![]() 10/26/2016 at 20:48 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
It has 3 factors: Wet corner, rwd truck/empty, hammering the gas.
It was 10:30pm on a Tuesday night, I was coming from a friends house (was not drinking). I decided to take side roads, I knew this side road very well. The road speed was 80kph, the turn was posted 60kph. It just finished raining, so the road was still wet.
I’m coming out the corners and the back end kicks out, I over correct. The left front wheel hits the ditch and caused it to roll at 80kph. Mid air the front bumper hits a tree (dent in picture below), then it lands on it roof. I don’t recall much past this point as it was a blur. I try to open the driver side door but it has non, I open the passeneger side door enough to get out. There is house across the from the scene, the owner hears it and runs out. It was my high school math teacher (damn small town). He pulls his truck in front with his 4 ways on, and brings me a bottle of water.
I call my mom, and tell her I just rolled her truck. Great. She asked if I’m not hurt, I tell her I think not. A police car arrives a few minutes later, now the fun begins. The cop talks my math teacher for his story. I give him my story once my mom arrives (I was not 18 yet). I watch as he is filling out paper work, hoping I don’t get it too bad. It was stunt driving originally (major offense) but was lowered in court to “failure to stay in lane” (minor offense). The insurance estimator stopped counting after $14k.
I walked away with a small cut on my hand.
![]() 10/26/2016 at 20:58 |
Seems scary as shit! I can’t really imagine how a rollover must be. Well for me that would mean death (I should get a roll bar) but either way that seems frightening. Glad you came out okay.
![]() 10/26/2016 at 21:12 |
This one almost got me.
I was driving a bit “enthusiastically” on this road and for some reason my mind when complete blank for a split second and i found myself enterting that corner at about 60mph, hit the brakes hard and ended up locking up the passenger front brake, car lost traction and I almost ended up spinning it into the field on the right. Luckily it regained traction in time so i could correct it and get it back on track.
Nothing hurt but my ego. And the front emblem fell off.
![]() 10/27/2016 at 02:06 |
When I first got my job as a parts-delivery guy, I was amazed at how my co-workers were hauling ass in the company vans. Being a young and influental dumbass, I started doing the same. We had, one year, a pretty harsh winter with a rather thick layer of snow mixed with ice, covering the sidewalks. The main roads were alright, rush hour was double the traffic jams of normal weather, so I decided to take a back road to my next delivery address. It was a semi-paved country road. I started picking up speed, thinking, ‘well, this is going smooth..’, not realizing I was going the speed limit on a icy road with a small crest coming up AND a T-split in the road, forcing me to either go right or left OR down an embankment. Somehow I remembered that braking on ice is about the dumbest thing to do, so I shifted down a gear (this was a diesel van), slowly let off the clutch, the van regained some sort of control (it was not in a spin, but was reluctantly going straight, while the wheel was yanked to the left), and just as I was coming up to the corner, the van caught grip and I managed to take the corner without fully staining my underwear. As I took the corner and slowed down a bit, I had the opportunity to see what kind of hellhole was waiting for me down the embankment. Yeah, no more losing focus during snow/icy roads.