![]() 09/22/2014 at 11:39 • Filed to: This Goddamn Ad, In Plain Sight | ![]() | ![]() |
Welcome to This Goddamn Ad, where I examine a recent car commercial and the reasons it deserves your scorn. First up is “Voices”, which is either an ad for the Infiniti Q50 or a PSA about schizophrenia. Hard to say, really.
We open on a man driving to work in his brand spankin’ new Q50. The man - let’s call him Kent - is thinking (or hearing voices) about a lot of things other than driving. Is he going to miss his deadline? Did he close the garage door? Is his dominatrix acting especially distant lately? Suddenly - and let’s reiterate, this is because Kent is not paying attention to the road whatsoever - he veers to the left and the lane departure warning sounds. Stay in your lane, Kent thinks firmly, making a mental note to punish himself later for that.
Sadly, the voices continue. I don’t think I sent that email. I should make a reservation. I can’t wait to have hot wax dripped all over my back. Kent drifts again, this time almost taking out an E46 as the blind spot warning goes off. At this point, he’s basically the poster child for how distracted driving is just as bad as drunk driving. A disinterested Ohhh, I thought it was clear is all Kent can muster at this point as he pilots a two-ton missile down a public road.
Finally, Kent finds himself on a one lane, one way road. What could go wrong? All you have to do is drive straight. My dead grandmother can drive straight (I believe this is actually possible). But Kent, Kent is a man of many interests. He cannot be expected to stay focused on anything longer than a few seconds, especially with all those voices in his head. And so just as the large van in front of him brakes, he turns his head and takes his eyes completely off the road for no apparent reason. A rear-ender is imminent; karma is about to catch up with this man. But the Q50’s collision warning snaps him back to reality, and he manages to slow down in time. I didn’t see that coming. No duh, Kent. That’s probably because you weren’t looking.
This is all infuriating to watch, no doubt. But Infiniti manages to take it to the next level with the tagline - “Its instinct to protect leaves you free to drive.” I’m sorry, what was that? At what point was Kent doing anything resembling driving in those thirty awful seconds? Every single one of those aids are designed to activate when you mess up, when you are paying attention to something other than the immediate and vital task of safely operating a moving vehicle. And here we have a commercial that basically says these systems will make you invincible, that you can just float along in a computerized cloud with a radar-enforced buffer zone endangering everyone else while you focus on everything except driving like a person with a brain.
I know we’re making some jokes here, but the proverbial seriously folks, this commercial is propagating a dangerous point of view. I get it, people are busy, and as the demands on our time and attention grow more numerous every day they’re going to invade previously off-limits areas of our lives, like driving. Automakers have a mixed record when it comes to combating distracted driving - they’ve done a good job integrating hands-free support into even base model cars, but a lot of these infotainment systems have introduced new diversions.
The main problem is that we have two streams of automotive technology - automation and turn-your-car-into-a-phone-ication - progressing and mixing in a way that can only result in a proliferation of inattentive drivers. Automakers have decided it’s better business to protect people from themselves rather than encourage them to be more careful in every sense of the word, and the results are commercials like these touting the “ability” to drive recklessly without consequence as the ultimate luxury. We are left to hope that these streams can keep up with each other, so that as people are encouraged to turn their cars into mobile living rooms and pay less attention to the task at hand, they don’t put their faith and fate in safety tech that’s not quite there yet.
Feeling uneasy? For now, just watch out for a grey Q50 with a masochist behind the wheel. That guy can’t drive at all.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 11:50 |
As the resident automotive advertising guy, I agree with your opinions of how this guy sucks at driving.
The only problem is, it's not the ad's fault. It's also not Infiniti's fault.
Shitty drivers need aids because well, they're shitty at driving.
I'm really not trying to turn against you here, but is there a better way to demonstrate "safe your ass" features than watching somebody almost screw up?
Maybe if they had used multiple drivers screwing up instead of one over and over again.
Still, you gotta show stupid if you're demonstrating a car's "save your ass" tech.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 11:55 |
I blame Ralph Nader for convincing everyone it was the Corvair's fault people were crashing and not the driver's for their lack of " Skillz."
