![]() 04/23/2015 at 21:05 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I’ve played both, and I like both, which until recently, I thought would be the general perception; however, I’ve come to find that I am quite wrong. I am currently competing in the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! as well as the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! , and it seems to be the opinion of my co-drivers that F5 is not up to snuff.
I understand their issues with the game. There are vastly fewer cars, and by vastly I mean about half as many. This is an issue that I think Forza needs to take seriously. Gran Turismo by comparison supposedly has over 500 cars available which is quite a departure from F5s total of about 200.
The other issue is the physics. F5 has a serious learning curve which is pretty unforgiving, and also, COMPLETELY different from F4. If you’re a pro at F4, do not expect to be close to pro levels at F5 without at least 60 - 120 hours of play time, possibly more. If you’re coming from Forza Horizon... just give up. However, I think the change in physics was a positive one.
In F4, you do not get a ton of feedback from the controller. In F5, I can feel when any tire loses grip, and can tell you which tire that is. That’s pretty astounding. Hell, I can even feel lift at high speeds in classic cars with heavy rear weight bias. I can feel that the cars are more stable if you take a corner at a higher gear than at a lower gear. None of this is present in F4. AWD cars can break loose, over recovery of skids is a constant battle, and restraint is something you actually have to use. Setting a clean lap time requires some real skill. The whole game has a level of finesse that F4 does not have, and that is a good thing, and I think, probably far closer to real life car responses than F4.
Personally, I’m still holding out for F6. It might be a bit harsh to be so down on a game because of its car selection, but F5 is really lacking in that sense, and what separates real racing simulators from things like Need for Speed and series of that sort, is the physics, the real tracks, and the amount of cars available, from “base-ish” models up to the most hardcore in a given manufacturers line up. I have no doubt that F5 would be just as good if it had more vehicle choices.
Either way go out and play them both, as they are both awesome games.
Well, that’s my opinion, what’s yours? What do you enjoy more? Why?
It should be mentioned that you CANNOT sell cars in F5 (Not on any level) and there is no auction house. You buy a car and you keep it for the duration of the game.
![]() 04/23/2015 at 21:07 |
Forza 5 is boring as fuck. 4 is still the best. Here’s hoping 6 will be better.
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I’m stuck on gt6, Im waiting for the GPS track maker. Since they are not delivering I’m thinking about getting back to fora and grab an xbone.
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Forza 5’s driving physics are the best I’ve ever experienced in a console racing game, but pretty much everything else about it - graphics aside, anyway - kinda sucked.
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Forza Horizon 2 WITH Storm Island
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I never played that one actually, now I’m curious...
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I currently play Horizon 2 on XB One and I’m craving forza 6, whenever that happens. I wanted forza 5 but passed when I learned how few cars it had. Horizon 2 was fun while the honeymoon phase was still going on, but now that I’ve been playing for a while... some of the game modes are TERRIBLE (off-road races... the street car physics just don’t work for that...) and of course the “road trips” which force you to drive somewhere before choosing your next race. It’s so stange that although there is a large world to explore, it's so bland that I don't really care to explore it, and I have the most fun lapping circuits, like a real forza game. Hopefully 6 will have at least 300 cars.
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You put it very well, FM5 overall is kind of a better game but FM4 just has so much more content.
That said, Turn 10 basically created Forza 5 from the ground up so they started over on every car and track. You could say creating that many cars and tracks with the level of detail they have in two years is pretty amazing. But still, it needs more. I'm hoping now that the ground work is done they can focus on bringing us awesome cars and tracks.
It takes around six months to build a single car and between a year or two for a track I believe.
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With over 500 hours in it, Forza 5 is my drug choice. Why? Quite simply, I like the racing (both on and offline) in it more than any other game by a country mile. I’m not even sure why.
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It’s purpose was to show off the Xbone’s capabilities, which is completely fine...
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I don’t mind the trail/rally races - indeed, I actually rather enjoy them - but the cross country events are, indeed, just terrible. Road trips can be fun, though, as long as you’ve got a crew along—the only real issue with them is that the events are completely random, so you can end up having to do one of the aforementioned god-awful cross-country events.
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Meth. Er, I mean, Forza 4 is better. But Project CARS on PC is bestest.
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Forza 4 because I dont have the monies for an XB1+ FM5, but from what i’ve watched on youtube play alongs, it FM4 has the better car sounds, which sucks because the thing that made me jump from GT to Forza was car sounds. oh and customization
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I’d bet my bottom dollar that it has way more than 300 cars. Considering the games tend to jump about 150 cars on each release we should have at least 400 cars however things have changed. There are now two teams building cars for the Forza franchise. T10 and Playground games so I reckon that FM6 will have 500 cars. My main hope for FM6 is the return of the New York circuit and street circuits in general.
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They should of kept the cross country races to 4x4s and rally cars. They are so much better in the Storm Island expansion.
