![]() 05/12/2014 at 21:18 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() 05/12/2014 at 21:25 |
0 to doge in X seconds is what I'm going to be using for 0-60 times now.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 21:29 |
I still think Panther-based cars are overrated.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 21:38 |
I honestly don't see the attraction, either... First off, they're unattractive. They're also ridiculously big, come with a terrible transmission, a way-underpowered-for-its-size and INCREDIBLY thirsty V8, and are so large that most telecommunications companies consider contact with the rear seats to be "long distance".
"But RWD V8!" ...so?
![]() 05/12/2014 at 21:41 |
Derp Herp Body-On-Frame. My uncle has one and it's "normal" that it burns a quart of oil every thousand-or-so miles.
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I've got a friend with a Grand Marquis. I've driven it plenty of times before. Its so heavy, that the V8 really does nothing but make a lot of noise. You can get it sideways, but the body roll is so horrible you want to reel it in before you loose it. Around town, it drives like a floaty city bus. And don't even get me started on parking...
![]() 05/12/2014 at 21:53 |
They kinda are. They're cheap and readily available and dirt cheap to get power out of so they're great highway stars though. Just......just avoid the 100k mile city police cars. You don't really want to know exactly how many times the frame was straightened on it. Get a nice, senior citizen owned and dealer maintained grand marquis from about 4-5 years ago with......let's say about 8k miles a year. Can be had on the cheap, can get power on the cheap, and can be modified with aftermarket stereos and seats and wheels and brakes and everything you want on the cheap. That's why opponauts love them - they're a cheap sort of people.
Welcome to Oppo, where people delude themselves into thinking they enjoy driving in subzero blizzards in a miata simply because snow tires are cheaper than admitting you need a car with an actual roof and some weight over the drive wheels when your city gets 100+ inches of snow in winter.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 21:57 |
Bad Doge
![]() 05/12/2014 at 22:15 |
lol you drive a lesabre get outa here
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I stole that off the shiberu ad I think
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my car seats 5 and will be in the 11's this year. It also has been at a best of 26mpg highway and the 100% stock transmission and rear end is holding up to 400+ rwhp and 1.7 60 foots on street tires just fine
Every car is a platform for something better, people who buy typical already fast cars are boring.
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I can get 30mph highway, all of my weight is on the drive wheels so it's fantastic in the snow, it'll (stock) out-accelerate a Panther-platform car, and there are MORE than enough mods available for the 3800 Series II that shoves it around the road.
I can seat 6 comfortably in leather-swaddled goodness, have pretty damn good stock speakers, power *everything*, and a boat-like rolling suspension I've been told would be fantastic for sex.
The only downside I can find to this car is the weird fetish Buick has for plastic fasteners.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 22:21 |
I'll give you that, it's a cheap platform. The 5.0 has a huge aftermarket... But I'd rather see it in the Fox body, if I'm honest (though a Fox body doesn't seat 5 quite as easily, and it's a lot harder to snu snu in the backseat).
I still wouldn't own one... just not something I'm interested in.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 22:22 |
1. The only "muscle car" that has a V6 is the grand national
2. I wouldn't brag about out-accelerating a 2.73 geared single exhaust car. Try your luck against a 03+ dual exhaust car or hell, even a NPI or early PI 3.27 geared car.
3. these cars are great in the snow, I have driven through many blizzards on summer performance tires and never once did I get stuck
4. I learned at an early age that FWD sucks
5. you drive a lesabre
![]() 05/12/2014 at 22:23 |
I've driven Miatas through blizzards and snow... Not even deluding myself, I do actually enjoy it (I'm just weird like that).
... I used to daily a '75 Beetle vert (most of the time with the top down) through some pretty bad Kentucky winters. Top down in the snow is an awesome experience. Crank the heater and the tunes, wear a coat, and you're good to go.
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I'm not saying you should go out and buy one. They are slow as shit stock and the baser model cars handle like crap. Why do you think I bought the absolute top trim best performing panther ever made? Like hell if I'm gonna buy some ex police car.