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You can't do a column about annoying car ads without doing a write up on those annoying as fuck Fiat "endless fun" ads. Everytime one comes on I want to throw my TV out a window.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 12:15 |
I have to disagree with you on the idea that this is the best way to sell this technology. I'm not in advertising, but I feel like there are a lot of different creative concepts they could have run with instead of showing a guy made invincible. I'm concerned this sort of direct messaging, especially when grounded in quasi-realistic situations like the ones shown, will lull people into thinking their cars can save them from themselves.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 12:27 |
I'm not saying the ad's perfect. But he "thinks out loud" things like "Oh, I almost missed that" so from an unbiased perspective, the car didn't correct the problem just told him there was a problem, he had to fix it.
I don't think it makes him look invincible or that the car did it himself.
I sincerely doubt there are a lot of "creative concepts" they could have used to demonstrate this tech.
I mean think about it. Best way to show car can go fast/be sporty is to show a car zipping around a race track or simply....going fast and handling well.
You show what you're selling, and this was the selling feature they were told to highlight in the ad. I really don't think it's that bad of a TV spot.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 12:30 |
A better version of this would be Merc's ad campaign from a few years ago, which specifically highlighted what their passive safety features do for you when you or another driver do fuck up. http://www.mbusa.com/impact/index
![]() 09/22/2014 at 12:45 |
The main problem with the ad is the tagline, and how it relates to everything shown. "Its instinct to protect leaves you free to drive." They're reinforcing the idea that driving is broadly defined not by paying full attention to the road, but by being able to let our mind and focus wander with the knowledge that the car will at least be able to help you avoid an accident. I understand that the situations depicted are a good visual demonstration of what the technology does, but they chose to wrap things up with a line that makes it seem like all that was OK - because the Q50 has got your back - rather than ending in a way that drives (pun!) home the idea that these systems serve as a great compliment to an existing set of skills.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 12:55 |
OK I think I see where our conflict is and it's a really common one for people outside the advertising world.
You have to remember that this was made by an Ad Agency and not by Infiniti.
That means they were hired to sell cars. If they can sell more cars by saying it's ok to drive like crap because the Q50 will save your ass, that's what they're going to do and Infiniti will say good job. I'm sure in this scenario Infiniti said to their Ad Agency (TBWA/Chiat/Day, who is under review and will most likely be fired officially if they haven't been already btw) we want you to make a TVC about the Infiniti Q50 that demonstrates the high-tech safety features. GO
Ad guys don't get to just roll into work and go hmm, let's make a safety Q50 spot today.
It goes the other way around, the client contacts the company and says I need X go make it. Some agencies even have the whole year of projects planned out like - Make TVC #1 ready for March, TVC #2 ready for June, etc.
I guess I should say I feel like you're frustrated with the wrong party here, and you should be more frustrated with Infiniti than their ad agency.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 16:54 |
Infiniti, we put our name on an F1 car we have nothing to do with and are becoming the new Toyota Camry buyer car of choice.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 16:58 |
I've always been annoyed with the commercial, too, glad it didn't go unnoticed.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 16:58 |
I hate this ad too, because for the last week, 90% of the videos I've watched on Youtube, this one shows up. I watch a lot of videos, so I've seen this probably close to 100 times now.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:00 |
So Infiniti will talk out one side of their mouth with this shit, and then one second later try to convince you that Sebastian Vettel is making their cars performance masterpieces. I, too, find it infuriating. Infiniti used to be kind of cool...now they're just lost.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:02 |
I too hate the add. I hate the tagline as much or more than you do. HOWEVER...The people who watch this commercial and think, damn I want that, are the exact people I want to buy the stupid car. It's a dipshit add for dipshits who need a dipshit car. You or a loved one might benefit from the the whole business.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:04 |
I've long held a belief that safety systems are actually incredibly dangerous, but what do I know, I'm 18!
This safety crap is teaching the public that it's OK to be an idiot while driving, so I agree with you wholeheartedly. Nice writeup.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:04 |
Suck it up. Automated cars are on their way.
On the bright side, it will make having sex in a moving vehicle a lot more manageable.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:05 |
I was wondering how long it would be before that commercial would get attention here. I've been getting angry every time I watch it. I look forward to your future takes on commercials, I love complaining and yelling at my TV!
Next up the Toyota Prius washing kid? I mean, he doesn't even use soap, he's just rubbing a sponge on the windshield in the rain.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:06 |
kent is the lowest common denominator. Infiniti has heard its peoples distracted voices and replied with the Q50.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:06 |
No, the worst Car Commercial on TV is the one for the Prius where the guy is so proud of how his farts smell he has passed his arrogant stance on to his child who "waits for it to rain" to wash the family Prius so he can conserve water........ I want to toss my TV out the window when it comes on. Terrible.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:07 |
My wife spewed all kinds of obscenities at the TV the first time we saw this ad.
