![]() 06/29/2015 at 14:28 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
So, confession. I’ve long thought it would be fun to do one of these. And since I’ve got a free Monday, I decided to go ahead and do it.
So, a bit about me. I’m one of the
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I daily an ‘08 Outback XT (possibly one of only ~500 manual OBXTs built in 08/09). I grew up in a funeral home (family business), where I now work. The funeral home may be haunted. I also now work for a well known package delivery company. For fun (and hopefully soon for profit) I travel the country and co-drive rally cars. I also have a desert race truck, which sadly I’ve only driven in competition once this far. I’ve also been kayaking with Orlove (one of my co-driving proteges), and have a
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![]() 06/29/2015 at 14:31 |
Cereal or milk: which first?
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You’re given an unlimited budget to turn any vehicle you want into a rallycar ( any vehicle, although boats and planes might not work so great). What do you pick?
What has been your favourite course to co-drive on?
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Cereal first. Get more cereal in the bowl that way
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Cereal for sure.
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package delivery?
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Which mod would you ban?
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Stand to wipe like some freak or lean like a normal person?
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Lean to be clean
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On a scale of 1-10, How haunted is it exactly. (1 being just old attic haunted)
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Any personal experiences with the realm beyond the grave?
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All of them. Dictatorship, baby!
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If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call the resulting company Fed UP?
Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?
If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren’t people from Holland called Holes?
What shape is the sky?
Why do they write “May contain traces of peanuts or other kind of nuts” on peanut butter jars?
“I am” is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that “I do” is the longest sentence?
Is it legal to name your kid “Anonymous”?
If you dig a hole in the South Pole are you digging up or down?
Why aren’t there ever any guilty bystanders?
Is a fly without wings a walk?
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As a muddy rally stage wouldn’t be very dusty, do you only venture in the desert?
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California or Wisconsin cows?
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How did you learn to codrive?
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I don’t think I could choose a single favorite. Top three would be Oregon Trail (
crazy fast
roads on the second day,
crazy technical
on the third),
(fast road surface, but narrow as hell and zero margin for error), and
Mount Washington
(toughest hill climb in North America if not the world)
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Long Live the Democratic People’s Republic of Oppositistan!
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Who’s the best rally team in North America that isn’t Vermont Sportscar?
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Is it true that the roughage in your diet mostly comes from road dust?
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1. God I hope so
2. Nope
3. Sme reason people from England aren’t called Engles.
4. The sky refuses to fit into your jive ass standards of “shapes”
5. Lawyers
6. No
7. If I ever have a kid I’ll find out.
8. Depends which way you hold the map.
9. Lawyers
10. Technically yes, but I beleive the scientific term is “not long for this world”
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No, but I prefer the desert.
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About a 7.3
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I pop over there on occasion for Sunday brunch
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Omaha steak
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Why do you opt to co-drive rather than drive? Is it a stepping stone to becoming a driver someday, or do you simply prefer the silly seat?
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Lots of research, lots of questions, and started with slower, more visual drivers where it wasn’t an instant off if I made a mistake.
My first year being around rally I went to seven events (including one where I managed to convince a team I’d just met to take me with them on a trip across the country to Arizona, all on a week’s notice). Volunteered, crewed for teams, and just tried to learn everything I could. I’d borrow co-driver pace note books, read through them, and ask about any note I didn’t understand. I’d read the supps and all the “for competitors” info on the rally websites. I’d ask about time cards and service protocol. Basically I just tried to be the biggest information sponge I could. Fortunately the rally community is very welcoming to new faces and just about everyone in it will help with anything they can, big or small.
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Why do you suppose the phrase “jive ass” has fallen out of common lexicon and what do you think should be done about it?
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I like co-driving because I’m faster that way. I know that even with years of practice I could never be as fast or as ballsy as the top 10 drivers in the country. I’ve sat with people whose talents and courage make one’s mind melt (Troy Miller put two wheels over the edge on Mt Washington
on purpose
because “it was faster,” and he did it in a way that I never doubted it would work). But as a co-driver I get to sit with them.
Plus co-drivers get to do way more events, mostly thanks to the whole “drivers pay your expenses/drivers pay
” thing. That’s pretty sweet.
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I’d give it to Hoonigan. Great talents on the team, great facility, great equipment, and “New Ken Block” is an excellent rally driver.
If we’re talking full-season teams then probably FY Racing.
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Is it true that your father is cooler than the other side of the pillow?
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Only from April to September.
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Is it your turn to take over the Jalopnik position of editor-in-chief? If not, is it mine?
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Why did you have to embarass me on our ride out to DirtFish? Aces only has so many pony powers.
Also, how do you juggle the day job with the co-driving? I mean, I know that there might be slow times in the mortuary world, but now that you’re Philip J. Ventures, how’d you work that in?
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Clearly it fell out because The Man is trying to keeps us down. Fight the power.
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Pretty solid score. Friends with any of them?
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It’s impossible to behave in a turbo wagon. Fact of life.
I explained the whole rally thing in my job interview, and explained that, although I realized it was something that meant they might not give me the job, it’s not something I can take out of my life. We worked out a special deal where I’m basically the company utility player. Since I can adapt well to unfamiliar roads and areas (thanks, rally!), I fill in when one of the standard drivers is sick/on vacation/pretending to be sick/fired/quits/etc. Sometimes this means I only work 2-3 days per week, but it’s a small price to pay for rally. My boss still tries to get me to commit full time on a monthly basis though.
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I have to wait a few more cycles. You’ll know when it’s my turn by the logo change
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Cooler than the other side of the pillow and Billy Dee Williams combined.
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No, they seem to avoid me. The one on the third floor can make a racket for hours, but the moment I set foot on the third flor it shuts up.
