![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:30 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Definitely not intended for real world use. Do not try anything you see here at home, or on your friends vehicles. It most certainly won’t be hilarious.
Over the years, my friends and I concocted a few innocuous schemes to inconvenience each others cars for the amusement of the rest, usually after a few beers. This was, in our minds, better than drawing dicks on the face of whoever passed out, and certainly more clever.
Among the easiest to pull off is jumping the horn and the brake light fuse, which obviously causes the horn to activate every time the driver pushes the brakes. It has added effectiveness if the vehicle has some sort of comedy horn, like the awoogah in my friend’s old Ranger. Seriously though, don’t do this to someone, especially if they might be late for work in the morning. If that happens, you’ll get to see them make a choice, and for legal reasons that will not be funny at all.
Realigning a parking job requires multiple people and, on a truck this old, several tetanus boosters
If your friend has an old truck with manual locking hubs, well, you know where this is going. The first turn will be eventful. (Seriously though, don’t do this one. It’s actually dangerous, especially if they don’t turn until they’re in serious traffic. My friends and I were kind of assholes when we were younger)
If you’re a car thief, just go ahead and skip to the next one. We’re definitely not going to talk about how to steal a carbureted car. Now that all the thieves are gone, let’s talk about how to steal a carbureted car. All you really need to do is jump the fuel pump and then bypass the starter solenoid with a screwdriver(be careful, this is usually a spark filled event). Now the engine is on, but you’ll still have to contend with the shift and steering wheel lock. If you can reach the shifter cable then you’re good. You won’t be able to steer, but you’ll at least be able to move the truck, and with any luck get it out of sight.
Pictured: Safety
If someone you know isn’t in the habit of locking their car, go buy a 6 pack of Little Tree’s Vanillaroma air fresheners, and then hide them throughout the car, making sure that you leave one in a very hard place to find. My suggestion is tape up under the dash above the footwells. Later on you admit that it was you, and tell him where they are, aside from the one that you taped inside the dash. You can also use a piece of a cheese if you’re a real bastard.
Replace the license plate frame of your manliest man friend with the bro-iest bro truck with something pink with Tiaras on it.
Rebadge your friend’s cars. Did you know that Subaru is an ananym for “Ur A Bus”? My coworker’s truck might soon become a Ferd F-Teenthousand in the very near future.
Also, spoiler alert for what’s coming up
Anyways these are all things you really shouldn’t do. What else shouldn’t you do to your friends vehicles?
![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:36 |
Ooh, that harmonica prank is mean! LOL
![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:38 |
You definitely shouldn’t set their blower to max speed and pour glitter down the air vents so they get a facefull of glitter when they turn the car on.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:40 |
I need a harmonica for umm.... reasons.... uhhh.... a friend. that’s it.
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![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:42 |
Oh yes, I’d forgotten about that!
![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:44 |
We used to take 10" wiper blades from the back of SUVs and put them on the front of co-workers cars that are supposed to have 24, 26 inch long blades.
Takes a while for them to notice if it doesn’t rain a lot.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:44 |
Don’t pour gas in the carb so they get a nice big backfire when they go to start it.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:44 |
Totally agree. Some pranks cross a line. Stick to harmless stuff, like party horns in the tailpipe .
But anything that’s dangerous or costs the victim money should be avoided. That means no making them think that something’s wrong with their car if they’re the type to take it to a shop. However, if they like to do their own wrenching, then fine, go ahead and strap a zip tie to their CV shaft for teh lulz .
![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:45 |
Tape a duck call to their external BOV.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:47 |
Uhhhhh, most vehicle-related pranks my friends and I have done involve dildos. One of which was glow in the dark.
We’re trying to get more advanced though.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:47 |
If they’ve got a small exhaust you can put a length of bicycle inner tube over it.
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Banana in the tailpipe of course.