I agree this ad gets the point of the tech across, but does so in an infuriating, terrible way.
Shame that the car is so attractive, but I hate it so much (naming scheme and whatnot).
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:08 |
To be fair, this Infiniti ad is much worse:
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But that's my point - the tech is good, but it's not going to save a bad driver from himself. So when an idiot who thinks he's invincible climbs behind the wheel and shares the road with your loved ones, the safety system actually makes him more dangerous because he's lulled into not paying attention to the details, like focusing on staying in your lane or checking your blind spots each and every time.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:09 |
Well seeing as how a Prius is in his future, he's way ahead in the "not knowing shit about cars" category already.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:10 |
While what you say is true these "aids" will, I fear, lull morons into paying even less attention to what they are doing behind the wheel....oh, just go ahead and [ check text, program the nav, take a bite of that double-double-animal-style, grab a smoke...oh fuck I dropped my lighter.....etc ] the car will let me know if something is amiss.
Reminds me of the Mercedes add last year with a bunch of idiots extolling the virtues of the "aids" that saved them from that which could have been avoided if they'd been paying a lick of attention to......driving.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:10 |
I have been meaning to do a write-up about this commercial as it has always angered me every time I saw it. I'm glad somebody finally did. The tag line of the commercial "Its instinct to protect leaves you free to drive." pisses me off because its basically saying "yes its fine not to pay attention when behind the wheel because your car will stop you from killing yourself.".
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:10 |
i like this... The concept of this god damn ad.... Not the commercial
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:11 |
Privilege: The state of not having to live with the consequences of your own actions.
I think I just divined Infiniti's new tagline. I think it's as good as the Acura tagline circa 2001. 'In the race to the top, don't you want a car that says you have arrived ahead of schedule?'
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:11 |
Holy shit.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:11 |
True, but for every dumbass ad that an agency creates there is a group of marketing execs at the client that approves it.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:11 |
These were my thoughts exactly when I saw this ad. I would have just brushed it off as just a dumb ad aimed at your average driver, but that line about freeing you up to drive killed me.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:11 |
Maybe we should take the licenses away of people who are drivers that can't see driving as a responsibility to not kill themselves or others while on the road. Then we can drive normal, non talking cars. Controversial, I know, but the overall US driving acumen is pretty damn low.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:12 |
How would you have done this ad?
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:12 |
Exactly...I could have easily forgotten about the dumb ad if it wasn't for the ending tagline.
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Yeah...and too often, those guys DO still just roll in and make a spot, once they have the client on the hook. I work with WAY too many agencies, and I'm always amazed at the sheer level of unskilled ridiculousness they toss forth. Behind every great ad campaign, are very talented production and post production people, who help prop up the agency.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:12 |
So, basically, the best way to drive an Infiniti is to be a passenger.
Guys like Kent should be banned from the roads.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:12 |
What that says to me: "Buy an Infiniti if you are the worst driver ever". And consequently, if you drive an Infiniti, you must be the worst driver ever. Not something I wish to be a part of. Advertising FAIL.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:13 |
I work in Marketing and these kinds of ads make me crazy. Advertising needs to make people relate to the subjects in the ads. So, Infiniti wants me to relate to an incompetently dangerous idiot? Since I'm not an idiot I don't relate to this ad. In fact this ad makes me want to never give dollars to Infiniti because it is an automaker for idiots, apparently.
If you want to sell "save your ass" tech, show the driver being responsible and the car saving him from other idiots. Don't make your customer the idiot, Infiniti.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:13 |
I actually complained to my wife out loud the other day after this commercial aired. "If he just paid attention to the damn road, he wouldn't need to spend 10k extra on a bunch of gadgets."
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:15 |
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the tag line didn't make sense.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:16 |
Exactly. "The instinct to protect leaves you free to drive" should be a tag line for bumper cars. Real on-road driving should has to be geared towards reacting and being conscious of your surroundings.
That's like having a tag line for bullet-proof vests that reads "Its instinct to protect leaves you free to dance in war-zones".
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:18 |
My honest concern with all of this technology is how its going to affect driver actions. I ride a motorcycle and pick up on people's tendencies pretty quick. People, even if they aren't paying attention are pretty consistent. When the thinking passes back and forth between a human and a computer, they end up becoming less predictable. Anyone else think like this, or is it just me?
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:19 |
Man this dude was doing anything BUT driving in that ad.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:20 |
I'm infuriated because...what the FUCK is a Q50? Good job, Infiniti. Now no one who even cares will be able to recognize your offerings.
