![]() 07/03/2014 at 17:48 • Filed to: BEER | ![]() | ![]() |
So Oppo, when you drink, what is it that you choose? Lately I've been impartial to the Newcastle Brown Ale, maybe because it's cheap but, I have been thoroughly enjoying it. What are you favorite drinks Oppo?!
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I have too many to list.
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Budweiser/Coors, no class, enjoy free shirts.
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I normally stick to scotch or whiskey but there's one ale I like... It's brown and has honey bees on the label... That's about all I can tell you. Oh and shock tops are pretty good too
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Newcastle is pretty good. I'm lucky to live where I do. We have some of the best breweries in the US. So I drink a lot of craft stuff. Anything lagunitas or Russian river brewing. I love stone IPA and they're stout. As well as Napa Point Chocolate porter or stout. I forget which. One of the best beers I've had. Anyone use the app Untappd?
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Poor + college student =
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Scotch and whisky is the way to go!
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Oh god.. I haven't had a Bud Light in months, I realized that there is much better beer for around the same price!
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My favourite beer at the moment is this
Has a great taste to it that's kinda hard to explain, but if you ever see some I'd highly reccomend you try it.
Otherwise I drink corona, peroni, Johnnie Walker red and Captain Morgans spiced. Damn now I want a beer...
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I know real beerheads think it's swill, but Budweiser and MGD are my main beers. I'm not much of a drinker, I drink to get drunk not because I like the beer.
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I found a way to make it easier on myself. I just look for whatever IPA or Belgian is on sale. Otherwise it's getting too hard to pick. I'll just stand there in the liquor store pondering for 20 min
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Cheap Swill, Yuengling (holy shit did I actually spell that right on the first try?) sadly I can't get it on the west coast.
High dollar social drinking: Stone Ruination IPA
Sitting at home just enjoying a good beer: Alesmith Speedway Stout or Uinta Labyrinth Black Ale.
And then there is scotch, but that's a whole other post....
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Where is this from? And hell, go get a beer, I've had a few..
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Lately I've been on a bourbon kick - Evan Williams is rather good for being cheap swill :)
On the beer side, in no particular order:
Newcastle Brown Ale
Boddington's Pub Ale
New Belgium Shift
Full Sail Session Black
New Belgium Summer Helles
Franziskaner Hefe-Weissbier Naturtrüb
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You'll learn to love a good beer, someday.
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I can't stand IPAs, but when I go to the beer store, I understand how chicks feel about shoes.
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LOL to the shoes
I used to not like IPAs. But I think I got used to them because sometimes when you're at a shitty bar or store the only beer they have that isn't low rent is IPA. So I started drinking it more and acclimated. Then I started actually liking it. Weird how that happens...
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Brewed in Yorkshire in the UK. It's widely available all over the UK so I'd be surprised if they don't export it/start exporting it soon. I have 16 bottles of Peroni and friends over tomorrow, so I'll drink plenty of beers then haha.
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Alright, I recognize some of these but, what is this new Belgian stuff? I've traveled to Belgium and goddamn they have some good strong beer (10% and up) but is the "new" any good?
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I'm a real beerhead, switching from brew to brew depending on what I am in the mood for / haven't had yet. Guess what can nearly ALWAYS be found in my fridge?
PBR or MGD. For when you just want a fuckin' beer.
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I'm in Germany, if I see it around I'll definitely give it a try!
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Man I tried a case of bud light lime once, that was an experience I'd like to forget... £4 ($7) was hard to pass up for 12 bottles though.
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New Belgium Brewing - Fort Collins, CO. They distribute to most of the US but, sadly, are not going to be found overseas
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After about 5 it starts to not matter what it tastes like :)
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Yes cheap and gets you drunk after a few so works for me
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Has anyone had Desparados? Now that is some fucking swill, they sell it at just about every German club out here and it is awful, tequila flavored beer.
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Fair enough, my cheap get drunk beer is corona. A 12 pack of those is always a good way to enjoy my night. It takes me about 8 beers to start feeling tipsy so I like something that tastes decent haha.
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Girls seem to love it here, avoided trying it after my girlfriend said it was nice, her taste in drinks is pretty bad. I tried this once too ...
Because I figured I like rum and I like beer so rum flavoured beer would be nice. It wasn't... at all.
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Meh, I have my other vices.
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There's a fine line between a balanced IPA and a mouthful of flowers. Most breweries don't seem to know where that line is.