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FM5’s physics are waaay better than FM4’s, but FM4’s car selection is waaay better than FM5’s (with the exception of open wheel cars and the 250 GTO). The online lobby system on the last gen Forza games is definitely better though. Overall I’d say they’re about equal. Some parts of FM5 are better, some parts of FM4 are better. I just hope FM6 has the auction house again... And a not-totally-shit way of sharing designs with other players.
FH2 is my favorite Forza game though.
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I got it for free when I bought my xbone. Totally worth the money.
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They are, though I still prefer Storm Island’s regular rally events.
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Those events give my flashbacks to the days I spent struggling to beat the first championship on the Horizon Rally Expansion. Dark days til I sucked up my pride and lowered the difficulty and then continued to fail. Man that expansion was ridiculously difficult.
![]() 04/23/2015 at 22:02 |
That’s funny to hear that you go for Horizon over the others, I could never get into because it felt so arcadey for me. Also, totally agree with you on the open wheel cars and the 250 gto, I thought they were awesome additions to F5.
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PC Shmeesee.
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I never played the first Horizon’s rally DLC, I’m sad to say. I’m still not entirely sure why—I actually really enjoyed the rally events in the base game.
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You should play 5! If nothing else than just to get a taste.
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It was really well made to the point that I believe that Forza should be on a three cycle like COD with the third game being off road racing but the reason why it was so difficult was that the rally cars had to be built yourself which meant A LOT of trial and error.
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Oh, I’d kill for a semi-regular rally-dedicated Forza game. Frankly, something has to come along and fill the gap DiRT left in my life.
I pretty much always build my own cars, but I am fucking shite at it, so I imagine I’d have had trouble with that DLC.
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The difference in physics has never been a problem for me. Sure, you can tell there’s a difference when going from one to the other, but it isn’t nearly as big as going from something like Forza to, say, a Burnout game (something I do frequently). Plus I’ve always preferred open world racing games to closed course ones.
Also, MFW I saw that the Series II 250 GTO had been replaced with the (IMHO) significantly better Series I 250 GTO for FM5:
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Really? I felt I got my moneys worth out of it more then most racing games. Like NFS Rivals (Which was my dad's, but I played it anyway), I got very little playtime out of it. Not to mention I didn't find it to be all that good.
![]() 04/23/2015 at 22:26 |
Im balls deep in FM4 with my Fanatec. Graphics are good enough for me and the car selection is OK. Truthfully I’d be fine paying for continual DLC updates of cars AND tracks for FM4. Shame I cant use my Fanatec CSR on FM5.... I would consider making the jump for that. But if I need another wheel no fucking way, Id rather build a computer and go iRacing or whatever.
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I wish I had a wheel or frankly a place to do an awesome set up, but as I am an NYC resident, that space is reserved by the couch unfortunately.
On a side note, the casual nature of your use of the term “Balls Deep”, is far too effortless. I’m impressed, but also concerned for your future well being.
I have to run now, about to get balls deep in some Forza.
![]() 04/23/2015 at 23:10 |
Exactly!! The trail and rally races are still a ton if fun but the cross country races are awful. I normally play with the driver difficulty on 4/5 but I switch it to 1/5 when I do cross country events lol.
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I hope so!! And yes NYC was a ton of fun, that would look SO good on next gen hardware too
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Maybe! Im sure it will be incredibly cheap at some point, I think the car selection would drive me nuts though. Your comments re: communication of car behavior through the controller sounded interesting and I hope they continue with that
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I honestly have been wondering with F5 if having an actual steering wheel might make it easier, since it seems like the cars react more like they would in real life and a joystick is not really the best interface between man and car.
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Forza 5 was terrific in premise, with the new and improved motors in the controller and mind-blowing graphics. However there was not enough at launch, and so Forza 6 will have to pick up the baton and sprint with it from the start to make things right.
![]() 04/24/2015 at 06:41 |
Stuff like that is exactly why I left NYC. Now I have a dedicated game room (at least until we have kids).
Truthfully it hasn’t dropped my lap times much... at the start I was slower due to having to get acclimated and getting better at tuning. Now, with a good car, depending on the track I am about 2-3 seconds faster than I was with a controller. It’s a lot more fun too as I do the inside view now, which feels a lot faster and more realistic. I’m gonna build a racing rig with a cheap racing seat and really be set. I haven’t played in about a month though as we moved and I need a TV for that room......
And yea going balls deep should be a regular part of life.
![]() 04/24/2015 at 08:53 |
Absolutely! I played Forza 3 with a wheel on X360 and it made a huge difference back then - the feedback, the tiny steering/pedal inputs I could make - all helped me control the car far more easily. Also it’s soooo much fun. Expensive tho! And a pain to set up. But if you play a ton of racing games I’d say go for it!!
![]() 04/24/2015 at 14:45 |
FM5 - because I have an XB1.
if anyone wants to add me for some online, non-douchery racing, my ID is Team Punkmofo
they made me change it from Team Punkass a few years ago because ass :D