Its also one of the few cars on the road, in any trim, where you can jump a curb at 50mph and have minimal to no damage. I can tell you this from third hand experience as I watched my friend do this in his 04 sport while we were going to a meet because he almost missed the exit.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 22:29 |
1. The 3800 series 2 is based off of the Grand National's 3.8l. It is also the same engine available in V6 Camaros of the era. And if you really think my nickname isn't at least somewhat satire you need a head check.
2. I'm not comparing it against that, since it's *stock*.
3. I used mine to pull a Lincoln out of snow that my car plowed through no problem last winter. I was on summer touring tires.
4. You learned wrong. FWD may be less fun but from a control standpoint, well, FWD is way more controllable as I have learned on dirt roads.
5. Yes, I do. And it kicks ass.
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FWD was made for people who don't know how to handle a car, fact. Putting a majority of the braking, steering, and power delivery on the front wheels or in your case, a front wheel, is not the bestway to propel a car. Its the cheapest and most user friendly way.
By the way, your V6 is based off the grand national engine? Cool, my engine was used in the early koenigsegg's.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 22:33 |
The only panther I'd probably ever consider is the Marauder. Murdered out. God, it actually looks half descent. I'm sure there's SOME way to swap in the row-your-own from a Mustang or something (I've never been on any sort of Panther / Ford forum, but I'm sure there's 10,000 threads either asking if it's possible, or documenting build threads where it's already done... or both). Something like that, I might consider driving.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 22:35 |
"I can seat 6 comfortably in leather-swaddled goodness, have pretty damn good stock speakers, power *everything*, and a boat-like rolling suspension I've been told would be fantastic for sex."
Grand Marquis owner here. My car hits all these points with the exception of boat like suspension. Nothing boat like here, just firm. On and crusing 90+ on the highway requires no effort at all, so keep your, "off the line speed." I'll keep my highway performance. You know how great a feeling it is getting 25 mpg at 90?
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Manual swaps have been done quite a few times in regular panthers but only like 3 times in a Marauder. A 6spd swap kit now exists and I am hoping to buy it this year and put it away for when I do my next engine build
![]() 05/12/2014 at 22:37 |
"FWD was made for people who don't kno whow to handle a car, fact"
This is a ridiculous blanket statement.
And are you insinuating that one-wheel peg-leg burnouts don't get ladies panties down? /s
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I've never been 90, but I've done 80 in my car and it was just as smooth and quiet as it is at 40, whilst getting 28-30mpg depending on the wind. Some day I'd like to hit the electronic speed limiter and see what it's like at 107mph, but at the same time, moving violations are no Bueno :(
![]() 05/12/2014 at 22:43 |
That's good. I literally have no idea how to drive auto, so I can't consider things like a Panther, that are auto-only.
When it comes to car preferences, though, I prefer small and impractical. Low on power is also great, because I would get in trouble if I had more horses. That's why I love the Miata. Fun to drive, slow enough to have fun well below the speed limit, only seats two, has a baking tray for a boot, and you can put the top down. What's not to love? I also go to several places where parking is not so easy, so having something small is a definite plus. Cars I've owned: '92 Miata, '07 Mazda6 (biggest car I've owned), '07 Civic, '75 Beetle, '92 328i, '96 318ti, '86 Golf, '86 RX7... All of them manual, all pretty fun to drive.
The Panther series just doesn't do much for me, and isn't really a good fit for what I need / want in a car.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 22:43 |
107 is nice
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Were you the one on here who flipped his miata this winter?
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I must be the only teenager in the world who hasn't ran their car up to the limiter on a back road somewhere.
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Nah, I sold mine this winter... My friends have flipped a couple, though.
Only thing I Orlove is RV's.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 22:53 |
See that's what I mean by deluding yourself. Be real for a second - is it really worth it? I mean *really* worth it? At some point, did you look back on it and go "Yes, that was a dangerous thing I did and while momentarily fun it is not something I would recommend to all my friends"? The only person in my circle of car obsessed nutjobs who wants to do it is the guy with a wallet so tight I'm surprised he hasn't put in some coal to crank out a diamond. He currently daily drives a fiero in winter and has had a few close call in that. we had to load up the tiny slot trunk in the rear with some weight and then load up the frunk with more weight to keep him on the road. But he only has the four cylinder model so then his 0-60 time is about 30-45 seconds when it's snowy out......
