![]() 01/22/2015 at 10:24 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I bet you have some great stories.
For me it's my ex-girlfriend. She had at least one automotive mishap every two months and refused to use wing mirrors because her driving instructor taught her to look over her shoulder instead. Nothing too terrible happened on the few occassions she drove me somewhere, but in general her abilities were awful.
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Very good friend of mine is a Lebanese female. Never get in the car with a Lebanese female.
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Not necessarily the worst, but the most annoying. I rode in the car for 4 hours with a guy who couldn't keep constant pressure on the accelerator. Every 15 seconds or so he would goose it just a little, and my head would go back into the headrest. I couldn't prepare for it, because I was never sure when he would do it. It as like the Chinese water torture. Drove me absolutely bonkers.
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I haven't ridden with him yet, but a friend of mine in my car club always does Fast & the Furious lane changes (you know what I'm referring to). A couple of us have yelled at him for it. I'm convinced he's going to lose control and crash one day doing it.
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Cab drivers in Japan do this crap, pumping up the meter
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......signed Sir Barnabus Stinson
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Was leaving from a house near the hockey stadium last night. FF lane changes aplenty.
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My best friend has no clue how to navigate. At all. So you have to constantly remind him of where the exit is or what roads lead where. But he gets really upset with you for doing this so then he's in a pissy mood whenever he drives us anywhere but he wants to drive because he has a GTI! One time we drove 10 minutes out to a chinese restaurant. He started driving home and I did an experiment - None of us would say a word about how to get home. We hit 40+ minutes of driving on random roads and highways before I finally snapped and said "You know, we are nowhere near home. You do realize that right?" which of course was greeted with him getting mad that none of us told him. He also repeatedly gets himself in the furthest over lane on the highway before needing to do the 4-lane sweep to make the exit.
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I'm not sure exactly who to pin it to, but as a category the timid ones scare me the most.
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I don't remember the last time I got in a car that I wasn't driving for this reason. All of my friends are terrible drivers.
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I believe the 4 lane exit is called "testing the vehicle's dynamic capabilities."
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I won't ride with my father in law driving.
Right turn from a left turn lane across three lanes of traffic? Sure. Get off at the wrong exit then reverse back onto the interstate? Roger. One way roads? Bah, for shmucks, go whatever way you want. 60 in his neighborhood then 40 on the interstate? Yup.
That was all in one trip and the last time I got in a car with him driving (~10 years ago). He also refused to ride with me driving for a while since I wouldn't go without him buckling in. He got over that eventually though.
Sadly he doesn't get tickets often either even though he gets pulled over all the time. He's got a really good confused and addled act that baffles the cops and they usually let him go rather than try to figure out what's going on.
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One friend of mine gets nasty road rage. Horrible. She has good driving skills - she's an ex-cop. And she won't hesitate to catch up to and flash her badge at people who irritate her. Being in the car while this is going on is not the most pleasant experience I've ever had.
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I believe it's called "Inexcuseable ineptness"
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In high school, I had a friend I had no business having. We couldn't have been more different people...I'm kind of a fat, lazy dude and he was a total meathead, showing off bottles of anabolics before class. Lots of people thought he was an idiot, but he was actually a really smart, witty guy underneath the meathead facade.
Anyway, he was an awful driver. He got his first car, totaled it, then got a rental car to use and totaled that. His family was fairly well off and got him a modified Honda Prelude after that. I'm still not sure why I got in the car with him a day or two after he got it...it was a harrowing experience. As I recall, I didn't want to ride with him, but nobody believed him that the car was as quick as he said, so he wanted me to corroborate.
The car was decently quick, but everything in the car was treated as off or on...gas, clutch, and brake. Even the steering wheel, there was no subtlety there. We didn't go very far, but I resolved to never ride with him again. However, I was able to relay for him that yes, the car was quick, but yes, my Mustang would have it for breakfast.
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One of my old high school friends was THE WORST driver. THE WORST. She drove a completely beat to shit Saturn SC1 with no working seatbelts, 1 headlight, and theoretical brakes. She never looked where she was going, never looked when changing lanes, sped everywhere, refused to understand the concept of a turning lane at a 4 way stop (??????), and had her brights on 24/7.
I rode with her one time. After that I refused to be in a car with her behind the wheel ever again.
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One of my best friends is so timid that it's annoying and frightening. He'll wait to pull out onto a busy street until he doesn't have another car in sight. It makes any trip take forever.
Also, my mother is so nervous driving that you can feel it. She's never had an accident or a speeding ticket and she drives at a reasonable speed. But you can just feel how nervous she is the entire time and it makes you feel nervous, yourself. Horrid.
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Ironically a decorated Air Force Major with kills. Planned sorties for A-10s during Desert Storm once he stopped flying regularly.
Drove a red Civic hatchback, terrifying. Totally oblivious behind the wheel. He came into to work one day and told me he hit a deer. Poor guy never had a chance I'm sure.
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My dad does this, last time it was in a rental Versa, which already has that drag/lurch whenever you let off the pedal like it's in too low a gear.
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Tell him to stahp! Or use the cruise control.
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I would have swiftly exited the vehicle. I can't stand that.
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Also acceptable
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I don't understand how it's possible. And he does the same mistakes every time. It takes him 4+ hours to go from our hometown to grand rapids.....I have that drive down to 2, maybe 2.5 if I take a few pee and drink breaks.
