![]() 03/12/2015 at 11:51 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
So I've finished with the long, long onboarding process with my new company. 8 weeks on the road riccocheting across the coutry is more than enough. That said, my new commute isn't exacty brief and it got me wondering how mine compares to other Opponauts. At >120 miles round-trip, I'm thinking very seriously about the Tesla 3 or Chevy Bolt in a year or so.
So Oppo, whatchu got? Show me yours!
![]() 03/12/2015 at 11:54 |
Commuting from La Playa to Orange County...does not compute.
Have you considered taking the train?
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Mine is about 25 minutes each way. First leg is main roads, then highway then some twisty forest roads.
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Almost zero traffic both ways and fast roads.
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I walk from my bedroom to my office. Occasionally trip over the cat, depends on where it is. That's the limit of traffic. I usually stop by the kitchen for coffee in the morning as well as lunch.
At no point do I put on pants, or make any effort to improve my appearance. Working from home is sweet!
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Currently, 2.9 miles. At your level of zoom, looks like a large comma.
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6.5 miles. Technically in the same town but I drive through two others to get from one end to the other...really weird now that I think about it.
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Not currently, but last summer and (most likely) this summer as well.
Google says 44 minutes with no traffic. Pace was pretty good in the morning so that was about right, but traffic on the way home easily stretch that to 70-95 minutes. Don't pay rent at my parents' house though so it's worth it!
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I'd have to take two trains, the North County train to Oceanside and then the Amtrack Metrolink to San Clemente. It'd make some sense if Amtrack ran a morning train from SD.
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Get on subway at 125th. Get off subway at Houston.
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Mother of.... With all due respect, you may want to reconsider that commute ASAP if possible, unless you're staying at work M-F or something. San Diego to nearly LA will rarely take less than 2 hours. Having a car with better mileage isn't gonna do anything for your sanity sitting in that traffic hellscape. I used to live in El Segundo and worked in Redondo Beach (like <5 miles) and that could take up to 30 minutes in traffic without a motorcycle to lanesplit.
Sorry for the unsolicited advice, but anyway. Current commute is 13 non-highway miles, takes <20 minutes.
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only complaints are the single digit temps. but hopefully we're through with that until next year.
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I have a commute of 6.8 miles and it takes 15 minutes in traffic.
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I knew I'd be getting "bunny slipper commute" stories ;)
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I can see my commute from space.
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I have a 3.1 mile commute. Two stop signs. Sometimes I have to wait for a car at a stop sign. If traffic is really heavy I might have to wait for two cars.
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On a good day, it does take 6 minutes to get to school. On a bad day (normally), 15 minutes.
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12 Minute walk
Or three minute drive
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Depending which office I'm going to it differs.
If I'm at home base it's 8.9 miles on side streets (~25-40 minutes depending on how I hit the lights)
If I'm at my liaison office it's 17 miles beltway to 395 into central DC (~1 hour 15 mins)
If it's to the customer's site it's 20 miles beltway to 295 into SE DC (~45 mins)
If I'm only commuting I average less that 20 mph.
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Today was about a half hour, some days it's 3 hours.
Construction contractor life.
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Not sure the exact distance, but probably under a mile.
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170 miles round trip and usually 1.5 hours one way. I leave at 3:30 AM, get to work at 5:00 AM, leave work at 3:30 PM, and get home at 5:00 PM.
I also drive a '06 Chevrolet Silverado getting 13.5 mpg. Looking to buy a TDI Passat and save my truck for other activities. Luckily traffic is extremely light for some reason at 3:30 - 5:00 AM....
I also commute with two other guys, so I personally drive only every third week. I also work 4 - 10 hour days. Three day weekend every weekend...
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Mine isn't too bad until you factor in gas for the cruiser. its about 30-35 miles a day, depending on which freeway I take home.
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The current slog (yes that's a park):
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Wow! At least there's no congestion.
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It's 6.4 miles and 17 minutes. The only real downside is that I have to pay for parking.
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Bout 22 minutes but I can do it in 15 if I'm running late
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I filled the tank in my Fusion on Monday morning and again yesterday when I got home. This could get expensive.
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I wish I knew of a calculator online where you could input your current weekly/monthly/annual miles traveled and mpg (and fuel prices) and it would come out with a list of cars you could buy and still break even with the fuel savings. i.e. going from 12 mpg to 30 mpg saves enough money to buy a $5000 car or afford a $200 a month lease AND pay for gas on the new car. It would make convincing the wife that a 3rd car isn't a bad idea.
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Haha, not until the summer in the afternoon. I-90 is the major artery across SD, so anybody that either travels from the Northern West Coast to Northern East Coast or vice-versa takes that route for vacations. It can get swamped in the summer.
And don't even get me started on Sturgis. Those ten days are an absolute clusterfuck...
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This week it's Renton to Sumner. This was started out by Atlanta to SEA.
I still have the 5 hour flight home. This is slightly annoying.
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I average fueling up every three days in my Silverado ( and that includes the weeks that I personally don't drive). On a 26 gallon tank, I can fuel up for half of what I was for the summer ($40 versus $80+). I'm gunning for the TDI Passat. I can damn near triple/quadruple my gas mileage (especially with how windy SD is...)
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I went from a 3 mile commute (round trip) to a 12 mile commute. Then I changed jobs and have a 90 mile (round trip) commute. Looking to move closer so I can knock that down a bit though.
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I'm guessing the non-highway part is key to maintaining sanity for a metro Detroit commute.
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Heads up on the TDI....wait for the new motors with non-exploding fuel pumps.
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7 miles, 10 minutes in suburban NJ. It takes a little longer to get home in the summer time or if it is snowing in the winter time. But most days it is just a cruise with the top down, and enjoying myself downshifting to pass people (when legal).
![]() 03/12/2015 at 12:30 |
First train is at 6am out of SD right? That does seem silly that they don't have any earlier. I will be in SD for the week so I was looking at train schedules.
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Are those the 2015's or '16's? I'm not sure I can wait that long. At 30,000 miles a year, $2.75 gas and 13.5 mpg; I'm looking at ~$6,600 in fuel costs.
A '14 TDI with average of 42 mpg, $3.00 diesel (I know the spread is probably a little greater than that); I can get that down to ~$2,200 in fuel.
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Wouldn't it be better to split the driving daily rather than weekly? I hadn't thought of doing things your way before though. Doing that drive multiple days in a row would be killer, but being able to drive like twice a week would make it much better.
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~3 mile commute. 1 traffic light. 3 stop signs
/desert life
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It usually takes closer to 30 minutes, but if traffic is light 20 is about right.
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My commute is about 17 minutes each way. 10 miles.
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The nearest stop light is 6 miles away from me in another town. The next closest is ~15 miles. There are 5 in the whole county.
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The passat? Im not sure when it gets it. The new sportwagens and golfs get it. I have a '12 sportwagen tdi that just had its ENTIRE fuel system replaced with 40,000 miles on it.
![]() 03/12/2015 at 12:36 |
We had tried that, but it is definitely easier to keep track of whose week it is, rather than individual days. The other thing was that when someone would have to drive separate for some reason and it was their day to drive, it REALLY screwed up the schedule and keeping track of who had what day.
At least with the weekly schedule, if the person has to drive separate when it's his week to drive, he can just swap days with someone from next week. WAY easier to keep track of...
![]() 03/12/2015 at 12:38 |
1. Buy a boat you can live on.
2. Moor off of San Clemente.
3. Live in boat during the week.
4. Sail home on weekends.
5. ???
6. Buy pimp cup cuz PROFIT!!!
![]() 03/12/2015 at 12:38 |
I cover the 19 miles two different ways.
Red is by car/train = Takes about an hour, costs about $15.00
Black is by motorbike. = Takes 35-40 min, costs $5.00.
I could drive to work, but that would take about an hour, and parking would be $20.00
I take black as often as I can because time and money.
If it wasn't for my ability to use carpool lanes, I would never ride to work. Traffic sucks, and I somehow have avoided it completely in this DC area commute.
Some people hate public transportation, but I chose to use it. For me, it beats sitting in traffic. It's also cheaper and doesn't take any longer.
