![]() 10/05/2015 at 01:44 • Filed to: Shut up everyone | ![]() | ![]() |
I have a few rules I follow in life. One of them is that your finances are no one’s business. What I make, what I do, what I get paid, are not topics of discussion. Nor do I burden other people with my financial “insight” unsolicited. I am also supportive of other people’s decisions, even if I may not agree.
Real life example: “Hey I got a new car!” “Oh cool man, what is it?” “A Discovery II I got at a car lot on [shady street] for only [heavily depreciated price]!” “*Screams NOOOO internally* Nice!” By the way his engine blew up 3 months later. But still!
Anyway, my wife is ecstatic about her new Vibe. Her one-owner, low miles, and expensive, 2008 fully loaded Vibe (except it has steelies). She has in the last day been bombarded with idiotic input. The first question is, “A what? ‘Pontiac??’ They don’t even make cars anymore!” The next is how much. Then comes the wave of, “You should have bought this/you should have paid this/oh they don’t make those any more that’s a bad idea.” Motherfucker most of the cars on the road aren’t made anymore. You can’t take the headlight assembly off of a ‘87 Corolla from pick and pull and put it on your ‘14 Corolla because they have the same name. Then came her best friend who is a Ford slave. She only owns Fords. She hates imports because possibly racist. So of course she had to chime in.
Then, THEN, came the coworker who assumes she, and by virtue I, know nothing about cars. He told her she shouldn’t buy the Vibe. My wife responded that it’s effectively a rebadged matrix with a sportier looking body because PONTIAC. He then said that she didn’t know what she was talking about. Hah, I hope he cried when he went home and spent six seconds on google and found out my wife knew more about a car than he did. Then the next day, he told her we wouldn’t be able to find parts and we paid too much. She told him not to talk for the rest of the night. He complied.
I’m annoyed in several ways. One, some her friends are not being supportive of the fact that she finally owns a nice car! Two, everyone thinks they’re a car guru. Three, they’re saying things to her that if I were around they probably wouldn’t bring up, so does that mean they think I’m an idiot (because I did do all the research and buying and such)? It’s not like my wife is strutting around boasting a new S-Class. We bought a fucking used Pontiac.
What’s funny is that we’re the couple that bought a house, financed for improvements, had money left over for a car about 6 months sooner than we even planned, all in the same calender year. So if I ever want your input on cars, money, or value, you can fill out a form and shove it straight up your assholes and the shit that smears across your ink will have about as much value as the uninformed opinion you scribbled down.
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Eh, fuck ‘em. Everyone is an expert on other people’s lives.
I see a ton of Pontiacs on the road all the time still. Defunct car company or not, the ones I see are aging very well. If you're happy and your wife is happy, everyone else can go to hell. :)
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I mean to me it’s so simple:
“Omg I got the car I wanted!”
“Hey congrats!”
What the fuck people.
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When I informed my mother of the jaguar purchase she said she didn’t know what to think. I said why, reliability? And she responded with “that and it will be impossible to find parts for.”
I just laughed and said “thank you mom, it’s because of this mind set, that I’m able to afford these nice cars.”
Really it’s a win win. If people don’t like it, cool, depreciation like crazy. If they do, that’s cool too!
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I’ve gotten the same exact looks and statements from my family when I came home in my E53 X5. The “Are you sure you can afford that?” look. Then everyone assumes I broke the bank to get it when I actually got it well below my planned budget. They also inform me that BMWs are expensive to maintain and I should have just gotten a Honda.
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People just hate other people having something new or being happy about something. I used to get it all the time about having a Skoda, then I corrected them and now I walk around like a smug git knowing they know jack-sh1t about their own car to even enter into conversation about ours.
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seriously though. congrats on the house and car man :)
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Maybe it’s because your wife is a woman? (Obviously she’s a woman, heh. I mean maybe that’s why people are saying shit).
I get given shit all the time from people who assume I don’t know jack shit about cars because boobs and vagina.
For example, I have a coworker who *knows* I’m a car person and yet the other day he was shocked that I know what the term “rebadging” means. I mean, come on... My desktop wallpaper is a photo of two cars. I have diecasts all over my desk, and we’ve talked cars before!
People cleave hard to their misconceptions sometimes. Don't pay them any mind.
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Fun fact. The 18yr old porter at my job went to a shady dealer and traded is 02 Jetta Gli for a 04 Land Rover. Poor sap didn’t test drive it and as soon as he signed the papers the engine dropped two pistons no more than 300ft from the dealer.
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I hate people like that. My life goal is to not ever be someone of that sort, and so have mostly committed to respecting all car brands as well as social groups (except Toyota owners, who wants to relate with those people *smirk*) Congrats on your wife’s new car! P.S. What did she have before? I’m now curious...
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A battle-tested 2001 Mercury Sable. Review to come soon.
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I admit I’ve bought two cars without driving them (they were Tercels) but at a dealership??? Madness!
