![]() 11/23/2015 at 12:54 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I have an ASUS EEEPC 1000HD (originally running Win7) that I am trying to make Win10 work on. It’s installed and running OK, except for the display resolution. It’s only letting me use the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter, which won’t go any higher than 800x600 (display is 1024x600). All the drivers I’ve tried so far don’t work. I know people have got Win10 to work on similar ASUS netbooks, but I don’t know if they had changed hardware, or what drivers they used. The display adapter it should be using is an Intel 915GM.
And for those of you who will ask why I want to use such an old/basic computer for Windows 10, because reasons/to see if I can.
![]() 11/23/2015 at 12:57 |
Have you downloaded/installed the graphics driver for your model for Windows 10? It might of been updated for the new OS and that might be where your compatibility problems lie.
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Good to know, I have an eeepc I was thinking of upgrading. Keep me posted
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All I hear in my head when I read “eeepc” is “Eeee!!! PC!!!”
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I've tried, but none of the ones I've tried so far have worked.
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Same :)
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Where are you getting the drivers you’re trying? I don’t know about ASUS but others will list specific drivers for the OS and graphics card model, and unless you get both things right, it may just not work. These would most often be on the computer manufacturer’s website.
![]() 11/23/2015 at 13:07 |
Did you try pulling the driver directly from ASUS rather than relying on what MS has in their catalog? That’d be my first go. Also try hooking up an external display...sometimes things get screwed up during an upgrade and only one port gets takes it (usually reinstalling from blank fixes).
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Just curious: What happens when you send the display over to an external monitor? Any different resolution options?
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Have you run windows update multiple times? A new driver might be listed in the “optional” updates too.
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I tried Intel first, then a couple from a third party site, driverscape iirc. I didn't think about going to ASUS.
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I didn’t. I went to Intel, but I didn’t think of ASUS.
I have another monitor available, I'll give it a try. Thanks
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I haven't tried that. I'll give it a shot and see what happens.
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I haven't, I'll try it.
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You should be able to download the drivers directly from Intel’s site. Search for “your-graphics-card windows 10 driver site:intel.com” and you should be able to get what you need.
edit - what does Device Manager show under display adapters?
![]() 11/23/2015 at 13:26 |
If you get desperate, you can go into the “device manager” locate your display adapter>right click>properties>details tab>then from the drop down select “hardware ID’s” copy and paste the top one into a google search. That should tell you what make and model the graphics card is, then you can visit that company’s support page for the driver. DO NOT click on any of the pages from 3rd party sites saying that they’ve got the driver that you need, no better way to get your computer all kinds of fucked up.
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You downloaded from the video card manufacturer’s site right? Their windows 8 driver will likely work if they don’t have windows 10 driver listed yet.
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I’ll be curious if that works, I know Dell and HP both have extensive support (in the form of downloads) for their devices, you can lookup by Service Tag or whatever.
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I’ve tried the Intel site, but I’ll look again.
DM shows "Microsoft Basic Display Adapter". Before installing Win10 it was something like Intel 915GM/GMS,910 somethingsomethingsomething
![]() 11/23/2015 at 13:36 |
Great, I'll try it. I'm starting to suspect my hardware is a little too old though...
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Intel is the chipset manufacturer, I'm not sure if that's the same thing as video card or not. Anyway, I tried Intel.
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If you go to the Asus website for drivers, and select your model you should be able see what video card it shipped with. Sometimes there are 2 or 3 brands to choose from. They may have a windows 10 driver, but most likely you’ll have to get it from the manufacturers site.
![]() 11/23/2015 at 14:08 |
Hmm. That doesn’t seem right. It should at least acknowledge the Intel card. If you get properties on the adapter, look at hardware IDs and do some google searches on it and see if it lines up with the Intel, or if it’s seeing a “generic VGA” adapter.
![]() 11/23/2015 at 14:09 |
I checked ASUS for drivers just now, they only have up to Windows 7. They don't show my exact model, but the other eeepc 1000h range seems to use an Intel UMA graphics card. Maybe I'll just have to go back to W7. I wonder if there's a way to force the MBDD adapter to a different resolution.
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Will do. I just checked ASUS for drivers, they have only up to W7. I'm wondering if the hardware itself isn't compatible.
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Did you reboot?
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Have you tried the Intel UMA driver, even though it’s not your exact model? Might be something to try.
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Oh shoot, I didn’t. Wait, I did that every time I tried something new.
Nuts to you :p
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I haven’t. I only just found it when someone else suggested checking the ASUS site for drivers. (This isn't the same computer I'm posting from, it's at home.)
I'll try that too.
