![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:30 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
It’s unfortunate over a dozen innocent lives were lost.
Don’t know the solution to these attacks and they’re absolutely disgusting. Disgraceful. Unnecessary and unwarranted. Loss of human life is almost always a tragedy.
But I want to speak my mind on a couple of things. The people who commit these attacks tend to come from broken families or live in poverty, etc. They’re young and impressionable. They tend to come from countries and states that are not as well off as others. If someone promises them (re: brainwashing) a better lifestyle and a chance to move out of their situation most likely they’ll take the bait. They’re seen as disposable. Lives don’t matter to these sick people. And these people are often not educated... they simply don’t know any better.
Even though I am not that religious, I still think of my religion as a peaceful one. Every Muslim I know isn’t much different from the other people I know. Some of them are more religious than others... some are into things like drinking, clubbing, etc. They’re all peaceful people. I am confident they would also vehemently deny the actions of terrorist groups. These ISIS people and Wahhabists are NOT what Islam is about at all. I think most of you here understand that but unfortunately there are a lot of people who can’t distinguish these people from the majority of the Muslims in the world who are everyday people and would also say this is not what Islam is.
One of the goals of ISIS and similar terrorist groups is not just to make everyone’s lives miserable, but especially make the lives of everyday practicing peaceful Muslims extremely difficult. They know by repeatedly performing these unspeakable acts, there will be people out there who will say “Death to all Muslims!” or “All Muslims should be deported.” etc.
Don’t give them what they want.
Growing up in Long Island just an hour from NYC post 9/11 was difficult until I started college. I was just starting 5th grade back then. The next few years were hell, being one of 2 Muslim kids in my grade (at the time the only Muslims were us and our siblings in the entire school district). It started off minor but once I started playing soccer and baseball on the junior high teams in 7th grade, things got pretty bad. Baseball especially, they made my lives hell. “Go back to playing cricket.” I quit. Kids asking me if my parents own oil companies, when I’m planning to kill myself, call me things like “sand nigger,” leave me notes like “I’m afraid Nibby the terrorist will kill me.” The principal was useless when I showed her that, even when I told her “I know the student who did it, I recognize his handwriting. I helped him with homework all the time.”
I think my favorite one was when a Jewish classmate told me “WHITE POWER!”
I talked to teachers who were somewhat helpful but other times not at all... One actually was teaching about Islam in world history in 9th grade. “There are two ways to get to heaven in Islam. One is by following the 5 pillars of Islam, which are... and the other is by blowing yourself up.” I immediately called him out on it and he told me to see him after class, which he apologized a billion times. I actually liked him as a teacher and I knew he was just joking, so I let it slide. He never made a joke like that again the rest of the year.
But I was able to put a stop to this. One day during lunch we were playing football outside. I had nothing to do with that play but some kid came from behind and tackled me, shoved me facefirst into the ground and said “Eat shit and die, sand nigger.” I felt awful. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to do or how to respond to that. The next day I see him in the hallway, smooth talking to some girl against a locker. Crosschecked him and told him “That’s what you get for calling me a sand nigger!” and walked away laughing. “I’M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!!!”
A tap on my shoulder. One of my teachers. She said “I know you would never do that unless you had a damn good reason.” I told her what happened. He got suspended. People didn’t bother me much about my religion or being brown afterwards, except for that one guy who pretended to be a plane and crash into the wall every time he saw me in the hallway.
In college, it was a lot more diverse and the people there were much more tolerant so I never have had to deal with that stuff much again. But I’m glad for those experiences in high school cause they taught me how to deal with bullying and racism. I’ve told people younger than me about my experiences and tell them the best thing to do is just disregard them. They’re not worth your time and the hurt feelings will go away.
Back to these unfortunate recent events... I believe more and more Muslims need to speak out and condemn these attacks. Spreading knowledge and bringing awareness that this is not what Islam represents would go a long way to alleviate several problems. And there are plenty who do speak out against it and their efforts are greatly appreciated. But the more, the better.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:36 |
I believe more and more Muslims need to speak out and condone these attacks.