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You're spot on. I believe the new Merc ads hit this point pretty well.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:20 |
Nice analogy.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:21 |
I hate this ad. And the Mercedes ads and other Infiniti ads that are similar. Yes, we enthusiasts see them for what they are, but the average sheep car buyer is gonna go "Oh, I can turn off my brain (like normal) and the car will pretty much drive me around without dying, SWEET!"
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:21 |
Couldn't agree more. Every time I see it, I think, "So that's what passes for driving these days?"
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:21 |
I was this close to throwing in a line about not being responsible for the consequences of your actions being very appealing to rich people, but then I decided to duck. Kind of regret it now.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:22 |
The commercial is good and probably has a lot of appeal to that demographic, but the tagline is unfortunate. I would have gone with something like, in "In a world full of distractions, The Q50 keeps you focused on driving."
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:22 |
There will be more!
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:22 |
And Kent...stop playing with yourself!
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:24 |
I'm glad you brought this up because this ad has really been bugging me. Funny thing is I probably wouldn't have been bothered if they used more than one actor.
It makes me a little terrified that someone like that could remain on the road after so many close-calls. The ad perpetuates the idea that the car will aid in support of bad and distracted drivers, rather than stepping in when a normal driver messes up in a rare situation.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:26 |
There are several ways. If you were wedded to this approach, showing someone fuck up and get saved by his car's technology, at least show three different people in the three situations. I think even the best drivers can relate to losing focus once in a rare while or glancing down at exactly the wrong time, so showing multiple people experience this could reinforce the idea that this can happen to anyone, and these safety systems are here to help. You don't think you need them, but you do. Instead, we see one guy make careless mistake after careless mistake, and instead of thinking "Wow, that could be me," you think "What an idiot! I'm way better than that guy."
Another good example are Merc's recent M Class ads, which show the tech helping to save people from all the terrible drivers around them (in very creative ways, I might add).
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:27 |
This is surprisingly effective as a Mercedes Sprinter Ad.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:27 |
Ahh, ya I had this rage induced reaction a couple months ago when I first saw this add:
"This ad encompasses everything I hate about the current car industry.
It's about some dude driving around paying attention to everything except driving while his car constantly helps him and then at the end it has the audacity to proclaim "It's instinct to protect leaves you free to drive."
I don't think that dude focuses on driving at any point during the entire commercial until after he's almost hit something several times."
-Three month younger version of me
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:27 |
Darwin would take care of this if we would only let him.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:27 |
I just realized what pisses me off the most about this ad and I can't believe it took this long to hit me. If he were driving like a madman and hooning everywhere moms and other busybodies would band together with their pitchforks and torches to have it banned like they did this one.
Instead this guys behavior is seen as pretty much acceptable by society.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:29 |
Yeah, I feel like if you see multiple people messing up like that, the message is more "a mistake can happen to anyone" and less "you can drive without a care in the world!"
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:29 |
There's a grand tradition of "luxury" meaning "you don't have to pay any damn attention to anything at all."
Not a single one of these people should be on the road.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:30 |
Ha I know right, nice lines.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:31 |
This commercial pissed me off but it is more telling about our culture in America. I wouldn't blame infinity...we should thank them. They are our messenger; the telling symptom of our illness.
This is what we call modern day America...everyone wants cars that drive them to work. It's the natural progression of the A to B mobile. There is no passion there is only further increased levels of comfort.
Once people (and civilizations) get older the general trend is to gravitate towards comfort and security. These people have the money, these people run companies. Passion is seen as tiring and pointless. Luxury is always, always improving over time.
These people like this future as an A to B commuter car plan.
If you want to fix it, the trick is to promote motor-sport to youth and make it as accessible and more importantly, POPULAR as possible. Get alot of the "little" money. Maybe allow cigarette advertising again? Otherwise there's no point; it's just like taking the subway but with more autonomy.
It's the age of media, why not give it (social media) a big try? Just my 2 cents.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:32 |
If you were shooting for the worst first name in the world, you should have gone with Keith, not Kent.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:32 |
Shoulda stopped at "Shitty drivers need AIDS."
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:33 |
Agree, attractive and underrated car that happens to be marketed to idiots.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:35 |
"Um, like, I was driving in Northern California..." is all that needs to be said.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:37 |
Edit button!
