![]() 01/23/2015 at 12:24 • Filed to: asshats, asshat, asshat drivers, dashcam, dash cam, dashcams, dash cams, caught on dashcam | ![]() | ![]() |
Luckily my kids were in the car, or someone would have gotten chased to their destination, while I call 911 and report them for reckless driving. As it were I was doing 50-55 in a 45 trying to maintain pace with them for a bit.
![]() 01/23/2015 at 12:58 |
Good on you for calling the cops, I always tell myself I'm going to but I never do. This kind of driving is standard fare here in CT. I rarely see turn signals. What's worse is that nearly everybody does that zippy little asshole passing maneuver. I hate that more than anything.
![]() 01/23/2015 at 13:00 |
I swear I've seen more lack-of-signal passing and merging in the past few months than I've seen in years.
Maybe I'm just getting to that GET OFF MY LAWN phase of life.
![]() 01/23/2015 at 13:00 |
Well, you do have video evidence of it w/ their license plate...
![]() 01/23/2015 at 13:01 |
Too blurry to make out.... I only got 4 or 5 letters for sure. Its too late now, they just better hope I don't see them again, when my kids are NOT in the backseat.
![]() 01/23/2015 at 13:01 |
The only time that would've been acceptable to me is if they were rushing to a hospital because of an emergency. And even then, it would've been better for them to call an ambulance or at the very minimum, use their turn signals.
![]() 01/23/2015 at 13:10 |
Dude I'm right there with you. Signals are optional these days. Last night I was driving home and I was the only car on the 2-lane highway. A car pulls up behind me, passes me, and then goes back into the right lane.
I'm in a Miata so I'm just poking along- he wasn't speeding nor did he cut back into my lane early. But he didn't signal, so I was still pissed. I know we are alone on the highway and it doesn't matter, but is it too much to ask?
![]() 01/23/2015 at 13:13 |
I watched a newer Buick Enclave last night pass me, and about 5 other cars without signalling a single lane change. Some close enough to cause the car he was cutting off to brake.
Imagine his surprise when I caught up to him, and boxed him in behind a slower car in the right lane.
I might have pissed a few people off behind me as well, but it felt good to make that fucker learn a lesson.... even though I doubt he/she did. Generally these asshats are just oblivious to their mistakes.
![]() 01/23/2015 at 13:20 |
This kind of driving got a innocent man killed last week in my area.
![]() 01/23/2015 at 13:40 |
![]() 01/23/2015 at 14:07 |
...usually around here it is typical to only use left signal while passing and often leave it on for duration.
![]() 01/23/2015 at 18:58 |
Calling the cops is pointless for stuff like this because they can't charge the other driver without actually witnessing the infraction.
![]() 01/24/2015 at 08:27 |
I dunno. The first pass isn't all that bad. He initiated the pass while still on the dotted yellow. The lack of signal, especially when leaving the right lane, is bad, since it denies other drivers insight into his intentions. But I'd prefer a passing driver to have his hands on the wheel when returning to his lane than fumble with a turn indicator. The main issue is how soon he cuts back in front of you on the right lane (though it's tough with dash cams to assess near distance). He's got tons of downfield visibility there, so better to create separation before resuming the right lane.
As for passing on the double-yellow at a RR crossing? Yeah, ass-hattery achievement unlocked.
![]() 01/24/2015 at 09:50 |
As I've explained before, the fish-eye nature of the dashcam lens makes it looks farther away than it actually is. You can sort of see I even slowed down and moved to the right when I saw him cutting me off.
![]() 01/24/2015 at 10:04 |
And actually, on second viewing, that van had oncoming traffic in his chops pretty quickly. He cheated over early because he didn't have room to stay in the left lane. Definitely a bad pass.
![]() 01/24/2015 at 10:48 |
Of course, but it's not pointless. You can call the cops and say, "Keep an eye out for a minivan with license plate 'DOU-CHE' going down I-95." They certainly need to catch him in the act, but you can still help.