![]() 09/30/2014 at 22:24 • Filed to: transportation, bikelopnik, do you even path | ![]() | ![]() |
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . I'm actually OK with most of this.
Most of the traffic on campus is pedestrians/cyclists, so I don't mind the university making sacrifices on behalf of motorists, in order to improve things for the majority of students. Especially since "sacrifices" basically includes axing street parking in some areas to make room for paths, and building dedicated parking elsewhere... perhaps with some kind of shuttle service.
The majority of the "MASTER PLAN" seems to consist of beefing up existing bike paths, building some new ones, improving education (mandatory classes for freshmen, lol) and fixing crap like this:
I do have one problem, though, which comes in the form of Chapter 3, section 2, subsection A:
Reduce motor vehicle trips in the community and associated emissions by increasing mode shift toward bicycles.
It kind of scares me that they're actively trying to axe driving. Hopefully they don't resort to !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . Improved engine/hybrid technology + more electric cars in the near future should help to mitigate the emissions issues they care so much about. But I guess that kind of benefit doesn't show up as tangibly when they have to present "sustainability quotas" or whatever to the state.
But overall, I like this. The bike paths undeniably need improvement. Also, the whole project *should* cost about $4M. Since it will take place over several years, this is quite literally cheaper than our losing football coach.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 22:34 |
I swear there is some pinko commie hippies sitting in a drum circle creating a Final Solution to kill all cars.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 22:34 |
...and someone beat me to the 'Final Solution' comment...damn it.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 22:38 |
Circumspectionem vi commendantes se propellens victima rituali rotali machina quattuor.
Mors ad pestilentes fumo, ut vitae oculo.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 22:43 |
I'm pretty okay with this. I bike a good bit - but if I could bike to and from work, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I wouldn't mind getting away from the commuter culture. It'd mean that I wouldn't need to get anything practical - that I could reserve my driving time for times when I really wanted to enjoy all the things that driving affords me. Maybe that's just me.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 22:44 |
Monitos ut interficiam quattuor votum bestia erum Lorem pacem.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 22:46 |
His name is Sergey Brin. Kill him now!
![]() 09/30/2014 at 22:51 |
Quando omni flunkus, moritati.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 22:54 |
Propositum assequendum necesse est sescenti sexaginta sex.
Sexcenti sexaginta sex in se multiplicatis, ter, vel ut in se his haedos dicunt, quot alae quatuor vehicula moriuntur.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 22:55 |
Cum vi subegit nos inimicos.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 22:55 |
I don't think it's just you.
Opening up avenues for other forms of transportation can sometimes be a better idea than most of us would like to admit.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 22:59 |
If this happened at my school I would be pissed. Only because parking is already a shit show. Also the only way to get to school is by way of a major road...so cycling would be....dangerous...
Also in the winter months no one will be cycling.
Hope it works out for your school!
![]() 09/30/2014 at 23:00 |
Liberum se quisque sentiat, non possunt cogitare, sed verae libertatis. Concitare posse aut chaos componendum.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 23:01 |
Hoc est corpus fuerit cubus
![]() 09/30/2014 at 23:07 |
I think it will work well for mine because the geography is already conducive for that sort of thing. I mean, people bike everywhere anyway, so why not make it easier for them? Hardly anyone actually drives to class, again because of the geography (compact campus w/ swarms of people walking around).
What I don't like is when communities push for sustainablebikingwarblegarble, even when their geography is not set up for that type of thing. Like what happened in Arch Duke's article that I linked to.
Different places are different.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 23:10 |
Hoc est corpus cubicum. In qua sunt quattuor cornua. Reget nos omnes quatuor.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 23:12 |
Yeah I got into an argument yesterday with some people saying we should get rid of cars because then there would be no fatalities associated with driving.
They didn't seem to understand that out west where I live, it's just not possible. Urban environment? Go for it!
I would actually enjoy a place where more people cycled. Then the driving part would be more of a pleasure than a necessity where you have to deal with rush hour all the time...
![]() 09/30/2014 at 23:20 |
Autonomous cars might cut down on deaths in the future. But even then, I'm sure humanity will find more cool ways to kill ourselves.
Either way, I think roads are staying put for the foreseeable future. Suburban North America in particular, was built on roads. No getting around that.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 23:39 |
You're at UIUC? Please tell me you get over to the Rantoul Autocrosses once in a while.
![]() 09/30/2014 at 23:51 |
I just transferred here, so I haven't made it yet.
I don't have a car here, but I definitely want to check it out anyway at some point, just 'cause.
![]() 10/01/2014 at 11:12 |
Do it, I believe the Formula SAE team also goes out there a couple times each year. Which, if you haven't met them yet, are a good group of guys, I chatted with them for a couple hours at Michigan a couple years ago, really good group of guys.