Honestly, I teeter between the real world and stupid rich people ( I mean stupid rich, not rich & stupid, but some of those, too)
The idea of throwing off the yoke of one more responsibility would be very appealing to that crowd. Very appealing. Besides, if the lane departure system fucks up, go sue Infiniti, don't blame ME!
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:38 |
Keith is a man-child working doubles on the dish line at Ruby Tuesday - he can't afford one of these.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:38 |
I was yelling at my tv when I saw this ad.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:40 |
Yeah, well maybe if Kent drove a more interesting and engaging ride, he wouldn't be so fucking distracted behind the wheel.
That's ok, I'll keep my 335i 6-speed manual turbo coupe and leave Kent to spend his time listening to the voices in his head.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:40 |
bring it on....
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:40 |
I'm so glad this ad is getting the negative attention it deserves. A friend of mine actually has a Q50, and even he hates this dreck. I find myself yelling at the TV when I see it: "You know why you didn't see that car there? YOU NEVER TURN YOUR HEAD ASSHOLE!!"
In fairness, I understand what Infiniti is trying to do here in highlighting safety features. People like to know their fancy new car has some gizmos to help out when they make a RARE mistake. It would've been more effective to show them with a few different drivers/scenarios. Instead, we have this fucking guy, every awful driver you see on the freeway rolled into one.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:45 |
This is less to do with this particular ad and more to do with luxury cars ads in general. It seems to me that there is a lack of originality when it comes to marketing cars in this demographic.
Ads like these are a dime a dozen: Show some XXX Luxury car driving around in either an expensive part of some urban area and show pretty people driving them to and from their typically modern looking architecturally sophisticated houses. Make sure and have some breathy sounding and altogether serious kind of narration to further provide distinction. The writing is also equally obnoxious to the point of hilarity.
I find this annoying because its more or less the same general approach that was perfected by Dusenberg in the 20's: Show the sophisticated man who clearly owns a sophisticated car. Except Dusenberg did it best: the didn't even show the car.
Perhaps if I saw the metrics for these ads maybe I'd shut up and see that perhaps this is the only way to make a luxury car ad. But in a world where cars look more and more anonymous and the competition becoming more neck and neck to me it would be more interesting to have ads that concentrate more on... the actual car, not the snotty people who buy them.
Tell me WHY your car is amazing. Walk me through the inside and outside, explain what is special here and there. Then talk about the brand and why this brand is superior to the others. This isn't rocket science: Truck commercials have been doing this for years. But for some reason the luxury cars ads have been stuck in the same genre for years now.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:46 |
Here is Kent now!
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:47 |
This is EXACTLY the kind of person who buys an Infinity.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:49 |
What would make this add less annoying? Same guy, but doing blow off his dashboard while strippers party down in the back seat. Even have a new catch phase "Infiniti. Because some people are doing blow off their dashboards while strippers party down in the spacious back seat".
It's a little wordy, I'll admit.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:51 |
I had very similar thoughts the first time I saw this ad. I did also notice that the other vehicles in it are from the brands that Infiniti thinks they compete with. Emphasis on the "thinks" part.
Also, wasn't there some semi-serious comment made years ago that the best way to ensure that people drive safely is to put a huge spike in the middle of the steering wheel rather than an air bag? If a minor accident has a 100% certainty of death, there wouldn't be any need for this electronic wizardry.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:54 |
But that fastness is a result of someone paying attention to driving it.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:55 |
I replied earlier and I think it disappeared... damn, that was a good comment too. The shorter version is that there are two options right away that I can think of - either show multiple people in those situations messing up, so you think "wow, there but for the grace of God go I" instead of "wow, this guy seriously cannot drive," or do like Mercedes has done recently and show the tech helping people avoid dangerous drivers.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:56 |
Thank God for Nissinfiniti
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:57 |
I'd never get the Q50 because the steering wheel isn't actually coupled to the rack when you're driving. It's "Steer by wire". You turn the wheel and the computer actually steers the car. You're a couple lines of software away from a wreck. Supposedly, it has a fail-safe mode what re-connects the wheel to the rack but, I simply don't trust it.
I just saw this ad 10 minutes ago and agree with the article. It seems to promote distracted driving.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:59 |
I'd say it's a great ad from the concept of targeted marketing. People who buy a new Infiniti are going to be a bit out of touch, probably late 30s early 40s minimum, and driving around stressed out and distracted.
Totally nailed it on that front.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 17:59 |
You must work in Tier 1 advertising. At the Tier II and Tier III level we're just happy to know what's happening next month.
