![]() 05/28/2014 at 18:46 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I meant to click one thing, then ended up at this article:
I don't want to get into a debate at feminism, but one aspect of this whole thing kind of puzzles me. Here's a quote:
"I'm furious for the women who are afraid to tell a dude at a bar to "fuck off" because they might get !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! ."
I completely agree that the dude who did that is a piece of shit and deserves jail time, but how is this any different than a guy telling a douchebag in a bar to fuck off, and then him getting his teeth knocked out as well? Remember that story from a few years back about that guy who was !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! for complimenting another dude's car? Just as a counterpoint, do you think that guy would have punched out a girl for complimenting his ride? Or did he just want to assert his alpha male dominance?
The whole article is filled with these things, and I think we just need to remember that random or undeserved acts of violence aren't gender specific. Hell, I have osteoarthritis in my hand after being assualted on the job and breaking it in several places. Not saying that all injustices are equal between genders, just that men aren't exempt.
![]() 05/28/2014 at 18:53 |
I'm so sorry you accidentally ended up there.
I won't even get into the fact that female-on-male violence is far more prevalent that most would have you believe, or that it is actively swept under the rug by almost all organizations that fund such studies.
To address this point specifically...seriously...I've been in some pretty rough bars. I can tell you that the approximate chances of any girl getting "a bottle to the face" by saying no to a douchebag is about .1%. Maybe. Maybe less. If they think that, I'm sorry, they're insane and clearly have a distorted view of reality.
![]() 05/28/2014 at 18:54 |
So I accidentally read a Jezebel article
Well, there's your problem right there.
![]() 05/28/2014 at 19:03 |
Very, very true. People kind of tend to either ignore female on male violence, or worse, they say "you go girl! I bet he deserved it!" My sister's friend broke her fiance's ribs with a baseball bat and gave him a concussion because she thought he was cheating on her. What actually was happening was that he was planning a trip for them, and that's why he was being so secretive, but that's not the point.
If a guy did half that to a woman, the first thing you would hear is "there's no reason to ever hit a woman." But you know what all of her girlfriends on FB were cheering instead. "It's such bullshit she's going to jail for this, that scumbag deserved it!" And then once they found out that he actually was not cheating on her at all, the general consensus was either that he's a man and should be able to take care of himself, or that he was probably still doing something wrong and deserved it.
![]() 05/28/2014 at 19:09 |
Jezebel is pretty much the internet fuckwad theory as applied to a group of women and people I call "apologists". Apologists are people who feel bad that they don't suffer in some way because they were born *takes breath* Cis-white-male-heteronormative-middle-class-capable of obtaining a college education. Or something close to that. I think a lot of them play up all of this for the internet and all of their "story times" are pretty much the female equivalent of a pissing contest but whatever, it's the internet.
![]() 05/28/2014 at 19:11 |
Nailed it.
![]() 05/28/2014 at 19:12 |
The hyperbole and groupthink on Jezebel is generally nuts. It can be amusing a lot or thought provoking very occasionally, but most of the time it's not worth taking seriously.
![]() 05/28/2014 at 20:23 |
Reding it isn't so bad. Replying - BIG MISTAKE!
You can reply with "I passed this woman on a highway" and they will twist it into "So you passed her because you think women are worthless, brainless sex objects? Was your fragile male ego not willing to allow a woman to drive in front of you?"
You can reply "No, she was doing 5mph under the speed limit!"
And they will make it seem like you raped that woman's mother in front of her, all because you drove by a woman on the highway.
![]() 05/28/2014 at 20:47 |
I'll bet 100 bucks that if i click over there I'll see nothing but: "cats" "rape victim blaming is the biggest problem in the world" "why society is wrong and people should go out of their way for you especially because that is what is equal" "Self righteous menstruation something" and some "self help" bullshit somehow skewed to preach sexism. Gah thank god those blogs aren't any more respected by anyone than the tumblr pages of the girls who contribute to them.
