![]() 11/17/2015 at 16:41 • Filed to: Placeholder image courtesy of your friendly neighborhood gamecat | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() 11/17/2015 at 16:45 |
Well, its a honda...
![]() 11/17/2015 at 16:47 |
This needs a NSFW tag in the header. seriously. was not expecting this to pop up on a work screen.
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She’s NSX weeks pregnant.
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![]() 11/17/2015 at 16:49 |
haha wtf?
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You’re a mod... why don’t you just add one yourself?
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Because respectful mods ask people instead of just editing peoples stuff.
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Am I confused? I am confused.
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Make a movie poster out of it, staring generic Denis Quaid and generic Helen Hunt. THE TYRE BABY
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Agree. I expected some weird lovey-dovey thing... not this.
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Because I ask first.
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Scrolling down play-by-play:
Hmm love.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 16:55 |
On steelies?!?! I think her civic must be dialated by now...
![]() 11/17/2015 at 16:56 |
That’s more than a little disingenuous. Mods edit posts without asking all the time, whether seriously, or as part of a “mods are asleep” joke.
If you think it’s in violation of the Oppo NSFW rule, it’s clearly within your purview to change it.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 16:57 |
Nokian: Our Rubber Never Fails
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I hope it’s twins, honey. Always good to have a spare, you know.
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Eh I considered it but nothing's really showing...and she's extremely pregnant. If you think it needs it, add the tag, doesn't bother me.
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![]() 11/17/2015 at 17:04 |
But the sight of a pregnant woman naked is so SCARY, Mac... so, so scary.
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife! Wait... that IS your wife! Cover yo wife!
(Obviously, sarcastic comment is sarcastic).
![]() 11/17/2015 at 17:06 |
I mean...I kind of agree with HamFist, she is...naked.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 17:09 |
If it could get someone in trouble at work, it needs the tag
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I didn’t say anything about it being a rule. I said because I ask. Man alive, it’s always a fight
![]() 11/17/2015 at 17:12 |
Very sexy. I have always thought that pregnant women like the one above are sexy.
Am I defective?
![]() 11/17/2015 at 17:13 |
Eh. She’s topless, at least. We can’t tell if she’s wearing bottoms or not. And she’s showing about as much skin as a woman in a swimsuit, or about as much as one of the ultra car enthusiasts in one of $kay’s COTD “rewards.” There’ve been posts that show just as much skin where mods haven’t clamored to have NSFW tags. It’s a bit of a double standard.
(As for whether or not it needs an NSFW tag, I think some workplaces might frown on that much nudity showing, and others wouldn’t, so it’s neither here nor there for me, too).
![]() 11/17/2015 at 17:17 |
Only if you make it one.
I’d say Snap and I have gotten into more complicated discussions than you and I have, HH, but our disagreements haven’t barred us from having some really kick ass conversations, as well.
All I’m saying is that conversations involve at least two people, and BOTH of them bring their preconceptions, chips, and judgments into it. Don’t want to feel like every conversation with me is a fight? Then don’t assume a simple difference of opinion is the opening salvo for one.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 17:23 |
First, rule #1, its fine to have differing opinions but starting out standoffish especially with a mod won’t win you any friends. Second, $kay’s stuff is definitely NSFW but at least it’s in the comments. Third, I browse jalopnik on the computer but Oppo only on my phone because things like this happen. In my opinion it is a bit NSFW. The mods have a right to be overly cautious they are the people in control, consider your authorship as a privilege, it is not something you are owed.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 17:23 |
I am so confused. Since when did Honda steelies have nifty center caps like that?
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There was literally nothing standoffish about my initial question, which was, “You’re a mod... why don’t you just add one yourself?” Nor was my followup comment that the policy of asking before making changes is erratic and inconsistent. It’s a factual observation.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 17:28 |
I'm pretty sure checking Oppo should get people in trouble at work in general... I mean they're not working...
![]() 11/17/2015 at 17:31 |
true, but have an article about fox bodies up may be very different than having just bodies up. one is a “hey, get back to work” and the other is “The hell are you looking at?!”
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Maybe you didn’t think that was but I did. You are the one who wrote it, others who read it might take it a different way. You’re not wrong but there is better ways to go about it. If you wrote “sorry, could you change it for me?” or some other variation of a polite request there wouldn’t be much to pick at but you went with. “You’re a mod... why don’t you just add one yourself?” Do you see how that could be taken the wrong way? It’s like how someone who is talking back would respond. Like responding to a question likecould you get something for me? With well you have legs, why don’t you do it? I just wanted to let you know that when you communicate through text something gets lost in the translation and what you meant isn’t what is always received.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 17:44 |
Nope! My wife is currently 6 months preggo and she’s never been sexier. Creating a human is a sexy thing indeed.
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Thanks, Officer Tone Police, but I don’t need a lesson in manners. I’m just fine being direct and to the point.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 17:55 |
I just think that making Oppo ‘safe for work’ is kind of a silly concept, it's an entertainment website.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 18:01 |
not a porn site. The truth is that its a fine line to walk, especially in the eyes of the corporate firewall. Too much skin and some tools that use crawled web metrics add it to a black list. Its a hard thing to try to explain to a firewall that its just a pregnant lady with a tire. More than that, the NSFW tag is just a convenient warning that most people know for what to expect upon following a link, its not just for work, after all.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 18:01 |
Man, you like to burn bridges don’t you? If you want to be direct and to the point allow me to retort. The feeling is mutual, I rub you the wrong way? Well I get that feeling from you too. I was just trying to maybe give a bit of a different perspective on how your post is viewed but if you want to be immature about it, go ahead.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 18:02 |
Congratulations! First child?
