![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:00 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
[her’s a MR2 TR7/8 for kicks. My apologies if someone brought this up already]. Recently I found out there are a couple of rallies being held where men are for (not against) taking advantage of women on private property.........should I mention I have a daughter?
Yes, it seems many were cancelled, but there were still going to be people attending. Yes, it could be an elaborate hoax/troll, but there is bound to be a bunch of idiots who agree with it. Sure, my kid is not even three yet, but she won’t be three forever. She will eventually be of legal age, it’s only a matter of time. And yes, I know one day she will have intimacy with a guy, and the idea of that is really weird to me, but knowing there are even people who believe raping women is ok is very disheartening.
The idea of a pro rape rally (let me !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! that for you, since each post I view about it makes me lose faith in humanity) can be best summed up in one word, disgusting.
Though I suppose some good can come out of this. I know these stupid idiots exist now, so I can at least prepare my daughter (when’s she’s older) for it, give her a whistle and maybe pepper spray. Also, I have the sudden urge to enlist her in a self defense classes, preferably aikido (if I’m thinking right). I also have a new question to ask any guy she dates later on, “do you believe rape is ok?”Seemingly silly, I know, but there is only one correct answer.
I can’t protect my baby girl forever, but I can at least help her be prepared for idiots like these in life.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:05 |
couldn’t agree more!
the nutter ‘Roosh V’ needs to be taken put the back and executed!
if needed i’ll give you an alibi , i’m just glad he won’t be setting foot down under.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:05 |
I have no children. I do have 3 sisters and a niece. And yes I’m willing to go to jail after I kill the man that hurts them. So I understand your anxiety.
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It makes me immensely proud of my country (the UK) that these people were scheduled to come give talks here, but they all had to be cancelled on threats of violence.
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Erm that's a TR7\8 not an MR2!
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All you can do is raise your daughter to be a strong, independent woman. My daughter was a black belt by the time she was 12. I taught martial arts classes to help pay for her training.
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didn’t notice tbh.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:12 |
You want that whistle in 9mm or .45?
We have a special on double 00 buck “pepper spray” devices to, today sir.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:12 |
I like this. (If my link get’s kinja’d that’s going to come off really bad)
Though I have to say, this could get quite ugly if any significant amount of douchebag subhumans show up.
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I plan on it. Since having a daughter, I’ve noticed that women aren’t necessarily treated right, they are viewed more as objects then as people. I have to make my daughter realize she is important, and her voice does matter.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:17 |
What??? This is a real thing? Well, thanks for knocking my opiniom of humanity down another few pegs.
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Though I don’t believe in killing another person, I’m glad the leader identified himself.....I know whose family and friends to avoid now....
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And make sure she’s the one that drives when she goes on dates.
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Technically, here in the US, they can gather because it's freedom of speech. And as long as they don't perform any rape acts, the law can't touch them (I believe, I may be wrong). But identifying yourself as pro-rape is a great way to get unwanted attention. The idea that someone would even attend is a red flag to me.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:22 |
Funny, it came up for the mr2 search results...
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Knowing someone that has been molested as a child and how it has an effect on their life as a whole I can say I would be more than happy to see these people taken out. Even if it is a joke it is one of the worst things someone can joke about. Even a seemingly random comment can trigger a person that has had such a situation. Have you ever made a light hearted joke and had to spend the next hour and a half calming someone down from a panic attack? That's one of the myriad of results from when stuff like that happens. Yet this scum takes it as a joke.
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My only contribution is that it shouldnt matter if you have a daughter or not. You should be offended regardless.
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Ugh, I hate hearing about subhumans like this. And I do not doubt that many people think the same way as they do...because ‘Murica.
A stiletto to their package ought to set them straight, and stop their ability to reproduce too, win win.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:27 |
Coolest thing I’ve ever seen a TR7 doing though, and rapey-minded individuals need to be staightened out.
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Aïkido and Krav Maga are great choices. But generally prep her to be a badass. It’s up to you how to make it happen, but don’t let up. At least she’ll have a fighting chance in this crazy world.