![]() 05/28/2014 at 23:41 |
If it was going to create that futile internal rage so popular on the internet, you should have skipped that article and read one of Lindy's about eating funky foods or maybe this one. http://jezebel.com/writer-attempt…
![]() 05/29/2014 at 11:46 |
What's the difference between a jezebel article and 95% of the "I don't like how this guy parks, OMG, someone made fun of my shitty car on the internet!" posts that make up this site?
![]() 05/29/2014 at 11:57 |
In this particular case, I'd say substance.
![]() 05/29/2014 at 12:35 |
I noped away from that article, hard.
![]() 05/30/2014 at 12:07 |
Yeah I mean don't get me wrong...I'm not saying women everywhere are violent assholes just waiting to jump men...but neither are men. Every single time we see an incident, what you describe happens. If it's a man, even if it's self-defense, we have this move of solidarity from women all across social media and they go on and on and on about how difficult their lives are (they aren't, half the women I know do this and I know for a fact they wouldn't know oppression or discrimination if it slapped them across the face) and how evil men are, how men are all 100% assholes just sitting around waiting to rape every woman they see, etc. It's pure insanity. Meanwhile, if a woman attacks a man and the media somehow mistakenly reports it at all, usually the response is somewhere along the lines of "he probably deserved it" What the fuck. How about we judge each and every act of violence on the facts of the case and the reasons for which it occurred. Not by the gender of who perpetrated it.
![]() 05/30/2014 at 12:08 |
It's not, you're right. But the problem is that they take it seriously over there and there's many people that think like that.
![]() 05/30/2014 at 12:10 |
I would say your estimate of 95% is off by about 90%, for starters.
![]() 05/30/2014 at 15:11 |
And I would call you illiterate.
![]() 05/30/2014 at 15:42 |
....I'd call you petty but I don't like to stoop to that level. I promise you, I'm more literate than most.
And it's still not 95%. Also, you're free to not ever read this site ever again.
![]() 05/31/2014 at 13:15 |
edit: I shouldn't be joking about someone else's job.
![]() 06/01/2014 at 18:18 |
You really ought to try looking up Jezebel on the Google-machine, you'll find that this bunch of man-haters are generally considered to be nut jobs by most human rights sites that have bothered looking their way. Particularly on the subject of domestic violence.
Don't fall for their click-bait headlines in the future. If you do misclick and see the Jezebel logo in the corner just backspace quickly. Don't read a word, just get out. Those bitches will give you nightmares.
![]() 06/01/2014 at 21:37 |
What a steaming pile of Does Not Get It.
You're right, kids, you need to keep your closed minds away from Jezebel, or you are just another part of the problem. "Random or undeserved acts of violence aren't gender specific." Interesting that you included 'undeserved' — a tacit admission that there's a lot that isn't random. One in six women will be sexually assaulted.
Do you live on constant high alert because any one out of 50% of the population, most of which are physically larger than you, might feel entitled to your body? Women do. That's what we just need to remember.
Misogyny is real and pervasive. Women have a right to be mad about it. Don't invalidate their feelings just because sometimes men get hit too. Especially don't pretend they're overstating the reality of misogyny just because, hey, you aren't one of those guys. I know this may come as a blow to some egos, but you being a nice guy isn't enough. (The Isla Vista killer believed he was the ultimate gentleman.) And BTW, when you talk shit about them, you're not being a nice guy.
Watch the killer's videos. Read the manifesto. Yes, the killer was off the deep end, but he didn't dig that pool all by himself. Be a decent human being and look for ways you can help fill it back in, or at least stop stealing the dirt.
![]() 06/02/2014 at 02:27 |
It's a giant circle-jerk over there, sans the penises. I guess that would make it a circle-fist, maybe?
![]() 06/02/2014 at 07:15 |
Bless you for having more patience than I do in responding to this "hurr durr Jezebel's so awful why doesn't anyone think of the men??" crap and doing it well.
![]() 06/02/2014 at 09:33 |
I'll just refer you to this thread where I already explained a bit more of my reasoning, and why this post was very poorly worded: http://oppositelock.jalopnik.com/thank-you-if-a…
That link should bring you to Cajun Ginger's comments and my response.