I can see both points here (also an auto ad guy). The goal, obviously, is to move units. The way they've advertised here is much more exciting than if they'd portrayed the safety features in a more matter-of-fact style. I'm imagining a minivan ad, with mom distracted by the kids in the back and the myriad radars keep her in check. Seems like a likely scenario & plays up the advantages of the safety features in a generally accepted manner.
Infiniti doesn't sell minivans & their primary product is sports sedans, so they have to keep their demographic in mind. Their most likely customer is probably a middle-aged guy in an executive position that has 9 million things on his mind, probably not really caring about what's on the road, just where he needs to be. He also has an inflated idea of self, so he thinks he's a badass driving a sports sedan, where "free to drive" sounds JUST LKE HIM!
Just my thought.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:04 |
This is how you sell it, except safety tech instead of brake pads.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:06 |
Great concept, was a good read! Completely agree with all the points. Would love to see more of these - perhaps some that are more light-hearted and ridiculous too though every now and then, just to keep things light and entertaining.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:06 |
Their entire selling point is enabling distracted shitty driving. Wow.
Oh, well, we already knew Infinitis were for self-important asshats with too much money who don't know how to drive. Might as well market right to their customer base.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:10 |
Infiniti owners = Asshats. That's my take.
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sorry if I bummed you out - I started out intending to be funny, but the more I wrote the more I realized I had to address distracted driving. There will be more jokes!
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:11 |
Whenever I see that ad I say 'this is the pussification of America'.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:12 |
This makes me so glad that I learned to drive on a base model '87 Sentra with a 5-speed and zero safety options other than seatbelts. Heck, it didn't even have a right side mirror! I learned to drive defensively and to pay attention. Every hill meant a downshift and slamming on the brakes meant either a slithery stop or locked up brakes. Merging right meant I had to look over my shoulder because of the lack of mirror on that side, a technique I still use and has prevented a few side swipes over the years. Driving a small, underpowered car taught me valuable lessons in driving that I still use today. A car that warns you about every potential mishap is great but the basic skills need to be there too.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:17 |
Ad with a clear message: from idiots, for idiots.
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Haha, we've all been there. I've deleted many a post/response because it started off as something funny I had to say but then got really depressing and frustrating.
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I think our disagreement is based on you thinking this tech will change driving behavior and me thinking the person who wants this stuff is probably as shitty as a driver can be to begin with.
In my mind (and maybe reality) the guy who see's this add and says "I want that." Is already an idiot and already endangering whoever he's near. He's been texting and driving for years and maybe this stuff will stop the car before he smushes a kid.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:30 |
Agreed. There are drivers out there who are TERRIFIED of driving in a city because they're afraid of getting in a wreck. This ad speaks directly to them. It wont' work on most people, but to the the driver who gets easily flustered and can't handle pressure or focus for very long, this ad will seem like a breath of fresh air.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:30 |
Can we do Infiniti's "rooted in performance" ads next! Because apparently a company that makes 2 cars and some massive number of SUVs is a "performance" brand because they pay Sebastian Vettel to have a completely made up title and be in commercials.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:37 |
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:42 |
ahh fuck sorry to steal your thunder and POV man!
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:44 |
lol no worries at all buddy, OPPOnauts always united. Your write up was excellent and that is what matters on this awesome post
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:46 |
no, the require aids because we have placed the blame on the car instead of its drivers for shitty driving.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 18:50 |
Let's embrace the future and let the car drive while I'll do whatever. That's the one thing i hate about the autonomous car ideas out there that want the driver to pay attention. First the computer is a better driver and second forcing the person to drive eliminates most of the benefits from autonomous driving.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 19:00 |
Ok....if you haven't looked at other drivers out there....you should see why.
One...we live in the age of the fucking selfie drivers who fucking need to take multiple selfie while driving. Maybe to prove they are a good driver or something. Also, other distracting shit like women driving and putting on makeup or people who read books while driving or someone who puts together a giant sub sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, miracle whip and a uncut baguette with a knife.
Two...we live in the age where F.O.B drivers from countries that view lines on the road are just graffiti. And traffic lights/signs are optional.
Three...rich drivers who don't care about things they own. They would drive that car like it was just a cheap toy or a tool and they can get another one when they crash it. This also calls out to the kids of rich parents where the parents believe giving money to their kids is love.
![]() 09/22/2014 at 19:01 |
Ha my thoughts exactly. I likely would have posted about this here eventually, but this was much funnier than anything I could ever write.
And that Prius ad is indeed fucking terrible.