![]() 07/27/2015 at 09:40 • Filed to: Question of The Day | ![]() | ![]() |
Stereotypes, we all hate them, but what about our guilty pleasures? Usually they stick us into a stereotype we don’t want to be associated with, which is the very reason for it being a guilty pleasure. That’s what we’re going to focus on today.
What automotive stereotype would you love to be a part of if you didn’t have to be associated with the stereotype?
For me, it’s really specific. Lifted Duallies. I don’t need some crazy seventy billion inch lift, but a tasteful moderate lift is fine for me, whether it’s a few inches or around a full foot. No rubber band tires for me, got to be some mud tires. Stacks you ask? Nope, side or rear only, no stacks. Diesel or gas, whichever, I’m not the type to roll coal or do an EGR delete, and a really good diesel tune doesn’t smoke much at all.
But I’d hate for someone to think I’m compensating for anything. I don’t need any help on that front, I’m fully capable on my own without help. I’d hate to surprise someone thinking the truck was compensation. I just love how they look.
So Oppo, if you could be association free, what is your guilty pleasure automotive stereotype?
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A modern Rolls Royce.
I love Rolls Royce, I like the looks, I like the fact that it’s a traditional luxury car, and I just want a modern day sensory depravation chamber for daily use.
That being said, I really don't want anyone asking where I keep the Grey Poupon.
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Ricing. All things considered no one gets outlandish with body panels these days.
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Even though I’m about 2000 miles from my closest neighborhood desert, I REALLY want a pre-runner look truck. I say look because I love the stance, but I couldn’t care less about all the high travel stuff it takes to actually work.
I just want fiberglass fenders! Is that so wrong!?
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I actually lived through it twice.
I owned an Integra and the attitude towards that was about what you’d expect... People offering it to buy it from me in Jack n The Box drive-thrus, high school girls really liking it (awesome), but other guys associating me with being a total wannabe.... It was a hand-me-down from my brother! My first car could have been an Escort for all I cared...
Then my next car was an *almost stock* Civic hatchback. I got pulled over ALL THE FUCKING TIME. And I drive like old people fuck (thank you George Carlin). First thing this cop says to me after he pulled me over for going exactly the speed limit, “You know there are a lot of stolen Civics around here.” Jackass. That was three days after I got pulled over by my parents house for having a modified exhaust, and being asked 3 times if I was high. Jackass.
I loved those Honda products but in 5 years of driving old Toyotas I am invisible to police and I get compliments and I couldn’t be happier! We went out for breakfast last week and an older stranger starts asking me about my pickup, saying he had one just like mine, same color, and he wish he’d never sold it.
Old trucks and wagons breed nostalgia and conversations with complete strangers. My civic and integra were at times outright burdens.
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Just make sure you get a jack big enough to change your tires if you get a flat.
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I like colourful cars particularly Yellow and Green but since everyone just buys business colours, people who don’t are assumed to be attention seekers which is really annoying to me as I love Sleepers.
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The JDM scene, or stancing. Usually overall the younger generation of car people. Alot of people act like they are stupid kids who stance cars and ruin them etc. But atleast they car enough about cars to put more attention into it, modifying and learning, rather than just using them to go to A & B. I don’t know much technical stuff and im learning. I like built more than bought. But often this type of streotype is seen as stupid and dumb kids ruining their cars, I don’t see it like that. Or how people think of stancing as rice, I think vinyls and huge park bench wings on chevy cavliers is rice, not lowered cars (I’m not a fan of stancing but I like lowering cars. Don’t like the look of negative camber)
I’ve been learning alot about cars I never knew before by hanging out with these type of people, but I feel like they are the type of people oppo would hate,
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Gotta buy the 70’s and 80’s cars, where flashy colors were mandatory!
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I want a LS or something later in life since even when I was 16 I was like Ya kids get off my lawn grumpy old man like.
Truth is I want a classic Muscle car with a loud exhaust or a modified higher wider Ford Raptor.
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I'll take it off road, but since it will probably be my only vehicle it will be in a mall parking lot at some point washed and waxed.