I think the word you want is “condemn.”
I am of the opinion that ISIS and their ilk are out to start a global religious war. And if a demagogue like Trump is elected, they are one step closer. Or even Cruz, with his call for police patrols in Muslim neighborhoods.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:38 |
idk Nibby. Too many people have it engraved deep that Muslims are either terrorist or know of it. Just like people here at work just assume I know something drug cartel related lol. You nailed it perfect saying that more Muslims should speak out against these attacks. Like a lot! It’s incredibly sad that a front running perisdential candidate has a topic as insane as banning entire group of people and getting so much support for it.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:39 |
Being middle class and white from a small town, I’m always amazed by stories like because I’ve never seen or been a part of anything that horrible first-hand. I give you a lot of credit for handling things well and keeping everything in perspective.
Also you had a typo and said they need to condone rather than condemn.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:40 |
That GIF, btw, is a perfect metaphor for how the Hawks are playing tonight.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:40 |
It's like how people think I'm an asshole because I'm from jersey! (I am, but still)
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:41 |
It is disgusting that Trump says... those things. It’s such a complicated issue and not just for Muslim people, but for Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. It really is eye-opening how racist a lot of people are... and so many just try to hide it.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:42 |
Thanks! I realized the typo about condone; I meant condemn. Damn Montreal Canadiens and their Mike Condon screwing with my mind.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:43 |
oh God, 5-1
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:44 |
You’re probably right... they want nothing but global disturbance and a victory for Trump would probably mean a victory for them as well, unfortunately.
Everyone in my family and family friends keep joking that if Trump wins, we’ll mass-migrate to Canada.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:45 |
I hate reading stories like this, it’s heartbreaking. I never once encountered issues like this when I grew up. It baffles me that this still happens in North America, let alone the world. Awful, awful thing.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:46 |
Exactly dude, it pretty much the worst thing ever and people praise it as a positive spin of free speech and positively non PC.
I doubt the supporters of this want me to really say what I think, aka going full Trump on them. They like honestly right? Muaah ha haa >:]
But no, that’s not a very classy and mature thing to do. Not sinking to that corn hole’s level
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:48 |
Or Texas, Florida, black, and white.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:49 |
Exactly. That’s what mom would tell me, don’t retaliate and sink to their level.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:50 |
I’m not convinced that Trump can win, but it’s going to be an ugly race, and a potentially ugly election night, the likes of which this country has never seen.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:50 |
agree - don’t give them what they want, which is really hard for a bunch of people... The world has to turn the other cheek and that is damn tough.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:50 |
If it makes you feel any better, this was in a perennial top-50 public school district in the nation. It makes me wonder about how many children of different races and religions go through this every day in school and keeping it to themselves.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:52 |
Well, 5-2 now. I came in when it was 4-0, and it looks like the Stars chased Darling. Crawford needs to get well in a hurry, but the Hawks’ troubles are deeper than that. Their defense is porous, Kane has fallen asleep, the lines aren’t working well. If they can’t beat the Stars, they’re not winning another Cup. But I think that’s a foregone conclusion.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:52 |
Unfortunately that’s what a lot of people want. They want to see drama and name calling and insults and all that Trump believes in. And the media will go all in for it.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:53 |
Yes, but the people who yell the loudest are often the ones who get the attention, and that is what’s happening now. There are a lot of people, and I hope many more, who are quietly shaking their heads and waiting for November for their voices to be heard. We can only hope.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 22:59 |
It’s pretty funny how similar the Rangers and Blackhawks problems are this year. Our usually reliable D-men like Staal and Girardi have become constant worries and turnover machines. Our offense has been pretty good but we still need guys like Nash (ok he gets some slack cause he had a bad injury) and Kreider to play better.
