![]() 11/24/2015 at 12:26 • Filed to: dadlopnik | ![]() | ![]() |
I’m looking to make something for my girls (2 and 4) for Christmas and wanted to bounce a few ideas off the good folk here. When my oldest was 2 I made her a little kitchen, last year I made them each some long life blankets and I like being able to make them gifts each year. I have a couple of ideas but I would like to see what you think of them or if you have better ideas.
Idea 1.
I can built a small bouldering wall in the basement. I found 25 kids sized grips for $50 and I could easily build out a 6X6 frame that lags to the studs. My oldest really likes climbing walls and my youngest just likes putter herself in peril.
Pros: both can use it and its hard to fight over it
Cons: too small for growth, a promise of injury, they may outgrow the idea fast
Idea 2
Busy Board - This one is more a concept at this stage than a plan, since I don’t like the stuff on most of these boards. My idea would be more car and marine parts OR try and fab up something electronic (HA!)
Pros: satisfies my youngest curiosity and is fun for both
Cons: its really more for the smaller one and I think that the costs or time will spiral out of control to do it the way I want. Sharing fights are sure to happen
that’s....all I got. The goals would be something they both would like (and can share), no easily lost parts and caters towards hands on activity. Any ideas?
![]() 11/24/2015 at 12:30 |
I always wanted to build a pirate chest like this
Insert some costumes and props and let the magic just happen.
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Pros: Easy to build with PVC, rope, a homebuilt spreader, canvas/tie down straps and 3/8” bolt-eyes. If you are really interested I can detail the parts I used to build one.
Cons: Outdoor toy, no good during the cold months.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 12:32 |
That’s a great idea! I will have to investigate the difficulty of such a build. My oldest likes pirates and they both like dress-ups (duh)
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I will always encourage the idea of more people climbing, especially getting kids into it at a young age!
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I’m no father, but I suspect they might wind up getting curious about the electrical outlet and start playing with the real ones. That’s just my $0.02.
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I love the idea that you are building stuff yourself. That’s awesome. I agree with your assessment of the climbing wall. Helmets would be a must. And I like the busy board, but I don’t think I’d include a power outlet, since I wouldn’t want junior to think he can mess with outlets whenever he wants. But as for other ideas, I have none. I’m no builder.
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Let me know if you need advice on the bouldering wall...I’ve built a couple before, but still haven’t done it for the kids yet (5 and 2). They can get pricey after lumber, t-nuts, and holds (there’s a huge gap between good holds and bad ones). But a simple 4’x8’ model could be made semi-portable for mounting against a tree outside, or against a wall inside. For little kids, you want about a 70- to 80-degree angle. Vertical is safer, but often too hard for them. Less-than-vertical is easier, but they could get hurt more easily when falling because they bump into the lower holds. They will NOT outgrow it, I promise (as long as they enjoy climbing). You can make it harder as they get better, even angling it towards them with the proper supports coming from joists/studs.
I won’t poo-poo the Busy Board, but my kids get sick of those kinds of things pretty quickly. Might be frustrating for you after putting all that effort into it.
My hat’s off to you for the idea of building something!
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A good crash pad will mitigate injuries, especially if it’s only a 6 foot wall.
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We have a great spot to hang it from, but its occupied by the tire swing I made them last summer.
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You might could build something like this, and if you made it out of wood and really sturdy parts it would last forever.
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I think I could just get my son a toilet for Christmas and he’d be happy. Flushing for days...
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Something like that came to mind...not sure how to flush out the idea yet, but its in there someplace.
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With option number 2, you could put all the types of latches you don’t use on there, and none of the ones you do. The 4 year old probably already can work them anyway, so that won’t make a difference.
I don’t have any other suggestions though, I’m not that creative.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 12:41 |
When my girls were that age they were into arts and crafts and pretty much still are. Well, that and the dancing.
Dancing is expensive, we send them to a school. But a home made ballet bar or corner dance “studio” could be a thing if they’re into that.
An arts and crafts room or corner could be easily set up, with a small table and/or a couple easels. Just make sure you don’t skimp on drop cloths!
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I’ve built a few walls in my day so I have an idea of how the costs will go, but Im not too worried. As far as the lean, I was thinking going vertical and getting big holds since they both have already mastered the crap slant wall on the playset outside and my daughter has actually been on a few rocks so far. I like the idea of semi-portable though, my wife and I both want a wall on the outside of our house eventually so it would be a good base.
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yeah, the youngest already has issues with curiosity...wouldn’t want to fan those flames. My idea would be more steering wheels and boat throttles and such.
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Can you weld?
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I wish this was a problem we had. our 4 year old STILL hates going to the bathroom.