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I’ll admit, I’m no fan of the negative camber stance, but tasteful lowering, excessive body kits and the like are perfectly fine in my book. My sole issue is ruining the general utility of a vehicle. Lowering a car to the point where it scrapes leaving most parking lots, you can’t open the door next to a curb, you can’t put stuff in the trunk because it’s either full of speakers or it has no load capacity anymore...that’s what I can’t stand.
You could say that since my Magnum is lowered, it’s “stanced.” I’m not against that, but it’s suspension is finely tuned (KW V2 coilovers with stiff bushings all around), and I can still pack 300-400lbs of gear in the back and go to a job site without trouble. I will still admit, different strokes for different folks. Just don’t shove anything in my face, and I wont shove anything in yours. I aim to be as respectful as I can, but then when the individuals aren’t very respectful, I don’t really feel obligated myself.
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Not really a guilty pleasure since I own one and am proud of it, but lifted trucks/suvs. Also, built diesels do things for me that no Ferrari could. The Diesel Power Challenge was much more entertaining to me than any Chris Harris video.
Also, shitty cars.
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I’d rather have a moderne RR than an old one.
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I’ll freely admit that a Lincoln LS is on my bucket list of vehicles to own.
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Who said you need a desert to have sweet jumps?
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Range Rovers. They’re my favorite SUVs, but everyone assumes that if you own one, you’re and incredibly rich person who thinks poor people are genetically inferior. They are worse than a Benz in terms of a pretentious image if you ask me.
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Stance. I kinda like how the car looks like it's flowing with the ground instead of driving on it.
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Stance as in camber, or stance as in just lowered, and if just lowered, are we talking tastefully, or on the ground?
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You don’t have enough tires on your rig. Get on my level.
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Yeah, I’ll keep my ball joints and sway bar links, thanks. Wouldn’t want them falling off every other day.
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I kinda like this. It looks good.
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I don’t know about this. I drive a modern BMW, and there are some awful stereotypes. The amount of comments I get about “fake sound,” “fake M,” and “fake steering” gets a bit old. My response?
I like driving it.
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Stance as in camber. And we’re not talking about a tasteful lower, we’re talking on the ground. I want it stupid low with a lot of camber. I can pass on the stretched tires though. Have some pics:
Or maybe not completely on the ground because this MR2 looks pretty good.
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If we’re talking about that MR2, we’re on the same page 100%. That BMW is a little much for me, and I fully agree on the stretched tires. Safety first, always. Wouldn’t want a pothole to pop a fender either.
Now if cambered tires were available to buy........
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I’m a young African American male that drives a beater Crown Victoria....
I think i’ve maxed out my stereotype points....
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But is that crown vic by choice or availability? I think that it’s important to recognize that certain cars in lower price ranges are bought by certain types of people due to financial reasons. Is there something wrong with that? Only in that the economy isn’t providing enough upward mobility to disband the economic stereotype.
But that’s an entirely different discussion altogether.
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I really like the idea of a crossover, it is essentially a hatchback or wagon (if you take it a bit too far) that can have good times off-road!
Case in point:
The VW Tiguan is seen as any other CUV that make people think I bought because of the hype or the neccesity of higher seating position. Or just to look cool. The reallity? It’s a GTI you can go to the beach in and have a hell of a lot of fun, a GTI I don’t have to worry about potholes or speedbums or ramps (In Mexico this is a BIG plus) and also a GTI that’s even more invisible to cops. What is not to like?!
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My problem with a lifted dually: If you need a dually, it’s for towing heavy or carrying very heavy loads. If you are towing heavy, you do NOT want a lifted truck, as it pretty much ruins your mega-towing capacity by adding lots of additional instability. So a lifted dually is automatically entirely wasteful and pointless. If you want a heavy duty truck for lifting and offroading, do a 3/4 ton so you get all the HD parts, but still have a flexible truck. I get that. Lifting a 1 ton truck has no purpose.
That’s not to say it doesn’t look cool as all hell, and in some rare cases a truck like this might have a real world purpose:
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Stance Nation, especially since my TL looks soooooooo much better lowered on coilovers with slight camber
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If money was no object there are many things I would own. A lifted dually, slammed dually, hi riser, low riders, miatas, and just about any ridiculous car one could imagine that is safe to drive.