Guys like Brassard, Stepan, JT Miller have done very well for us... and we seem to have gone back to the early-Torts days of relying on Hank to bail us out every game.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 23:10 |
The Hawks are well known for their late slumps, but this one looks terminal. But if anybody can turn it around, it’s Coach Q. But it seems like he’s running out of ideas with this bunch. I guess if the Stars go all the way, and with their goaltending, it’s entirely possible, I will root for them. I do live in TX, after all.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 23:19 |
Stars D is not good enough.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 23:26 |
Thank you.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
But for anyone who holds anti-Muslim sentiment as their opinion, all I can say is that you can take your opinion and shove it up your ass.
Sincerely, the Jewish kid who is a proud member of this community .
![]() 03/22/2016 at 23:27 |
I heard about that community through the local mosque actually, though I don’t think they’re affiliated with them. They’re always stressing how Christians and Jews are our fellow brothers and sisters as well.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 23:28 |
Dude... my biggest hopes and dreams are that Trump really is a huge fucking troll for Clinton and he’s just “joking” around, and once he becomes the nominee he’s going to turn on all his supporters.
Now let me just say I’m not old enough to know much about Trump, so this could be the world’s biggest pipe dream. ._.
But I agree with your point about more Muslims needing to speak out. Look at the BLM crowd. They are very very very good at speaking out. All POC groups/activists need to be like them. I’m Asian and I think I have the right to say us Asians are probably the absolute worst at speaking out against racism.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 23:29 |
Yup. On a side note it was very cool seeing the rabbi I grew up with sitting in the classroom I sit in every week being interviewed on the Daily Show.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 23:31 |
I chuckled at your last line. But yeah, Trump is not going to help much at all.
In this day and age, people find it far easier to troll and criticize others instead of speaking/standing up for what’s right.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 23:37 |
Definitely a nice experience.
![]() 03/22/2016 at 23:57 |
One note: these attacks are not perpetrated fresh from being bombed by Assad, Russians, or NATO in Syria. Everyone of the attackers in Paris last November had an EU passport.
This is home-grown terrorism, just like the IRA, KKK, and other home-grown terrorist groups.
![]() 03/23/2016 at 00:19 |
Great post Nibb’s. It’s terrible you had to deal with those specific instances, but I’m glad you were the type of person to fight back. The bitch is in middle/high school sometimes just pushing back gets you a long way. I say that having dealt with bully type shit then but not racially motivated. Fact is, sometimes your reaction instantly sets people straight sometimes.
The more years I’ve lived, the more I’ve promised myself to not judge people by how they look or where they come from.
Sadly, I feel most of in America didn’t grow up on in house where this was the case. I did not.
I wish Muslims would be quicker to condemn and root out the extremist but that’s really where things get complicated.
Oppo love
![]() 03/23/2016 at 00:26 |
Thanks a lot!
Not sure why exactly some are hesitant to speak their minds but it may also be a fear of backlash.
![]() 03/23/2016 at 07:20 |
Yup. I can concur.
![]() 03/23/2016 at 09:50 |
Nice read Nibby. Unfortunately, Muslims don’t have a global leader to talk in their name to condemn these acts. That is why there are these dissensions about the community. It doesn’t express loud enough the fact that they do not support terrorism.
![]() 03/23/2016 at 20:03 |
Just curious, what school?
![]() 03/24/2016 at 16:37 |
Damn... I’m sorry you had to deal with all that as a kid.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. The hatred and racism that I’ve been seeing from Trump and his followers makes me very sad that some significant percentage of my fellow citizens genuinely feel this way. It may only be 5-10 percent, but it only takes a few assholes when they’re they loudest ones in the room, as you know. Peace-loving Muslims need to stand up and condemn terrorism, and everyone needs to stand up and condemn racism, whenever and wherever they see or hear it. The only way this shit dies is if kids manage to reject what their parents are feeding them, and the only way that happens is if the get loads of support for doing so from everyone else in their community.
![]() 03/24/2016 at 17:11 |
Right on. It starts at home. Children tend to share a lot of values and ideas with their parents (and naturally so, right?).