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Try it, if it’s not the right one it will say “no compatible hardware found”.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 08:07 |
It doesn't work with the other monitor unless I boot with it connected, and it's stuck at the same resolution. Even when the other monitor is working, the computer doesn't recognize that it's connected.
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It didn't. ASUS basically gave up supporting them after W7 by the look of it. I did get the correct adapter to display in the device manager by using "Add Legacy Hardware", but it has the yellow triangle and it won't work. It disappeared again after a reboot.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 08:11 |
ASUS appears to have given up supporting these after W7.
It doesn’t work with the other monitor unless I boot with it connected, and it’s stuck at the same resolution. Even when the other monitor is working, the computer doesn’t recognize that it’s connected.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 08:14 |
OK, I did this. Turns out I was looking for the right thing, but it doesn't seem to work with 10. I got the old (correct) adapter to install with "Add Legacy Hardware", but it had the yellow triangle over it and it disappeared after a reboot.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 08:23 |
Hrmm, if you were on 7 it should work. There were no changes to the driver architecture for W10. I bet you can get this going if you’re willing to spend the time on it, but you’re at the ‘throw shit at it and see what sticks’ phase which can be pretty arduous for just checking things out.
My next go would be to do pull down the USB install tool, wipe, and do a complete new install.
If you don’t want to go there, I’d look at grabbing every driver suite you can find that was windows 7 or earlier compatible (ie, don’t grab the updated W10 ones) then run them in compatibility mode (right click the executable, go to the compatibility tab, select 7 or vista or whatever in the drop-down) and see if anything sticks. You may have to manually go in and delete/disable every display driver you’ve chunked on there so far in your search or they’ll potentially auto-reattach.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 08:36 |
I’ll try that.
Side note: I found some info while I was digging that W7 had a sort of "XP Compatibility" setting for XP drivers, as the driver architecture changed between XP/Vista. Apparently W8 and up did away with that and only can run drivers from Vista up. I'm thinking that maybe my drivers are XP-era. In which case I probably need new hardware, right?
![]() 11/24/2015 at 08:48 |
Hmmm. What is the max resolution on your EEEEEE? Is it 1024x600?
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I think that it’s the resolution that is your problem more than the video adapter. Win 8/10 webstore and it’s apps don’t support 1024x600. In doing a little googling I have seen a few threads where people have claimed to make it work, but not with your particular model.
I would stick to Win7 (32bit) on that machine unless you’re willing to deal with the display, or if you plan on plugging into an external monitor/TV as Win 10 should work fine with an external display.
If you really want to get your nerd on, try a linux distribution (ubuntu/mint). You’ll get a lot more out of the hardware with linux, but you’ll also do a lot of fidgeting to get it to do the same stuff that Windows does.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 09:30 |
Yep, XP is officially dead-dead. I finally had to give up on my perfectly working 15 year old LaserJet 1000 when I went to 10 because there were absolutely no drivers (even generics) that would work.
I'd be pretty surprised if there wasn't some driver (may be some hacked together one by a non-official group) for Intel graphics chipsets though. Could be hard to find, and could be somewhat janky if you do find it though.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 09:42 |
I've tried the external display. It doesn't work either, it's stuck at the same 800x600 resolution. It actually refuses to recognize it. It will show the same screen if it's connected on boot, but it never actually realizes there's a monitor connected. Maybe I'm doing something wrong there too, though.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 09:45 |
Well, I guess I’ll hunt for one of those, then probably go back to 7 if I can’t find one. Who knows, I might find something that will work in a few months and be able to install 10 again before the free upgrade deadline.
Too bad, it runs so many things nicer than 7, and startup is sooooo much faster.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 09:50 |
Yep, I put 10 on all my stuff and it’s been nothing but great. Plus the Xbone streams to it so I can have it hooked up on my nice setup downstairs then just play on my laptop in bed waiting to get tired. Win-win-win.
Good luck.
![]() 11/24/2015 at 12:00 |
Have you tried setting the eeee’s display to “off” or “not used”, when connected to an external monitor?
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How do I do that? It's worth a shot.
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You can
a) Change the power settings so that when you close the laptop, the screen turns off, instead of putting the pc to sleep
b) Go into the resolution settings and set to only display on “monitor x” x being the external monitor.
![]() 11/30/2015 at 14:52 |
Don’t bother. I couldn’t find any drivers for it, and after slimming it down a bit Windows 7 is going just fine. Windows 10 booted fast, but it was just too much for it to handle other than that. Just turn off all your visual enhancements and don’t have any more than one user on it. There were 3 users on mine, I ditched 2 and there was an immediate difference.
![]() 11/30/2015 at 14:56 |
Thank you, saved me some trouble