Edit: Oh, and just about anything seen in any of the F&F franchise. I love the pointlessly loud paint and ridiculous body kits.
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But. But. But
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My purpose would be to actually off road at some point even just a little bit in the truck. Wouldn’t need to be anything major, but I do have to deliver really heavy equipment for work every once in a while, and admittedly, wagons and our vans prove to be just a little too low when lifting the equipment back out to carry inside or whatever else. As funny as it sounds, a lifted truck would have a really good bed height for lifting the boxes without having to do any back breaking poses (many boxes are 50-100lbs). My wagon has the utility, but it sucks having to lift the boxes out. I’d rather lower the boxes down than lift them up.
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460 or bust.
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I love slammed duallies, myself. Few things look better pulling a race car. Similarly, i also love bagged classics.
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I would love to drive a Corvette without it drawing scrutinizing attention to my age, density of hair, or mental/emotional stability.
Midlife crisis, anyone?
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Rusty Slammington. It was so many things I hate wrapped up into a beautiful build that I loved.
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Why not just jack it by the axle?
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I want to be low enough to drag frame everywhere. I’d probably put skid plates on the bottom or something so that you’re not tearing it up too much. I do want a lot of camber.
Not this much but a little.
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That type of jack can’t get underneath the truck, because it’s about 3’ tall.
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I want a V8 manual RWD 2 door. But I am not a metro detroit muscle car bro.
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On rockstar rims to complete the look.
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I would love to have a pre runner
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or you can go down
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Cars I really like whose crowd I really hate:
Subarus (flatbills and monster logos everywhere)
Old BMW’s (specifically that weird kid of a culture that neither stance nor V-dub wants to admit is theirs)
90’s Japanese Sports Cars [the last of the respective lines; FD RX-7, Bubble Supra, Jumbo Wedge 300zx] (BRO IT’S PUTTING DOWN 1200 TO THE WHEELS I SWEAR)
Toyobarus (People keep seeming to buy these because they think it’s a super fast sports car. I can only assume this based on the number that try to race me.)
I don’t actually care for VW’s much but the crowd is bad enough that it makes the list anyway.
Mustangs (Do I even need to say?)
Toyota Tacoma (It’s like 40% cool guys who like offroading and 60-200% just-out-of-the-army SoCal bros who put 3” spacer lifts and extra-wide tires on their trucks so they can go get stuck in the Desert.)
And while it’s not quite common enough yet to have a “crowd”, the Slingshot is getting a lot of the wrong kind of attention. What should be an ultralight miata competitor instead gets all the “EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME I NEED ATTENTION!” customers. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great for that, but there are a sad number of them that have already been chrome-wrapped with flashy lights everywhere.
Oh, and it should be no surprise that a lot of exotic owners are total douchenozzles. I have met quite a few cool dudes, though. The guys who realise that it’s just a really cool car and has no actual bearing on their personal value.
So not quite the same format as other answers, but that’s because I’ve already belonged the the New BMW, Audi, Tacoma, Slingshot, and Exotic groups. I have walked through the valley of douche, and I feared no evil. I’ve just gotten so used to people making assumptions.
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Probably an STI. Great practicality, looks, and performance, but I just can’t stand Subaru bros. Here in Utah Subarus are incredibly popular in general, so the Subaru bros are even more numerous.
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Impractical cars.
Sports cars, crossovers (especially high-performance ones like the GC SRT-8, RR Sport Supercharged and SVR, X5M, etc.), trucks (not useful for me as I commute 4 miles to work and rarely carry anything other than an emergency kit and lunch), and body-on-frame SUVs like the Excursion, Expedition/Navigator, 4Runner/GX, Sequoia, Land Cruiser/LX, Wrangler, Xterra, etc.
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I wouldn’t want a four door, and I'd love one, but the bro stereotype would make it unbearable. About the worst stereotype I can deal with is what I get for driving what I do.
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Obvious answer is obvious.