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Some people have a stigma about Skoda but will drive a VW or audi. Those people are dickheads.
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Well at least you buy cars that run... im looking for a shell right now or something rwd with a blown engine...hehe
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I know them all too well.
One guy looked at me funny when I said I had a Skoda and then looked at my car and said “you said you had a Skoda! That’s a Mercedes (he was a Mercedes owner)!”. I laughed and showed him the badge on the front.
One Polish lass said she hated Skoda and then I gave her a lift home one morning and said she loved how smooth and comfortable it was and that it had so much room in the back she could stretch out. Lol.
When anyone asks now I get the stupidest supercilious grin on my face and say “Skoda Superb”. Anyone that pushes it, I point out that in 2009 it went head to head with Bentley Continental, Audi A6 and Mercedes something or other and came out on top.
Can’t wait till the next one, larger, cheaper, more powerful and better mpg. Yay.
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There is, and always shall be, those who cannot bear to see other people happy. Seems like you got a good deal on the car you wanted, so let their bullshit shrivel in the bright sunshine of your happiness.
As Xyl0c41n3 already said so eloquently, fuck ‘em.
One more side note; your opening paragraph reminded me of one very interesting cultural difference between Westerners and Chinese people. I, like you, was raised to believe that talking about personal finances is the equivalent of taking out your dick at the dinner table, it’s just bad behavior. At 24, I still have no idea how much my dad makes a year. My brother and I have been asking since we were 9-years-old. In China, however, it is perfectly normal to ask even casual acquaintances about their salary, how much their car cost, how much a vacation cost, or really any question about their personal finances. As much as I try to get used to it, I cannot.
Sorry for the diatribe, just thought I would share that little fun fact.
![]() 10/05/2015 at 03:04 |
“It’s just a rebadged VW Passa- oh wait you’re right..”
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Ah, right, I remember that now...surprisingly durable things those Sable/Tauruses...
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Now a rebadged VW Passat/Audi A6 only cheaper than both and the Passat is only available in diesel. :(
Previously it was the same as the VW Passat and shared a lot of the Audi A6 now it shares platform, engine and drivetrain.
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Ask me anything in person and I’ll have a good intelligent two way conversation about it. I will share my details, I learn others, and I have nothing to hide.
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Been there. I bought a newish reliable car while I was still a student to keep long term. People said “why didn’t you buy a cheap banger to run around until you find work.” Meanwhile many of my friends cheap cars have blown up or found their way to the scrapper and mine runs great.
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I have the unpleasant habit of needing to talk about anything new I get. By the time I've realized how stupid I look and stop, nobody wants to bring it up again :)
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Skoda Superb TDI Estate TOP GEAR mag luxury car of the year 2009.
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I’ve been told that the Skoda is actually better then the seat/VW equeliant
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And various other tests since.
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My favorite comes from my brother and sister in laws. They still cannot fathom why my wife and I drive manual transmission vehicles. I’ve explained over and over again that we just prefer them.
They are firmly convinced that we have some hidden financial problem and we buy them because we can’t afford an auto. Even after I’ve pointed out that one of the cars isn’t even available in an auto and is more expensive than the same line with autos they will not believe me. Even calling up the damned manufacturer website...he was convinced that it was a typo...
And, this is the same guy that drove a FWD A4 who swore that it was AWD because “all Audis are AWD”.
Some people have really odd ideas about cars.
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I’m biased so I’ll say yes but I’d say SEAT air towards a sporty while inexpensive where as VW air towards probably for the refined sporty side. Skoda just adds little touches that add up to a more though out package. Saying that the SEAT Toledo and the Skoda Rapid are made on the same line and you can’t tell them apart.
It’s good that VW have allowed each to maintain an air of individuality while still using the same core elements.
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Then she should be used to the defunct brand comments.
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Had some entitled prick come back to the used car dealership I worked at and informed us the 2001 Cadillac Deville they bought from us used too much gas. The numbers they tossed at us would have equaled roughly three and a half miles per gallon. They asked for a fuel efficient vehicle and I steered them towards the 1999 and 2001 Saturn SL1 we had on the lot. “ugh, got no! They don’t even make Saturns any more and those things are pieces of shit! Where would I even get it serviced?”
At this point my boss looked at me and replied “Any GM dealership. Cadillac, Buick, Chevy, you name it. You want fuel economy, get that.”
They ended up buying a Ford Ranger which they then wrecked three weeks later.
I don’t miss that dealership.
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Pontiac was so awesome, they made a Corolla wagon look cool. That’s why Toyota had the government kill them off because they couldn’t have some other company showing them up with a rebadge and restyling job.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Seriously though, just tell your wife to do as I do when I’m faced with a know-it-all. Nod, smile, and laugh hysterically at them in your mind.
![]() 10/05/2015 at 07:57 |
This is why I drive ratty junk, so instead of telling me what I should or shouldn’t have bought I just get looks of pity.
