![]() 04/14/2015 at 12:49 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
OK, yay? I'll weigh in with my nonsense.
There is talk of having females be hosts of Top Gear. That works for me. Sue Perkins is a celebrity and excellent TV Hostess in the UK. If they need a race car driver, they can safely re-patriate Pippa Mann from the USA and she could also be a gear-head for the show.
Here's the thing. The boys are assholes to one another. Women generally don't do that kind of thing. They don't ram each other's cars and go "oops" or drive off and leave one another stranded.
Yes, sexist, gender-role stereotypes, but do you see my point with this? I dunno, just rambling. This was on my mind earlier today.
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It would definitely be a departure, considering that around 2005 Top Gear started being a show about the interactions of bickering middle-aged men.
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Waiting for pics of girls running....
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The boys are assholes to one another. Women generally don't do that kind of thing
yur delusion is adorable
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I am fine with a female host providing the on-screen antics are persistent.
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If you don't think women are capable of deviousness, trickery and throwing underhanded shade you need to hang out with more interesting women.
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They don't ram each other's cars and go "oops" or drive off and leave one another stranded.
1. That was the best part of the show.
2. The girls would be worse to each other but probably mostly off camera and never in a completely overt manner.
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When my Panda wouldn't start once my girlfriend drove off and left me...
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Nope, watch All Girls Garage. They'd likely hire someone just like them and it's terrible. They try to make car related quips and it comes off so awkward. "I'm going to go take the project car for a drive while you stay here and get your nails dirty" what?! guys (your target audience) don't care about that and why are they working on a car with rings and bracelets on? Have you ever seen a finger de-gloved by a ring? Yeah don't Google that.
![]() 04/14/2015 at 12:58 |
They don't though. Girls don't punch you in the face and call you an asshole. They'd never be so overt about it.
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if only.
![]() 04/14/2015 at 13:01 |
Older brothers shove you into the dryer and turn it on.
Older sisters convince you that going into the dryer and having it turned on it fun.
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I think what he's getting at is, women don't really joke around like that.
Of course women can be incredibly catty and say horrible hurtful things to each other, but in those cases it's usual done with true malice.
But yes, the idea that women aren't assholes to each other would indicate that someone has never spent as much as 5min around a group of females.
![]() 04/14/2015 at 13:02 |
As well she should have. That's the rules man!
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Agreed. She seemed to find it very funny when I finally caught up with her.
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BBC likes to re-invent their shows. They've re-invented Top Gear once, and that will likely be the plan again. I'm sure some elements from the Clarkson era will stay, but different hosts means different chemistry and different bits, jokes, and gimmicks.
![]() 04/14/2015 at 13:08 |
My first choices are currently:
Jodie kidd
Suzie Perry
Idris Elba
Chris Evans
Dara O'briain
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Skip to 29:45 for relevance.
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That's kind of where I was going. Women and men banter and joke differently.
There is no shame in reinventing a show. Look at the three different incarnations of Black Adder!
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Nothing wrong with female host. Look at Kari from Mythbusters, very knowledgeable, funny, and engaging as a tv personality.
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I've been married for something like 12 years. I was still friends with some of my ex-girlfriends. It's taken 12 years for my wife to get used to that idea, and now she's friends with some of them.
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The big difference is women take it personally, men mostly don't. Trash talking is an acceptable means of communication with men. Why? I couldn't tell you, it just is, you asshole.
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It really is a mystery, douche face. :)
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See! We get it, now, I'm going to punch you and then we'll go have a beer.
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Being a guy is really just the greatest thing ever.
First round is on me.
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this sounds exactly like what I think would happen as well. Just the same garbage roles they put women in as usual.
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I have literally had my older sister put me in the dryer and turn it on for a few seconds when I was real young. It was not fun, and she did not try to convince me otherwise.
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My older sisters convinced me it would be fun and I climbed right in. It was not fun.
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dryer victims unite.
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Ya I know some girls that are vicious pranksters and nonstop jokesters that would be more than appropriate for a top gear episode.
Careful with the "women are/aren't/can't" statements. Women are many things. All the same is not one of the many things women are.
Most men and women I know would make terrible top gear hosts.
![]() 04/14/2015 at 13:50 |
Girls don't punch you in the face and call you an asshole.
I call bullshit because reading this shitheap of a thread makes me want to do just that. So much flat-out wrong, and no desire to politely correct people any more.
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You don't like sweeping generalizations of the sexes?
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Here's one vote for including Sabine Schmitz!
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I'm well aware that all women, and people in general are not the same. haha Anytime someone makes a blanket statement about a group it should obviously be taken with a grain of salt, from anyone with at least a slight amount of intelligence.