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stolen wheel weights. They cost almost nothing, but make your car sound like it is going to fall apart.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:51 |
oh my god this is the best thing
![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:52 |
You should absolutely never spray a lot of WD40 into a muffler to make someone think their car is blowing up.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 16:59 |
3M Scotch Brand tape over spark plug ends and then put the plug wires back. The engine misses like hell and the tape is invisible in a dark engine compartment.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 17:03 |
I was riding a motorcycle in New Jersey a long, long time ago and I passed a construction worker punching the side of his pickup truck while parked on the shoulder of the freeway. Being a straight, flat road I saw the guy at a distance and was really confused about what I was seeing. As I got closer I could make out the hardhat, and yes, he is actually punching the side of his truck. It wasn’t until I was going right past him that I saw the sign taped to the back of the truck declaring that the driver was gay and proud in big capital letters. I guess he pulled over after getting honked at and having a few people blowing kisses at him or whatever, and I think he saw the sign only moments before I did.
On a related note, laughing uncontrolably while on a sportbike with the shield down during wintertime is all kinds of bad.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 17:27 |
zip ties on driveshafts/ cv axles. magnet a cowbell under a car. jumper the trailer wiring so that other lights come on too. deer whistle/potato up the exhaust. oil in the washer fluid. wire the horn into the turn signals with a relay tying them to headlights. flour/talc in the airvents. move 2 spark plug wires........ theres so MANY.......
![]() 12/08/2016 at 17:29 |
None. Don’t mess with other people’s cars.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 17:30 |
So is this.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 17:43 |
halfway filling tires with water while folks are out of town.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 17:44 |
I almost said something snarky until I realized who this was. Been for a ride in a Subaru lately?
![]() 12/08/2016 at 17:45 |
I liked you until just then.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 17:46 |
I must agree. In general, I disavow pranking anyone.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 17:49 |
Although, I worked for a year with an
woman who hated me -- almost as much as she hated herself -- and when I left, I wound up keeping my ID tag. So I waited until the following Christmas and mailed it to her in an unmarked envelope.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 17:55 |
its a bit of a mental collection of all the great stuff i have SEEN over the years. i dont mess with folk’s stuff out of principal. i get irritated when my stuff is mussed with. wish i could recall some of the others off the top of my head.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 17:58 |
I am pondering the fill-the-tires-halfway-with-water trick. What would that do, exactly?
I think some things could be harmless and funny, such as party whistles in the tail pipe, so long as the car’s owner can undo the thing easily and no mark is left behind.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 17:59 |
Never in my life have I heard of anyone deciding to not be snarky when learning I’m the recipient. Overwhelmingly opposite to what I’ve come to expect, honestly. Nice to see you added at least a little touch though :)
![]() 12/08/2016 at 18:00 |
That’s what friends are for. How’s the Subaru running?
![]() 12/08/2016 at 18:03 |
the whole car “sloshes” forwards , lurching. cant drive fast till you get most of it out........ i about drove a kid mad with a small cowbell. he thought his car was falling apart. i felt bad and took it off.........
oh yeah jacking a car’s driven wheels up on blocks JUST high enough the tires dont touch........
![]() 12/08/2016 at 18:05 |
I have an exhaust attachment on my salvage-titled Impala that makes noise when you first start it in the morning. Maybe it’s a cowbell.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 18:13 |
loose washer on a bolt? or just tapping the frame......
![]() 12/08/2016 at 18:36 |
My asshole friend/roommate opened some sardines and hid them in my car while I was away doing some training - it was about 3-4 weeks long. The car had holes though so the smell never built up and just escaped. I didn’t notice until he said something a week after I got back.
Love that guy.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 18:43 |
I don’t know. The guy who sold it to me said something about rubber hangers or similar. Hey wife daily drives that car and is content to ignore the noise.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 18:55 |
Subaru is running great. Just took a road trip to socal and back. It was a bit of a surprise trip, and also involved a bit of a prank as well. It’s a long enough story it’ll have to wait so I can tell you in person. It’s a fun story — it’ll keep. Shoot me a text Sunday if you have a free hour and I’ll swing by.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 18:58 |
Will do.
![]() 12/08/2016 at 19:20 |
That seems so long ago.
![]() 12/09/2016 at 08:46 |
That’s creepy
![]() 12/09/2016 at 09:22 |
Thank you. She was worth the effort.
![]() 01/04/2017 at 23:43 |
Thank you. I haven’t laughed this hard in quite some time. I’m in physical pain because of it, but it was worth it.