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Yeah it's like too many of them are trying to out-IPA the other IPAs
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Im a smaller guy so it takes only about 5 for me lol. Also its what most of the people i hang out with drink so i kinda acquired the taste for it
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I'm only smallish but I've built up a tolerance keeping up with my friends some nights. There's one guy I hang about with that will happily swig from a bottle of Jack Daniels all night if you don't tell him he's had enough, just sits and drinks it like a beer.
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Sorry, but this is a beer thread.
/drank Olympia in grad school, so I know where you're coming from
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Bitburger Pils in the .5L can. It's getting increasingly difficult for me to find it, though.
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No. Oh god, we call that shitburger.. In reality it isn't awful but there is so much more available that I tend to avoid it.
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I'm a beer snob. My favorite beer:
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It's not beer, but as a lass who was in the fraternity/sorority system, I say, it could be worse. it could be Keystone or Natty Light!
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Newcastle is great, but I won't drink it while celebrating independence from its home country. So I have to take a break for one day. My cheap (at least, cheap as Newcastle) staple is always Widmer Heffeweizen, but this summer I've also really enjoyed Superfuzz from Elysian (blood orange ale), Full Sail's pale ale, their seasonal lager, Bass (again with the English!), and I'll update you with whatever I get in a growler tonight.
Oh, and definitely try Newcastle on tap if you can. It's even better than the bottle.
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To each his own, of course. I like all those Euro pilsners.
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I'll actually be in Paris for the 4th, I don't know what I'm going to drink..
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As of late.... whatever finds its way into my fridge, which was last time around was Baltika
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I totally agree about the tap. For me Heffeweizen is a bit sweet, I've tried it all over Germany but haven't found one I love yet.
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I have a buddy that usually drinks PBR regularly
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Hops are great. I love 'em. But the average taster (I'm a supertaster btw) can only detect nuances in beers under 60 IBU. Anything over that, and it's all bitter. I've had beers in the 70-80IBU range and that's about as high as I like to go. Anything much further than that and there's no difference - just more bitter.
A wise man once said: "An overly hopped beer is just covering up a bad recipe." I subscribe to that mantra.
![]() 07/03/2014 at 19:02 |
That mantra makes total sense to me!
Also can I become a "supertaster"? Then I wouldn't feel bad about having beer every single night because I would be using a special skill.
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That is a damn fine beer
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Being a supertaster is not exactly fun all the time. If anything it reinforces my aversion to overly hopped beer
On the plus side, I can pick out flavors in things most people can't; it's a great trick to sound pretentious and snooty about things, even when I couldn't give a rat's ass. On the other hand, I have no want for hoppy beers, ice cream, cake, or other sweets.
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Not an excuse. During the last few years of college my beer list tripled, it's up to around 180 beers now so do the math, that's all craft-type stuff.
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Two Brothers, Revolution, Off Color, Half Acre, New Glarus, Three Floyds, Solemn Oath, Schlafly, and a few other local-ish beers are heavy on my rotations right now.
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Wow I had never read about this. Interesting.
I don't like sweets either. But I don't think I can pick out flavors that good either. Probably not a supertaster
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Every once in a while ill have some of the Bells brewery beers. Oberon is very good. Also its local :)
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I've had about half of their stuff, them and Dark Horse are my favorite Michigan breweries.
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Yea dark horse isn't too bad. Bells is almost in my backyard. Also Arcadia Brewing Company just opened a few months ago as a competitor to them but i haven't had much of their stuff yet
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I drink PBR when I want to make fun of hipsters. I'm ironically drinking PBR... ironically.
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Yea i need a few beers before i drink PBR
![]() 07/03/2014 at 20:07 |
I was stationed just 15 km from Bitburg.... Bitte ein Bit! I never cared for it while there was Heineken red star to be had...
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In Paris, you need to drink wine, not Beer. The French (or swiss) are not known for their beer.
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Well there you go. I don't care for Heineken, at least what we get here. Thank the beer gods that there are so many choices.
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![]() 07/04/2014 at 01:25 |
And sadly, I have only had the American version of Heffeweizens. The growler I got today is another Elysian, which probably won't help you out overseas. I don't think any of our Seattle breweries reach that far.
![]() 07/04/2014 at 10:39 |
I don't really like super hoppy beers, but I do like this one a LOT:
I wish it was available year round, though it's probably better for me that it isn't.
Most of the time, though, it's either Fat Tire or Honey Brown if I'm feeling cheap.
Even so, all beers are second to the drink I really love, Balvenie.
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