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My wife. She has only recently learned how to drive, and she's getting better, but her spatial awareness has been horrible as long as I've known her, as well as her ability to make snap judgements. She once got us sideways in our 4 cylinder Sonata, on a dry road, on accident. When she notices a car coming that she didn't see, she stops when it's too late and she should just go for it. When she notices before it's too late, she'll sometimes go for it and pull out right in front of the car (this has only happened twice, with no collision, thank goodness).
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A former friend. He'd stop at stop signs, but he wouldn't look. Just literally STOP. Wait 3 seconds. GO. Same with signalling. He'd signal, keep looking forward, and then after 3 seconds switch lanes. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH.
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My wife, It's like she's actually out to piss other drivers off, One of many examples: One night we were approaching a light (ready to turn right) which had just turned red, instead of stopping she guns it to get around the corner about 5 seconds after the light turned red, Some poor guy in an old corolla starts blasting the horn (which I get). The guy proceeds to follow us laying on the horn for good measure, Just as we are approaching my house I tell get to keep driving to the end of the street, we get to the end of the block and my wife stops, Poor fella rolls up behind us yelling and blasting his horn, I get out of the car walk up to his car and say "hey shes a shitty driver and she was wrong but you better fuck off now and don't even think about following us anymore". The poor fella takes off.
Of course I get back in the car and get chewed a new by the W.I.F (Woman I F##k) for getting out and confronting the poor fella she just pissed off.
In a kind of yelly way I said "you pissed the guy off with your fucktarded driving, I'm just the poor bastard that married you and has to protect and back you up even when your fucking wrong".
Not much conversation was had that evening because somehow it was my fault, but that was fine, I had many beers
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I almost did. I had actually never noticed it before, it may have been because he wasn't used to the car. I don't ride with him very often (he lives on the other side of the US), so I don't really have to put up with it much.
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You earned those beers.
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My gf has one particularly annoying habit. She sets her side-view mirrors so terribly wrong. Every once in a while she asks me to drive her car, and when I do, the mirrors are adjusted so like half of their field of view is taken up by the sides of the car. Every once in a while I'll comment that she should adjust her mirrors to show farther away from the sides of the car, and she always says they're adjusted fine for her but they just seem that way to me since we sit in different places.
We don't sit in that different of positions. I'm only 2" taller than her. She just sets her mirrors poorly.
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I worked for a crazy guy who was originally from India. He ran a small business (3 of us, including him) and had little to no concept of what the lines on the road meant, and kinda just did "whatever" no matter where we were going. Speeds were erratic, we rode on two lanes at a time, braking was sudden and too early, etc etc.
I say he was crazy because he was afraid I would steal his software code, and therefore would never leave me alone with a computer. I had to go out for lunch with him every day, and at the end of the day he would take the hard drive out of the computer and put it in his trunk of his Camry. Then he would drive around like a moron with the only copy of his software in the car.
He also had a RR Sport (because his teenage son wanted something cool to drive to school) and he regularly got it stuck in low range, or hill descent mode, or some other minor disaster.
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Broadly speaking, chicks recognize landmarks better on average, dudes are better on sense of direction. This of course means that a chick with short memory/high distraction or a dude with no native sense of direction are irretrievably hosed.
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and he would never ask for help right? I know several people like this.
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A friend of mine from high school. He drove a beige 2000 Camry 4-cylinder, yet he drove it like a maniac. It came to people telling their parents that I had driven them instead of him.
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Guess im lucky I've never driven with anybody who is a completely terrible driver. But most i know do a few things that get super annoying.
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Of course not - if you don't help, he gets mad. If you help, he gets mad. Never asks or says anything until it's way too late.
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yeah so no matter what your screwed, I grew up with my dad and brother in this state constantly.
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About 10% of bus drivers seem to do this, and 100% if you're feeling sick.
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I rode a bus to the airport last year, and the driver went back and forth from coasting to flooring the accelerator. I don't get it. I'm sure he doesn't GAF about the bus, but it's obvious he doesn't GAF about his passengers either.
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Eh, I'm the same height as my friend, and we still move seats and mirrors if we drive each others cars. Torso length is the biggest thing.
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I'm not usually one to complain about young drivers (I try to subtly teach them proper driving techniques without being overtly pushy), but when a "car guy" and a "Cadillac guy" does the above coupled with jerky steering inputs; I hinted for an hour, then I just got mad and trained him for an hour before my frustration hit the boiling point and I revoked his driving privilege - I finished driving the last hour home myself. And to add insult to injury, we were in one of the best land yachts known to man, a 2012 Cadillac Deville ( you could set the cruise control and let go of the steering wheel and that thing would damn near just float home on its own! Aargh!)
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C'mon man. You know the deal. Either you are actually wrong or you are wrong for upsetting the wife.
As it has been, as it will ever be.
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amen to that.
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No terrifying stories, but I know someone who got on the interstate heading in the wrong direction and didn't realize it until she hit the state boarder, over 100 miles away. Twice. Opposite directions, but the same road.
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Myself in late teens. Glad I grew out of that stupitidy.
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Me. :)
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Dude...I asked my father how he managed to stay married for 50 years.
"Well son, you have to pick your battles...you have to know when it is important to win an argument."
"Huh, so...never basically?"
"Um...yeah, that is about right."
![]() 01/29/2015 at 14:31 |
I once rode with an Israeli driver in Colorado. Driving position on the wheel was ten and horn, which she used constantly, doing 10+ over the limit, or ten under on occasion, rarely signaling, jumping in and out of lanes, last minute turns, hard braking and accelerating. The best part? She was driving one of these: