![]() 02/28/2015 at 19:43 • Filed to: TheDutchTexan, Snowpocalypse, CarVlog | ![]() | ![]() |
There is nothing worse than a little snow. At least here in DFW... It never fails to shut down (or severely impact) the twin cities, and the latest offering from mother nature did just that. I consider myself lucky I have a CarVlogging hobby so I could chronicle my way home and keep myself from boredom during the lengthy trek home. I ended up with 4 hours of footage spread over two cameras.
As the preview picture above shows there where no shortage of accidents on the road. And that is exactly the reason why I usually stay off the roads when it's bad. But, I wasn't about to spend the night in another town away from my family. The office shut down early, so I took the trek home.
The timing of this winter weather couldn't have been worse. Many probably got blindsided by it because the roads where clear in the morning. I myself was doing 85 trying (and failing) to keep up with a SRT8 Charger on my way into work. Had the snow arrived 3 hours earlier I probably wouldn't have made it into work.
Northerners (and my European brothers for that matter) laugh their ass off when they see the south struggle with a little snow. Folks are quick to forget that southerners also do not have the equipment to appropriately deal with this type of weather. Many brave the winter days on their summer tires which undoubtedly compounds the issues. (I myself have Pirelli P6 all seasons on my grand marquis).
Winter is far from done, and this could happen again before we go deep into spring, I just hope next time mother nature plans the event a little better...
![]() 02/28/2015 at 19:47 |
I heard that St. Louis got hit rather hard.. Did not know Dallas got hit.. Stands to reason we're prepared here in the north (Norway), and stands to reason you're not prepared in the south.
Here (Norway) it's not legal to venture out on snowy conditions without proper tyres :) But we usually have more snow though.
![]() 02/28/2015 at 19:55 |
Open diff cars are actually a lot easier to control when not properly equiped with snow tires... Sure it's a mess to get out of parking spots, but it makes the car a lot more stable overall.
![]() 02/28/2015 at 20:00 |
It started in STL about 1-2pm local time, I got home shortly after that. I am actually glad I skipped out on the 100 acre wood rally this year because it got nasty already down that way (3 hours southwest)
![]() 02/28/2015 at 20:04 |
Owh.. that's a massive cock up.. I have NO idea what STL means though.
![]() 02/28/2015 at 20:08 |
No doubts about that, but since I am confident in my ability to drive like a sane person in snowy conditions I'd take the extra tire when going up a hill. I was literally spinning most of the way up one hill. With a locker that would not have happened in the same quantity. And, to be honest, I am also sick and tired of roasting one wheel on take-off during dry conditions. I'd rather hook and go. So I am seriously considering swapping the guts for a LSD.
![]() 02/28/2015 at 20:14 |
Norway... I would have owned a wrx for sure if I lived there. Hell, I would have loved one yesterday day. AWD = win. 4 tires looking for grip vs just 1. I'll take that.
I've seen more snow than this in the Netherlands for sure. Driving in that is fine too. It's just the other folk that worry me (<- That token comment one makes before careening off into a ditch themselves).
![]() 02/28/2015 at 20:14 |
ST. Louis basically, original poster DFW is for Dallas/Fort Worth
ATL would be Atlanta, Georgia
Also STL is airport code for Lambert Airport.
I enjoy the snow when my jeep is running, but since it isn't, I'll only drive when I have to. Although I do get a 16' lorry ( box truck) for work, RWD dually does pretty good in snow with some weight, but right now it's fairly empty
![]() 02/28/2015 at 20:18 |
Ahh, thanks mate :) Us euro guys don't always get the subtle things (how you describe cities) :)
![]() 02/28/2015 at 22:03 |
Oh, Texas... I honestly wasn't sure if you were serious at first. I'll be starting in on month five of conditions like this in a couple hours, so I guess it's safe to say that we're more prepared, but still... you definitely seem far more concerned than I would be. That doesn't mean that it's completely unheard of for us to have trouble, it seems like every time it snows there's one or two people who you wonder how they survived. But still, it was t-shirt weather today. I think it got up to about 15°F.
![]() 03/01/2015 at 00:41 |
Indeed! And I am indeed concerned, but more for the apes that insist on braking at the drop of a hat. It's when you get out of control.
I love the cold, it's easy to warm up. Getting cool however sucks. And that is what you deal with in Texas most of the time.