I really didn’t know about these rally rapes, and it’s just abhorrent. Jeez, some people need so much help.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:28 |
As someone who has been close to the subject more than once, fuck those guys with a rusty trowel. I heard about those rallies and meetings last week and it made me feel downright homicidal
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I know you mean well, but statistically a gun is much more likely to be turned on a woman than successfully used in self defense. Especially since women are most likely to be attacked by people they already know (and therefore may know she has a gun or even where she keeps it) as opposed to strangers. I’ve been target shooting since age 7 but I personally can’t get behind carrying. IMO people need to be just as strident in talking to their sons about consent as they are about instilling fear in their daughters.
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I never realized it until I became a father, but I’m really protective of my wife and kid. The idea that someone would even think of hurting them makes my blood boil. Think a papa bear. I would never take his life away, but it'll be over my dead body to let someone like that near then.
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I have a sister that will be in HS this next year, and I made a promise before her and God that if any high school boy tries anything on her against his will, that he will end up with his scrotum stapled to his thigh, and a screwdriver so far up his sphincter he can taste it.
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This might help. There were rumors that a local business was going to be the initial meeting spot for one of the groups.
They changed their marquee to read hatemongers not welcome and also put up a message of support for the local domestic violence protection, education and shelter program.
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I don’t believe in ending someone else’s life (is work reading my posts?) but I don’t mind using a tool to hit the attacker. I’m thinking a collapsible baton? Those things are heavy, and I bet hurt when hit by them.
Of course, this is all hypothetical, real life will be different...
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:38 |
They should be given police protection to gather. And have their names taken down and photos taken. And then be given “police” “protection”.
Kind of like allowing a spy to stay in place while feeding them false info.
Or, of course, they could get the ever-loving shit beated out of them, that works for me too.
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People are the worst, and also the best.
All I know is that I don’t really want daughters. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll love whatever child(ren) I have one day no matter what, but raising boys sounds sooo much simpler.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:39 |
I wonder if that might make things worse. The pro-rape guys already don't view women as people, more like pleasure objects. If they get beat up by a women, won't that just make them angry with women then? Just thinking out loud here.,,,
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:41 |
That’s disgusting.
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I’m going to be honest, a gun doesn’t give one the satisfaction of a hockey stick impacting soft tissue and bone.
A person does not forget a beating like that. A gun is too easy.
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Very true. Although I am old fashion (I like to think sex should wait for after marriage), she is her own person and makes her own choices.
That's why I think her first car should be a pickup truck, without a bench seat, and no bed on the back. :).
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:45 |
I don’t trust people easily, so I’m always a bit paranoid. This doesn’t help. Though now there is proof people like this exist, so thats something we can now look out for.
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The only thing these assholes have a right to is one of my .38 slugs stuck to their brain.
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Yeah I forgot to comment on the actual post, these people are animals and, in my opinion, in just saying they want to be able to do these things should be illegal and be grounds to get them locked up!
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That’s true enough. On the one hand, I’d argue it does about as much good as anything else.
There’s the “protest”:
Good- nobody gets hurt. Hopefully.
Bad- You mind change minds of a few, but these guys are already hardcore nutjobs. To my mind it sends the message “well, why not? this is all they’re gonna do?”
There’s violence:
Good- While it won’t change the minds of the hardcore nutjobs, it could subdue/deter them if they got a good enough thrashing.
Bad- Casualties. Also, stirring the anger pot that’s already boiling for some reason.
There’s ignoring it:
Good- Yeah, right.
Bad- See the last part of “protest” bad. Add many steroids.
It’s like the “reasoning with a terrorist” argument. Which, if we’re honest, is exactly what these douchebags are.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:50 |
From what I could gather the whole thing is a big piece of performance art bullshit intended to offend (just like people displaying Jesus statues soaked in urine or whatever). Success I guess.
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Respectfully, it would do everyone a lot of good if more people were as serious about talking about this with their boys as they are with their girls. Men can be victims too, and everyone needs to be taught about affirmative consent, rather than just teaching girls to be fearful and constantly paranoid.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:54 |
That’s very true, and the post doesn’t reflect that, my apologies. I guess what I found most uncomfortable and unsettling was that I’m sending my kid into this world.