Have you ever thought about going black?
![]() 03/12/2015 at 12:39 |
Yeah, I didn't realize you had said three people. I suppose that makes things a little more confusing than just two. I have been carpooling for my 10 minute commute so it is never a problem if I have to skip a day. I used to do a 70 mile one way commute which was much worse so I know how it feels lol. I was glad to be able to move!
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What do you do for a living just out of curiosity?
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My commute is 100 miles a day, mostly interstate. I work 7:00 to 3:30 so I miss most of the traffic in and out. I DD a '12 Jetta TDI and I fill up at around 450 miles. I can stretch it to 500 but I don't really like going under 1/4 tank. It also depends on where I am when I hit 400-450 because I can get diesel 30-40 cents per gallon cheaper in the city where I work. I could probably stretch it further, but my driving style is far from hyper-miling. I average just under 40 MPG most tanks. My car is also about to turn over 50K miles and, from what I've been told, the MPGs gets better as VW TDIs get more miles.
I would imagine a Passat TDI would get similar mileage. Also, dat torque! I live in central IL where there is no charging infrastructure. I could do an EV with a range of 150 miles or better. Once EV technology get cheaper and ranges get better, I would consider one.
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I love my job (jeans and t-shirt as an engineer), love the 4 day work week, and love living in Rapid. I know very few companies would be able to offer me those first two perks, so I can live with the drive.
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Oh man, I know that drive well. I had to commute from North OC to Escondido. I was assigned a contract there some years back. It was awful! Sorry. Yours is shorter, but you still run into heavy traffic coming home, I'm sure. Anytime I drive to SD, any day of the week, it takes me like 3hrs when it should only take 2. :/
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Software stuff.
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I commute from Carlsbad to Sorrento Valley every day and I thought that MY commute sucked. I'd consider moving closer to work, but my partner works 4 miles from our house. Instead of moving closer, I bought a Fiesta ST and try to be light on the gas pedal on the commute. I'm averaging about 32 mpg over the first 6k miles. You should really consider moving closer to work. Oceanside has a bit of a weird vibe, and Carlsbad is a bit suburban, but Encinitas is pretty cool, especially Leucadia and Cardiff. http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2011/10/06/the…
![]() 03/12/2015 at 12:47 |
That's what I figured.
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Fuck. It's the 2015 model...at least as far I can tell. Hard to figure out with different versions in EU/US. I don't know if I can afford a car with that high of a price. How much did it cost to replace the HPFP? and can you replace the HPFP early with a remanufactured version?
![]() 03/12/2015 at 12:55 |
Not really, almost the opposite depending on where you live since so many people are taking the smaller highways (Woodward, Telegraph, Van Dyke, whatever). Luckily my current route is pretty clear. When I was at Chrysler I had to drive almost 20 miles up 75 but that wasn't a hassle until you get closer to the 696 interchange and even then you can just hop off at an earlier exit if you know the side roads.
But even the worst out here is paradise compared to LA, it's relative.
![]() 03/12/2015 at 13:03 |
Ah ok. My only experience coming southbound on 75 to M59, I assumed it couldn't be worse than that. Makes sense though. I could never do that west coast business—too much for me.
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Yea, that 75-59 exchange is pretty nasty. You'll want to live somewhere south and more fun anyway (Ferndale, Royal Oak, etc) and commutes aren't as bad unless you pull a Travis and go all the way out to Ann Arbor.
![]() 03/12/2015 at 13:34 |
24 miles one way. Mornings are quick at about 27 minutes but add the employee bus and the walk in, it takes me about 50 minutes. Home is a different story. It's always crash your car day.
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My commute has been for the past couple of months just 4 or 5 blocks away, total of 750 meters from my house to the office.
But when I go back to my beloved Mexico City, I will have to drive from the suburbia to almost the center of one of the largest megacities in the World, by car, mostly at rush hour, a drive that takes 30-35 minutes with light or no traffic at all and that can get as bad as 2:30 or 3 hours when completely grid locked...
But at least I will get to drive my Golf again, which is nice.