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Yea the bro stereotype would get old fast, but I still may get one anyway.
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I think you’d find the stock tailgate height just fine though, unless you are Lurch.
Also, the haul capacity of a dually - what’s “really heavy” to you?
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Of course it was by choice and I'm not upset lol.
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I want a Ford F450 or an 80’s bronco one day.
So I can tow my project cars. My explorer was towed by one a few years back by my dads mechanic/warrant officer and I've wanted once since.
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I’m kinda with you on the lifted trucks, but I don’t want or need a dually. I just want a nice old 4x4 manual-transmission truck with no more than 6 inches of lift and some knobbly off-road tires. Maybe not even that much lift. 4 would be fine.
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Deliveries are typically limited to around 400-700lbs, but depending on whats being delivered, it could be a single box or a whole truckload of boxes. An in-ceiling tv lift for an 85” tv weighs around 500lbs, and takes 5 people minimum to move. The crate is also too wide for a van because of the inner fenders. Luckily for me, I dont deliver those.
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I just figure if Im going to go after a big truck, I have to go big or go home. I also love the look of duallies from every direction. And allows for a 5th wheel and big trailer for project cars.
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I understand. I just feel that anything more than 6 inches... it may be fun to look at, but good luck finding a place to put it.
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Also, DAMN YOU for making me look at trucks and seeing that this is still available.
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2015 Cadillac Escalade ESV Platinum
I got to put a couple hundred miles on one and I just ended up loving how opulent it was. I even like the CUE system.
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I kinda like the jackass driver (BMW M-car, Audi RS car... those guys!) stereotype.
I like the idea of dominating the road, of having all the performance, and using all the performance.
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I don’t get the people who complain about the “fake” sound. It’s not like you designed it to do that yourself, and there’s not even room to argue that it affects the driving in any way whatsoever.
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I am currently this stereotype. The best thing I enjoy about this stereotype is I usually dress like a poor college kid (as it is comfortable) so when I walk to my car or get out people look at me like I stole it or my parents bought it for me. I get alot of confused looks, especially if I have the windows down owning the road and rocking out to George Fredrick Handel.
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Lowered (not stanced) overpowered mini trucks.
Or, slightly raised overpowered mini trucks.
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I would drive all of these.
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That poor Cayenne
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You hate a lot of things.
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I’m living mine... it’s a Crossover. I’m a 30 y.o. male who loves horsepower and manual transmissions and all that good stuff, one of my dreams is to daily drive a Lotus 7, and I have a reputation among friends as a car guy. I only have the Cruze but it’s tuned and a manual, and I drive in DC traffic with it daily. My wife has a Lexus RX330, which I believe has the worst value:dollar ratio of any vehicle in the world. It’s an expensive, tarted up Camary for the soccer mom crowd and old people. It excels at nothing, driving dynamics are horrible, is boring and soulless, and lacks interior room despite its size, not to mention a third row seat... but sometimes it’s so nice to get in and not GAF about anything. Just put the shifter in D and roll down the road. Oh, and heated seats.
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Actually yeah, the more I look the uglier it gets.
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I have nothing really :(
I mean I already owned a yellow corvette and I’m not 60, I’ve owned a sn95 mustang and I’m not a redneck, I’ve owned a Volvo 850 wagon and I’m not a hipster, I own a Fiat Dino coupe and I’m not a dandy, i own a Panhard pl17 and I’m not retired and now I’ll own a sa22c rx7 turbo prepped by RE-Amemiya and I'm not a ricer...
Only thing I have left are bro-trucks and BMWs lol
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“Alot of people act like they are stupid kids who stance cars and ruin them etc.”
That’s exactly where I get my concept of that particular stereotype from. Everybody I know that’s into the stance scene is some dumb kid who drives like a complete dickhead who thinks that ladies will flock to his ‘91 Civic because it looks like there’s an elephant sitting on the roof.
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Most supercar owners are said to be overcompensating for their own “shortcomings”, so to speak. If that means I’m driving a 911 turbo, people can think whatever the hell they want of me.