I actually had a different version of the post written before hand, that more addressed that. But I changed it to make the post more simplistic. So again, sorry.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:57 |
This was a major statistical threat long before you heard of this whatever rally. The probable danger is not the people who would dare support a rally like this — sexual abuse is not often random. They are largely committed by people close to the victim, which makes it even more difficult for the victim to come forward.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:57 |
Nowadays I’m more concerned aboutpedophiles. I’ll admit, I have a cute kid, so I’m extra worried. I pay close attention to what people say, and how they say it. Men or women. I'm not the mama bear, I'm the papa bear.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 08:59 |
I’m contemplating a nice big wrench in my pocket. I work on cars so of course I’d have tools on me, right? And that’s because of another woman that’s unstable.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 09:04 |
but knowing there are even people who believe raping women is ok is very disheartening.
It took a rally for you to figure that out? The fact that it happens wasn’t proof enough?
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No, if that’s what you’re trying to achieve you should get her a Miata.
they don’t allow no huggin
no tender lovin
down in far East Mississippi
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At least they made it easier to identify themselves
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There’s about 5 from me I heard, all roughly an hour from me. -_-
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Nothing to be sorry about, merely something I would contribute to the topic.
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I'll have to look into those two, thanks.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 09:18 |
Unfortunately they are still humans, and walk amongst us. I think the real question is, what can we do to make them realize rape is wrong. I mean, we shouldn’t have to say anything like that, but I realize now some things are unclear to them, :/.
I really think they need to empathize with women...
![]() 02/05/2016 at 09:19 |
Krav Maga in its purest Israeli military form is designed to kill, but here in the USA it has been getting more and more popular in a watered down non-lethal agression manner. Lots of available classes everywhere since it’s trendy.
Aïkido is meant to be defensive in nature, by contrast, and just like judo.
Bothcan be just as brutally effective.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 09:23 |
Remember, this is the same human race that produced
. There will always be kooks, idiots, perverts, murderers. And, from what I read about this yesterday, the condemnations of these degenerates is worldwide, throughout all levels of society. Pretty much anybody can rationalize about what turns them on and convince themselves that it’s normal behavior. But still, wow. Yeah. That’s screwed up.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 09:24 |
The papa bear was the problem in my case it shows it’s hard to trust almost anyone
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I’m a Christian, I asked God for a boy, because I’m a guy and my wife is a tomboy. A boy would be simpler, because I can relate to them, I can understand what they would/will go through.
God has a weird sense of humor, he gave us a girl. And not just any girl, she likes pretty dresses and dressing up. But since having a girl, I realize that women have a lot of crap to deal with. I'll make sure she's prepared as much as possible.
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Girls shouldn’t be paranoid, but they should be aware that this stuff might happen.
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Wrench or even a rubber mallet would work. Quick to grab and swing.
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Can confirm an ASP baton is very effective. In the event of a full on sexual assault the assaulter’s life is forfeit.
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I’ve heard that too, so I should be really thankfully these guys/idiots are so for it, that they’d be willing to go into public about it.
Though from what I understood, they wanted to make it legal to rape woman on private property. Which just sounds sketchy to me.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 09:38 |
...but removal of defective evil genes and mindset from society is very effective.
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Did not consider this. Military brained guy here, I wrongfully assume that all people are capable of what I am.....sometime wish that was true, but most times no
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Completely agree.
I was brought up with strong morals in regard to respecting women (and everyone for that matter), and I simply can’t comprehend how some people can even have the thought processes they possess. At what point in their life did they get the idea that it was okay to treat other people with such disregard?
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Believe me, by the time you’re 10 and already getting cat called... There’s no way you’re not aware.
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Girls can like both pretty dresses and race cars! ;)
My brother had a daughter, so I’m hoping he’s getting all the little girls. haha
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good lord how is that a thing?!
We’ll talk more tomorrow
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My wife has a house rule that if we leave the house, I must have a pocket knife on me. Not for defense, my wife is a knife fanatic and collects them, and knives are useful tools (aka not weapons) to have on you. Plus is adds +10 sexy points for her. So I always have a knife on me.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 09:45 |
Having some experience with the martial arts, I would recommend Jiu-Jitsu or one of the specialized self-defense classes for women. The former because most fights and most self-defense situations eventually involve wrestling, the latter because it teaches them to lose their inhibitions and go ape-shit on their attacker.