![]() 03/12/2015 at 14:04 |
Ah ok. I definitely need to become more knowledgeable about the metro. I've been in the green belt between Detroit and Flint my whole life, and now I have no idea where I'd live if I had to work there. Also, that drive to Ann Arbor does not sound fun haha
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This will help:
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Cats screwing up my commute too. i had some nut case blow by me on the ramp down to "the Kitchen for a morning cup.
jerk face then brake checked me all the way to "the Dinner bowl"
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I hate when that happens!
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I refuse to live behind the Orange Curtain.
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Ahahaha that was hilarious!
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My dad has 2013 Golf TDI that has encountered no problems so far. Is this something I should warn him about?
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My dad has a 2013 Golf TDI that has encountered no problems so far. Is this something I should warn him about?
![]() 03/12/2015 at 16:03 |
Currently: 44 Miles of highway each way from Northern Detroit Suburbs to Ann Arbor and then back. one hour there, up to 2.5 hours home.
Starting 3/23/15: 15 miles of 696, probably 15-20 minutes. longer if traffic sucks.
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I don't really sit in traffic anywhere along the route. I go against the flow which is heavy southbound in the morning and northbound in the afternoon. Also, southern OC does not at all have LA-levels of traffic. It takes me just under an hour in the morning and about 75 minutes on the way home. It's a pretty drive, too.
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It's actually not bad at all. The only slowing I run into is southbound on the way home after the 5/805 split. If I leave at 5:30 or later even that is really light.
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I need Amtrack to do a morning train out of San Diego first. Afternoon is not a problem. It'd take roughly the same amount of time, too.
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which is why I'm interested the the Tesla 3 and the Bolt. 200 mile range for ~$30k-$35k is pretty compelling!
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that sounds hellacious! You'd be better off living in Cuernavaca and taking the train. Better air up there, too ;)
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Do you have any idea what it costs to keep a boat in SoCal if it's not on a trailer in your driveway?
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I like Leukadia a lot but I really love Point Loma; I don't think I could ever leave.
Ask me again once the Fair and racing season starts at Del Mar, tho.
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1. Buy a submarine you can live on.
2. Submerge off of San Clemente
3. Moor off of San Clemente.
4. Live in boat during the week.
5. Sail home on weekends.
6. ???
7. Buy pimp cup cuz PROFIT!!!
![]() 03/12/2015 at 17:18 |
What about the motorbike option?
![]() 03/12/2015 at 18:02 |
yes the hpFp will likely explode and take the entire fuel system with it. Good news is that is so common that VW almost always picks up the tab, even after the 60k warranty.
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Will they pay for preemptive replacement?
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I'll never ride on the freeway again. Cagers be dangerous!
![]() 03/12/2015 at 21:06 |
Oh, that is the beauty of my country, there are no passenger trains in Mexico, AT ALL, we use to have them but then the government decided to nationalize them (a la Chavez) consolidated them to Ferrocariles Nacionales and then sold them off to a Japanese corporation that has neglected passenger trains ever since, there are no train stations left, most of the inner city rail roads have eroded into non-existence so there are no more inter-state trains in any form, other than commercial, non-passenger trains.
![]() 03/12/2015 at 22:30 |
Really? There used to be a train that ran from Cuernavaca to DF. I know a lot of executives lived up there and commuted since the air is so much better and there was far less crime.
![]() 03/13/2015 at 01:43 |
so your doge demuro in disguise?
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2.2 miles. 15 minutes during peak rush hour, during which I rarely travel. Don't think I could do more than 30-45 minutes each way.
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bedroom to computer in the dining room, 20 ft and 5 seconds
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2.5km , which i walk most days.
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I asked my dad about this, because I could not remember when it was when it was deactivated, he thinks it has to be around 30 years since it has been non-funcional.
Since there is a street that runs next to it that has become very traffic heavy, they built an underpass at one point near the new high-class areas of the city, so the rail road itself now has a weight limit, which means some cargo has to travel through Mexico City by truck and it does not lend itself for passenger trains either.
Pictured: The World's richest man delivering to the then governor (of sorts) of the city that underpass I'm talking about. (Should be noted that Slim then proceded to purchase and develop a large chunk of the area around this)