![]() 01/26/2015 at 10:52 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
So I knew Waze was not one of the favorite apps out there for the fuzz, so now they are using the whole "well if you know where we are it is easier for you to come and shoot me" tactic to get the police flagging disabled. I don't know what effect Waze has had on the public safety coffers but I am sure it isn't positive. As one of the top 100 Wazers in the country I LOVE this app, and it has saved me numerous times from blowing by a cop at speed, especially when they run dirty tricks on the highway. I think it is just a money grab. What say you Oppo?
![]() 01/26/2015 at 10:55 |
oh bull shit.
My sister's a cop and I don't even think it endangers them.
They sit in the open in marked cars for the most part. If you wanted to go out of your way to go find one I'm sure you could with or without the app. I only stopped using Waze because it wasn't worth the effort and i think the map interface is a pain in the ass. Oh, and Google owns it now so u get all the traffic info from Waze in Google Maps.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 10:56 |
It's a 1st Amendment issue. They have no leg to stand on. The government can't censor the dissemination of information.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 10:56 |
I have nothing but the utmost respect for peace officers and everything they say is beyond reproach. Also, every soldier should have his feet bathed in tears while everyone within earshot should be thanking him for his service. This is what I am supposed to say. Revere business and authority or you are a communist. America.
Oh, also, you can subvert rightfully-authored-and-enforced-ordinances at your leisure only because red-blooded Americans are dying overseas. America².
![]() 01/26/2015 at 10:58 |
back in the early days you could report sobriety checks/roadblocks as such, but they did get those shut down. Mostly by shaming
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100 stars
![]() 01/26/2015 at 10:59 |
I can see why the Fuzz are pissed, but it's all public information if you ask me. People are just reporting it. How is this honestly any different than flashing your lights at someone in the oncoming direction to let them know you passed a cop?
They only reason they don't like it is it hurts their revenue. Yes I'm sure some traffic stops have resulted in making the roads safer by getting people who shouldn't be there off the roads. But by and large it's just a way for a municipality to generate extra revenue.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 10:59 |
one of the more disturbing excerpts from the article "law enforcement trade groups"
![]() 01/26/2015 at 10:59 |
Those have to be reported publicly anyways? If they did get any service shut-down it was through shame/letter writing/whatever. Legally they can't shut them down. If they tried the legal route they would have had a helluva case on their hands.
And if a service was shut-down legally, then the judge was fucking idiot.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:00 |
If you're not doing anything wrong, Turbreaux, you have nothing to fear.
That's what I tell the police anyway.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:00 |
BTW there is a way to orientate the map North like you like it.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:00 |
They say one of the technology industry's most popular mobile apps could put officers' lives in danger from would-be police killers who can find where their targets are parked.
Well, you know how hard it is to find a cop when you need one.
I think this is a specious argument. I don't use Waze, so I'm not really sure how it works. I think the cops are just upset that people have found a way to circumvent their speed traps. But for every one Waze user who knows where to slow down, there must be 50 drivers who don't use the service. Since the majority of speed enforcement is, in my opinion, a revenue generator, I think you could make a case that outlawing Waze's cop tracking is a money grab. But I would see it more as protecting a revenue stream. But that's probably just semantics.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:01 |
that goes back to the argument of proactive enforcement vs revenue based enforcement. Dont hide, because just seeing your cruiser out there is inherently making the roads safer (as long as noone jacks on the brakes, which Waze helps out with alot). You shooting radar off an overpass to get pulled over up the road a mile does nothing to promote safety
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:02 |
Law enforcement trade groups ftw. Why shouldn't police have lobbyists to make sure Congress bends to their will?
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:03 |
I dont believe there was any case, but Waze was fresh and not looking to pick fights at that point. With Google legal team they should totally fight back on all of this.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:03 |
haha excellent
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:06 |
hey wait, a friends Uncle built that thing :P
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:06 |
It always seems to glitch back to moving with the road, and the app seems slow to zoom in/out.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:07 |
There is? Waze bugs the shit out of me for that very reason. I might use it again if I could figure that out.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:10 |
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:12 |
This is BS! I've been using Waze everyday to and from work since I found out about it. It has saved me a few times. Hopefully they can successfully fight this. Not only will a great resource for travelers/commuters be lost, but I feel like it will only further the whole "us vs them" mentality that seems to be all too prevalent on the part of both police and citizens.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:15 |
I've tried that before and it never did anything for me. Hmmm. I'll have to experiment some more.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:17 |
Nice pic. Should you really need a deepwater port to launch your yacht? Sweet, when the keel and rudder are each a few stories tall and constructed of composite carbon and diamond, we'll have achieved the cumulative intended effect of the shitstorm set off by
Australia II
and Dennis Conner. I blame Larry Ellison and Donald Trump. New nat'l motto: Dear God, do not let skill or chivalry enter the picture when fat men and piles of cash will suffice. I
And Obama of course. Always blame Obama.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:25 |
I don't really blast down roads where Wazers speed trap warnings would help me (I'm very judicious about speeding, pretty much never more than 5 over on thoroughfares), but the police activity warning is a great situational awareness aid. Even if it's in the opposite direction, people change their behavior for flashing lights (or other police activity). Knowing half a mile ahead it allows me to be proactive rather than reacting to random brake lamps on an interstate.
It's genuinely safer.
I could understand their point (though not really agree) if people were incessantly tagging cruisers randomly parked in strip malls or at their house or something, but that's certainly not rampant. I only see them marked up when the police are openly and actively practicing in public.
If you really wanted to track them you could just use the traffic cameras that are quite rampant in the major cities and run by the state DOT. I mean, I just clicked around trafficland.com and spotted a couple cruisers in the DC metro with live video feed. I figure that's a lot more "dangerous" than a generic map icon since you can see exactly how many/where they are on the road/if they're in their vehicle/etc and it's wholly state sanctioned.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:29 |
all of this is very true
![]() 01/26/2015 at 12:12 |
It's a money grab. Traffic enforcement is a racket to start with, and the Blue Mafia is upset there are ways to get around them (and unlike the actual Mafia, they don't allow you to pay your protection money upfront).
However, LE is generally beginning to overstep its bounds (c.f. Weinstein v. Nassau County ). Under the current LE policies, they are willing to push the bounds of the 4th Amendment to the point that it will be nothing more than a scrap of paper, along with the rest of the Constitution, in the dustbin. (c.f. Sotomayor's dissent in Heien v. North Carolina and her questioning of government attorneys in Rodriguez v. United States [at 39])
This goes far beyond revenue for traffic fines. It really goes to the view of society that the Blue Mafia has, and what they are willing to do to cement their own authority, and whether or not the People of the Republic hold ultimate authority.
There are many things wrong with the Justice system in this country. However, in current political discussion, half want to completely ignore it, and half are only worrying about the surface appearance of the system (This I would allude to the Japanese concept of tatamae and honne ).
![]() 01/26/2015 at 12:52 |
I use Waze everyday, though I also have Garmin on my iPhone for cases when there is no cell signal in the mountains. If Google caves on this, I would predict someone else will fill the vacuum and Waze's user base will move on to the a different app.