![]() 05/12/2014 at 22:58 |
The Beetle was absolutely terrific in the wintertime. I had an '07 Civic Si at the same time, but I'd regularly drive the Beetle. Last winter I had the Miata and my daily — an '07 Mazdaspeed6. The times I made the drive from Phoenix to the local ski slope, I took the Miata. My board is shit, so I rent at the slopes. Might as well put the top down and enjoy the drive up. Only time I took the 6 was when I went up with friends and needed more room.
Life is all about experiences, and I absolutely love being able to put the top down on the Miata. Nothing deluding about it. Regardless of weather (well, maybe moderate to heavy rain), I prefer the openness of convertibles, and the feel of simplistic roadsters and older cars. When the road gets slick / snowy / icy, I slow down and play it safe. I've had a few slides and spins, but nothing that would kill me.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 22:59 |
I'm 6ft 5in
that should sum up EVERYTHING in one line lol
![]() 05/12/2014 at 23:01 |
Shit, should've said so earlier. I'm 5'8", maybe 155lbs soaking wet.
Granted, I've got a friend who's 6'10" who's driven my Miata. His knees were by his ears, he had to take his shoes off so he could fit, and he was looking outside over the windshield. When I asked if he was comfortable, he said he was very comfortable, and that a friend of his has a Miata that he loves to drive.
... I think he's a bit insane.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 23:06 |
I've hit the limiter on my Mazdaspeed6. 150 MPH. Once it fell off boost around 145ish, it took a bit to find the rest of the speed. It's actually pretty crazy in that car... 130 or 140 feels no different than 70 or 80, just a bit more wind and tire noise. Not crazy noisy, though. You can still have a pleasant conversation.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 23:07 |
I have driven a 87 RX7 and I fit okay in that. Whenever I drive my friends 86 928s I have to put the seat on the floor and slouch down so my head doesn't hit the roof. Everything I drive is tall person friendly. My 04 marauder, my 96 bronco and my 85 745i.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 23:08 |
But did you go plaid ?
![]() 05/12/2014 at 23:17 |
No, but I did steal the man card from a certain Z owner.
I was driving cross country, averaging about 85. Passing a line of trucks outside ABQ, 350Z comes up behind me, high beams flashing. I signal to move right, and do so first chance I get. Before I'm halfway over, the Z decides I'm not moving over fast enough, and goes to overtake on the right (mind you, I'm between two trucks, and already half way in the right lane). Z passes me, cuts me off by a couple of feet, and gets back right. I don't like this. I flex my big toe, and hold onto his bumper. He doesn't like this. He downshifts. I downshift. I'm not even full throttle, and I'm keeping up with him (mind you, ABQ is high in elevation, so his NA Z has no power). We've cleared traffic and have I-40 to ourselves. Around 135, he's out of power. I move right, go alongside him, roll down my window, wave, then gas it. Turbo makes whooshing noises, and I leave him behind.
The other time I've pushed the limiter, I was on a supercar run with the Exotics Rally guys. We had good speed. I had my cruise set at 145 for a good stretch, pushed it up towards 150 for a bit.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 23:19 |
Yeah most people in our "group" have Miatas, but the tall guys have RX7's (Tallest guy is around 6'4" in our car group). While there are some days I can imagine it's nice to be tall (when someone puts something on the top shelf), I honestly think being short is way better. I don't have problems fitting in fun cars, I don't have leg room issues on airplanes (hell, I can even stand up fully in the isles!), I can lay down fully stretched out on most couches... The benefits of being short are great! ;)
![]() 05/13/2014 at 16:19 |
I learned for a fact at 16, that a 2002 Trailblazer does not have a speed limiter. It pulls all the way to a terrifying 127 MPH. I now drive something that maxes out at 91.