![]() 11/17/2015 at 18:03 |
yes sir and thanks! Little boy due in February.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 18:06 |
You don’t rub me any way at all, bud. Sorry to disappoint. Have a nice day.
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Xyl0, I love you but please...
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I love you, too, Denny. You should stop by chat sometime.
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It’s completely his choice.
There’s no dictator here, or I’d hope not at least.
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The first is the most life-changing.
I have a son and daughter... but they’re older. My son is a teen who is now a bit taller than me. And my daughter is about to enter her teens.
Even though I’m (amicably) divorced, a part of me would like to go through the pregnancy/child birth/baby experience again.
I found it to be a very positive experience.
Not realistic for me right now as having more kids would mean having kids with someone else... which would mean living with someone else... which is not something I want to do until I’m done raising the two kids I already have. I also don’t have enough time/money to feel like I can risk taking on more financial/parental responsibility.
Though if I became ridiculously wealthy, I’d seriously consider seeking a partner to have a few more kids with.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 18:22 |
ah yes procreation is a magical thing. My life is already changed for the better. I’ve vastly improved my health by giving up the stuff I loved most and I have no issues with cravings or anything like that because now I have a valid reason to want to be around for as long as I can. Before it was just like “meh another gallon of soda won’t change anything”.
If it were up to me with no financial limitations I’d create a small army. But as things currently sit 2 will probably be as many as we’ll have.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 18:23 |
We all know Brt is the dictator here.
But I was never alleging that it wasn’t his choice, hence why I said, “If you think it’s in violation of the Oppo NSFW rule, it’s clearly within your purview to change it.”
Note that I didn’t use any absolute terms in that sentence.
I was pointing out the inconsistency with which mods — including HH — apply that “ask first, change later” policy. I’ve seen changes made to posts without the OP being asked first. Sometimes there’s a note added to the bottom that says “mod edit” and sometimes there isn’t. Sometimes headlines are changed, or the content of the post itself. Sometimes it’s part of the semi-regular “mods are asleep” posts, which are clearly meant as jokes, and sometimes they’re changes meant in earnest by one of the mod team.
Also, I think HH got a little tripped up by my mention of Oppo’s NSFW rule when he responded with, “I didn’t say anything about it being a rule.”
I wasn’t saying that his changing or not changing a tag/post/whatever was determined by a rule, but that Oppo has a rule against NSFW posts, or the careful inclusion of such posts.
All hail Brt!
![]() 11/17/2015 at 18:27 |
Now imagine if we both had no financial limitations... And then we had an argument of who could raise the bigger army... and it led to a long-term bet...
![]() 11/17/2015 at 19:49 |
lost in the "I said / you said" digression is the essential question: but why? Why is she pregnant and topless while he wears a white dress shirt to put on snow tires? Why? Either give he the shirt or make her change the tire! You are going to ruin that shirt!
![]() 11/17/2015 at 20:25 |
It’s a beautiful picture. It’s not like it’s from the
Body Issue of Sports Illustrated
or anything. Now,
would be inappropriate.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 22:06 |
well this got complicated quick
Sorry breh
![]() 11/17/2015 at 22:09 |
People ... people ... all this fuss about NSFW and yet no one takes the opportunity to either caption the pic or create a short narrative to explain it. Here’s mine:
Maureen was the apple of her father’s eye, a scion from a wealthy New England family who expected nothing but the best for his daughter. Joe had a few strikes against him ... first the multiple DUIs, then the Meth lab explosion that left him bound to a wheelchair and finally his addiction to JDM cars on stanced steelies.
She volunteered her time as a Candy Striper at the local hospital - where fate brought them together one day as she was doing the rounds of the pisspot detail. She seemed oddly attracted to this wreck of a man ... his past didn’t deter her from loving him. He saw in her a chance at redemption, or perhaps a brief free ride ... but slowly she brought new life into his sole.
Together they joined a NFCM porn-web-commune in the wilds of Maine. Nature granted them a child, whose impending birth is captured in this picture. They named her Stariona ...
![]() 11/17/2015 at 22:16 |
It always seems to, even though it shouldn’t need to. just a heads up for next time - the test is if your boss/kids walked by would he not like what they saw on face value alone? We’re [mostly] adults and can handle stuff like this, its more just a heads up for what to expect.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 22:27 |
Awwww. Starred you to bring you out of the grey.
![]() 11/17/2015 at 22:28 |
Inappropriate in only a NSFW way, or inappropriate in general simply because full nudity?
![]() 11/28/2015 at 20:43 |
At my job I get an hour off for lunch plus two fifteen minutes breaks per day, during which I regale myself with diverse entertainment via the Inter Tubes. So.
However, in fact, I have also strategically situated my desk so my chair and the back side of my monitors face the opening to my damned cubicle, allowing me to have
(warning! warning! not safe for work!) as this week’s Windows background bitmap.
![]() 11/28/2015 at 21:56 |
So now we finally know who’s inside Michelin’s Bibendum’s costume, and why they made the costume so rotund!