People also think the Smart Fortwo is lame or “gay”. I’d drive a Hayabusa swapped Fortwo any day of the week though.
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Japanese VIP Style.
I just LOVE them.
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The distinction of a yellow corvette is really what sets it apart as number one, isnt it.
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Rusty was one of the most iconic builds the last twenty years if you ask me, I loved it.
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I LOVE Lexus, but that’s not really a guilty pleasure for me, it’s just a fact :P
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I don’t care what people think about me based on my car. Don’t believe me?
Exhibit A:
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It does lol
I ever forgot that I own a Mini and I’m not a wannabe-Brit :)
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I’d have to agree with this. I’ve seen some lowered duallies with the 22.5” 18-wheeler wheel set up. I’m almost ashamed to admit that I like it. Especially with the “spike” lug nut covers.
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The Escalades, however, get better.....yesssss....you're learning!
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“What was that sound?!”
“The sound that you heard was the breaking of this poor mans heart.”
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I adore everything about this car, yet I'm not DMX nor a member of the Ruff Ryders (ride or die)
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Oni camber, VIP cars.
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I wonder what the tire budget is for that first car.....
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Oh no, I like lots of things.
People, though. I do hate a lot of people.
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Trying to give you a star, but I keep getting kinja’d.
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I like Audi RS4 (B7) but I wouldn’t like to be an Audi driver. Even our mainstream media is laughing at Audi drivers and their attitude.
It’s not a big problem though as those are riculously expensive and I’m not going to use my last pennies for a car made in 00’s.
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Yellow German cars are somehow the best. Audi and Porsche really pull it off.
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Antrieb Verliebt - speaks German, BMW nerd. I am “that guy.” But I don’t drive like a true BMW owner.
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Mmmmmmmmmm now there’s a money shot
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Because safety?
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Although this ‘scene’ is kind of dead, love to swap the lift on my dualcab for some airbags.
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I am part of the Subaru crowd, but not part of THAT crowd. That being either the gay/lesbian Outback or Forester owners (I have a WRX); or the flat-billed cap wearing, baggy pants, tattooed and pierced, accessorized, yo! crowd. I will, however, wave at both.
I’d like to be a part of the Miata crowd, but I want one with MORE POWER.
I’d like to get back into the two-wheels good crowd, but I prefer having a happy wife who isn’t worried about the breadwinner going splat. When I do get back into that crowd, it won’t be with the squids or with the harley-riding gangs. I’ll be doing my own thing with a proper adventure bike, full protective gear, and a good map with roads and trails.
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Did you say Abe Lincoln?
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Screw the bro-truck, you live in Japan, get a 70-Series.
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Bentley Continental GT. I just love the look of the car, the sound of the W12. But it is the car of pompous assholes who don’t know what they have and bought it for status. But I would just love to take the car on ling trips and light off-roading (see top gear rally one its fucking cool) and maybe even race it.
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I have been told that the Continental GT is a better drive than a Veyron.
I’m inclined to believe that, actually.
![]() 07/29/2015 at 13:37 |
You really need to get a wig and a puffy shirt so you can look like Handel whilst rocking out.
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Good call...I was listening to Irish Drinking music all full blast in traffic today.
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This was definitely on the rotation in my house growing up - ha!
You have an M3, right? How’s it treating you? Mine’s an ‘08 E90 manual in SSII. Love it, and not sure if I’ll ever be able to give it up...
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I prefer the Return of the Queen of Sheeba, but Hallelujah is hilarious in movies.
I have an E92 M3 2011 that comes with the best thief deterrent system around...a manual.
The car is fantastic. I don’t like the seat controls and sometimes the AC doesn’t blow like it should, but that is about it. It scoots, keeps me alive in terrible Maryland traffic, and looks good in our parking lot of SUVs. 19in tires are expensive and don’t last long on this beast.
My 5 year loan is coming due in November and I’ve been debating if I want to keep this awesome machine or maybe get something else. It is tough to see myself driving anything else as it is so much fun.
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Glad you’re enjoying it. I need 4 doors to shuttle the kids from time to time, I can’t think of any other car I’d rather have right now.