Yeah, my daughter is doing this.
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Also, I completely agree. I cannot understand the concept of raping or sexually assaulting anyone. The connection just does not compute in my brain.
My father i don’t think really ever had to have a talk about that kind of stuff. He just set a good example of being a good man. I think my father embodies the spirit of “Be excellent to each other, but never be a victim. And don’t permit other people to victimize innocents.”
We are generational military folks in my tribe.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 09:49 |
I was thinking that too.
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I knew a girl in college who knew aikido. She gave out free lessons, so I took a few. .....she also consistently used me as the attacker...lol. But it’s pretty effective I thought.
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I carry a multitool. It was one of my husband’s sweeter gifts to me. :) in a pinch you can use a regular pocket knife as a sub for so many tools.
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Having trained in krav, jits, muay thai, and boxing... I would abso-fucking-lutely NOT recommend taking jiu jitsu as a form of self defense. It’s really never to your advantage to take a fight to the ground. Krav Maga - do your damage quickly and effectively and GTFO.
Also, the sad fact is a woman’s attacker is far more likely to be someone she knows and trusts than a stranger.
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Return of Kings is an online MRA hive that’s been around for a while, they’ve only recently started having public events. Not exactly a bunch of assholes just trolling.
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I don’t want to admit it, but the life will be forfeited if it gets that bad, but it’s obviously not my first choice.
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Simply put in this Marines mind: You don’t attempt to rape a woman or child.
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By golly, that young! Ugh!
People are weird. One time had a guy, a stranger in a store, told my wife and I that our daughter was cute and his grandson and her should hook up. She’s was 2 to 2.5 years old at the time. He was an older gentleman, but still. We responded with “oh, ok” and kept walking.
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Oh, I’m ok with the dresses and what not, but it’s an area of life I have no experience in, so I cannot relate to it, lol. It’s like trying to understand a new or foreign concept, I’m still hazy on it.
Though I will say that when I get a chance to pick out her clothes, I make sure nothing matches because it irks my wife, :). Even better, I take a pic and post it on FB, just for kicks, lol.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 10:11 |
I don't even? How can there even be a pro rape rally? I mean there isn't a state where it's legal on private property right? I'm married I swear on everything if I saw this rally I'd probably drive my car through it.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 10:12 |
Exactly. It’s being held at 5 places in our state, tomorrow.
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Yeah, I don't want her to wrestle....the other party might enjoy it to much, lol.
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Exactly, and I hate it when my wife hassles me when I don’t carry it, so I always do, lol.
Funny story, my gpa was a groomsman in my wedding, and I gave all the groomsmen a pocket knife. A couple of years ago, grandpa uses the knife as a prybar, he snaps the tip. My wife sharpens all of our knives and his. When she found out he used it as a prybar, and broke it, she has not let him live it down. It’s hilarious. Last Xmas she even bought him a miniature prybar, so he has no excuse to use his knife anymore. :)
![]() 02/05/2016 at 10:21 |
There will always be shitty people. Judging by the response this guy got (oh, and he’s almost 40 and living in his mom’s basement - to the surprise of no one), it’s good when people like him expouse their views. People who might not have even thought about rape culture or MRAs probably saw that and said “Damn - that’s fucked up” in the same way that the Westboro Baptist Church hitting every local news channel in the country with “God Hates Fags” signs made homophobia such a bad look that people who wouldn’t have cared before did. I’m glad that we live in a country where people can put their views out there without fear of legal repercussions because the social responses are always better than the systemic ones. If this guy were sent to jail for hate speech or something, he’s be a martyr. Instead he’s a pathetic manchild who can’t get a girlfriend.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 10:22 |
Haha solid.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 10:23 |
Amen. As a husband and father, no one will inappropriately touch my family. As the head of the household, my household, it’s my duty to protect them. And I’m willing to go to any lengths to ensure their safety.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 10:24 |
Yea, that young :/ little baby goth yamahog thought it would stop if I always wore baggy black clothes and didn’t do my hair or makeup, but nope. It’s a power thing.
