![]() 10/04/2016 at 00:20 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Gran Turismo has, since the beginning, had a dedicated button for engaging reverse when playing with automatic shifting. The original Forza, for reasons unknown, stole everything from Gran Turismo EXCEPT the dedicated reverse button, instead opting for a Grand Theft Auto-style “release and then press brake after coming to a stop to engage reverse” system. However, when you need to get back onto the track, this method of backing up takes way too long. In the the circuit-based Forza games, this isn’t much of a problem, since it was a rare occurance and they stole the rewind mechanic from Grid ages ago. The Horizon games, however, are open world, and full of all kinds of interesting geometry to crash into (and invisible walls), meaning you’re going to be backing away from things quite a lot, and you need to do it quickly, so reverse starts immediately after you come to a stop. It’s fast, yes, but it also makes it difficult to stay in one place (you have to learn to hold the ebrake).
It’s always sucked, but my god, they managed to make it so much worse in Horizon 3. Instead of engaging reverse once the car has come to a stop, the brake trigger is, simultaneously, a throttle for reverse.
But how does the game know when to apply the brakes and when to go into reverse? Whether or not you’re applying any accelerator input, of course! As long as you are on the throttle, you can use your brakes. Let off the gas completely, and you get reverse and a little bit of brake. I started playing Horizon 3 with auto shifting to get used to how the game plays, and after about an hour of cars that take miles to slow down, only careen off into a tree every time I try to turn, I thought they had gone “too far” with the slide-happy drifty controls the Horizon games have always had. I was, obviously, mistaken. Instead of applying the brakes, I was engaging reverse thrust.
The game is really good once you switch to manual shifting and the cars actually use their brakes, though. Well, as long as you ignore how difficult it is to set off in a car without immediately losing traction and spinning in place using a controller.
![]() 10/04/2016 at 00:36 |
I always thought it was annoying how in 6, reverse can be engaged when you’re moving forward. It sucks when you’re downshifting in a tight turn and you accidentally shift into reverse, and then the subsequent massive pileup thanks to Forza’s godawful AI.
![]() 10/04/2016 at 00:48 |
It’s a real big problem in Horizon 3, especially when traveling fast offroad, since you kind of need to stop before you hit the kind of tree you can’t drive through for some reason, only to have the game’s physics go “since I don’t know simulate a wheel rolling in opposite directions at the same time and how the ground will react to such things, the tires and the ground will no longer have any influence on each other, have fun sliding around like an air hockey puck.
![]() 10/04/2016 at 01:18 |
stop being a filthy casual and drive manual with no assists and rewind turned off.
![]() 10/04/2016 at 02:04 |
Game doesn’t support my wheel yet (G25, they say it works but it thinks all the buttons are the same and has no force feedback to the point that the wheel acts like it’s not plugged in and just rotates all slack), and even though I’ve played games for going on 30 years, my hands turn to gnarled stumps when I ask them to change gears in addition to steering, accelerating and braking with a controller. I think it’s because braking, accelerating and steering are constantly varying inputs that rely almost entirely on feel, it’s an almost passive experience, so to add an active component on top of that makes it all fall apart. I have no problem with a wheel, since it’s a simulation of the experience and the interface of something I’m used to. Using a controller to drive properly is like trying to play a song you know by heart on a musical instrument you have never even tried to play before.
![]() 10/04/2016 at 02:54 |
I mean, I was joking. but fair points.
have you tried remapping the gear shifts to the bumper buttons? I find it 10x easier. Laptimes went from OK to occasionally getting in the top 100 on the leader boards.
![]() 10/04/2016 at 07:40 |
Are you playing on Xbox one or PC?
![]() 10/04/2016 at 07:42 |
These are the things which send Xbone controllers flying. So many times I’ve screamed, “WHY AM I IN REVERSE?” I always lose track of how many downshifts I’ve done.
![]() 10/04/2016 at 08:01 |
PC, home of theoretical support for wheels in Forza games.
![]() 10/04/2016 at 08:15 |
Psh, full manual shifting with clutch, or gtfo.
![]() 10/04/2016 at 08:17 |
What do you use as the clutch button if you use bumpers as gears? I like having the clutch be the left bumper so I can get it with the side of the same finger I am hitting the brakes with anyway. Not quite like a car, but I find it intuitive for the setup
![]() 10/04/2016 at 08:46 |
A button, I think it’s default layout 6.
But to be honest I only turn the clutch on for drifting so I can clutch kick.
![]() 10/04/2016 at 09:01 |
Ahh, I like it for starts, both at the beginning of a race, and when you happen to crash. None of that waiting for first gear to “catch.”
![]() 10/04/2016 at 14:47 |
100% agree with you on that one. Been playing Forza 4 and my 900hp Corvette is stupid to drive with no assist and manual w/ clutch, but damn I love the challenge.
![]() 10/04/2016 at 16:50 |
Ah my starts are terrible, so maybe that’s a thing.
![]() 12/28/2016 at 21:49 |
Real talk. I’ve gotten pretty good at using the E brake when coming to a stop, but the whole thing can be avoided by jut switching to manual transmission.
![]() 12/31/2016 at 02:19 |
I just leave it on Manual + Clutch.