![]() 05/12/2014 at 14:29 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
2 acres to be exact. I only need 1 acre, but they are selling off 2 for $130k. Thats $65k each for an acre of land. What a deal!
That other acre I had been looking at went into contingency over the weekend...
![]() 05/12/2014 at 14:32 |
I just looked up how much an acre is in square meters, and holy crap. That's a lot of space. And so cheap compared to Europe.
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What is it near that it would command such a price?
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Shouldn't build in a floodplain.
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Are you joking? Land is way cheaper here in Ohio if you're serious.
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Lol, and this is relatively expensive for America. Although this particular lot is below average for the area, our average for 1 acre is $250,000 and I have seen it as much as $1,000,000 for 1 acre.
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Las Vegas.
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in the US it's all about where you want your land. I lived in the Netherlands for 14 years and since it's so densely populated it's expensive EVERYWHERE over there. Here in the US if you don't want to be in a major metropolitan area you can get land cheap.
![]() 05/12/2014 at 14:38 |
Thats literally all of Las Vegas.
We just grade the land up a bit where the house is. We don't get much rain, but when we do, it rains...
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Lol yeah, I can get an acre for a 10th of that 65k in certain places here in Michigan.
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We bought 4 acres and a house for less than you'd pay for just these 2 acres.
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Only if I get the mineral rights for both acres.
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Actually, that would be dirt cheap for San Diego. Where I live a 5,000 square foot bare lot would go for at least $350K
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It's "cheap" for out here. but yes, expensive comparatively.
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Buy both. Have the lot split. Build on one while maintaining the other. Wait until the rest of the area gets built up. Sell the other plot for $$$$.
Make sure you can split before you buy. And maybe don't split until it is time to sell. The second acre might be taxed at a higher rate if it isn't occupied by the owner.
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My parent's house rests on an acre of land that cost 13ok. In Ohio. In fucking Dayton, Ohio.
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To be fair, CA is way overpriced.
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Are you sure you don't want to move to the midwest? We have this thing called grass here it's pretty cool.
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Why would I want 2 acres for $130k, when I can buy 37k acres for $29M. That comes out to about $777 per acre. And its not just empty land. You get 2 air strips 9 homes, 3 feed lots, shops, hay sheds, 3 sets of steel pipe corrals, a managed staff, housing facilities and a additional 27,000 acre forest service allotment
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It's only overpriced if no one is buying. When things sell for the prices being asked, as they do, the prices are right. ;)
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Yea. land, for some unknown reason, is insanely pricey out here. I mean its not like we have fields, trees, or even real dirt out here...
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So you want to be a dirt farmer?
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its just a desert from the looks. boston area is waaayyyyyy more.
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I could split and sell now and more than likely get the same $ I paid for both acres...
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i'll design what ever it is you want to build. Yep, shameless. I get a speech from my wife when ever we go out in public that not everyone wants to hear how i can design them a new house or addition.
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From my understanding there is also plenty of empty space.
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Really? Whats in Dayton that costs so much? I was just out easy of Cleveland and they were selling acreages at about $4k per acre.
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I do, but I would miss my lack of humidity and snow-less winters.
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Because I don't have a spare 29M laying around....
But if you do buy your 37k acres, Ill buy one off you... Ill even give you $1k for it, that's a $223 profit...
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If we can get 58 people together to go in on this, thats $500k a person for 664 acres each.
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That's my biggest complaint about CA though, or at least the coastal areas, entry cost is so high that you really have to have a good backing to get in. But once your "in" its great.
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lol. I actually layed out a plan for the other acre I was looking at. but should I obtain said land, and should I secure funds for my massive garage / shop I may contact you for some layout type stuff.
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My parents are looking at a 2 acre lot on the water for $99,000. 'Murica.
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I call it the "sunshine tax." We're house-poor but we really don't care since we live in a place other people pay a lot of money to come to for vacation. I got super lucky; the very bottom of the market (end of 2010) corresponded with my ability to buy. My house has gained so much value in the last few years, there is no way I could buy it if I was shopping now.
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Tis true. lots of open land.
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but is 664 acres really enough for one person?
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Same way with my house. Originally sold in 06 for just under a half a mil, bought it off foreclosure in early 12' for about a 1/4 of that, so far its more than doubled in price if I were to sell now.
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To make you feel worse about your decision to live in Vegas.
There is a 140 acre plot on my road for twice what you'd pay for these 2 acres.
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I don't feel bad, I do live the area, and the weather is great all the time. I've also made good money here and plan to keep doing so so that I can one day take an early retirement and move back to somewhere with grass, trees, and water...
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Heres to being in the right place at the right time!
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After this winter I can't say I blame you.
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It snows in the mountains out here but does not make it into the valley, which is perfect because I can see it but I dont have to shovel, drive, deal with it.
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I was hoping to induce you to move in down the road from me but it doesn't seem to be working.
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Where are you again?
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That's a sweet amount of land! I have 0.50 acres and it feels pretty big. You could pull off a lot of shenanigans with that, I'm thinking a personal go-kart track
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I dont need much, a modest house, a pool, some grass for the pup to run around in, and a 5000 sqft personal garage / shop out back...
![]() 05/15/2014 at 18:26 |
Literally nothing. I guess it's a part of town where the old money is. My parents bought it during the recession though.