge call in sick so they only had 2 courtrooms running instead of 3 but the prosecutors were very efficient and polite, even with the rude people with the “I’ve got places to be” attitude that thought they deserved to be pushed to the front of the line. But this was the time I got to hear some funny stuff from people. After this process the judge came back and went through the motions for everything, then I got to wait to pay.
Overall, not a terrible experience and outside of the time consumed it was much better than stories I’ve heard from other people dealing with different counties.
Some funny stuff now if you’ve made it this far
I got myself all well groomed and put on my best suit. That didn’t matter one bit. I was viewed and treated the same as people in shorts and t shirts who looked like they needed a bath. There were 3 guys who walked up with their pants so low their butts were hanging out.
The judge, while nice and offered advice such as “are you sure you wanna plead guilty without legal counsel for these charges? It means you’ll automatically lose your license and x/y/z” to which most people responded “I’ll get council first”, took no pity on sob stories that people gave after their plea.
One guy was in there for a probation violation. He had been arrested in 4 different states for weed and was arrested again for the same. He also had a warrant for his arrest in another state for a bench warrant for a weed offense.
Out of the 4 or 5 DUIs and 2 hit and runs, only one had a lawyer. I would think serious charges like that would warrant one. One lady had DUI, hit and run, speeding, and open container charges. She had no lawyer and her excuse was her mother just died.
The judge kept urging people to be quick if they were just pleading guilty or nolo to move things along. One guy yelled “nolo” right as the lady called his name, power walked to the stand, said “I have nothing to say” and moved to the left side before the lady could finish writing. Judge just laughed and said “that’s what I’m talking about!”
There were a few more things but I gotta go so yeah.
![]() 03/28/2016 at 16:10 |
Wow, all this for a speeding ticket? We just go to and pay, unless contesting. That being said, courtrooms like this are great people watching, I’ve seen and heard a lot of amusing and unbelievable things.
![]() 03/28/2016 at 16:10 |
Wait... you actually have to go into court for a guilt/nolo plea? In Texas you can pretty much just call it in. In fact, defensive driving (I’ve done an online course twice) is usually an option for nolo pleas, which keeps it off your record and your insurance.
Guess I should clarify that that’s for speeding tickets and other minor traffic violations. I guess not everybody in your courtroom was there for such things.
![]() 03/28/2016 at 16:16 |
![]() 03/28/2016 at 16:16 |
Yeah. I could've paid online but I wanted to try to get it reduced. One lady wanted to plead not guilty and go to trial to fight a ticket for not moving over for an emergency vehicle. Her excuse was she didn't know that was the law.
![]() 03/28/2016 at 16:17 |
Glad you were able to make something positive out of the experience!
![]() 03/28/2016 at 16:20 |
“I plead to not guilty to running over those children, because I did not know there was a law against running over children.”
Some people.
![]() 03/28/2016 at 16:21 |
I would say 3/4 if not more were people in for speeding. They have some speed traps and a construction zone that makes them a lot of money. I think for 20 mph over or more you have to go in. You can pay online or at the courthouse instead of going in. I only went in to get a reduction
![]() 03/28/2016 at 16:25 |
I went and pleaded “not guilty” when my speedo was inaccurate on my CVPI bought from the same city I got pulled over in. Had paperwork proving they had the wrong speedo gear installed, and proving I had it replaced.
The judge looked at the paperwork for 2 seconds, said “No points, $25 court fee only” (down from 4 points and a $250 fine for going 70+ in a 55) and sent me on my way. EVERYONE else was giving me the stink eye as I walked out of the courtroom with the biggest shit eating grin on my face...
![]() 03/28/2016 at 16:30 |
Fun fact about driving violations: once, while 17, I went to the park at night and drove under the monkey bars of the playground. Just for fun.
I later learned that Georgia is the only state that has a specific written law that forbids people from driving through a playground. For some reason. Like in any other state, you’d get whatever you get for leaving the roadway and maybe disorderly conduct, but in GA you’d also get charged for driving through a playground.
Come to think of it, I almost wish I got caught if it would have been a cheap ticket. I’d probably be the first one ever charged for it, and I’d have a great trump card for “two truths and a lie.”
![]() 03/28/2016 at 16:48 |
Obviously she should have gone with, “if it’s OK for John Kaisch, it’s good enough for me”:
![]() 03/28/2016 at 17:51 |
Knowing the metro area, the ticket would probably be $300. My fine was over $100 more than the one I got 10 years and I was going faster in the one then. But it was in South Georgia
![]() 03/28/2016 at 19:09 |
That's awesome. The only bragging rights I have for my day is I was the best dressed.
![]() 03/28/2016 at 19:11 |
Yeah. And like I said, despite being a little backed up and still having to pay money it was way better than the stories I've heard from other people in other counties.