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No. 1 is sort of like what happened when my mom’s credit union merged with another. Power and Empire became Empower.
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my father rallied as a younger man. he says his co-driver would constantly confuse left and right whilst reading pace notes, but his hand gestures were always correct. I guess my point is, that even though you may think you started from the bottom and you’re working you’re way up in the co-driving world, I suspect there was a bottom below your bottom.
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Noisy ghosts are the worst
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Remember this? That was fun!
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The one in the basement knew my name. That was the worst.
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Did it just say it over and over?
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Ah, memories
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Once. Very loud. Very clearly. Never heard from it again.
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Have you ever thought about getting this problem looked at?
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Who in their right mind would put the milk first?
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Why do you insist on messing with Texas?
Plain or peanut M&Ms?
Creamy or crunchy peanut butter?
Why doesn’t a duck’s quack echo?
What is the meaning of life?
Favorite genre of books to read?
What are your top 5 most-used apps on your phone?
Can you post the steering wheel rally video here, please? Because it’s just too fucking awesome not to.
When’s your next rally?
What’s your favorite thing about Oppo?
Is Gamecat secretly part of the Illuminati?
Seriously, why do you keep messing with Texas? Do we not feed you enough brisket when you come here, or something? :P
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If I help you paint your OBXT WRB, can I drive it a little?
Did you go to a rally school? If so, which one(s)?
Recommendations for people thinking of getting into rally in a serious way?
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They don’t interfere with work or life, so we’ve decided to let them be.
Also, I’m like the king of the skeptics, so calling someone in feels like official admission of ghosts being a thing. Whereas now they’re just “weird inexplicable very-human-sounding noises that the house makes sometimes”
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I know I didn’t start from the very bottom (though in my fourth year I did have a newbie driver who was pretty damn bottom).
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Milk first is only acceptable when you’ve eaten all the cereal, still have milk in the bowl, and decide you want more cereal
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Black River stages this year?
Also: Thanks for the jerky.
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Driving up Mt Washington slow can be harrowing, I would love to hit it fast sometime! Fun!
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Not an ask, just a comment.
This reminds me of a pizza joint at which I used to work while I was in college. The place had a ghost that used to yell, “Order in!” from the dining room window (experienced multiple times, owners acknowledged that it happens). There were only two of us working during those mornings, and we were both in the kitchen already. It also used to be seen in peripheral vision walking from the restroom to the back door of the store. Being addressed by name is way creepier.
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1. Because I have a lot of friends in/from Texas. Messing with them is fun. It’s also my way of showing friendly affection. Case in point: Stef is awesome, therefore I bug the hell out of Stef.
2. Usually peanut. Occasionally plain just to mix it up.
3. Chunky
4. Because ducks are actually transdimensional beings, able to manipulate the void. This is also how they stay dry while in the water. And why they’re the ideal rally Puffalump
5. 42
6. I can’t nail it down. Drama, sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, whatever kind of ridiculousness you want to categorize Hitchhiker’s Guide as
7. Including the ones that come pre-installed? If so Twitter, Messages, Mail, Safari, and Google Maps. If not, Twitter, Google Maps, Road Trip, TrackAddict, and either the WRC app or Tinder
8. Amusingly/annoyingly, when I went to YouTube to grab this I found three others had copied and uploaded it.
9. New England Forest Rally, July 16-18
10. The people, the sense of community, the occasional ridiculousness, and making my minions dance.
11. No, Gamecat is a Freemason. The Illuminati members are CVV, Party-Vi, For Sweden, and me
12. I’m willing to stop messing with Texas in exchange for the correct amount of brisket
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1. Yes you can
2. I did, but I did it with Raph as part of a story, and it was a few years after I’d started competing.
3. Go to rallies. Any rally. Every rally. Volunteer to work it if you can, but just be a spectator if you can’t. Talk to everyone, driver, co-driver, service crew, stage captain, scoring offical, whoever you can get a minute with. Do this so you can learn absolutely as much as possible, but also to make yourself memorable. That way down the road when a team needs a crew member or a co-driver they’ll remember you and they’ll remember how serious you were.
If you’re looking to get into the sport as a driver I still suggest this route. Doing a few as a co-driver helps you learn the details of the sport and will make the process that much easier when you get behind the wheel.
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Afraid not. Going to a wedding in Texas
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Unless you’re eating Coco Puffs, and the milk has become chocolate, in which case you must drink the milk and start over.
That, or I just have no self control...
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If you had $5000 to work with, and an irresistible urge to drive silly in dirt while trying not to kill cones, what crapcan would you turn into a rallycross beater?
Hopefully the $5000 limit eliminates pretty much every Impreza, because that’s too easy an answser, and even the rusted out ones that’ve been folded in half sell for $7000 these days...
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Wait, did you say
killing cones?
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Is there really any point in people participating in Fantassy WRC when I am participating?
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Good point. Time to get your internet service disconnected
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I am the internet and when you control the internet, you control information!
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Well, I mean...obviously if you’re having fun, SOME cones are going to die - but even if you’re just messing around and having fun, last place stings a little...soooo....Not killing ALL the cones :D
An automatic Javelin though? Really? I mean, I suppose you could give it the full Mad Max treatment...
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It’s $4,000. That gives me $1k left over for a trans swap
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...but really, what is your favorite Timbit?
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I like the light fluffiness of the honey cruller.
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Can I have your Ranger? Even for a week? I’m sure I’ll hate it by then.
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You can’t have it, but for $4,500 you can race it.
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It might take me a little while to gather the funds.
![]() 06/30/2015 at 06:13 |
Pls tell me theres someone other than my dad out there who does it right and pours the milk first. Pls.
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People who know what the fuck theyre doing.