![]() 08/21/2015 at 15:00 • Filed to: Parking, Mistake, BMW? | ![]() | ![]() |
Yes, I think I was a dick and acted like your standard BMW driver but would like to confirm whether the other guy deserved it.
A bro truck parked in one of my office’s reserved spaces at an angle where the front was in one space and the rear in another. The front of his car was forward enough that if I parked normally, my driver side mirror would be behind of his wheel. The rear of the truck was hanging out about two feet into the drive.
Annoyed I decided to park my car in the space next to his and placed my car so the driver side mirror was just a couple inches from his wheel. If he tried to back out, he’d hit my mirror. My business partner showed up just as I was getting out of the car. I spoke to him a bit and he parked next to the truck as well. But he backed in, further reducing the space this bro would have when leaving.
We both went in after taking a picture of the guy’s plates and the space that he’s in. Its time for lunch now and there’s an angry letter on my windshield. I can’t even read the handwriting... but we’re getting delivery today so it doesn’t matter. No one came in the office to yell or get the cars moved either.
On thinking about it (after reading that baseball bat BMW story), I fear I may have made a mistake and should go and move my car.
FYI, the reserved spaces are for CLIENTS who come in, they’re the closest four to the entrance of the office. He took one, I took one, my partner took a regular space.
![]() 08/21/2015 at 15:20 |
it’s kind of a wash. The guy shouldn’t park like a dick, and if you’re within the confines of your space you should be ethically ok. It’s ultimately likely that any one who parked in those spots wouldn’t have been able to give him much space. If you can’t park something that large, then you shouldn’t be driving it.
![]() 08/21/2015 at 15:31 |
The problem with parking vigilantism is that you’re trying to ‘teach the guy a lesson’. That’s not how they take it...they just think you’re an asshole. I highly doubt some dude that parks like a jackass takes a step back and thinks: “I’ve been wrong all my life. Lord Jesus, from this day forth I shall refrain from all jackassery in parking”.
Hell, I could see this exact post on here:
“Guys, who was the bigger asshole here?
I know I shouldn’t have, but I drive a 2500 and it’s kind of a pain in the ass somes, so this morning I parked across a couple lines when I knew I was only going to run into an office for a few minutes. I specifically parked in the client parking since I didn’t want to be in the way of the employees showing up and I knew I’d be gone by the time a lot of clients started rolling in. The few minutes turned into 45 minutes because the secretary couldn’t find an invoice and I thought about moving the truck but I didn’t want to start the whole process over again and lose another hour on the clock. Finally got out, and when I nearly jogged to my truck I saw these two assholes had parked inches from me. I seriously don’t know how they didn’t hit me. My first instinct was just to bash them a couple times with my door and then leave a nice rubber stripe down the side as I left, but I thought better and just left them a note and grabbed a ride with my friend."
![]() 08/21/2015 at 16:14 |
Except we didn’t have any clients visiting.
Anyways, from the tyre marks after lunch, it looks like the guy drove up ONTO the curb to get enough space to back out.
![]() 08/21/2015 at 16:28 |
1 car is not entitled to 2 spaces. That’s just how the world works. If you want to be able to park easier, don’t drive a 2500 as your daily.
![]() 08/21/2015 at 17:19 |
You’re in the good haha.
I’d have done the exact same thing and have done it before.
![]() 08/22/2015 at 00:50 |
Making it hard for him to get out makes you an asshole too. Maybe he’ll learn to park better. Maybe he’ll hit one/both of your cars. You’re sort of asking for it.