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I agree. Maybe eliminate the outlet, and wire up a small LED to the light switch? I’d also consider putting the keys on some kind of chain so they don’t get lost.
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When I was very young, about 5 maybe, I have a memory of an outdoor fort that my stepfather built for us. It was basically a box with a ladder and a second story, but up top there was a 2x4 with a steering wheel, fake gauges, boat throttles, all that. It was a blast.
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Oh he doesn’t use it yet, he just likes to flush it. All of the water wasting with none of the benefits.
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We gave the oldest an art kit last Christmas and we have a little art table in the corner...they love it. That and dancing too, but I have addressed that by killing the cover over the sandbox bird and the creating a place to dance bird with a single large plywood dance cover stone...to bad it will be covered in snow tomorrow.
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Have welder...not skills.
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The house came with a playset that I will (hopefully) be refurbishing this spring)...I might do the boat throttle idea there.
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That tree near the fence looks like it would be a good spot for an eventual tree house/princess castle.
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Sounds like you got the basics covered. I got a little daredevil at home too with the youngest (what is it about the youngest??) and she loves to climb and dangle and flip and whatnot. If I had the space to put in a climbing wall, or a jungle gym I would. Sounds like a neat idea. Just don’t skimp on those blue gym mats, or one of them rubberized playground floors.
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#1 forever, My kids love climbing walls, both hang on for dear life 5 inches from the floor.. it builds muscles, dexterity, and thinking.. I just need somewhere to build one and get it done.
#2 never! Do you really want to train the kids how to open every latch and lock in the house? and that pic has outlets on it ffs! Little Timmy spent an hour sticking forks into the busy board outlet, didn’t last that long on the other ones though..
![]() 11/24/2015 at 12:58 |
My house had a bouldering wall on the garage exterior when I bought it. It would’ve been awesome had it not been the same crappy quality as every other project they did. I think their toddler loved it before it started to fall apart.
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That’s the current resting place of their new sandbox/dance platform.
Its the only place the sprinklers don’t get.
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On #1 - hopefully
On #2 - it would NOT have outlets...what monster thought THAT was a good idea?
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FYI- thanks for the offer, I may still take you up on it.
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Embracinglifesjourneys to the ER..
There are even handy keys hanging right beside it.. HAHA
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We’ve had enough of those already.
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You’re a cool dad for doing this! A few ideas from my childhood:
1. When I was little, my dad built us an inside of an airplane w/rudimentary cockpit, etc. when Mom went away on a trip. Last year, when we were laid over at an airport, the airport had the same kind of setup for kids, and my 8 year old (and Mom and I) had a blast in it.
2. Space capsule/shuttle instead of an airplane. We used to do our own in a closet. You could make one way better. Make sure to put in lots of switches and buttons. They never get old.
3. A school room. Not hard to build a room/space with some desks, a blackboard, and typical classroom decor. Girls absolutely love playing teacher.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 13:55 |
1 and 2 aren’t of big interest to my girls, though they did enjoy going inside the lifeflight hanger. (I guess now she wants to be a nurse)
Though #3 isn’t a bad idea (her mom was a teacher)
![]() 11/24/2015 at 14:36 |
I built an elevated fort in the back yard, complete with a bouldering wall. The only time it was really used was when we held Cub Scout meetings at our house. After one of the meetings, a kid was trying to get down from the fort and missed the climbing rope on his way out. Why he didn’t use the ladder, I’ll never know. He fell the full 10 feet from the deck, landing flat on his back. He was ok, but I decided that was the last time we let the kids have free play time after the meeting.
I think climbing walls are a blast, but my kids never really got into it.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 15:18 |
I really like the climbing wall idea, I may do that in the backyard for my girls now that you mention it. I’d like to build a real workbench for my 3 year old, she loves her little fake tools, and I think it’s time to start teaching her about real ones. Either that or a treehouse.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 16:29 |
I like the busy board. My daughter gets into everything and would undoubtedly love it. I think I'm going to start planning her one myself. Although I have to say I would leave the outlet off of it, I wouldn't encourage playing with those at all.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 17:30 |
I have a more pressing question. With 4 and 2 year old, how do you have time to build stuff like this and go on adventures in The Maze AND fix your Land Cruiser when it breaks? I have a 5 and 2 year old and I can’t even leave the house except to go to work. And when I am in the house, I damn well better be doing some childcare/laundry/dishes. I postulate that you (1) have a team of ninja nannies (2) have more than one wife (Utah after all) or (3) have one wife and she is a saint.
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My wife is a saint, but I have to earn those trips with many many wife points. and I have to be very careful how I use them. Mostly, I don’t sleep well.
![]() 11/25/2015 at 01:18 |
You mean neighborhood cat poop box.
![]() 11/25/2015 at 11:16 |
Nope, half inch osb cover.