![]() 07/11/2014 at 10:58 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
"10 and 2" is what many people traditionally think, though I've found that holding the wheel above the "racecar driver" position leads to jerky, unsure turns (many of my friends hold the wheel like this and I refuse to let them drive because it's terrifying), and at the driver's ed school I went to we were actually taught to hold at 9 and 3.
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The reason the change from 10 & 2 to 9 & 3 is because of airbags.
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race car driver. because race car driver (ok, fine, HPDE driver, but it's really the only reasonable way to hold the wheel).
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You know.....I drove this morning....and I don't even know. I think I usually hold with my right hand with the thumb over the hook of the race car position and then take it off to shift.
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Guess I'm a mommy-farmer.
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"I drive in MILF position"
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Racecar Drivers! Or Douche, one wrist on the top of the steering wheel ;)
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Usually left hand only Racecar Driver or Mom. Most of my daily driving is interstate, though.
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Race car driver always.
I tried driving in douchebag position once just to see what it was like. I really don't understand how or why people drive that way. It's not comfortable and you end up with significantly reduced control.
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9 & 3, S60R thumb grooves on the wheel, combined with wide shoulders.
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Racecar when I'm driving. Left hand in mom position with right hand on shifter when I'm cruising on the interstate. 10/2 just doesn't feel right.
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I guess I'm one handed racecare, since my right hand is on the shifter.
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For me it depends. I might do it in a slow moving traffic jam just cause. My position shifts a lot.
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I'm personally about a half a hand-size to the left of the douchebag zone with my right hand on the shifter.
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I don't have a shifter, so whenever the autobox moves up a gear I just jack myself off.
Same effect, right?
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I could see that. If I end up in a traffic jam it's usually one handed race car with my elbow on the door handle. Right hand is on the armrest near the shifter.
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For the Douchebag position You can say in the Doug position for short!
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Same, assuming the steering wheel spokes allow it. On some 4 spoke wheels I end up closer to 10-2 while driving.
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the reason i changed to 9 and 3 is this
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50/50 farmer/racecar driver.
/Is a native Vermonter.
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Yeah, I just rest y thumbs in the spokes.
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I am pretty similar. One handed race car covers a lot of miles.
For me in a traffic jam (depending on how slow....) the douchebag may bust out, but I usually don't keep it too long. I agree it's uncomfortable, I am most likely to go left handed race car and right hand on shift knob.
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I hold it racecar driver style sometimes, and then sometimes one handed at 9, with the other hand kinda wherever
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BecauseRacecar position unless shifting - mostly because it's most comfortable to me at my typical seating position. Farmer in the Land Rover, though, because as my dad says "Power Steering by Armstrong".
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I bounce between Race car driver and left hand on 10, left elbow on window sill, and right hand on console.
Sometimes I also go right hand douche and left HAND IS A DOLPHIN
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My wheel is 3 spoke, so I put my left hand in the bottom hole (tee hee), touching the bottom spoke, and shift with my right.
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At the farmer spot. When cruising through town I "palm' the wheel to turn
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Sounds like the name of a bad porno
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I drive at Mom, but, I mean, it's a Grand Marquis...it isn't going to be racing anywhere.
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9-3 because the wheel I installed is meant for it. And because I like the feel. It seems like I'm judged by others occasionally for my wheel etiquette. Its kinda funny. 'Why are you holding the wheel like that if you are only going straight at EXACTLY the speed limit?' As they bro hold their wheels so hard their shoulders are cocked to one side and their neck is bent.
Clarificartion: My car looks quite a bit like a racecar, so other folks wonder why I'm not speeding and racing all over the place.
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I had to think about it. If both hands are on the wheel, 9 to 3. If one hand is on the wheel, the racecar driver. Its exhaustive driving with both hands on the wheel at all times, especially for anything over 20 minutes. So I alternate hands. I usually drive with my left though, I prop it against the door to stabilize it.
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Racecar Driver here.
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Race Car Driver, actually.
Although my parents taught me 10 and 2.
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9 & 3 ALWAYS... Litteraly never put my hands any other way lol. It's the position that allows you to turn the wheel the most without moving your hands.
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Racecar for me, because my Subaru has really comfy contours on the 10/2 spokes. Said contours allow me to rest my thumbs comfortably on the front of the spokes.
My sister has her CDL and told me about drivers having their thumbs removed by wheel spokes if power steering failed suddenly, so I'm paranoid about putting my thumbs through the spokes even though I'm pretty sure that can't happen on a car.
I've read that Highway Patrol officers are trained to drive in Racecar position on surface roads and Mom position above 45 MPH, since in Mom position a sudden yank on the steering wheel isn't going to steer far enough to lose control.
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Racecar... Because, as a bimmer driver.. the douchebag position would just be tooooo douchy.. .plus.. I'm in a german sport coupe! Everywhere I go is the Autobahn! VROOM VROOM bizitches!
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It depends on the car and it's wheel/seating position. My DD is a Sierra auto, and I most often use a right-handed thumb-out douchebag grip.