If you ignore them, you’re a bitch and they get angry.
If you tell them politely that you’re not interested, you’re a bitch and they get angry.
If you smile or make any non-negative response, it’s an invitation to keep bothering you because clearly you’re a slut who’s asking for it.
If you tell them to fuck off, you’re a bitch and they get angry.
There is no winning.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 10:29 |
If it be God’s will, let me go out of this world similar to how I entered: Screaming and yelling, covered in somebody else’s blood (and knee deep in spent brass with my boots on)
![]() 02/05/2016 at 10:29 |
Dang, good points.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 10:34 |
So, if I ever have a son, teach him respect for women. That's what in getting here, :).
Also, if my daughter goes through a goth phase, I'd be proud. I went through one too. I miss my bondage pants, they were so comfortable.... :/.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 10:38 |
I like that saying, and I will begin using that now too; as I share that same belief.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 10:47 |
They’ve all been cancelled
These guys are psycho.
Also claim that the whole piece about “rape should be legal on private property” was all satire. Doesn’t matter, that’s not funny and it’s not a joke.
At least they’re afraid to come out in public now.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 10:48 |
We can talk about this topic tomorrow too lol, I helped teach Judo at MSU for a few years. If she’s actually fighting - he won’t shouldn’t enjoy any of it.
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And it worked btw.
They’ve cancelled the events out of fear.
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There’s still a way to fix that, much more satisfying and cruel.
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I remember seeing a picture of a t-shirt floating around with “rules for dating my daughter”. One of them was “Remember: I don’t mind going back to jail.”
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D.A.D.D. - Dads Against Daughters Dating. I want that shirt too.
Always thought it would be interesting to get really good at throwing knives, and when I meet the boy, just throw knives at a target. Make random comments, “I remember one time....sorry, I’m not suppose to talk about previous bfs.” “Ever seen a man bleed?” Just random things, with no context given.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 11:06 |
+1 I plan on teaching my daughter, and my son, how do defend themselves. I’ve been involved in martial arts as well for some time. When I was daiting my wife in college,I taught her how to use a knife. She is wheelchair user and doesn’t have the luxury of “running away” if someone tried to assault her on the path back from class. I made it very clear, “If someone tries something. Make sure the authorities only get one side of the story. No one will prosecute a disabled woman for defending herself.”
![]() 02/05/2016 at 11:32 |
I’d go for lifetime solitary confinement. Guy wants sex this badly? Guess what, he won’t be getting any for the rest of his life. Or other significant forms of human interaction.
Failing that, there’s ensuring that he gets on the sexual offender registry of every country he visits.
Although I will admit that I might just do my damndest to put him in a coma if I found him near me.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 11:33 |
Part of me was wondering if that wasn’t actually a covert program to get pro-rape people to group together so that they could be either identified or educated on how ridiculous that position is. However, it would seem that it was legit, which is very sad.
I saw a picture of the mouth breather who organized it, and go figure, he lives in his mom's basement.
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It’s very hard to train civilians out of the “freeze” when it comes to a fight or flight situation (as it turns out there’s a third choice), much less draw, chamber (if carried with the chamber empty) and point shoot in time for such situations.
It’s why I’d prefer a good can of pepper spray or a knife in addition to a carry pistol. Not everyone’s hero material, and cyoucan’t really blame them.
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Or a man, either.
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The papa bear or uncle bear is the problem in most of these cases, sadly. The stranger hiding behind the bushes is mostly a fairytale.
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Having trained in Tae Kwon Do and Kung fu, I recognize that most fights are going to end up on the ground. Every MMA match is proof of this. Since rapes usually require both parties to be horizontal, knowing how to handle yourself when the situations turns that direction is vital. Jiu-Jitsu is excellent for that.
![]() 02/05/2016 at 12:17 |
Too true sir. First hand experienced when attempting to train Iraqi’s and Afghans #worthless
Also, you ever seen that awesome OG Makarov holster that chambers as you draw?