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Now I'm curious, Duratec or Vulcan?
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He may be thinking of the wrong company on the wrong continent that makes cars that I find way better looking.
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Should have gotten a Honda, one of those Vigors would have been GREAT! (because they had zero issues with Honda’s only i5)
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About a year ago my mom called me because she wanted something small, good cargo area, and reliable. My first instinct was Honda Fit, it didn’t meet her budget goals for her second vehicle. When she said she found a Matrix in about her range, I immediately started looking for Vibes. You could save a good margin because it was an “unreliable defunct American car”... When they were for sale.
![]() 10/05/2015 at 08:54 |
Lol at the people who can’t handle knowing less about cars than a woman... Had that happen with a former coworker who refused to believe that the new Camaro SS I bought was not, in fact, a Z/28. Ummmm, dude, I literally just bought it, and I’m very confident I didn’t spend $70k.
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i mean theyre not wrong......just assholes
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I think in general people want to help and that’s what they were trying to do. if you bought a disco even oppo would have the guts to tell you that you fucked up. we had a coworker buy a civic and pay 2-3k for all the bs stuff a dealer loves selling like paint protection interior protection etc. we informed him after the fact that he should never fall for that. because of us he didn’t fall for it the second time he bought a car. and the reason people are saying they don’t even make those anymore is cuz she is saying I bought a new car. its a used car and she should tell it like that
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And people IRL wonder why I go to the lengths I do to not have to interact with anyone.
PS9 at work:
Other Person: Hi.
Me: What the hell do you want?
Other Person: Goddamn, nothing I was just saying hi!
Me: Well say it to someone else, because I don’t have time for small talk. *
goes back to working*
Other Person: Fine. god, what an asshole. *
returns to collecting information about everyone so they can gossip about them behind their backs, except for me because they don’t know a damned thing about me and that’s the way I want it*
Other person: *
making silly faces*
Me: What are you doing?
Other Person: Just making silly faces!
Me: What the hell for?
Other Person: Be...because I want you to smile...
Me: I don’t smile.
Other Person: Ooh...okay then.
(This person is on the management team at one of my jobs, by the way...)
Other Person: You could have gotten a better car if you went with a down payment and a-
Me: I don’t do monthly payments. If I can’t own it after purchase, I don’t want it.
Other Person: Well I have a monthly payment and my car is really ni-
Me: I don’t care.
Other person: But I’m just sayi-
walks away quickly in hope that the other person doesn’t give chase.
Small talk with people you wouldn’t otherwise interact with if not for work obligations is just the worst. Theee woooooorst. I do a good job in cutting away the BS, but I can’t get to all of it unfortunately.
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You can tell me I bought a shitty Disco 2 on oppo because this is an off topic car blog, and interwebs is fair game, also we are not people who typically have ever met in person. But people buy cars on oppo all the time that I or others would never touch, because we all have different tastes, I don’t see any comments hardly ever that say, “MurRRRRRGH should have bought a buhhhh.”
It has no value to throw in your two cents to a friend or family member after a major committed purchase. During the shopping process? Sure tell me how your Kia Soul was the best vehicle you ever leased. After my wife gets the car she wants? Just save it.
We have a mutual friend who bought a home I would never even think to purchase. Needs a rehab loan and the whole nine yards. Stretches her finances pretty thin. But it’s what she wanted and now that she bought it there’s no need to heap on her, nor would I have challenged her purchase beforehand. I just say, “Congrats on the new house! Need help moving?” Boom.
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LOLOL. Wait a second... a former coworker who knows you’re an engineer in the automotive industry? WAT? I mean, I’m not the most knowledgeable Oppo out there, but still, c’mon! Clearly, even if that wasn’t your car, you prooooooooooobably know what the fuck you’re talking about. Heh.
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Lucky you
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Oh, even better: A former coworker as in SOMEONE WHO HAD THE SAME JOB TITLE AT THE SAME COMPANY AS ME at the time of this exchange, but has since been fired.
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Well, shit! I’d fire an automotive engineer who didn’t know the difference between an SS and a Z28, too. Hehe.
What’s that line about dishes that are best served cold? :D
![]() 01/07/2016 at 17:50 |
Motherfucker most of the cars on the road aren’t made anymore. You can’t take the headlight assembly off of a ‘87 Corolla from pick and pull and put it on your ‘14 Corolla because they have the same name.
This mad me laugh out loud. I know it’s a bit older, but you linked it. I laughed. Congrats.
![]() 01/07/2016 at 18:18 |
I had a lady here at work today tell me my degree doesn’t matter because I’m not utilizing it. Fuck you lady, I changed professions because of none of your fucking business. It was all I could do to stop myself from saying I’m here because what i do matters, unlike you because your brother in law is the president of the company, BITCH!......Thank you. I needed to get it off of my chest.
![]() 01/07/2016 at 18:24 |
I, too, do not utilize my degree — yet here I am, a contributing member of society with wheels and a roof over my head.